210,966 research outputs found

    Serious Game Evaluation as a Meta-game

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    Purpose – This paper aims to briefly outline the seamless evaluation approach and its application during an evaluation of ORIENT, a serious game aimed at young adults. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, the authors detail a unobtrusive, embedded evaluation approach that occurs within the game context, adding value and entertainment to the player experience whilst accumulating useful data for the development team. Findings – The key result from this study was that during the “seamless evaluation” approach, users were unaware that they had been participating in an evaluation, with instruments enhancing rather than detracting from the in-role game experience. Practical implications – This approach, seamless evaluation, was devised in response to player expectations, perspectives and requirements, recognising that in the evaluation of games the whole process of interaction including its evaluation must be enjoyable and fun for the user. Originality/value – Through using seamless evaluation, the authors created an evaluation completely embedded within the “magic circle” of an in-game experience that added value to the user experience whilst also yielding relevant results for the development team

    Evaluasi User Experience Game 2D Bajaj Keliling Menggunakan Metode Game Experience Questionnaire

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    In this digital era, the smartphone game became popular for all people. Even though the number of gamers in Indonesia is increasing, it does not guarantee that every game has a large number of enthusiasts. Every game industry is competing to have a good user experience so that those interested in the game industry always increase. This indicates that user experience in a game is very important to support the success of a game. The Bajaj Keliling game has never done a user experience evaluation before. For the success of the Bajaj Keliling game, it is necessary to evaluate the user experience. After evaluating the user experience in the Bajaj Keliling game, a redesign will be conducted based on the recommendation of the first user experience evaluation, then the results of the redesign of the Bajaj Keliling game will be re-evaluated. The evaluation uses the Game Experience Questionnaire method, while the design process uses the Design Sprint method. After the first analysis, the results showed that the Core Module for the flow component was 2.17 and challenge components was 2.21, and the challenge components on the In-game Module was 2.22, all of these mean values were low and below the median. This shows that the game is easy to play and not too challenging. The solution implemented is to change the stage feature to a level and add a new challenge in the form of a question at the beginning of each level. After the second evaluation, the results on the Core Module for the flow component were 3.17 and challenge components were 3.09, the mean values increased and was above the median. The results of the challenge component in the In-game Module also increased to 2.37, but the mean value was still below the median.Di era digital ini, permainan smartphone menjadi populer bagi semua kalangan. Meskipun jumlah gamers di Indonesia semakin meningkat, tidak menjamin bahwa setiap game memiliki jumlah peminat yang banyak. Setiap industri game berlomba-lomba untuk memiliki user experience yang baik agar para peminat game industri tersebut selalu meningkat. Ini menunjukkan bahwa user experience pada sebuah game sangat penting untuk mendukung kesuksesan sebuah game. Permainan Bajaj Keliling belum pernah melakukan evaluasi user experience sebelumnya. Untuk keberhasilan permainan Bajaj Keliling, maka dari itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi user experience. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi user experience pada permainan Bajaj Keliling, maka akan dilakukan perancangan ulang berdasarkan rekomendasi evaluasi user experience pertama, lalu hasil perancangan ulang permainan Bajaj Keliling akan dievaluasi kembali. Metode yang digunakan untuk evaluasi menggunakan Game Experience Questionnaire, sedangkan untuk proses perancangan menggunakan metode Design Sprint. Setelah dilakukan analisis pertama, hasil menunjukkan bahwa pada Core Module untuk komponen flow bernilai 2.17 dan challenge bernilai 2.21, serta komponen challenge pada In-game Module bernilai 2.22, semua nilai rata-rata tersebut rendah dan berada di bawah median. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa permainan mudah untuk dimainkan dan tidak terlalu menantang. Solusi yang diimplementasikan yaitu mengganti fitur stage menjadi level dan menambahkan tantangan baru berupa pertanyaan pada setiap awal level. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi kedua, hasil pada Core Module untuk komponen flow yaitu 3.17 dan challenge yaitu 3,09, rata-rata menjadi meningkat dan berada di atas median. Hasil dari komponen challenge pada In-game Module juga meningkat menjadi 2.37, namun nilai rata-rata tersebut masih di bawah median

    Analisis User Experience Game Android : Amazepong Bali 1.0

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    Desain user interface aplikasi game Amazepong Bali menarik untuk dipelajari karena bagus secara visual tetapi kurang diterima. Dari analisis user experience aplikasi game Amazepong Bali akan dapat diketahui: value apa yang ditawarkan, menariknya desirability yang dirasakan, dan tingkat usability yang dimiliki. untuk mengevaluasi secara heuristic konten user experience Metode Heuristic Evaluation Game Amazepong Bali 1.0 menurut pakar game yang juga merupakan game developer dan user menilai bahwa game ini sebuah game bergenre casual yang mudah dimainkan. Game dengan muatan lokal Indonesia khususnya mengangkat budaya Bali, diwujudkan dalam visual yang bagus. Kekurangan dari game ini adalah visual ketika dimainkan terlalu ramai sehingga tidak jelas. Gambar terlalu berat sehingga menjadi lambat ketika dimainkan. Masih banyak bug dalam pemrogramannya perbaiki dari sisi pemrograman agar tidak terjadi bug. Warna visual agar tidak terlalu mencolok sehingga nyaman dinikmati

    Biometric storyboards: a games user research approach for improving qualitative evaluations of player experience

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    Developing video games is an iterative and demanding process. It is difficult to achieve the goal of most video games — to be enjoyable, engaging and to create revenue for game developers — because of many hard-to-evaluate factors, such as the different ways players can interact with the game. Understanding how players behave during gameplay is of vital importance to developers and can be uncovered in user tests as part of game development. This can help developers to identify and resolve any potential problem areas before release, leading to a better player experience and possibly higher game review scores and sales. However, traditional user testing methods were developed for function and efficiency oriented applications. Hence, many traditional user testing methods cannot be applied in the same way for video game evaluation. This thesis presents an investigation into the contributions of physiological measurements in user testing within games user research (GUR). GUR specifically studies the interaction between a game and users (players) with the aim to provide feedback for developers to help them to optimise the game design of their title. An evaluation technique called Biometric Storyboards is developed, which visualises the relationships between game events, player feedback and changes in a player’s physiological state. Biometric Storyboards contributes to the field of human-computer interaction and GUR in three important areas: (1) visualising mixedmeasures of player experience, (2) deconstructing game design by analysing game events and pace, (3) incremental improvement of classic user research techniques (such as interviews and physiological measurements). These contributions are described in practical case studies, interviews with game developers and laboratory experiments. The results show this evaluation approach can enable games user researchers to increase the plausibility and persuasiveness of their reports and facilitate developers to better deliver their design goals. Biometric Storyboards is not aimed at replacing existing methods, but to extend them with mixed methods visualisations, to provide powerful tools for games user researchers and developers to better understand and communicate player needs, interactions and experiences. The contributions of this thesis are directly applicable for user researchers and game developers, as well as for researchers in user experience evaluation in entertainment systems

    UI/UX Interaction Mobile (Android) pada Game Petualangan Menggunakan Metode ADDIE

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    UI atau User Interface adalah tampilan yang ditujukan kepada pengguna berupa penataan layout, tombol, warna dan tulisan. Sedangkan UX atau User Experience adalah pengalaman atau perasaan pengguna saat menggunakan produk digital. Saat membuat User Interface dan User Experience tidak hanya memperbagus tampilan visual game tapi juga harus mudah dan nyaman dalam penggunaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) untuk menganalisa kebutuhan yang digunakan, perancangan tombol yang diperlukan, pengembangan sistem, penataan tampilan/tata letak, pengimplementasian pada sistem dan evaluasi untuk mengetahui kelayakan komponen User Interface, serta tampilan atau tata letak komponen yang sesuai dengan User Experience pada game petualangan

    In-Game Intoxication: Demonstrating the Evaluation of the Audio Experience of Games with a Focus on Altered States of Consciousness

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    In this chapter, we consider a particular method of specifically evaluating the user experience of game audio. To provide a domain of game audio to evaluate, we focus on an increasingly occuring phenomenon in game; that of the altered state of consciousness. Our approach seeks to evaluate user experience of game audio from normal gameplay and gameplay that features altered states. As such, a brief background to person-centered approaches to use experience evaluation is presented and then we provide a detailed description of the method that has been adopted in this chapter: the use of personal construct theory via repertory grid interviews

    Understanding the fidelity effect when evaluating games with children

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    There have been a number of studies that have compared evaluation results from prototypes of different fidelities but very few of these are with children. This paper reports a comparative study of three prototypes ranging from low fidelity to high fidelity within the context of mobile games, using a between subject design with 37 participants aged 7 to 9. The children played a matching game on either an iPad, a paper prototype using screen shots of the actual game or a sketched version. Observational data was captured to establish the usability problems, and two tools from the Fun Toolkit were used to measure user experience. The results showed that there was little difference for user experience between the three prototypes and very few usability problems were unique to a specific prototype. The contribution of this paper is that children using low-fidelity prototypes can effectively evaluate games of this genre and style

    Analisis User Interface Pada Game DOTA 2 dengan Menggunakan Metode Cognitive Walkthrough dan Metode Heuristic Evaluation

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    Pada dunia modern kita dapat menemukan hiburan di mana saja, salah satunya di dunia virtual, contohnya game. Dota 2 adalah game berjenis Multiplayer Online Battle Arena atau MOBA dan merupakan game terlaris kedua di Steam dengan jumlah pemain 801.121 orang. Namun, dibalik itu semua ada ilmu yang dapat membuat sebuah game menjadi terkenal dan sukses dipasaran dengan waktu yang lama. Salah satunya yaitu, User Experience. User Experience merupakan bagian yang penting dari pembuatan sebuah game. Di dalam User Experience terdapat User Interface. User Interface adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang tampilan sebuah sistem. Dalam penelitian ini akan menganalisis tampilan pada game Dota 2. Kemudian, untuk mengetahui baik atau belumnya tampilan dari game Dota 2, maka dilakukan analisis dengan metode Cognitive Walkthrough dan Heuristic Evaluation. Cognitive Walkthrough dan Heuristic Evaluation sebuah metode yang mempunyai banyak kesamaan, yang berbeda hanya dari respondennya. Cognitive Walkthrough diujikan kepada newbie player atau pemula, dan Heuristic Evaluation diujikan kepada pro player atau profesional. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk menemukan kekurangan dari tampilan pada game tersebut lalu dibuatkan rekomendasi perbaikannya. Hasil data analisis adalah cukup baik, terdapat satu kekurangan dari pengujian seorang ahli dan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa game ini memiliki tampilan yang baik. Kata kunci: Game, User Interface, User Experience, Moba, Cognitive Walkthrough, Heuristic Evaluation, Dota

    An experimental protocol to access immersiveness in video games

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    In the video game industry, great importance is given to the experience that the user has while playing a game. In particular, this experience benefits from the players' perceived sense of being in the game or immersion. The level of user immersion depends not only on the game's content but also on how the game is displayed, thus on its User Interface (UI) and the Head's-Up Display (HUD). Another factor influencing immersiveness that has been found in the literature is the player's expertise: the more experience the user has with a specific game, the less they need information on the screen to be immersed in the game. Player's level of immersion can be accessed by using both questionnaires of their perceived experience and exploiting their behavioural and physiological responses while playing the target game. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an experimental protocol to access immersiveness of gamers while playing a third-person shooter (Fortnite) with UIs with a standard, a dietetic, and a proposed HUD. A subjective evaluation of the immersion will be provided by completing the Immersive Experience Questionnaire (IEQ), while objective indicators will be provided by face tracking, behaviour and physiological responses analyses. The ultimate goal of this study is to define guidelines for video game UI development that can enhance the players' immersion.Comment: Accepted at the Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human Machine Interaction (AIxHMI 2023), November 06, 2023, Rome, Ital

    The Evaluation of AR Mobile App as a Learning Media for Children

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    A user evaluation stage is an integral part of designing an application. A practical evaluation can provide an overview of the problems that arise in the application and improve the user experience. The Kupuku application is an augmented reality (AR)-based game application for learning about butterflies. The Kupuku application is specifically intended for children aged 6-13 years. The user sample was selected using a purposive sampling method with the criteria for users of elementary school-age children for the child user segment and their companions as the adult user segment. This study aims to evaluate the usability of the Kupuku game application to users. User evaluation was carried out to measure the application’s usability. The evaluation process was conducted on two user segments, namely 20 child users and 16 adult users. Assessment of children employed the Fun Toolkit and usability factor-based question - Nielsen method. The obtained results showed positive feedbacks. In contrast, the assessment for adult users utilized the system usability scale (SUS) and the user experience questionnaire (UEQ). The SUS score of 76 was included in the good category, and the UEQ score produced an excellent average. The test results indicate that this application can be accepted by users, both children, and adults
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