184 research outputs found

    FUNDoggy: Using gamification and social network services to create a mobile fundraising application for helping shelter dogs

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    The proliferation of new media is rapidly changing the world of philanthropy and more effective methods of raising funds and developing donor relationships must be sought. Furthermore, today’s trends indicate that the amount of giving by individuals has increased gradually, but the generation gap in donors is increasing. Fundamentally, this thesis project seeks effective ways to attract young donors and show how to maintain a continuous connection with them by using today’s trending business and marketing buzzwords, “gamification” and “social network services.” Employing a game’s entertainment, problem-solving challenges, interactive experience, and customer loyalty improvement is expected to create significant synergy when the game is merged with fundraising and social network services. The study also engaged in an in-depth exploration of existing fundraising methods, in which user interviews were employed to identify the underlying problems. Finally, this study presents an understanding of game mechanics and psychology and outlines its strategic plan for a new fundraising app, designed for a nonprofit animal shelter to encourage pet adoption and donation. Through the analysis, this thesis project suggests solutions and ideas for a better UX design for a fundraising app that can engage people and draw their attention. Finally, based on this study, recommendations are made for further research that reinforces the role of a fundraising app in making a better world

    Mobile Application Design to Engage Blood Donors in Norway

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    This master thesis presents a study of mobile application design created to support and engage current- and new blood donors. The application has been designed to help motivate existing blood donors to keep donating blood, but also to support newdonors in the process. A User-Centered design method was utilized to ensure close collaboration between users during the development; this laid the foundation for the requirement specification and design choices. The goal of the thesis has been to see how different methods and disciplines can provide an opportunity to engage blood donors as the most valuable user group. A high-fidelity prototype has been implemented with five main modules: digital donor card, Appointments, Your blood, Impact, Blood journey. The development process consisted of four design iterations, where usability goals, design principles, usability testing, system usability scale, and Nielsen’s Heuristics were applied to ensure a user-friendly solution that covers the needs of young blood donors in Norway. The Design Science framework allowed several prototypes from low- to high fidelity to take form. Users evaluated and gave feedback during the different iterations. The result of the research indicates that the application has appeal and the potential to engage donors by relying on minimalist design, gamified content, good user experience, and usability. The final System Usability Score (SUS) of 86 and evaluators’ feedback suggest there is a potential to develop a product that could be valuable to donors and society at large.Masteroppgave i informasjonsvitenskapINFO390MASV-IKTMASV-INF

    Analysis of blood supply service advertisements in print media (on the example of Sumy regional blood supply service center)

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    Служба крові – одна зі стратегічно важливих галузей охорони здоров’я у світі, яка рятує мільйони життів щорічно. Згідно з даними Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) у 60 країнах світу добровільні безоплатні донори забезпечують 100% запасів крові. Це їм вдається завдяки ефективним маркетинговим програмам. В Україні не вистачає донорської крові, а кількість донацій крові майже втричі менша, ніж рекомендовано ВООЗ. Тому важливо проаналізувати позитивний досвід провідних закладів служби крові. Метою дослідження є визначення ролі реклами в друкованих ЗМІ як складової маркетингової діяльності закладу служби крові. Було систематизовано переваги та недоліки реклами в друкованій пресі. Проаналізовано 71 статтю, опубліковану про Сумську станцію переливання крові в 11 друкованих виданнях за 1991 – травень 2020 рр. Виявлено друковані видання, в яких найбільше опубліковано статей. Для аналізу використано методи аналізу та логічного узагальнення, тренд-аналіз та контент-аналіз. Визначено основні тематики статей на кожному етапі становлення: акцент на співучасть у вирішенні проблем, на боротьбу з некомпетентними діями, на донора як основу функціонування закладу служби крові. Для формування залучення людей до донорського руху доцільно використовувати друковану рекламу з основним позивом «кожен може легко допомогти іншим людям, які потребують кров». Слід регулярно нагадувати в періодичній локальній пресі про заклад служби крові. Оскільки сучасні друковані ЗМІ мають друковану версію видання й інформаційний інтернет-сайт, можна донести необхідну закладу інформацію до широких кіл місцевої громадськості. Зокрема доцільно розміщувати приклади якомога більшої кількості людей та організацій, які здають кров, розповідати про внутрішню діяльність закладу, яку ніхто не бачить, показувати людей, які найактивніші в просуванні донорства, щоб вони залучали більшу кількість людей до донорства, показувати приклади успішно вирішених проблем закладу та доводити до відома ідею: бути донором просто і корисно як для донора, так і суспільства. У майбутньому це дозволить оптимізувати рекламу в друкованих ЗМІ та підвищити її ефективність, а також розробити повноцінну маркетингову програму з високими показниками залучення й утримання донорів.Blood supply service is one of the strategically important areas of health care, saving millions of lives each year worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 60 countries around the world, voluntary unpaid donors provide 100% of blood supplies. They do it due to effective marketing programs. There is shortage of donor blood in Ukraine and the number of blood donations is almost three times less than recommended by WHO. Therefore, it is important to analyze the positive experience of leading blood supply service centers. The objective of the investigation is to determine the role of advertising in print media as part of the blood supply service marketing activities. The advantages and disadvantages of print media advertising are systematized. 71 articles about Sumy Regional Blood Supply Service Center published in 11 printed sources during 1990 – May 2020 were analyzed. Printed sources where most of the articles were published were defined. Methods of analysis and logical generalization, trend analysis and content analysis were used. The main themes of the articles at each stage of their formation are determined: emphasis on the fellowship in problems solution, fight against incompetent actions, donor as the basis of the blood supply service functioning. It is advisable to use print advertising with the basic motto «everyone can easily help other people who need blood.» in order to involve people the donor movement. Blood supply service should be regularly cited in the local periodical press. As modern print media have both printed version of the publication and informational Internet-website, it is possible to distribute the necessary information among the wide range of the public. Particularly, it is reasonable to show examples of people and organizations donating blood; tell about the internal activities of blood supply service, show the most active people in donation promotion, so they can involve more people into donation, demonstrate examples of problems successfully solved by blood supply service and point out the idea: being a donor is simple and beneficial for both the donor and society. In the future it will optimize advertising in print media and increase its effectiveness as well as and develop complete marketing program with high rates of donors recruitment and support

    Analysis of Blood Supply Service Advertisements in Print Media (on the Example of Sumy Regional Blood Supply Service Center)

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    Служба крові – одна зі стратегічно важливих галузей охорони здоров’я у світі, яка рятує мільйони життів щорічно. Згідно з даними Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я (ВООЗ) у 60 країнах світу добровільні безоплатні донори забезпечують 100% запасів крові. Це їм вдається завдяки ефективним маркетинговим програмам. В Україні не вистачає донорської крові, а кількість донацій крові майже втричі менша, ніж рекомендовано ВООЗ. Тому важливо проаналізувати позитивний досвід провідних закладів служби крові. Метою дослідження є визначення ролі реклами в друкованих ЗМІ як складової маркетингової діяльності закладу служби крові. Було систематизовано переваги та недоліки реклами в друкованій пресі. Проаналізовано 71 статтю, опубліковану про Сумську станцію переливання крові в 11 друкованих виданнях за 1991 – травень 2020 рр. Виявлено друковані видання, в яких найбільше опубліковано статей. Для аналізу використано методи аналізу та логічного узагальнення, тренд-аналіз та контент-аналіз. Визначено основні тематики статей на кожному етапі становлення: акцент на співучасть у вирішенні проблем, на боротьбу з некомпетентними діями, на донора як основу функціонування закладу служби крові. Для формування залучення людей до донорського руху доцільно використовувати друковану рекламу з основним позивом "кожен може легко допомогти іншим людям, які потребують кров". Слід регулярно нагадувати в періодичній локальній пресі про заклад служби крові. Оскільки сучасні друковані ЗМІ мають друковану версію видання й інформаційний інтернет-сайт, можна донести необхідну закладу інформацію до широких кіл місцевої громадськості. Зокрема доцільно розміщувати приклади якомога більшої кількості людей та організацій, які здають кров, розповідати про внутрішню діяльність закладу, яку ніхто не бачить, показувати людей, які найактивніші в просуванні донорства, щоб вони залучали більшу кількість людей до донорства, показувати приклади успішно вирішених проблем закладу та доводити до відома ідею: бути донором просто і корисно як для донора, так і суспільства. У майбутньому це дозволить оптимізувати рекламу в друкованих ЗМІ та підвищити її ефективність, а також розробити повноцінну маркетингову програму з високими показниками залучення й утримання донорів.Служба крови - одна из стратегически важных отраслей здравоохранения в мире, которая спасает миллионы жизней ежегодно. Согласно данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) в 60 странах мира добровольные безвозмездные доноры обеспечивают 100% запасов крови. Это им удается благодаря эффективным маркетинговым программам. В Украине не хватает донорской крови, а количество донаций крови почти втрое меньше, чем рекомендовано ВОЗ. Поэтому важно проанализировать положительный опыт ведущих учреждений службы крови. Целью исследования является определение роли рекламы в печатных СМИ как составляющей маркетинговой деятельности учреждения службы крови. Были систематизированы преимущества и недостатки рекламы в печатной прессе. Проанализирована 71 статья, опубликованная о Сумской станцию ​​переливания крови в 11 печатных изданиях за 1991 - май 2020. Выявлено печатные издания, в которых больше всего опубликовано статей. Для анализа использованы методы анализа и логического обобщения, тренд-анализ и контент-анализ. Определены основные тематики статей на каждом этапе становления: акцент на соучастие в решении проблем, на борьбу с некомпетентными действиями, на донора в качестве основы функционирования учреждения службы крови. Для формирования привлечения людей к донорскому движения целесообразно использовать печатную рекламу с основным позывом «каждый может легко помочь другим людям, нуждающимся в кровь». Следует регулярно напоминать в периодической местной прессе о учреждении службы крови. Поскольку современные печатные СМИ имеют печатную версию издания и информационный интернет-сайт, можно донести необходимую для учреждения информацию к широким верствам локальной общественности. В частности целесообразно размещать примеры максимально большего количества людей и организаций, которые сдают кровь, рассказывать о внутренней деятельности учреждения, которую никто не видит, показывать людей, которые активны в продвижении донорства, чтобы они привлекали большее количество людей к донорству, показывать примеры успешно решенных проблем учреждения и доводить до сведения идею: быть донором просто и полезно как для донора, так и общества. В будущем это позволит оптимизировать рекламу в печатных СМИ и повысить ее эффективность, а также разработать полноценную маркетинговую программу с высокими показателями привлечения и удержания доноров.Blood supply service is one of the strategically important areas of health care, saving millions of lives each year worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 60 countries around the world, voluntary unpaid donors provide 100% of blood supplies. They do it due to effective marketing programs. There is a shortage of donor blood in Ukraine and the number of blood donations is almost three times less than recommended by WHO. Therefore, it is important to analyze the positive experience of leading blood supply service centers. The objective of the investigation is to determine the role of advertising in print media as part of the blood supply service marketing activities. The advantages and disadvantages of print media advertising are systematized. 71 articles about Sumy Regional Blood Supply Service Center published in 11 printed sources during 1990 – May 2020 were analyzed. Printed sources where most of the articles were published were defined. Methods of analysis and logical generalization, trend analysis, and content analysis were used. The main themes of the articles at each stage of their formation are determined: emphasis on the fellowship in problems solution, fight against incompetent actions, donor as the basis of the blood supply service functioning. It is advisable to use print advertising with the basic motto «everyone can easily help other people who need blood.» in order to involve people in the donor movement. Blood supply service should be regularly cited in the local periodical press. As modern print media have both printed version of the publication and informational Internet-website, it is possible to distribute the necessary information among the wide range of the public. Particularly, it is reasonable to show examples of people and organizations donating blood; tell about the internal activities of blood supply service, show the most active people in donation promotion, so they can involve more people into a donation, demonstrate examples of problems successfully solved by blood supply service and point out the idea: being a donor is simple and beneficial for both the donor and society. In the future, it will optimize advertising in print media and increase its effectiveness as well as and develop a complete marketing program with high rates of donor recruitment and support

    How one small step for occupational health management leads to many steps for employees – an experimental field study of incentive designs in a gamified mHealth app

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    Physical inactivity has become one of the leading health risk factors in today\u27s work environment, and in response, companies show increasing interest in digital health interventions to promote employees\u27 well-being. Tools such as mHealth apps use promising approaches to encourage people to be more physically active, for example, through gamification elements combined with financial incentives. However, there is a lack of research on how these technologies and incentives need to be designed to affect employees\u27 health behaviour positively. Based on prospect theory, this study examines the effect of gamified loss-oriented vs gain-oriented financial incentive systems with identical economic value to promote physical activity of employees. Our experiment\u27s results showed an overall positive effect in increasing employees\u27 physical activity (mean daily step count); more specifically, the advantage of a loss-oriented versus a gain-oriented incentive strategy compared to the control group

    Optimization of Blood Donation Activity Supporting a Smart City

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    The reported research aimed to decrease the distance between a person and the healthcare system regarding blood donation. The result is a web application developed for the healthcare system, in order to optimize blood donation process. There is an acute need of blood in transfusion centers. The first question is: “Why?”. Some answers could refer to the lack of education in volunteering or the lack of awareness, the fear of needles or of infections caused by needles, the difficulties of the donation process. These answers generate another question: “What can be done?”. A statistical analysis has been performed in order to evaluate participants’ attitude towards blood donation. It shows that there are many fellow citizens who want to help, but are not informed about this aspect, or they do not know how to do this. The application presented here can be of real help in encouraging people to donate

    The impact of interactive technology on prosocial behavior

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    Background. Behavior performed with the prosocial intent of helping others holds benefits not only for the recipient, but also for the prosocial actor and the community around them. Despite these pervasive benefits, there is relatively little research on how interacting with computing technology can be used to facilitate prosocial behavior. Understanding this relationship between technology usage and prosocial behavior and the psychological processes underlying this relationship is the aim of this doctoral thesis. To this goal, over the course of four manuscripts, we examined the impact of different technologies (in the form of video games, interactive narratives, and an interactive online platform) on their users' experiences and prosocial behavior. Methods. In each manuscript we followed a similar core structure; We experimentally manipulated a form of technology to examine its effects. We collected data on psychological processes we believed to be crucial to the effect of technology on prosocial behavior. Finally, in three of the four manuscripts, we assessed prosocial behavior after interacting with the technology. Based on the individual research questions, the experimental designs were supplemented with additional methodologies, such as interviews, surveys, and longitudinal data collection. Results. We found that interactivity in games and interactive text-based narratives can lead to increased prosocial behavior, but that this effect only occurred when interactivity lead to more meaningful experiences. We found that narrative choices can lead to meaningful experiences when they create moral dilemmas with clear consequences for oneself or others. We learned that sending reminders to track daily prosocial behavior for three weeks correlates with increases in belief in one's ability to help others in everyday contexts. The strongest predictor for using an interactive platform meant to support prosocial behavior over time was the belief in one’s ability to impact change and the enjoyment of the technology itself. Enjoyment was also related to the likelihood to continue using the interactive platform. One’s belief in one’s ability to help others in everyday contexts did not predict prosocial behavior over time, but one’s belief in one’s ability to impact change did. Conclusion. Interacting with technology is by far not a silver bullet to drastically impact prosocial behavior. However, when designed to be meaningful, interactivity can affect the way a narrative is perceived and to which extent prosocial behavior will be shown following the interaction. Interactive technology has the potential, particularly when enjoyable, to support performing prosocial actions and engagement over time. One’s belief in one’s abilities to perform everyday prosocial actions and one's belief in one's abilities to impact change both play roles within the relationship between technology usage and prosocial behavior. In order to correctly harness the potential of these technologies, however, the complex reality of the variability of users' everyday contexts, as well as their unique capabilities, opportunities, and motivations need to be taken into account. While some technology is more likely to lead to prosocial behavior when it is meaningful, others will be more likely be effective, particularly over time, when they are enjoyable. Future research should further examine the relationships between different forms of self-efficacy, experiences of enjoyment and meaningfulness, their relationship with sustained prosocial behavior, and how they are affected by interactive technology

    Mental Health Smartphone Apps: Review and Evidence-Based Recommendations for Future Developments

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    BACKGROUND: The number of mental health apps (MHapps) developed and now available to smartphone users has increased in recent years. MHapps and other technology-based solutions have the potential to play an important part in the future of mental health care; however, there is no single guide for the development of evidence-based MHapps. Many currently available MHapps lack features that would greatly improve their functionality, or include features that are not optimized. Furthermore, MHapp developers rarely conduct or publish trial-based experimental validation of their apps. Indeed, a previous systematic review revealed a complete lack of trial-based evidence for many of the hundreds of MHapps available. OBJECTIVE: To guide future MHapp development, a set of clear, practical, evidence-based recommendations is presented for MHapp developers to create better, more rigorous apps. METHODS: A literature review was conducted, scrutinizing research across diverse fields, including mental health interventions, preventative health, mobile health, and mobile app design. RESULTS: Sixteen recommendations were formulated. Evidence for each recommendation is discussed, and guidance on how these recommendations might be integrated into the overall design of an MHapp is offered. Each recommendation is rated on the basis of the strength of associated evidence. It is important to design an MHapp using a behavioral plan and interactive framework that encourages the user to engage with the app; thus, it may not be possible to incorporate all 16 recommendations into a single MHapp. CONCLUSIONS: Randomized controlled trials are required to validate future MHapps and the principles upon which they are designed, and to further investigate the recommendations presented in this review. Effective MHapps are required to help prevent mental health problems and to ease the burden on health systems