107 research outputs found

    Rail Mounted Gantry Crane Scheduling Optimization in Railway Container Terminal Based on Hybrid Handling Mode

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    Rail mounted gantry crane (RMGC) scheduling is important in reducing makespan of handling operation and improving container handling efficiency. In this paper, we present an RMGC scheduling optimization model, whose objective is to determine an optimization handling sequence in order to minimize RMGC idle load time in handling tasks. An ant colony optimization is proposed to obtain near optimal solutions. Computational experiments on a specific railway container terminal are conducted to illustrate the proposed model and solution algorithm. The results show that the proposed method is effective in reducing the idle load time of RMGC

    Sequence-Based Simulation-Optimization Framework With Application to Port Operations at Multimodal Container Terminals

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    It is evident in previous works that operations research and mathematical algorithms can provide optimal or near-optimal solutions, whereas simulation models can aid in predicting and studying the behavior of systems over time and monitor performance under stochastic and uncertain circumstances. Given the intensive computational effort that simulation optimization methods impose, especially for large and complex systems like container terminals, a favorable approach is to reduce the search space to decrease the amount of computation. A maritime port can consist of multiple terminals with specific functionalities and specialized equipment. A container terminal is one of several facilities in a port that involves numerous resources and entities. It is also where containers are stored and transported, making the container terminal a complex system. Problems such as berth allocation, quay and yard crane scheduling and assignment, storage yard layout configuration, container re-handling, customs and security, and risk analysis become particularly challenging. Discrete-event simulation (DES) models are typically developed for complex and stochastic systems such as container terminals to study their behavior under different scenarios and circumstances. Simulation-optimization methods have emerged as an approach to find optimal values for input variables that maximize certain output metric(s) of the simulation. Various traditional and nontraditional approaches of simulation-optimization continue to be used to aid in decision making. In this dissertation, a novel framework for simulation-optimization is developed, implemented, and validated to study the influence of using a sequence (ordering) of decision variables (resource levels) for simulation-based optimization in resource allocation problems. This approach aims to reduce the computational effort of optimizing large simulations by breaking the simulation-optimization problem into stages. Since container terminals are complex stochastic systems consisting of different areas with detailed and critical functions that may affect the output, a platform that accurately simulates such a system can be of significant analytical benefit. To implement and validate the developed framework, a large-scale complex container terminal discrete-event simulation model was developed and validated based on a real system and then used as a testing platform for various hypothesized algorithms studied in this work

    Optimizing yard crane operations in port container terminals

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    Load sequencing for double-stack trains

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    Les trains aĢ€ empilement double sont une composante majeure du reĢseau de transport ferroviaire pour les conteneurs intermodaux dans certains marcheĢs comme celui de lā€™AmeĢrique du Nord. Le seĢquencĢ§age du chargement repreĢsente un probleĢ€me opeĢrationnel auquel font face les opeĢrateurs de grues dans les cours de chargement lorsquā€™ils ont pour taĢ‚che de placer les conteneurs sur un train. Le seĢquencĢ§age du chargement consiste aĢ€ trouver une seĢquence de mouvements permettant dā€™extraire les conteneurs des piles dans lesquels ils sont entreposeĢs afin de les placer sur le train. Le seĢquencĢ§age du chargement est interrelieĢ avec la planification du chargement, processus dans lequel des conteneurs sont assigneĢs aĢ€ des placements speĢcifiques sur les wagons, afin de former un plan de chargement pour guider le seĢquencĢ§age. Le travail dans ce meĢmoire sā€™articule autour dā€™un article scientifique sur lā€™optimisation du seĢquencĢ§age du chargement pour les trains aĢ€ empilement double. Dans cet article sont preĢsenteĢs des algorithmes baseĢs sur la programmation dynamique, ainsi quā€™une strateĢgie tirant avantage de plans de chargement deĢveloppeĢs afin de solutionner le seĢquencĢ§age pour des instances de chargement reĢalistes. Les reĢsultats montrent que les heuristiques suggeĢreĢes fonctionnent bien meĢ‚me pour des instances de grande taille. Ces dernieĢ€res preĢsentent une leĢgeĢ€re perte en qualiteĢ des solutions mais un temps dā€™exeĢcution nettement infeĢrieur aux meĢthodes exactes faisant deĢfaut pour des instances de grande taille. Lā€™analyse deĢmontre eĢgalement que lā€™utilisation de plans de chargement plus flexibles permet dā€™ameĢliorer la qualiteĢ des solutions avec toutes les meĢthodes, ceci se faisant au couĢ‚t dā€™un temps dā€™eĢxecution supeĢrieur et lā€™absence dā€™une garantie de solution pour les heuristiques. Finalement, la planification et le seĢquencĢ§age simultaneĢ sont compareĢs avec lā€™approche successive utilisant les algorithmes developpeĢs afin dā€™eĢvaluer la performance relative des deux approches.Double-stack trains are an important component of the railroad transport network for containerized cargo in specific markets such as the North American one. The load sequencing is an operational problem commonly faced in rail terminals by crane operators when tasked with loading containers on the railcars of a train. The load sequencing problem aims to find an efficient sequence of container retrievals in the storage yard, where containers are stored in piles while awaiting departure by train. Load sequencing is interrelated with load planning, the assignment of containers to specific locations on the train, forming a load plan which guides the load sequencing. The work in this thesis is centered around a scientific paper on the optimization of load sequencing for double-stack trains. This paper proposes algorithms based on dynamic programming and a strategy leveraging the load plans, and assesses their performance in terms of computing time, tractability and solution quality on realistic instance sizes. The results show that the heuristics suggested to solve the load sequencing scale well for realistic instance size, managing to achieve a significantly reduced computing time with a small loss in solution quality compared to exact methods, which would often falter for larger instances. The analysis also illustrates how using a flexible load plan in the load sequencing significantly improves solution quality at the cost of greater computing requirements and lack of guaranteed solution for the heuristics. Finally, the paper compares the performance resulting from the successive application of load planning and sequencing with jointly performing the load planning and sequencing

    Adaptive autotuning mathematical approaches for integrated optimization of automated container terminal

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    With the development of automated container terminals (ACTs), reducing the loading and unloading time of operation and improving the working efficiency and service level have become the key point. Taking into account the actual operation mode of loading and unloading in ACTs, a mixed integer programming model is adopted in this study to minimize the loading and unloading time of ships, which can optimize the integrated scheduling of the gantry cranes (QCs), automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and automated rail-mounted gantries (ARMGs) in automated terminals. Various basic metaheuristic and improved hybrid algorithms were developed to optimize the model, proving the effectiveness of the model to obtain an optimized scheduling scheme by numerical experiments and comparing the different performances of algorithms. The results show that the hybrid GA-PSO algorithm with adaptive autotuning approaches by fuzzy control is superior to other algorithms in terms of solution time and quality, which can effectively solve the problem of integrated scheduling of automated container terminals to improve efficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Transient Queuing Model for Analyzing and Optimizing Gate Congestion of Railway Container Terminals

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    As the significant connection between the external and internal of the railway container terminal, the operation performance of the gate system plays an important role in the entire system. So the gate congestion will bring many losses to the railway container terminal, even the entire railway container freight system. In this paper, the queue length and the average waiting time of the railway container terminal gate system, as well as the optimal number of service channels during the different time period, are investigated. An M/Ek/n transient queuing model is developed based on the distribution of the arrival time interval and the service time; besides the transient solutions are acquired by the equally likely combinations (ELC) heuristic method. Then the model is integrated into an optimization framework to obtain the optimal operation schemes. Finally, some computational experiments are conducted for model validation, sensitivity testing, and system optimization. Experimental results indicate that the model can provide the accurate reflection to the operation situation of the railway container terminal gate system, and the approach can yield the optimal number of service channels within the reasonable computation time
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