5 research outputs found

    Projekt.ID: investigating how game elements and mechanics can be aligned to players preferences

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    Existing research in personality and motivation psychology has developed many theories and player typologies to explain an individual’s behaviour. Many of these theories and typologies have used similar approaches to personality types to understand how and why individuals play, through finding traits, and in-turn types to categorise players based on their behaviour. Many of the typologies have also been context specific, causing concern with their practicality of use in contexts outside of their conception. To date, no research exists that categorises players based on their preferences for game elements and mechanics (GEMs). Embracing the possibility of developing such a framework based on players preferences for GEMs, would afford game designers an opportunity to design experiences regardless of context. Therefore, the aim of this research is understanding how to map a player’s preferences for GEMs and how this information can be used during the game design process. To this end, I describe the design and method of four studies. The first three studies are surveys (n=279, n=231, n=162) that assess players Australian Personality Inventory (API) type, preferences for game elements, and mechanics (surveys 2 and 3), and the Basic Psychological Needs of Satisfaction (BPNS) score (surveys 2 and 3). The data from these surveys were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to identify any existing relationships between the data; stepwise linear regression to determine if API and/or BPNS could be used to predict factors; bi-variate correlations to observe if relationships existed between the factors and API and/or BPNS types. EFA revealed that GEMs are preferred by players in three unique factors groups for game elements and four factor groups for game mechanics. In addition, stepwise linear regression and bi-variate correlation revealed that both API type and BPNS did not affect a player’s preferences for GEMs (including their factors) and were not a suitable assessment for mapping a player’s preferences for GEMs on. Following these three surveys, the GEM Framework was developed, which included a separate model for each GEM factor group. The GEM Framework was then adapted to an existing game design tool titled Gamicards. The fourth study was a workshop (n = 47) that assesses the practical use of the GEM framework and Gamicards. The results of the workshop revealed that both the GEM Framework and its adaption to Gamicards provided game designers from various skill levels a useful resource during the game design process and would likely use it again during their next game design session. Through these four studies, this work contributes to the current literature in the following manner. Firstly, this work extends the current understanding the impact personality and motivation types have on a player’s preferences for GEMs, via the data from the surveys. As such, this work explores three areas: personality, motivation, and game design to develop a novel framework. Secondly, this thesis discusses practical implications of using the GEM framework through Gamicards. To conclude, this work encourages game academics to look at player typologies through the lens of the GEMs of games itself and not through psychometric assessment

    Desain Aplikasi Mobile Gamifikasi untuk Pramuka dengan Metode UI/UX

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    Abstract. The number of Scout members has decreased due to being outdone by other extracurriculars. In addition, given the current pandemic conditions, scouting activities are hampered. This study aims to create an attractive and online Scout mobile application prototype. This research method applies gamification so that scouting activities especially in schools, become more enjoyable and more attractive to students. Apart from gamification, this research also uses UI / UX methods such as usability testing, A / B testing, and User Experience Questionnaires (UEQ). This method is used so that the results of the prototype design can be easily used and understood by the user. The results of this study indicate that the gamification application in this prototype was successful. In addition, the design results that have been tested with the UI / UX method get a mean value of 2.04 and are included in the excellent criteria. Looking at the results of the research, it can be said that gamification makes scouting activities more interesting. Furthermore, the design concept of this application can help scouting activities online.Keywords: Gamification, Scout, UI/UX.Abstrak. Jumlah anggota pramuka mengalami penurunan dikarenakan kalah bersaing dengan ekstrakurikuler lainnya. Selain itu, mengingat kondisi pandemi saat ini, kegiatan pramuka menjadi terhambat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat purwarupa aplikasi mobile pramuka secara daring dan menarik. Penelitian ini menerapkan gamifikasi agar kegiatan pramuka khususnya di sekolah menjadi lebih menarik minat siswa dan lebih menyenangkan. Selain gamifikasi, penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode UI/UX seperti usability testing, A/B testing dan User Experience Questionaire (UEQ). Metode ini digunakan agar hasil desain purwarupa dapat mudah digunakan dan dimengerti oleh pengguna. Penelitian ini menunjukan penerapan gamifikasi di purwarupa ini berhasil. Selain itu, hasil desain yang telah diuji dengan metode UI/UX mendapatkan nilai rerata 2,04 yang termasuk ke dalam kriteria unggul. Berdasar dari hasil penelitian, dapat dikatakan penggunaan gamifikasi membuat kegiatan pramuka lebih menarik. Selain itu, konsep desain aplikasi ini dapat membantu kegiatan pramuka secara daring.Kata Kunci: Gamifikasi, pramuka, UI/UX

    Dynamic Personalization of Gameful Interactive Systems

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    Gameful design, the process of creating a system with affordances for gameful experiences, can be used to increase user engagement and enjoyment of digital interactive systems. It can also be used to create applications for behaviour change in areas such as health, wellness, education, customer loyalty, and employee management. However, existing research suggests that the qualities of users, such as their personality traits, preferences, or identification with a task, can influence gamification outcomes. It is important to understand how to personalize gameful systems, given how user qualities shape the gameful experience. Current evidence suggests that personalized gameful systems can lead to increased user engagement and be more effective in helping users achieve their goals than generic ones. However, to create these kinds of systems, designers need a specific method to guide them in personalizing the gameful experience to their target audience. To address this need, this thesis proposes a novel method for personalized gameful design divided into three steps: (1) classification of user preferences, (2) classification and selection of gameful design elements, and (3) heuristic evaluation of the design. Regarding the classification of user preferences, this thesis evaluates and validates the Hexad Gamification User Types Scale, which scores a person in six user types: philanthropist, socialiser, free spirit, achiever, player, and disruptor. Results show that the scale’s structural validity is acceptable for gamification studies through reliability analysis and factor analysis. For classification and selection of gameful design elements, this thesis presents a conceptual framework based on participants’ self-reported preferences, which classifies elements in eight groups organized into three categories: individual motivations (immersion and progression), external motivations (risk/reward, customization, and incentives), and social motivations (socialization, altruism, and assistance). And to evaluate the design of gameful applications, this thesis introduces a set of 28 gameful design heuristics, which are based on motivational theories and gameful design methods and enable user experience professionals to conduct a heuristic evaluation of a gameful application. Furthermore, this thesis describes the design, implementation, and pilot evaluation of a software platform for the study of personalized gameful design. It integrates nine gameful design elements built around a main instrumental task, enabling researchers to observe and study the gameful experience of participants. The platform is flexible so the instrumental task can be changed, game elements can be added or removed, and the level and type of personalization or customization can be controlled. This allows researchers to generate different experimental conditions to study a broad range of research questions. Our personalized gameful design method provides practical tools and clear guidelines to help designers effectively build personalized gameful systems

    Adaptive games for learner and systems (bidirectional) learning

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Traditional learning environments are ineffective and inefficient and are failing to adequately equip students and employees with the knowledge and skills required in today’s jobs, let alone prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow. Given the rapidly changing landscapes of technologies and business models, organisations need to be flexible and adaptable to respond to, and even pre-empt future demands. One of the primary shortcomings of existing learning environments is their inflexibility and the ‘one size fits all’ approach followed. Serious games and game-based learning are widely recognised for their potential in providing more effective learning environments, especially when designed in a personalised, adaptive manner, and are explored in this dissertation. In addition to adapting to the individual traits and preferences of users, games are also highly context dependent. Whilst there is a great deal of literature and documented case studies of game-based learning, most focus only on the implementation of one particular game in a specific context. Whilst many existing game design models and approaches focus on achieving improved learning outcomes of learners, there is an opportunity to consider the impact of gameplay on other stakeholders and drive the active development of meta-skills in various stakeholders. Bidirectional learning, where learning simultaneously takes place in a two-way direction [295], has great potential and has, to date, not been incorporated in serious game design. By integrating different perspectives and variable scenarios, the dynamic personalisation of learning trajectories may be possible. Serious games offer a potential platform to aggregate learner behaviours and results, and use these to dynamically configure, adjust and tailor the game to individuals and contexts, ultimately providing a learning environment of improved quality, effectiveness and efficiency. In this dissertation, adaptive, bidirectional games are explored as a means to provide more effective and efficient learning environments for multiple stakeholders. Moreover, an architecture is presented to support the creation of such games for specific scenarios in a faster, more effective and more efficient manner. Following a research-by-design approach, the architecture is iteratively developed and simultaneously applied in four case studies. Experiences and learnings from each case study are infused into subsequent design iterations of the architecture. The architecture allows users to explore and exploit the solution space more deliberately and better understand the various functions and the interrelations between them. The flexible and modular structure of the architecture allows users to prioritise functionalities as required in the given scenario. Furthermore, the directional relations between functions can be interpreted and prioritised as needed given the specific context and requirements. The architecture incorporates various stakeholders in the design process, leading to greater transparency and better understanding throughout the process. More importantly, it emphasises bidirectional learning whereby different stakeholders can learn from gameplay and the aggregated results and behaviours of players.AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Tradisionele leeromgewings is oneffektief en ondoeltreffend en slaag nie daarin om studente en werknemers voldoende toe te rus met die kennis en vaardighede wat in die huidige werk benodig is nie, en nog minder vir toekomstige werk. Gegewe die vinnig veranderende landskappe van tegnologie¨e en sakemodelle, moet organisasies buigsaam en aanpasbaar wees om te reageer op, en selfs toekomstige behoeftes te voorkom. Een van die belangrikste tekortkominge van bestaande leeromgewings is die onbuigsaamheid daarvan asook die ‘een grootte pas almal’ benadering wat gevolg word. Ernstige speletjies en spelgebaseerde leer word oor die algemeen erken vir hul potensiaal om meer effektiewe leeromgewings te skep, veral as dit op ’n persoonlike, aanpasbare manier ontwerp is, en word in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek. Benewens die aanpassing by die individuele eienskappe en voorkeure van gebruikers, is speletjies ook baie kontekstafhanklik. Alhoewel daar baie literatuur en gedokumenteerde gevallestudies oor spelgebaseerde leer is, fokus die meeste daarvan slegs op die implementering van een spesifieke spel in ’n spesifieke konteks. Alhoewel baie bestaande spelontwerpmodelle en -benaderings op die verbeterde leeruitkomste van leerders focus, is daar ’n geleentheid om die impak van spel op ander belanghebbendes te oorweeg en die aktiewe ontwikkeling van metavaardighede by verskeie belanghebbendes te dryf. Tweerigtingleer, waar leer gelyktydig in twee rigtinge plaasvind [295], het ’n groot potensiaal en is huidig nog nie in ernstige spelontwerp opgeneem nie. Deur die integrasie van verskillende perspektiewe en veranderlike scenario’s, word die dinamiese personalisering van leertrajekte moontlik. Ernstige speletjies bied ’n moontlike platform om leerdergedrag en -resultate saam te voeg, en dit te gebruik om die spel dinamies te konfigureer en aan te pas by individue en kontekste, wat ’n leeromgewing van verbeterde kwaliteit, effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid bied. In hierdie proefskrif word aanpasbare, tweerigting speletjies ondersoek as ’n manier om meer effektiewe en doeltreffende leeromgewings vir verskeie belanghebbendes te bied. Boonop word ’n argitektuur aangebied om die skep van sulke speletjies vir spesifieke scenario’s vinniger, meer effektief en doeltreffender te ondersteun. Na aanleiding van ’n navorsing-deur-ontwerp benadering word die argitektuur iteratief ontwikkel en gelyktydig toegepas in vier gevallestudies. Ervarings en leerstellings uit elke gevallestudie word ingesluit in die daaropvolgende ontwerp iterasies van die argitektuur. Met die argitektuur kan gebruikers die oplossingsruimte doelbewus ondersoek en benut, en die verskillende funksies en onderlinge verwantskappe tussen hulle beter verstaan. Die buigsame en modulˆere struktuur van die argitektuur stel gebruikers in staat om funksionaliteite te prioritiseer soos vereis in die gegewe scenario. Verder kan die rigtingverhoudinge tussen funksies ge¨ınterpreteer en geprioritiseer word soos benodig, gegewe die spesifieke konteks en vereistes. Die argitektuur bevat verskillende belanghebbendes in die ontwerpproses, wat lei tot verbeterde deursigtigheid en begrip gedurende die proses. Belangriker nog, dit beklemtoon tweerigtingleer waardeur verskillende belanghebbendes kan leer deur die spel en die saamgestelde resultate en gedrag van spelers.Doctora

    Gamicards - An alternative method for paper-prototyping the design of gamified systems

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    This paper introduces an early prototype concept known as Gamicards, for use in the design of gamified systems. With the popularity of gamified approaches and the varying knowledge of designers of these systems, not enough resources exist that can assist to guide designers through the process, ensuring important elements (such as motivation) are considered. Gamicards are an early prototype deck of cards that are designed to provide a resource for designers from a range of different backgrounds and knowledge of gamified design, with the intention to develop more meaningful gamified approaches