3,533 research outputs found

    The Study on the Effectiveness of Preventive Methods for Online Piracy

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    As online use becomes commonplace in the digital environment, more and more people are indiscriminately copying, sharing, and reproducing online content. Thus, the government and institutions strengthen the level of punishment or take strong sanctions, but online piracy behavior is not reduced and becomes an ethically serious problem. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect of two common preventive methods, perceived morality and punishment, on self-control and piracy intention based on the deterrence theory. This study also attempts to investigate the mixed outcomes of gender differences to determine what preventive measures are gender-specific. The result of this study shows that the perceived morality directly effects on reducing online piracy intention while the perceived punishment effect on increasing self-control. The direct effect of punishment on reducing online piracy is moderated by online education. The gender differences vary the degree of morality by education and punishment. This study would provide both theoretical and practical implications emphasizing awareness and moral beliefs of online piracy and suggesting the awareness of gender differences in developing deterrence methods

    Parents Emotional Resources On Children Self-Esteem Among Jews and Arabs In Israel

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    Wydział Studiów EdukacyjnychW niniejszym badaniu podjęta została próba określenia związku między zasobami emocjonalnymi rodziców a kształtującą się samooceną dzieci. Przyjęto założenie, że rodzice pełnią rolę znaczących osób dla dzieci od momentu narodzin, przez cały proces ich rozwoju, a także, że rola rodzicielska jest istotna i cenna zarówno dla rodziców, jak i dla dobrostanu psychicznego ich dzieci. Badania prowadzono w dwóch grupach narodowych w Izraelu, czyli wśród żydowskich i arabskich rodziców i dzieci. Różnice kulturowe między tymi dwoma społecznościami, które żyją i współistnieją obok siebie w ramach jednego państwa, zainteresowały badaczkę. Ponadto badanie dotyczy tego, w jaki sposób zasoby emocjonalne rodziców wiążą się z dobrostanem psychicznym dzieci, a szczególnie - ich samooceny . Badanie dotyczy również tego, w jaki sposób rzeczywistość kulturowa zróżnicowanego społeczeństwa kształtuje rodziny żydowskie i arabskie, w kraju, o którego wyjątkowości stanowi jego złożoność kulturowa. Badaczka omówiła wyniki badań i stwierdziła, że zasoby emocjonalne znajdują się w każdym rodzicu, gdziekolwiek jest, bez względu na to, do jakiego “sektora” należy. Dane wskazują, że zasoby psychiczne rodzica to czynnik niezwykle istotny z punktu widzenia rozwoju dzieci. Ma związek z samooceną dziecka, a co za tym idzie- sposobem przeżywania przez nie świata I działania w nim.This research attempts to identify the relationship between the emotional resources of parents and the self-esteem of their children. It was assumed that parents play the role of meaningful caregivers for their children from the moment of birth, throughout the entire development process, and that the parental role is important and valuable both from the point of view of parents and for the mental well-being of their children. The author's nature of this research consists, among other things, in the fact that the research was conducted among the majority and national minority in Israel, i.e. among Jewish and Arab families. Cultural differences between the two societies that live and coexist within one state puzzled the researcher and prompted the question of the specificity of the functioning of families - living next to each other, and in some respects different. In addition, the study looks at how the emotional resources of parents affect the mental well-being of their children, which is reflected in the level of self-esteem. The researcher discussed the results of the research and concluded that emotional resources constitute the strength of each parent - to a different extent, but this is independent of belonging to a specific sector in society. From the data it can be concluded that the importance of the parent's mental resources for the child's development is extremely important, it can also decide the child's fate - depending on his self-esteem

    Individual Parental Coaching (IPC) - an optional way to improve communication between parents and adolescents in conventionally structured families in Israel

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    This research explores the connection and influence that individual parental coaching (IPC) has on the teenager-parent relationship. Essentially, the research had two main goals, firstly to examine the possible influence of a parental coaching process, with respect to the parents’ ability to form better connections and communication with their adolescent children. Furthermore, it sought out to validate a certain perception of parenting - the notion that a parent must first establish a firm sense of "self" before taking part in parenting. As described by Ayn Rand (1943): "for one to say "I love you', one must first say the 'I', thus self-definition, purpose and meaning are the individual's significant guidelines when establishing relations with others, especially the demanding relations with teenagers. The initial assumption of the research was that individual parental coaching, would give parents an opportunity to undergo an extensive personal coaching process that would help strengthen the parents’ core values, boundaries and priorities. This would then enable them to address their parental role with confidence, conviction and flexibility, rather than confusion, fear of losing significance and control, and consequently effecting the teenager-parent equation for the better. This was a qualitative narrative research, since the parents' life stories, as perceived and related by them, were at the base of this research. Seven Israeli families participated; heterosexual married couples that had raised at least one teenager between the ages of 13 to 18. On the one hand, the parents took part in a comprehensive coaching process consisting of ten weekly sessions; on the other hand, the teenagers filled out questionnaires, and thus were a part of the research in an indirect manner. All the data that was collected from questionnaires, coaching sessions and open interviews were analyzed using the "Theme Analysis" method, which revealed some prominent individual and parental issues that contemporary Israeli parents deal with. Results indicate two central findings - a great appreciation on the parents' part for the opportunity to enter into a deep process of self-encounter and its benefits, despite all the difficulties along the way. The second one addressed the research question itself and showed an explicit change process in the communication and connection between parents and teenagers on varying levels, from both the parents' as well as the teenagers' points of view. Improvements included more time spent together, less anger and friction, more patience and tolerance, awareness to discourse style and word choices and an overall better atmosphere around the house. All participating parents without exception stated that it was a worthy journey, which they would recommend all parents experienced

    Global Minds and Hearts Pathways Towards a Sustainable Future

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    This volume contains the program, abstracts, and links to the recordings of the keynotes of the 27th Regional Conference of IACCP, 2023.https://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/iaccp_regional/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Coaching psychology: the effect of coaching by values in forming Arab teens’ personal and collective self-esteem in the state of Israel

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    This research aims to contribute to the literature on the field of coaching psychology on development of identity with a focus on the psychological aspects of marginalized populations. In particular, it will add to our understanding of the effect of coaching by values in forming Arab teens’ personal and collective self-esteem in the State of Israel. These Arab teenagers who are Israeli citizens, yet occupy a marginal position in society, live between conflicting cultures and seek to find an identity and a set of values that enable them to find their place in society. The use of a coaching model will add to our understanding of how an intervention can assist such groups struggling to find a strategy of identity and healthy personal and collective self-esteem. The research contributes both to the literature on self-collective esteem formation and to understanding the role of coaching in working with marginalized people in order to increase its effectiveness in a complex reality and to develop a model that I and other coaches could use. A sequential design methodology was used in this research in order to answer the research question: is a values-based coaching program an effective intervention for developing the personal and collective self- esteem of the Arab youth. The first stage used a method of questionnaires (the quantitative part) to 400 students in the 11th and 12th grades, aiming to explore the current average (numerical) level of personal and collective self-esteem and to discover the dominant type of values of the research population. Another aim was to explore the correlations between these terms. The second, qualitative part used semi-structured interviews both before and after the coaching sessions. Ten students participated in ten coaching by values sessions, one session a week. The quantitative part was analyzed using the SPSS program to gain a general understanding of Arab teenagers’ perspectives towards their collective and personal self-esteem and of their system of values. This part sought to find any relationship between the collective and personal self-esteem and values. The qualitative part was analyzed using a thematic method. Results indicate central findings in relation to the overall research question: ● There is a lack of awareness in Arab teenagers of self and collective esteem. ● There is a relationship between realizing values and increased self-esteem and collective self-esteem. ● There is a fundamental need to build relevant interventions focused on values in order to form healthy self-esteem and collective self-esteem in Arab teenagers. ● The coaching program as an intervention-based values reveals itself as a useful intervention. Therefore, it should be extended to both parents and teachers

    Abstracts and Recorded Presentations

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    The abstracts are organized in the following way: All special events (keynotes, award presentations, meet the editor, pre-conference workshops, provocation sessions, etc.) are presented first. All other presentations are organized along the Thematic Streams in alphabetical order. Within each Thematic Stream, the order follows the structure: symposia, individual papers, and posters

    Year of the Golden Jubilee: Culture Change in the Past, Present and Future

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    Part 1 of the IACCP Proceedings contains the abstracts and links to the recordings of the XXVI Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2022. (c) 2023, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychologyhttps://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/iaccp_proceedings/1011/thumbnail.jp

    All you Need to Know About: The Cultivation Theory

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    In this paper the researcher comprehensively examines the cultivation theory Conceptualized by George Gerbner in the 1960s and 1970s the theory has been questioned with every media technological development In the last six decades the mass communication field witnessed the propagation of cable satellite video games and most recently social media So far the theory seems to have survived by continuous adjustment and refinement Since 2000 over 125 studies have endorsed the theory which points out to its ability to adapt to a constantly changing media environment This research discusses the theory since its inception its growth and expansion and the future prospects for it In the first section of the paper an overview is given on the premises founding concepts of the theory Next is a presentation of the added components to the theory and their development over the last sex decades including The cultivation analysis the conceptual dimensions types and measurement of cultivation and the occurrence of cultivation across the border