131 research outputs found

    Blockchain-based Cloud Data Deduplication Scheme with Fair Incentives

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    With the rapid development of cloud computing, vast amounts of duplicated data are being uploaded to the cloud, wasting storage resources. Deduplication (dedup) is an efficient solution to save storage costs of cloud storage providers (CSPs) by storing only one copy of the uploaded data. However, cloud users do not benefit directly from dedup and may be reluctant to dedup their data. To motivate the cloud users towards dedup, CSPs offer incentives on storage fees. The problems with the existing dedup schemes are that they do not consider: (1) correctness - the incentive offered to a cloud user should be computed correctly without any prejudice. (2) fairness - the cloud user receives the file link and access rights of the uploaded data if and only if the CSP receives the storage fee. Meeting these requirements without a trusted party is non-trivial, and most of the existing dedup schemes do not apply. Another drawback is that most of the existing schemes emphasize incentives to cloud users but failed to provide a reliable incentive mechanism. As public Blockchain networks emulate the properties of trusted parties, in this paper, we propose a new Blockchain-based dedup scheme to meet the above requirements. In our scheme, a smart contract computes the incentives on storage fee, and the fairness rules are encoded into the smart contract for facilitating fair payments between the CSPs and cloud users. We prove the correctness and fairness of the proposed scheme. We also design a new incentive mechanism and show that the scheme is individually rational and incentive compatible. Furthermore, we conduct experiments by implementing the designed smart contract on Ethereum local Blockchain network and list the transactional and financial costs of interacting with the designed smart contract

    Secure data storage and retrieval in cloud computing

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    Nowadays cloud computing has been widely recognised as one of the most inuential information technologies because of its unprecedented advantages. In spite of its widely recognised social and economic benefits, in cloud computing customers lose the direct control of their data and completely rely on the cloud to manage their data and computation, which raises significant security and privacy concerns and is one of the major barriers to the adoption of public cloud by many organisations and individuals. Therefore, it is desirable to apply practical security approaches to address the security risks for the wide adoption of cloud computing

    Searchable Encryption for Cloud and Distributed Systems

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    The vast development in information and communication technologies has spawned many new computing and storage architectures in the last two decades. Famous for its powerful computation ability and massive storage capacity, cloud services, including storage and computing, replace personal computers and software systems in many industrial applications. Another famous and influential computing and storage architecture is the distributed system, which refers to an array of machines or components geographically dispersed but jointly contributes to a common task, bringing premium scalability, reliability, and efficiency. Recently, the distributed cloud concept has also been proposed to benefit both cloud and distributed computing. Despite the benefits of these new technologies, data security and privacy are among the main concerns that hinder the wide adoption of these attractive architectures since data and computation are not under the control of the end-users in such systems. The traditional security mechanisms, e.g., encryption, cannot fit these new architectures since they would disable the fast access and retrieval of remote storage servers. Thus, an urgent question turns to be how to enable refined and efficient data retrieval on encrypted data among numerous records (i.e., searchable encryption) in the cloud and distributed systems, which forms the topic of this thesis. Searchable encryption technologies can be divided into Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) and Public-key Encryption with Keyword Search (PEKS). The intrinsical symmetric key hinders data sharing since it is problematic and insecure to reveal one’s key to others. However, SSE outperforms PEKS due to its premium efficiency and is thus is prefered in a number of keyword search applications. Then multi-user SSE with rigorous and fine access control undoubtedly renders a satisfactory solution of both efficiency and security, which is the first problem worthy of our much attention. Second, functions and versatility play an essential role in a cloud storage application but it is still tricky to realize keyword search and deduplication in the cloud simultaneously. Large-scale data usually renders significant data redundancy and saving cloud storage resources turns to be inevitable. Existing schemes only facilitate data retrieval due to keywords but rarely consider other demands like deduplication. To be noted, trivially and hastily affiliating a separate deduplication scheme to the searchable encryption leads to disordered system architecture and security threats. Therefore, attention should be paid to versatile solutions supporting both keyword search and deduplication in the cloud. The third problem to be addressed is implementing multi-reader access for PEKS. As we know, PEKS was born to support multi-writers but enabling multi-readers in PEKS is challenging. Repeatedly encrypting the same keyword with different readers’ keys is not an elegant solution. In addition to keyword privacy, user anonymity coming with a multi-reader setting should also be formulated and preserved. Last but not least, existing schemes targeting centralized storage have not taken full advantage of distributed computation, which is considerable efficiency and fast response. Specifically, all testing tasks between searchable ciphertexts and trapdoor/token are fully undertaken by the only centralized cloud server, resulting in a busy system and slow response. With the help of distributed techniques, we may now look forward to a new turnaround, i.e., multiple servers jointly work to perform the testing with better efficiency and scalability. Then the intractable multi-writer/multi-reader mode supporting multi-keyword queries may also come true as a by-product. This thesis investigates searchable encryption technologies in cloud storage and distributed systems and spares effort to address the problems mentioned above. Our first work can be classified into SSE. We formulate the Multi-user Verifiable Searchable Symmetric Encryption (MVSSE) and propose a concrete scheme for multi-user access. It not only offers multi-user access and verifiability but also supports extension on updates as well as a non-single keyword index. Moreover, revocable access control is obtained that the search authority is validated each time a query is launched, different from existing mechanisms that once the search authority is granted, users can search forever. We give simulation-based proof, demonstrating our proposal possesses Universally Composable (UC)-security. Second, we come up with a redundancy elimination solution on top of searchable encryption. Following the keyword comparison approach of SSE, we formulate a hybrid primitive called Message-Locked Searchable Encryption (MLSE) derived in the way of SSE’s keyword search supporting keyword search and deduplication and present a concrete construction that enables multi-keyword query and negative keyword query as well as deduplication at a considerable small cost, i.e., the tokens are used for both search and deduplication. And it can further support Proof of Storage (PoS), testifying the content integrity in cloud storage. The semantic security is proved in Random Oracle Model using the game-based methodology. Third, as the branch of PEKS, the Broadcast Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search (BAEKS) is proposed to bridge the gap of multi-reader access for PEKS, followed by a scheme. It not only resists Keyword Guessing Attacks (KGA) but also fills in the blank of anonymity. The scheme is proved secure under Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption in the Random Oracle Model. For distributed systems, we present a Searchable Encryption based on Efficient Privacy-preserving Outsourced calculation framework with Multiple keys (SE-EPOM) enjoying desirable features, which can be classified into PEKS. Instead of merely deploying a single server, multiple servers are employed to execute the test algorithm in our scheme jointly. The refined search, i.e., multi-keyword query, data confidentiality, and search pattern hiding, are realized. Besides, the multi-writer/multi-reader mode comes true. It is shown that under the distributed circumstance, much efficiency can be substantially achieved by our construction. With simulation-based proof, the security of our scheme is elaborated. All constructions proposed in this thesis are formally proven according to their corresponding security definitions and requirements. In addition, for each cryptographic primitive designed in this thesis, concrete schemes are initiated to demonstrate the availability and practicality of our proposal

    Exploring heterogeneity of unreliable machines for p2p backup

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    P2P architecture is a viable option for enterprise backup. In contrast to dedicated backup servers, nowadays a standard solution, making backups directly on organization's workstations should be cheaper (as existing hardware is used), more efficient (as there is no single bottleneck server) and more reliable (as the machines are geographically dispersed). We present the architecture of a p2p backup system that uses pairwise replication contracts between a data owner and a replicator. In contrast to standard p2p storage systems using directly a DHT, the contracts allow our system to optimize replicas' placement depending on a specific optimization strategy, and so to take advantage of the heterogeneity of the machines and the network. Such optimization is particularly appealing in the context of backup: replicas can be geographically dispersed, the load sent over the network can be minimized, or the optimization goal can be to minimize the backup/restore time. However, managing the contracts, keeping them consistent and adjusting them in response to dynamically changing environment is challenging. We built a scientific prototype and ran the experiments on 150 workstations in the university's computer laboratories and, separately, on 50 PlanetLab nodes. We found out that the main factor affecting the quality of the system is the availability of the machines. Yet, our main conclusion is that it is possible to build an efficient and reliable backup system on highly unreliable machines (our computers had just 13% average availability)

    Implementation of Multivariate Authentication Protocol (MAP) for Side Channel Attack Detection

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    Cloud Computing offers an extensive variety of resources like computational power, computational storage and applications to clients by means of internet. Cloud Computing is empowering IT administrators to deliver resources to the users quicker in a great flexible way and at a cost effective model without having to restructuring or updating the basic infrastructure. With the expanding number of organizations falling back on utilize resources in the Cloud, there is a need for ensuring the security of the data of the clients using the cloud resources. The major challenged faced by cloud data centers to ensure security to its clients. According to the side channel attack the data privacy of the user is violated by observing the operation of the deduplication in the storage server of cloud, so this attack will easily allow the malicious user to access the data. The major contribution of this paper is to address the serious security issues related to side channel attacks. This paper proposes the design of a Multivariate Authentication Protocol (MAP) protocol against side channel attacks

    Distributed Key Generation for Secure Encrypted Deduplication

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    Large-scale storage systems often attempt to achieve two seemingly conflicting goals: (1) the systems need to reduce the copies of redundant data to save space, a process called deduplication; and (2) users demand encryption of their data to ensure privacy. Conventional encryption makes deduplication on ciphertexts ineffective, as it destroys data redundancy. A line of work, originated from Convergent Encryption [28], and evolved into Message Locked Encryption [12], strives to solve this problem. The latest work, DupLESS [11], proposes a server-aided architecture that provides the strongest privacy. The DupLESS architecture relies on a key server to help the clients generate encryption keys that result in convergent ciphertexts. In this paper, we first provide a rigorous proof of security, in the random oracle model, for the DupLESS architecture which is lacking in the original paper. Our proof shows that using additional secret, other than the data itself, for generating encryption keys achieves the best possible security under current deduplication paradigm.We then introduce a distributed protocol that eliminates the need for a key server and allows less managed systems such as P2P systems to enjoy the high security level. Implementation and evaluation show that the scheme is both robust and practical

    Heterogeneous Data Storage Management with Deduplication in Cloud Computing

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    Foreword and editorial: International journal of security and its applications

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    BLA2C2: Design of a Novel Blockchain-based Light-Weight Authentication & Access Control Layer for Cloud Deployments

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    Cloud deployments are consistently under attack, from both internal and external adversaries. These attacks include, but are not limited to brute force, masquerading, improper access, session hijacking, cross site scripting (XSS), etc. To mitigate these attacks, a wide variety of authentication & access control models are proposed by researchers, and each of them vary in terms of their internal implementation characteristics. It was observed that these models are either highly complex, or lack in terms of security under multiple attacks, which limits their applicability for real-time deployments. Moreover, some of these models are not flexible and cannot be deployed under dynamic cloud scenarios (like constant reconfigurations of Virtual Machines, dynamic authentication use-cases, etc.). To overcome these issues, this text proposes design of a novel blockchain-based Light-weight authentication & access control layer that can be used for dynamic cloud deployments. The proposed model initially applies a header-level light-weight sanitization layer that removes Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection, and other data-level attacks. This is followed by a light-weight authentication layer, that assists in improving login-level security for external attacks. The authentication layer uses IP matching with reverse geolocation mapping in order to estimate outlier login attempts. This layer is cascaded with an efficient blockchain-based access control model, which assists in mitigating session hijacking, masquerading, sybil and other control-level attacks. The blockchain model is developed via integration of Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) to reduce unnecessary complexities, and provides faster response when compared with existing blockchain-based security deployments. Efficiency of the model was estimated in terms of accuracy of detection for different attack types, delay needed for detection of these attacks, and computational complexity during attack mitigation operations. This performance was compared with existing models, and it was observed that the proposed model showcases 8.3% higher accuracy, with 10.5% lower delay, and 5.9% lower complexity w.r.t. standard blockchain-based & other security models. Due to these enhancements, the proposed model was capable of deployment for a wide variety of large-scale scenarios
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