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    The Employment Relation from the Transactions Cost Perspective

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    한국프로야구 (KBO) 외국인 선수들의 재계약에 적응이 미치는 영향

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공, 2021. 2. 강준호.The purpose of this research is to explore the adaptation on foreign players in Korea Baseball Organization (KBO). The study will focus on the factors of adaptation, adaptation process, and the consequences of adaptation. Adaptation is defined as baseball culture and general culture experienced by foreign players both on and off the field. Foreign players, who played in the past or currently playing, were interviewed in-depth under semi-structured format. The transcription of data is used to analyze the hierarchy format of categorizing the themes. Under higher order theme, ‘Best part of Korea (On-field: Internal)’, ‘Best part of Korea (Off-field: External)’, and ‘Challenges and Difficulties’ are categorized to identify the positive and negative factors affecting the adaptation process. Each categories have low order theme as listed factors such as Teammates, Team environment, Fans, Baseball culture, Equipment, Field condition, Balls, Foods, Living environment, General culture, Language, Family, Time difference, and Trust. The most frequently cited themes by the participants, who played in KBO in the past, were Teammates, Foods, and Family and Language. The most repeatedly mentioned themes by the participants, who currently play in KBO, were Ball and Field condition, General culture, and Trust. The result indicates different groups focused on different factors: Past KBO group emphasized external factors, whereas Current KBO group focused on internal factors. By comparing the statistical data and the history of re-signing records, the participants who focused on internal adaptation factors, Current KBO group, tend to have better performance and have higher chance to re-sign. The participants who paid more attention to external factors, Past KBO group, tend to have poor performance and less chance to re-sign. The chances of re-signing the following contracts depended on the performance level through adaptation factors, and adaptation on internal factors were significantly more important than the adaptation on external factors.본 연구는 한국야구협회(KBO, Korea Baseball Organization)에 속한 외국인 선수들의 적응 요인, 적응 과정 그리고 적응 결과에 관한 연구이다. 연구에서의 ‘적응' 은 필드 안팎에서 외국인 선수들이 경험하는 야구 문화와 현지 문화에 대한 적응으로 한정한다. 연구는 다음과 같이 진행되었다. 먼저 과거에 KBO에서 뛰었거나 현재 뛰고있는 외국인 선수들을 대상으로 반구조적 형식의 심층 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 인터뷰 전사는 주제 범주 위계를 분석하는데 사용하였다. ‘한국이 적응에 유리한 부분 (필드 안 내부 요인)’, ‘한국이 적응에 유리한 부분 (필드 밖 외부 요인)’, 그리고 ‘도전과 어려움' 을 적응 과정의 긍정 및 부정 요인을 식별하는 가장 상위 범주로 정의하였다. 각 범주는 팀원, 팀 환경, 팬, 야구 문화, 장비, 그라운드 컨디션, 야구공, 음식, 생활 환경, 일반적인 한국 문화, 언어, 가족, 시차, 신뢰와 같은 하위 주제로 분류하여 연구되었다. 적응 과정을 확인하기 위해 인터뷰에서 가장 많이 언급된 요인들이 어떤 비중을 차지하였는지 코딩 작업을 통해 확인하였고, 이후 적응 결과로 평가될 수 있는 해당 선수의 재계약 데이터를 비교하였다. 인터뷰에 따라 과거에 KBO에서 뛰었던 선수들과 현재 KBO에서 뛰고 있는 선수들이 각기 다른 요인에 초점을 맞추고 있다는 결과가 도출되었다. 과거에 KBO에서 뛰었던 선수들이 가장 많이 언급한 주제는 팀원, 음식, 가족, 언어였다. 현재 KBO에서 뛰고있는 선수들이 가장 많이 언급한 주제는 야구공, 그라운드 컨디션, 일반적인 한국 문화, 신뢰였다. 과거에 KBO에서 뛰었던 선수들이 외부 요인을 강조한 반면, 현재 KBO에서 뛰고 있는 선수들은 내부 요인을 강조했다. 인터뷰 데이터와 재계약 데이터를 비교한 결과, 내부 적응 요인을 강조한 현재 KBO에서 뛰고 있는 선수 그룹이 더 좋은 경기 성과를 냈으며 재계약의 가능성 또한 높은 경향이 나타났다. 외부 적응 요인을 강조한 과거 KBO에서 뛰었던 선수 그룹은 상대적으로 경기 성과가 낮았으며 재계약의 기회 또한 적었다. 재계약의 기회는 적응 요인 중 하나인 경기 성과 정도에 달려있었으며, 경기 성과에 미치는 영향은 내부 요인에 대한 적응이 외부 요인에 대한 적응보다 상대적으로 더욱 중요했다.Table of Contents Abstract Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Study Background 1 1.2. Research Purpose 8 1.3. Research Questions 16 1.4. Significance of Study 17 Chapter 2. Literature Review 18 2.1. International Labor Migration Theory 20 2.2. Cross-cultural Adaptation Theory 27 2.3. Adaptation Theory 31 Chapter 3. Methodology 36 3.1. Participants 36 3.2. Data Collection 38 3.3. Data Analysis 39 Chapter 4. Results 42 4.1. Data Interpretation 42 4.2. Factors influence the adaptation (Internal & External) 43 4.3. Adaptation Process (Internal & External) 71 4.3.1. Past Korea/KBO experienced players 72 4.3.2. Current Korea/KBO experience players 75 4.4. The Consequences of Adaptation 78 Chapter 5. Discussion and Conclusion 82 5.1. Discussion 82 5.2. Limitations and Future Directions 87 5.3. Conclusion 89 References 91 Appendix 108 Abstract (국문초록) 111Maste

    The “Fundies” of ADR in the NHL

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    This note seeks to provide to an overview of how the fundamentals (or “fundies” in hockey circles) of ADR can be applied to the NHL’s most pressing issues. It will analyze two areas specifically: the overall CBA negotiations in the big picture and the RFA system in a narrower view. Part II will provide context of the events leading up to the current NHL landscape. It will outline the history of NHL–NHLPA relations, describe the main issues influencing the upcoming CBA negotiations, and explain the workings of the RFA system. Part III will then present and discuss proposed solutions to improve the RFA market for both the clubs and the players. The analysis supports the conclusion that the NHL should integrate mediation into restricted free agency in both salary arbitration and contract holdout situations. In Part IV, this note will further advocate for the implementation of mediation in CBA negotiations. Finally, Part V will provide a brief conclusion

    New Thinking of Labor and Social Security Under the Background of Innovative Social Governance

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    Social governance refers to a complex of many behaviors of the government, social organizations, enterprises, institutions, communities, and individuals in order to obtain more public interests and carry out equal cooperation. The goal of creating a social governance community has been deeply rooted in our society. The governance community requires the ability to unite the power of the government and all sectors of society, so as to realize the conscious use of public power. Through consciously forming an interconnected and stable group, complete a series of social goals and tasks. Under this research background, this article will comprehensively discuss how to solve the problem of labor security under the new historical situation. The specific situation facing the current labor and social security, the transformation of social relationships in social labor security, the low government’s public service supply capacity, and the higher demand for participation of workers in the creation of the social labor security system. The innovation of the article lies in thinking about the change of thinking about labor and social security in the context of social governance, advocating the collaborative interaction between the people-oriented government and society and humanized management methods, and finally combining the comprehensive functions of labor and social security with the rule of law and social charity organizations to innovative measures to optimize labor and social security

    Transformation in three American orchestras: an analysis of labor, agency, and change

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    Orchestras across the United States have always struggled to maintain balanced budgets as nonprofits dependent on philanthropists and public funds. Consequently, it is normal for orchestra musicians to struggle with job insecurity and financial uncertainty to some degree. While the industry is no stranger to labor disputes, the last decade marked a notable shift in the character of labor negotiations that caused an unprecedented trend of lockouts – the refusal of employees to the workplace until a contract is reached. The orchestras that successfully reached a contract did not come out the other side unchanged; there was significant upheaval in the organizations both ideologically and structurally. My research explored the musicians\u27 experience with lockouts and restructuring in the Minnesota Orchestra, Louisville Orchestra, and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. The findings from this research detail the common experience of locked out orchestra musicians, how orchestra musicians have effectively influenced changes to the organizational structure, and the nature of these structural and ideological changes. Methods included qualitative interviews and survey. This research contributes to the gap in the literature around the experience of the workforce in this industry, and to broader conversations of art performance as labor and the future of American orchestras. The findings will be made available to select members of orchestra boards and administrations with musicians’ consent in the spirit of improving understanding, communication, and operations in the orchestra

    Professional Football\u27s Draft Eligibility Rule: The Labor Exemption and the Antitrust Laws

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    How to choose the agent construction mode in chinese government investment projects?

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    The complexity of managing government investment projects arrives, among others, from the fact it involves many stakeholders. Managerial problems in government investment projects resulting in inefficiencies, waste of resources, and delays often appear in China. Government departments used to control all the aspects of a project, including construction, investment, management, and use which result in waste and rent-seeking behaviors. On July 25, 2004, the state council published the document "Decision on Investment System Reform" which clearly put forward the requirements of using construction agents in non-profit government investment projects. Methods of selecting and managing construction agents are different in different regions in China. We adopted qualitative research methods. First, we analyzed the principal-agent relationships and the information asymmetry in construction agent models, and discussed the theory methods to abate information asymmetry and decrease the moral hazard problem. Then we investigated five construction agent modes in five regions of China, and analyzed the project process and management methods. We found that these modes could be split into two types of construction agent models: "market competitive agent" construction model and "administrative agent" construction model. Finally, we analyzed CIXI city’s construction agent model in non - profit government investment project, and found that CIXI also used an “administrative agent" construction model. Therefore, we thought that although market competitive construction agent model is better than administrative construction agent model in theory, the latter might be a contingent way to adapt to the environment in the transition economy period that China is living.A complexidade da gestão de projetos de investimento dos governosé inegável mormente tendo em conta os incontáveis “stakeholders” envolvidos. Na China sempre existiram problemas de gestãonos projetos de investimento do governo que motivaram ineficiências, desperdícios de recursos e demoras na concretização desses projectos. Dado que os departamentos do governo controlavam todos os aspectos relativos aos projetos, incluindo construção, investimento, agenciamento e gestão, o resultado consubstanciou-se em elevados desperdícios e na geração de comportamentos oportunísticos. Em 25 de julho de 2004, o Conselho do Estado da China publicou um documento acerca da gestão de investimentos governamentais - “Decisão sobre a reforma do sistema de gestão de investimentos”. Sob este novo sistema, claramente, o governo apresentou os requisitos de utilização de agentes de construção nos projectos sem fins lucrativos de investimento do governo. Contudo os métodos de seleção e gestão dos referidos agentes são diferentes nas várias regiões da China. Neste trabalho foi utilizado o método qualitativo de pesquisa. Primeiro, analisou-se as relações principal-agente e a assimetria de informação nos modelos de agênciaem construção civil. Além disso, discutiram-se os métodos teóricos para diminuir a assimetria de informação e o problema de risco moral. Segundo, investigou-se os cinco modos deagente naconstrução em cinco regiões da China, e analisou-se o processo de projeto e os métodos de gestão, tendo-se descoberto que estas formas podem ser divididas em dois tipos de modelos de agente na construção: o modelo de construção "market competitive agent" e o modelo de construção "administrative agent", conforme mencionado anteriormente. Finalmente, analisou-se o modelo de agente de construção da cidade de CIXI em projectos sem fins lucrativos de investimento do governo. Ficou evidenciado que o modelo de construção “administrative agent” também foi utilizado nesta cidade. Por isso, conclui-se que, embora em teoria o modelo de construção "market competitive agent" seja melhor do que o de construção "administrative agent ", o último pode ser uma solução contingente e intermédia que se adapta ao período da economia em transição da China


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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss reciprocity and the role it plays in helping us understand interactions between parties in accounting settings. The concept of reciprocity states that individuals will reward kind behaviors and punish unkind behaviors. (Fisher et al. 2015; Fehr and Gächter 2000; Fehr and Gächter 1997). When trying to trace the origins of the theory of reciprocity, it is useful to track the initial constructs on which it is built from various literary sources. This process contributes to developing an understanding of how reciprocity is used to explain behaviors in the workplace. The notion of reciprocity has a long history and is defined in many iterations of social literature dating back to ancient philosophers. Roman politician Cicero, for example, stated: “there is no duty more indispensable than that of returning a kindness” and “all men distrust one forgetful of a benefit” (Gouldner 1960). This early philosophical sentiment exemplifies the integral role positive reciprocity plays in society and the potential avarice an individual may encounter when not returning positive actions with displays of positive reciprocity. Through this review, I gather literature that builds on the concept of reciprocity. I organize commonly found themes and organize settings previously used to focus on the multiple constructs to build upon reciprocity

    Chinese and U.S. Human Rights Law; How Culture and Philosophical Theory Influence Implementation of Policies and the National Agenda

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    122 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of Chinese & International Studies and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Arts, Spring 2016.This thesis begins with a brief history ofU.S.-China relations, government structure, and differing human rights philosophies and theories. Treaties signed by both parties are discussed. Chapter 2 defines human rights law and international human rights law. A literature review is presented. Chapter 3 analyzes the Tibet Question legally and culturally, and the PRC's implementation of the Right of Self Determination. Chapter 4 will seek to analyze the second of three case studies: PRC alleged human rights violations of international labour laws. Chapter 5 will analyze the third case study, which is censorship by the PRC government and its violations against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Chapter 6 serves as a general analysis of the three case studies and what they illustrate about the relationship between culture and implementation of human rights. Chapter 7 concludes that human rights are theoretically universal but implemented with cultural influences from differing philosophies. This thesis argues that the People's Republic of China and the United States of America agree on a universal goal for international human rights, but have differing priorities in implementation due to different worldviews and national goals. The two have differing agendas, histories and are at different stages of development with differing perceptions of where the country should head into the future