159 research outputs found

    Efficient Gated Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-Time Speech Enhancement

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    Deep learning (DL) networks have grown into powerful alternatives for speech enhancement and have achieved excellent results by improving speech quality, intelligibility, and background noise suppression. Due to high computational load, most of the DL models for speech enhancement are difficult to implement for realtime processing. It is challenging to formulate resource efficient and compact networks. In order to address this problem, we propose a resource efficient convolutional recurrent network to learn the complex ratio mask for real-time speech enhancement. Convolutional encoder-decoder and gated recurrent units (GRUs) are integrated into the Convolutional recurrent network architecture, thereby formulating a causal system appropriate for real-time speech processing. Parallel GRU grouping and efficient skipped connection techniques are engaged to achieve a compact network. In the proposed network, the causal encoder-decoder is composed of five convolutional (Conv2D) and deconvolutional (Deconv2D) layers. Leaky linear rectified unit (ReLU) is applied to all layers apart from the output layer where softplus activation to confine the network output to positive is utilized. Furthermore, batch normalization is adopted after every convolution (or deconvolution) and prior to activation. In the proposed network, different noise types and speakers can be used in training and testing. With the LibriSpeech dataset, the experiments show that the proposed real-time approach leads to improved objective perceptual quality and intelligibility with much fewer trainable parameters than existing LSTM and GRU models. The proposed model obtained an average of 83.53% STOI scores and 2.52 PESQ scores, respectively. The quality and intelligibility are improved by 31.61% and 17.18% respectively over noisy speech

    Music Source Separation in the Waveform Domain

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    Source separation for music is the task of isolating contributions, or stems, from different instruments recorded individually and arranged together to form a song. Such components include voice, bass, drums and any other accompaniments. Contrarily to many audio synthesis tasks where the best performances are achieved by models that directly generate the waveform, the state-of-the-art in source separation for music is to compute masks on the magnitude spectrum. In this paper, we first show that an adaptation of Conv-Tasnet (Luo & Mesgarani, 2019), a waveform-to-waveform model for source separation for speech, significantly beats the state-of-the-art on the MusDB dataset, the standard benchmark of multi-instrument source separation. Second, we observe that Conv-Tasnet follows a masking approach on the input signal, which has the potential drawback of removing parts of the relevant source without the capacity to reconstruct it. We propose Demucs, a new waveform-to-waveform model, which has an architecture closer to models for audio generation with more capacity on the decoder. Experiments on the MusDB dataset show that Demucs beats previously reported results in terms of signal to distortion ratio (SDR), but lower than Conv-Tasnet. Human evaluations show that Demucs has significantly higher quality (as assessed by mean opinion score) than Conv-Tasnet, but slightly more contamination from other sources, which explains the difference in SDR. Additional experiments with a larger dataset suggest that the gap in SDR between Demucs and Conv-Tasnet shrinks, showing that our approach is promising
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