5,899 research outputs found

    The suitability of coconut shell concrete as a replacements in term of mechanical and thermal properties – a review

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    The most critical issue in environment protection and natural resource conservation is waste management [1]. Changes in environment and an increase in population are the main causes of the many processes of deterioration which have altered the ecosystem of our planet, including the generation of municipal solid waste (MFS) [2]. Therefore, there is a need to reuse waste to create a greener and healthier place on earth. The usage of agricultural waste will be emphasized in this research. Being renewable, low-cost, lightweight, having high specific strength and stiffness have made agricultural waste ideal for use as construction materials [3]. Coconut shell, oil palm shell, oil palm clinker, corncob ash, and rice husk ash are all agricultural by-products. Although some of these materials can be used as animal feed or fuel in biomass power plants or boilers of various industrial sectors to produce steam, a lot of these materials are still disposed off into landfills or burnt. This leads to serious environmental problems..


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang Implementasi Mission Planner pada Sistem Kendali Berbasis GPS (Global Positioning System) dengan MenggunakanAPM 2.6 untuk Kapal Tanpa Awak. Sistem ini memberikan kemudahan dalampengumpulan data dan pengawasan pada lingkungan perairan yang memilikibanyak resiko bila dilakukan secara manual. Dengan memanfaatkan kapal tanpaawak dengan sistem navigasi GPS akan lebih efektif dalam segi waktu, biaya, dankeselamatan pekerja. Sistem kendali berbasis GPS mampu menggerakkan kapalsecara otomatis dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller sebagai pusat sistem. Untukmengatur koordinat atau waypoint tujuan ditentukan melalui GCS (Ground ControlSystem). Kapal digerakkan oleh 2 motor, motor dc sebagai penggerak utama danmotor servo untuk mengarahkan kapal sesuai tujuan yang ditentukan padawaypoint. GPS berfungsi sebagai sensor masukan dan keluaran untuk menentukankoordinat dan waypoint. Mikrokontroller yang digunakan adalah APM 2.6 yangberbasis ATmega1280/2560. GCS menggunakan aplikasi Mission Planner yangmerupakan bawaan dari APM 2.6 yang berfungsi sebagai monitoring. APM 2.6berbasis ATmega1280/2560 sebagai mikrokontroller yang pada sistem inimemroses data masukan dan keluaran dari GPS supaya bisa berjalan sesuaikoordinat atau waypoint dengan mengatur pergerakan motor dc dan motor servo.Waypoint ditentukan oleh pengguna melalui GCS dengan memberi koordinat tujuanyang diperoleh dari GPS. Kapal akan menuju arah tujuan dengan membandingkankoordinat waypoint dengan koordinat kapal yang sebenarnya. Pada pengujianlapangan dengan menggunakan 2 wapoint yang berjarak sepanjang 33 meter ,sistem berhasil menggerakkan kapal dengan nilai selisih dengan jalur sebenarnya(xtrack) rata-rata -0.33 meter. Kata kunci: GPS, mission planner, waypoint, APM, GCS ABSTRACT This study discusses the Implementation of Mission Planner on GPS(Global Positioning System) Based Control Systems by Using APM 2.6 forUnmanned Vessels. This system provides convenience in data collection andsupervision in an aquatic environment that has many risks if done manually. Byutilizing unmanned ships with GPS navigation systems it will be more effective interms of time, cost, and worker safety. The GPS-based control system is able tomove the ship automatically using a microcontroller as the center of the system. Toset coordinates or waypoints the destination is determined via GCS (GroundControl System). The ship is driven by 2 motors, dc motors as the main drive andservo motor to direct the ship according to the destination specified at the waypoint.GPS functions as input and output sensors to determine coordinates and waypoints.The microcontroller used is the 2.6-based ATmega1280 / 2560 APM. GCS uses theMission Planner application which is the default of APM 2.6 which functions asmonitoring. ATmega1280 / 2560 based 2.6 APM as a microcontroller in this systemprocesses input and output data from GPS so that it can run according to coordinatesor waypoints by regulating the movement of dc motors and servo motors. Thewaypoint is determined by the user through the GCS by giving the destinationcoordinates obtained from GPS. The ship will go towards the destination bycomparing the waypoint coordinates with the actual coordinates of the ship. In fieldtesting using 2 waypoints spaced 33 meters long, the system managed to move theship with a difference value with the actual path (xtrack) averaging -0.33 meters. Keywords: GPS, mission planner, waypoint, APM, GC

    Testing Two Tools for Multimodal Navigation

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    The latest smartphones with GPS, electronic compasses, directional audio, touch screens, and so forth, hold a potential for location-based services that are easier to use and that let users focus on their activities and the environment around them. Rather than interpreting maps, users can search for information by pointing in a direction and database queries can be created from GPS location and compass data. Users can also get guidance to locations through point and sweep gestures, spatial sound, and simple graphics. This paper describes two studies testing two applications with multimodal user interfaces for navigation and information retrieval. The applications allow users to search for information and get navigation support using combinations of point and sweep gestures, nonspeech audio, graphics, and text. Tests show that users appreciated both applications for their ease of use and for allowing users to interact directly with the surrounding environment

    Design study of a low cost civil aviation GPS receiver system

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    A low cost Navstar receiver system for civil aviation applications was defined. User objectives and constraints were established. Alternative navigation processing design trades were evaluated. Receiver hardware was synthesized by comparing technology projections with various candidate system designs. A control display unit design was recommended as the result of field test experience with Phase I GPS sets and a review of special human factors for general aviation users. Areas requiring technology development to ensure a low cost Navstar Set in the 1985 timeframe were identified

    Testing Enabling Technologies for Safe UAS Urban Operations

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    A set of more than 100 flight operations were conducted at NASA Langley Research Center using small UAS (sUAS) to demonstrate, test, and evaluate a set of technologies and an overarching air-ground system concept aimed at enabling safety. The research vehicle was tracked continuously during nominal traversal of planned flight paths while autonomously operating over moderately populated land. For selected flights, off-nominal risks were introduced, including vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) encounters. Three contingency maneuvers were demonstrated that provide safe responses. These maneuvers made use of an integrated air/ground platform and two on-board autonomous capabilities. Flight data was monitored and recorded with multiple ground systems and was forwarded in real time to a UAS traffic management (UTM) server for airspace coordination and supervision