28 research outputs found

    Perceived patient control over personal health information in the presence of context-specific concerns

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    Information privacy issues have plagued the world of electronic media since its inception. This research focused mainly on factors that increase or decrease perceived patient control over personal health information (CTL) in the presence of context-specific concerns. Control agency theory was used for the paper\u27s theoretical contributions. Personal and proxy control agencies acted as the independent variables, and context-specific concerns for information privacy (CFIP) were used as the moderator between proxy control agency, healthcare provider, and CTL. Demographic data and three control variables— the desire for information control, privacy experience, and trust propensity—were also included in the model to gauge the contribution to CTL from external factors. Only personal control agency and desire for information control were found to impact CT

    Determining Small Business Cybersecurity Strategies to Prevent Data Breaches

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    Cybercrime is one of the quickest growing areas of criminality. Criminals abuse the speed, accessibility, and privacy of the Internet to commit diverse crimes involving data and identity theft that cause severe damage to victims worldwide. Many small businesses do not have the financial and technological means to protect their systems from cyberattack, making them vulnerable to data breaches. This exploratory multiple case study, grounded in systems thinking theory and routine activities theory, encompassed an investigation of cybersecurity strategies used by 5 small business leaders in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. The data collection process involved open-ended online questionnaires, semistructured face-to-face interviews, and review of company documents. Based on methodological triangulation of the data sources and inductive analysis, 3 emergent themes identified are policy, training, and technology. Key findings include having a specific goal and tactical approach when creating small business cybersecurity strategies and arming employees with cybersecurity training to increase their awareness of security compliance. Recommendations include small business use of cloud computing to remove the burden of protecting data on their own, thus making it unnecessary to house corporate servers. The study has implications for positive social change because small business leaders may apply the findings to decrease personal information leakage, resulting from data breaches, which affects the livelihood of individuals or companies if disclosure of their data occurs


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    This research aims to determine how the principle of anticipatory self-defence, in line with article 51 of the UN Charter, can be applied to the context of maritime cybersecurity. Despite the debates by some scholars to clarify the international law position on anticipatory self-defence in the maritime context, there is no universally accepted legal provision for States to rely on in carrying out anticipatory self-defence against imminent maritime cyber-attacks. This raises the questions concerning the lawful steps States can take in self-defence against maritime cyber-attacks. This research shows the challenges facing States in their bid to comply with the provision of article 51 of the UN Charter to anticipatorily defend against an MCA. The recommendations made are intended to guide States in making policies and mapping our strategies to lawfully tackle the emerging threat of cyber-attacks against maritime security.Thesis (LLD) -- Faculty of Law, School of Environmental Sciences, 202

    Towards a mobile application to aid law enforcement in diagnosing and preventing mobile bully-victim behaviour in Eastern Free State High Schools of South Africa

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    Mobile bully-victim behaviour is one cyber aggression that is escalating worldwide. Bully-victims are people who bully others but are also victimised by peers. The behaviour of bully-victims therefore swings between that of pure bullies and pure victims, making it difficult to identify and prevent. Prevention measures require the involvement of a number of stakeholders, including communities. However, there has been a lack of whole-community participation in the fight against cyberbullying and the roles of stakeholders are often unclear. We expect the law enforcement in particular, the police, to play a key role in curbing all forms of bullying. This is a challenging task in South Africa as these law enforcement agents often lack the skills and appropriate legislation to address particularly cyber-related bullying. Literature shows that law enforcement agents need to advance their technological skills and also be equipped with digital interventions if they are to diagnose and prevent mobile bully-victim behaviour effectively. This is particularly important in South Africa, where the rate of crime remains one of the highest in the world. The aim of this study was to develop a mobile application that can aid law enforcement in diagnosing and preventing mobile bully-victim behaviour in high schools. As part of requirements to the application development, it identified the impediments to the law enforcement effectiveness in combating mobile bully-victim behaviour. Extensive literature review on the factors influencing mobile bullying and mobile bully-victim behaviour was conducted and an integrative framework for understanding this behaviour and its prevention was developed. In so doing, the dominant behavioural theories were consulted, including the social-ecological theory, social learning theory, social information processing theories, and the theory of planned behaviour, as well as the general strain theory, and the role theory. The conceptual framework developed in this study extended and tailored the “Cyberbullying Continuum of Harm”, enabling inclusive and moderated diagnosis of bullying categories and severity assessment. That is, instead of focusing on mobile bully-victims only, bullies, victims, and those uninvolved were also identified. Also the physical moderation of the identification process by the police helped to minimise dishonest reporting. This framework informed the design, development and evaluation of a mobile application for the law enforcement agents. The Design Science Research (DSR) methodology within pragmatic paradigm and literature guided the development of the mobile application named mobile bullyvictims response system (M-BRS) and its evaluation for utility. The M-BRS features included functions to enable anonymous reporting and confidential assessments of mobile bully-victims effects in school classrooms. Findings from this study confirmed the utility of the M-BRS to identify learners' involvement in mobile bully-victims behaviour through peer nomination and self-nomination. This study also showed that use of the M-BRS has enabled empowerment of marginalised learners, and mitigation of learners' fear to report, providing them with control over mobile bully-victim reporting. In addition, learners using the M-BRS were inclined to report perpetrators through a safe (anonymous and confidential) reporting platform. With the M-BRS, it was much easier to identify categories of bullies, i.e. mobile bully-victims, bullies, victims, and uninvolved. The practical contributions of this study were skills enhancements in reducing the mobile bully-victims behaviour. These included improvement of the police's technical skills to safely identify mobile bully-victims and their characterisation as propagators and retaliators that enabled targeted interventions. This was particularly helpful in response to courts' reluctance to prosecute teenagers for cyberbullying and the South African lack of legislation thereon so that the police are enabled to restoratively address this behaviour in schools. Also, the identification information was helpful to strengthen evidence for reported cases, which was remarkable because sometimes perpetrators cannot be found due to their concealed online identities. Furthermore, this study made possible the surveillance of mobile bully-victims through the M-BRS, which provided the police some control to reducing the mobile bully-victim behaviour. This study provided a practical way for implementing targeted prevention and interventions programmes using relevant resources towards a most efficient solution for mobile bully-victims problem. Since there are not many mobile-based interventions for mobile bully-victim behaviour, this study provided a way in which artefacts' development could be informed by theory, as a new, innovative and practical contribution in research. In so doing, this study contributed to technology applications' ability to modify desired behaviour