15 research outputs found

    Foundational Extensible Corecursion

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under well-behaved operations, including constructors. Corecursive functions that are well behaved can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under “friendly” operations, including constructors. Friendly corecursive functions can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor’s expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under “friendly” operations, including constructors. Friendly corecursive functions can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor’s expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Foundational extensible corecursion: a proof assistant perspective

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under "friendly" operations, including constructors. Friendly corecursive functions can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Friends with benefits: implementing corecursion in foundational proof assistants

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    We introduce AmiCo, a tool that extends a proof assistant, Isabelle/HOL, with flexible function definitions well beyond primitive corecursion. All definitions are certified by the assistant’s inference kernel to guard against inconsistencies. A central notion is that of friends: functions that preserve the productivity of their arguments and that are allowed in corecursive call contexts. As new friends are registered, corecursion benefits by becoming more expressive. We describe this process and its implementation, from the user’s specification to the synthesis of a higher-order definition to the registration of a friend. We show some substantial case studies where our approach makes a difference

    Friends with benefits: implementing corecursion in foundational proof assistants

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    We introduce AmiCo, a tool that extends a proof assistant, Isabelle/HOL, with flexible function definitions well beyond primitive corecursion. All definitions are certified by the assistant’s inference kernel to guard against inconsistencies. A central notion is that of friends: functions that preserve the productivity of their arguments and that are allowed in corecursive call contexts. As new friends are registered, corecursion benefits by becoming more expressive. We describe this process and its implementation, from the user’s specification to the synthesis of a higher-order definition to the registration of a friend. We show some substantial case studies where our approach makes a difference

    Unguarded Recursion on Coinductive Resumptions

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    We study a model of side-effecting processes obtained by starting from a monad modelling base effects and adjoining free operations using a cofree coalgebra construction; one thus arrives at what one may think of as types of non-wellfounded side-effecting trees, generalizing the infinite resumption monad. Correspondingly, the arising monad transformer has been termed the coinductive generalized resumption transformer. Monads of this kind have received some attention in the recent literature; in particular, it has been shown that they admit guarded iteration. Here, we show that they also admit unguarded iteration, i.e. form complete Elgot monads, provided that the underlying base effect supports unguarded iteration. Moreover, we provide a universal characterization of the coinductive resumption monad transformer in terms of coproducts of complete Elgot monads.Comment: 47 pages, extended version of http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S157106611500079

    Coinductive program verification

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    We present a program-verification approach based on coinduction, which makes it feasible to verify programs given an operational semantics of a programming language, without constructing intermediates like axiomatic semantics or verification-condition generators. Specifications can be written using any state predicates. The key observations are that being able to define the correctness of a style of program specification as a greatest fixpoint means coinduction can be used to conclude that a specification holds, and that the number of cases that need to be enumerated to have a coinductively provable specification can be reduced to a feasible number by using a generalized coinduction principle (based on notions of ``coinduction up to'' developed for proving bisimulation) instead of the simplest statement of coinduction. We implement our approach in Coq, producing a certifying language-independent verification framework. The soundness of the system is based on a single module proving the necessary coinduction theorem, which is imported unchanged to prove programs in any language. We demonstrate the power of this approach by verifying algorithms as complicated as Schorr-Waite graph marking, and the flexibility by instantiating it for language definitions covering several paradigms, and in several styles of semantics. We also demonstrate a comfortable level of proof automation for several languages and domains, using a common overall heuristic strategy instantiated with customized subroutines. Manual assistance is also smoothly integrated where automation is not completely successful