6,230 research outputs found

    Christian Unity: The Perspective from Galatia

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    Sakramen Baptisan Sebagai Dasar Kesetaraan Gender Eksegese Feminis Terhadap Surat Galatia 4:10

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    AbstrackThis paper describes the problems that arise in the situation of the church in Galatia, where the problem is more towards the problem of the position of women being secondary. The focus of the text that becomes the reference is Galatians 4:1-10, which only looks at the context of women who are discriminated against using a feminist interpretation method approach. The text was chosen because of the situation of the church in Galatia, where the author not only looks at the andocentric or patriarchal culture, but also the issue of discrimination against women and how baptism is used as a benchmark for it.Keywords: The Sacrament of Baptism, Marginal, Feminist Commentary (Hermeneutics of Suspicion), Galatians 4:1-10AbstrakTulisan ini menguraikan persoalan yang muncul dalam situasi jemaat di Galatia, dimana persoalan tersebut lebih ke arah persoalan kedudukan perempuan yang dinomorduakan. Fokus teks yang menjadi acuan adalah Galatia 4:1-10, yang hanya melihat bagaimana kontekan perempuan yang didiskriminasi itu dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode tafsir feminis. Teks tersebut dipilih karena situasi jemaat di Galatia yang dimana penulis bukan hanya melihat tentang budaya andosentrus atau patriarkhi, tetapi juga masalah diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dan bagaimana baptisan yang dijadikan Paulus sebagai tolok ukur terhadap hal itu. Kata Kunci: Sakramen Baptisan, Marginal, Tafsir Feminis (Hermeneutik Kecurigaan), ajaran Galatia 4:1-1

    Article 48: Galatians at a Glance

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    Intercultural Challenges in Networked Learning

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    This paper gives an account of themes that emerged from a preliminary analysis of a large corpus of electronic communications in an online, mediated course for intercultural learners. The goals were to test assumptions that electronic communication is internationally standardized, to identify any problematic aspects of such communications, and to construct a framework for the analysis of electronic communications using constructs from intercultural communications theory. We found that cyberspace itself has a culture(s), and is not culture-free. Cultural gaps can exist between individuals, as well as between individuals and the dominant cyberculture, increasing the chances of miscommunication. The lack of elements inherent in face-to-face communication further problematizes intercultural communications online by limiting opportunities to give and save face, and to intuit meaning from non-verbal cues. We conclude that electronic communication across cultures presents distinctive challenges, as well as opportunities to course planners

    Relationship between horizontal stresses and geologic anomalies in two coal mines in southern Illinois

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    "In situ horizontal stresses were measured to determine the influences of geologic anomalies on the regional horizontal stress field in two coal mines in southern Illinois. Stress measurements were obtained near a normal fault having a 121-ft displacement at the Amax Wabash Mine and a large coalbed want at the Kerr-McGee Galatia No. 5 Mine. Horizontal stress measurements were completed using a Bureau of Mines borehole deformation gauge. The average maximum and minimum horizontal compressional stresses at the Wabash Mine were 1,400 and 800 psi, with the direction of maximum stress ranging from n 78 deg. W to n 83 deg. E. At the Galatia No. 5 Mine, the averages were 1,500 and 500 psi, with the direction of maximum stress ranging from n 85 deg. E to n 75 deg. E. Generally, the geologic anomalies appear to have no dramatic effect on the regional horizontal stresses. However, subtle differences between stress measurements suggest an influence by the fault zone at the Wabash Mine. The larger anisotropic stress conditions at the Galatia No. 5 Mine could be responsible for the increase in kink zones and directional roof failures." - NIOSHTIC-2NIOSHTIC no. 10006237198

    SENAM OTAK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERFORMA AKADEMIK ANAK USIA 10-12 TAHUN (Studi pada siswa SD Negeri Tembalang dan SD Pedalangan 2 Semarang)

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    Latar Belakang: Performa akademik menjadi suatu penentu kualitas individu. Performa akademik ditentukan oleh fungsi afektif, kognitif, psikomotor, dan intelegensi. Senam otak dapat meningkatkan proses belajar dan mengintegrasikan semua area yang berhubungan dalam proses belajar sehingga performa akademik akan meningkat. Tujuan: Membuktikan manfaat senam otak terhadap performa akademik anak usia 10-12 tahun Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan pre dan post test pada siswa kelas 5 dan 6 SD Negeri Tembalang dan SD pedalangan 2 Semarang. (n=18). Sampel diberikan pretes, intervensi senam otak, kemudian post test. Skor IQ dihitung menggunakan uji T berpasangan dan Nilai Akademik dihitung menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon. Hasil: Dari 18 subjek penelitian, rerata hasil performa akademik setelah senam otak menunjukkan adanya peningkatan performa akademik dan Skor IQ. Peningkatan skor IQ dianalisis menggunakanUji T berpasangan diperoleh hasil bermakna (p=0,000). Peningkatan nilai Bahasa Indonesia dengan Uji Wilcoxon diperoleh hasil bermakna (p=0,001), sedangkan hasil tidak bermakna pada nilai Matematika (p=0,079) dan nilai Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (p=0,306) Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan yang bermakna pada Intelligence Quotient (IQ) dan nilai Bahasa Indonesia dan peningkatan yang tidak bermakna pada nilai Matematika dan IPA pada anak usia 10-12 tahun sesudah melakukan senam otak dengan intervensi 3 kali dalam 1 minggu selama 9 minggu pada anak usia 10-12 tahun. Kata kunci: senam otak, afektif, kognitif, psikomotor, inteligensi

    NT 725 Exegetical Studies in Galatians

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    1. B. Witherington, III, Paul’s Narrative Thought World, (Westminster, 1994). 2. R. N. Longenecker, Galatians, (Word, 1990). 3. B. Witherington, III, Grace in Galatia: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Grand Rapids, (Eerdmans, 1998). 4. John Barclay, Obeying The Truth, (Westminster Press, 1995( (pb). 5. B. Witherington, III, The Paul Quest, (InterVarsity, 1996) pbhttps://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3127/thumbnail.jp

    "L. Cossonius L. f. Stell(atina tribu) Gallus Vecilius Crispinus Mansuanius Marcellinus Numisius Sabinus pro consule provinciae Sardiniae" e la constitutio del "Forum Traiani"

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    The study analyzes the career of clarissimus L. Cossonius Gallus developed between Domitian, Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian. In particular, we analyze the charges under Trajan, including, in 111 AD, the proconsul of Sardinia. In the same year the proconsul L. Cossonius Gallus by order of Trajan proceeded to constitutio of Forum Traiani in the center of Sardinia. Subsequently (113-115 AD) Cossonius became legatus Augusti in the provinciae of Galatia, Pisidia and Paphlagonia, was consul suffectus in 116 AD, and around 120AD legatus provinciae Iudeae.L. Cossonius L. f. Stell(atina tribu) Gallus Vecilius Crispinus Mansuanius Marcellinus Numisius Sabinus pro consule provinciae Sardiniae e la constitutio del Forum TraianiLo studio analizza la carriera del clarissimus L. Cossonius Gallus sviluppatasi fra Domiziano, Nerva, Traiano e Adriano. In particolare si analizzano le cariche sotto Traiano, fra le quali, nel 111 d.C. il proconsolato della Sardinia. Nello stesso anno il proconsole L. Cossonio Gallo per ordine di Traiano procedette alla constitutio di Forum Traiani, al centro della Sardinia. Successivamente Cossonio divenne nel 113-115 legatus Augusti delle provinciae della Galatia, Pisidia e Paphlagonia, nel 116 fu consul suffectus, e verso il 120 legatus provinciae Iudeae

    Peran Creative Producer dalam Pembuatan Konten Sosial Media Master Mentor di Bekantan Creative

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    Penggunaan sosial media di Indonesia memiliki peran yang penting dalam menyebarkan suatu informasi. Hal ini menyebabkan timbulnya content creator dan creative agency di Indonesia. Kegiatan kerja magang ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman bekerja di dunia Industrial. Sebagai mahasiswa prodi film, penulis diberikan kesempatan bekerja di creative agency di Bekantan Creative. Bekantan Creative adalah layanan jasa kreatif yang bergerak di bidang branding dan marketing. Di Bekantan Creative, penulis memiliki peran dalam mengawasi konten visual yang akan dipublikasikan oleh tim digital dan membuat timeline dari proses kreatif. Namun, dari kegiatan kerja magang yang dilakukan penulis tidak lepas dari masalah yang dialami sehingga penulis diharuskan untuk kerja lebih keras dan cepat. Penulis harus aktif dalam berkomunikasi dengan sesama rekan magang, cepat, dan teliti dalam menghadapi segala kendala yang terjadi