20 research outputs found

    Bimanual Interaction with Clothes. Topology, Geometry, and Policy Representations in Robots

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    Twardon L. Bimanual Interaction with Clothes. Topology, Geometry, and Policy Representations in Robots. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019.If anthropomorphic robots are to assist people with activities of daily living, they must be able to handle all kinds of everyday objects, including highly deformable ones such as garments. The present thesis begins with a detailed problem analysis of robotic interaction with and perception of clothes. We show that handling items of clothing is very challenging due to their complex dynamics and the vast number of degrees of freedom. As a result of our analysis, we obtain a topological, geometric, and functional description of garments that supports the development of reduced object and task representations. One of the key findings is that the boundary components, which typically correspond with the openings, characterize garments well, both in terms of their topology and their inherent purpose, namely dressing. We present a polygon-based and an interactive method for identifying boundary components using RGB-D vision with application to grasping. Moreover, we propose Active Boundary Component Models (ABCMs), a constraint-based framework for tracking garment openings with point clouds. It is often difficult to maintain an accurate representation of the objects involved in contact-rich interaction tasks such as dressing assistance. Therefore, our policy optimization approach to putting a knit cap on a styrofoam head avoids modeling the details of the garment and its deformations. The experimental results suggest that a heuristic performance measure that takes into account the amount of contact established between the two objects is suitable for the task

    Programming by Demonstration on Riemannian Manifolds

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    This thesis presents a Riemannian approach to Programming by Demonstration (PbD). It generalizes an existing PbD method from Euclidean manifolds to Riemannian manifolds. In this abstract, we review the objectives, methods and contributions of the presented approach. OBJECTIVES PbD aims at providing a user-friendly method for skill transfer between human and robot. It enables a user to teach a robot new tasks using few demonstrations. In order to surpass simple record-and-replay, methods for PbD need to \u2018understand\u2019 what to imitate; they need to extract the functional goals of a task from the demonstration data. This is typically achieved through the application of statisticalmethods. The variety of data encountered in robotics is large. Typical manipulation tasks involve position, orientation, stiffness, force and torque data. These data are not solely Euclidean. Instead, they originate from a variety of manifolds, curved spaces that are only locally Euclidean. Elementary operations, such as summation, are not defined on manifolds. Consequently, standard statistical methods are not well suited to analyze demonstration data that originate fromnon-Euclidean manifolds. In order to effectively extract what-to-imitate, methods for PbD should take into account the underlying geometry of the demonstration manifold; they should be geometry-aware. Successful task execution does not solely depend on the control of individual task variables. By controlling variables individually, a task might fail when one is perturbed and the others do not respond. Task execution also relies on couplings among task variables. These couplings describe functional relations which are often called synergies. In order to understand what-to-imitate, PbDmethods should be able to extract and encode synergies; they should be synergetic. In unstructured environments, it is unlikely that tasks are found in the same scenario twice. The circumstances under which a task is executed\u2014the task context\u2014are more likely to differ each time it is executed. Task context does not only vary during task execution, it also varies while learning and recognizing tasks. To be effective, a robot should be able to learn, recognize and synthesize skills in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts; this can be achieved when its skill representation is context-adaptive. THE RIEMANNIAN APPROACH In this thesis, we present a skill representation that is geometry-aware, synergetic and context-adaptive. The presented method is probabilistic; it assumes that demonstrations are samples from an unknown probability distribution. This distribution is approximated using a Riemannian GaussianMixtureModel (GMM). Instead of using the \u2018standard\u2019 Euclidean Gaussian, we rely on the Riemannian Gaussian\u2014 a distribution akin the Gaussian, but defined on a Riemannian manifold. A Riev mannian manifold is a manifold\u2014a curved space which is locally Euclidean\u2014that provides a notion of distance. This notion is essential for statistical methods as such methods rely on a distance measure. Examples of Riemannian manifolds in robotics are: the Euclidean spacewhich is used for spatial data, forces or torques; the spherical manifolds, which can be used for orientation data defined as unit quaternions; and Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) manifolds, which can be used to represent stiffness and manipulability. The Riemannian Gaussian is intrinsically geometry-aware. Its definition is based on the geometry of the manifold, and therefore takes into account the manifold curvature. In robotics, the manifold structure is often known beforehand. In the case of PbD, it follows from the structure of the demonstration data. Like the Gaussian distribution, the Riemannian Gaussian is defined by a mean and covariance. The covariance describes the variance and correlation among the state variables. These can be interpreted as local functional couplings among state variables: synergies. This makes the Riemannian Gaussian synergetic. Furthermore, information encoded in multiple Riemannian Gaussians can be fused using the Riemannian product of Gaussians. This feature allows us to construct a probabilistic context-adaptive task representation. CONTRIBUTIONS In particular, this thesis presents a generalization of existing methods of PbD, namely GMM-GMR and TP-GMM. This generalization involves the definition ofMaximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE), Gaussian conditioning and Gaussian product for the Riemannian Gaussian, and the definition of ExpectationMaximization (EM) and GaussianMixture Regression (GMR) for the Riemannian GMM. In this generalization, we contributed by proposing to use parallel transport for Gaussian conditioning. Furthermore, we presented a unified approach to solve the aforementioned operations using aGauss-Newton algorithm. We demonstrated how synergies, encoded in a Riemannian Gaussian, can be transformed into synergetic control policies using standard methods for LinearQuadratic Regulator (LQR). This is achieved by formulating the LQR problem in a (Euclidean) tangent space of the Riemannian manifold. Finally, we demonstrated how the contextadaptive Task-Parameterized Gaussian Mixture Model (TP-GMM) can be used for context inference\u2014the ability to extract context from demonstration data of known tasks. Our approach is the first attempt of context inference in the light of TP-GMM. Although effective, we showed that it requires further improvements in terms of speed and reliability. The efficacy of the Riemannian approach is demonstrated in a variety of scenarios. In shared control, the Riemannian Gaussian is used to represent control intentions of a human operator and an assistive system. Doing so, the properties of the Gaussian can be employed to mix their control intentions. This yields shared-control systems that continuously re-evaluate and assign control authority based on input confidence. The context-adaptive TP-GMMis demonstrated in a Pick & Place task with changing pick and place locations, a box-taping task with changing box sizes, and a trajectory tracking task typically found in industr

    Visual Perception of Garments for their Robotic Manipulation

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    Tématem předložené práce je strojové vnímání textilií založené na obrazové informaci a využité pro jejich robotickou manipulaci. Práce studuje několik reprezentativních textilií v běžných kognitivně-manipulačních úlohách, jako je například třídění neznámých oděvů podle typu nebo jejich skládání. Některé z těchto činností by v budoucnu mohly být vykonávány domácími robotickými pomocníky. Strojová manipulace s textiliemi je poptávaná také v průmyslu. Hlavní výzvou řešeného problému je měkkost a s tím související vysoká deformovatelnost textilií, které se tak mohou nacházet v bezpočtu vizuálně velmi odlišných stavů.The presented work addresses the visual perception of garments applied for their robotic manipulation. Various types of garments are considered in the typical perception and manipulation tasks, including their classification, folding or unfolding. Our work is motivated by the possibility of having humanoid household robots performing these tasks for us in the future, as well as by the industrial applications. The main challenge is the high deformability of garments, which can be posed in infinitely many configurations with a significantly varying appearance

    Efficient Dense Registration, Segmentation, and Modeling Methods for RGB-D Environment Perception

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    One perspective for artificial intelligence research is to build machines that perform tasks autonomously in our complex everyday environments. This setting poses challenges to the development of perception skills: A robot should be able to perceive its location and objects in its surrounding, while the objects and the robot itself could also be moving. Objects may not only be composed of rigid parts, but could be non-rigidly deformable or appear in a variety of similar shapes. Furthermore, it could be relevant to the task to observe object semantics. For a robot acting fluently and immediately, these perception challenges demand efficient methods. This theses presents novel approaches to robot perception with RGB-D sensors. It develops efficient registration, segmentation, and modeling methods for scene and object perception. We propose multi-resolution surfel maps as a concise representation for RGB-D measurements. We develop probabilistic registration methods that handle rigid scenes, scenes with multiple rigid parts that move differently, and scenes that undergo non-rigid deformations. We use these methods to learn and perceive 3D models of scenes and objects in both static and dynamic environments. For learning models of static scenes, we propose a real-time capable simultaneous localization and mapping approach. It aligns key views in RGB-D video using our rigid registration method and optimizes the pose graph of the key views. The acquired models are then perceived in live images through detection and tracking within a Bayesian filtering framework. An assumption frequently made for environment mapping is that the observed scene remains static during the mapping process. Through rigid multi-body registration, we take advantage of releasing this assumption: Our registration method segments views into parts that move independently between the views and simultaneously estimates their motion. Within simultaneous motion segmentation, localization, and mapping, we separate scenes into objects by their motion. Our approach acquires 3D models of objects and concurrently infers hierarchical part relations between them using probabilistic reasoning. It can be applied for interactive learning of objects and their part decomposition. Endowing robots with manipulation skills for a large variety of objects is a tedious endeavor if the skill is programmed for every instance of an object class. Furthermore, slight deformations of an instance could not be handled by an inflexible program. Deformable registration is useful to perceive such shape variations, e.g., between specific instances of a tool. We develop an efficient deformable registration method and apply it for the transfer of robot manipulation skills between varying object instances. On the object-class level, we segment images using random decision forest classifiers in real-time. The probabilistic labelings of individual images are fused in 3D semantic maps within a Bayesian framework. We combine our object-class segmentation method with simultaneous localization and mapping to achieve online semantic mapping in real-time. The methods developed in this thesis are evaluated in experiments on publicly available benchmark datasets and novel own datasets. We publicly demonstrate several of our perception approaches within integrated robot systems in the mobile manipulation context.Effiziente Dichte Registrierungs-, Segmentierungs- und Modellierungsmethoden für die RGB-D Umgebungswahrnehmung In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit Herausforderungen der visuellen Wahrnehmung für intelligente Roboter in Alltagsumgebungen. Solche Roboter sollen sich selbst in ihrer Umgebung zurechtfinden, und Wissen über den Verbleib von Objekten erwerben können. Die Schwierigkeit dieser Aufgaben erhöht sich in dynamischen Umgebungen, in denen ein Roboter die Bewegung einzelner Teile differenzieren und auch wahrnehmen muss, wie sich diese Teile bewegen. Bewegt sich ein Roboter selbständig in dieser Umgebung, muss er auch seine eigene Bewegung von der Veränderung der Umgebung unterscheiden. Szenen können sich aber nicht nur durch die Bewegung starrer Teile verändern. Auch die Teile selbst können ihre Form in nicht-rigider Weise ändern. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt die semantische Interpretation von Szenengeometrie und -aussehen dar. Damit intelligente Roboter unmittelbar und flüssig handeln können, sind effiziente Algorithmen für diese Wahrnehmungsprobleme erforderlich. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir effiziente Methoden zur Repräsentation und Registrierung von RGB-D Messungen. Zunächst stellen wir Multi-Resolutions-Oberflächenelement-Karten (engl. multi-resolution surfel maps, MRSMaps) als eine kompakte Repräsentation von RGB-D Messungen vor, die unseren effizienten Registrierungsmethoden zugrunde liegt. Bilder können effizient in dieser Repräsentation aggregiert werde, wobei auch mehrere Bilder aus verschiedenen Blickpunkten integriert werden können, um Modelle von Szenen und Objekte aus vielfältigen Ansichten darzustellen. Für die effiziente, robuste und genaue Registrierung von MRSMaps wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Rigidheit der betrachteten Szene voraussetzt. Die Registrierung schätzt die Kamerabewegung zwischen den Bildern und gewinnt ihre Effizienz durch die Ausnutzung der kompakten multi-resolutionalen Darstellung der Karten. Die Registrierungsmethode erzielt hohe Bildverarbeitungsraten auf einer CPU. Wir demonstrieren hohe Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Robustheit unserer Methode im Vergleich zum bisherigen Stand der Forschung auf Vergleichsdatensätzen. In einem weiteren Registrierungsansatz lösen wir uns von der Annahme, dass die betrachtete Szene zwischen Bildern statisch ist. Wir erlauben nun, dass sich rigide Teile der Szene bewegen dürfen, und erweitern unser rigides Registrierungsverfahren auf diesen Fall. Unser Ansatz segmentiert das Bild in Bereiche einzelner Teile, die sich unterschiedlich zwischen Bildern bewegen. Wir demonstrieren hohe Segmentierungsgenauigkeit und Genauigkeit in der Bewegungsschätzung unter Echtzeitbedingungen für die Verarbeitung. Schließlich entwickeln wir ein Verfahren für die Wahrnehmung von nicht-rigiden Deformationen zwischen zwei MRSMaps. Auch hier nutzen wir die multi-resolutionale Struktur in den Karten für ein effizientes Registrieren von grob zu fein. Wir schlagen Methoden vor, um aus den geschätzten Deformationen die lokale Bewegung zwischen den Bildern zu berechnen. Wir evaluieren Genauigkeit und Effizienz des Registrierungsverfahrens. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Verwendung unserer Kartenrepräsentation und Registrierungsmethoden für die Wahrnehmung von Szenen und Objekten. Wir verwenden MRSMaps und unsere rigide Registrierungsmethode, um dichte 3D Modelle von Szenen und Objekten zu lernen. Die räumlichen Beziehungen zwischen Schlüsselansichten, die wir durch Registrierung schätzen, werden in einem Simultanen Lokalisierungs- und Kartierungsverfahren (engl. simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM) gegeneinander abgewogen, um die Blickposen der Schlüsselansichten zu schätzen. Für das Verfolgen der Kamerapose bezüglich der Modelle in Echtzeit, kombinieren wir die Genauigkeit unserer Registrierung mit der Robustheit von Partikelfiltern. Zu Beginn der Posenverfolgung, oder wenn das Objekt aufgrund von Verdeckungen oder extremen Bewegungen nicht weiter verfolgt werden konnte, initialisieren wir das Filter durch Objektdetektion. Anschließend wenden wir unsere erweiterten Registrierungsverfahren für die Wahrnehmung in nicht-rigiden Szenen und für die Übertragung von Objekthandhabungsfähigkeiten von Robotern an. Wir erweitern unseren rigiden Kartierungsansatz auf dynamische Szenen, in denen sich rigide Teile bewegen. Die Bewegungssegmente in Schlüsselansichten werden zueinander in Bezug gesetzt, um Äquivalenz- und Teilebeziehungen von Objekten probabilistisch zu inferieren, denen die Segmente entsprechen. Auch hier liefert unsere Registrierungsmethode die Bewegung der Kamera bezüglich der Objekte, die wir in einem SLAM Verfahren optimieren. Aus diesen Blickposen wiederum können wir die Bewegungssegmente in dichten Objektmodellen vereinen. Objekte einer Klasse teilen oft eine gemeinsame Topologie von funktionalen Elementen, die durch Formkorrespondenzen ermittelt werden kann. Wir verwenden unsere deformierbare Registrierung, um solche Korrespondenzen zu finden und die Handhabung eines Objektes durch einen Roboter auf neue Objektinstanzen derselben Klasse zu übertragen. Schließlich entwickeln wir einen echtzeitfähigen Ansatz, der Kategorien von Objekten in RGB-D Bildern erkennt und segmentiert. Die Segmentierung basiert auf Ensemblen randomisierter Entscheidungsbäume, die Geometrie- und Texturmerkmale zur Klassifikation verwenden. Wir fusionieren Segmentierungen von Einzelbildern einer Szene aus mehreren Ansichten in einer semantischen Objektklassenkarte mit Hilfe unseres SLAM-Verfahrens. Die vorgestellten Methoden werden auf öffentlich verfügbaren Vergleichsdatensätzen und eigenen Datensätzen evaluiert. Einige unserer Ansätze wurden auch in integrierten Robotersystemen für mobile Objekthantierungsaufgaben öffentlich demonstriert. Sie waren ein wichtiger Bestandteil für das Gewinnen der RoboCup-Roboterwettbewerbe in der RoboCup@Home Liga in den Jahren 2011, 2012 und 2013

    Robot manipulator skill learning and generalising through teleoperation

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    Robot manipulators have been widely used for simple repetitive, and accurate tasks in industrial plants, such as pick and place, assembly and welding etc., but it is still hard to deploy in human-centred environments for dexterous manipulation tasks, such as medical examination and robot-assisted healthcare. These tasks are not only related to motion planning and control but also to the compliant interaction behaviour of robots, e.g. motion control, force regulation and impedance adaptation simultaneously under dynamic and unknown environments. Recently, with the development of collaborative robotics (cobots) and machine learning, robot skill learning and generalising have attained increasing attention from robotics, machine learning and neuroscience communities. Nevertheless, learning complex and compliant manipulation skills, such as manipulating deformable objects, scanning the human body and folding clothes, is still challenging for robots. On the other hand, teleoperation, also namely remote operation or telerobotics, has been an old research area since 1950, and there have been a number of applications such as space exploration, telemedicine, marine vehicles and emergency response etc. One of its advantages is to combine the precise control of robots with human intelligence to perform dexterous and safety-critical tasks from a distance. In addition, telepresence allows remote operators could feel the actual interaction between the robot and the environment, including the vision, sound and haptic feedback etc. Especially under the development of various augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and wearable devices, intuitive and immersive teleoperation have received increasing attention from robotics and computer science communities. Thus, various human-robot collaboration (HRC) interfaces based on the above technologies were developed to integrate robot control and telemanipulation by human operators for robot skills learning from human beings. In this context, robot skill learning could benefit teleoperation by automating repetitive and tedious tasks, and teleoperation demonstration and interaction by human teachers also allow the robot to learn progressively and interactively. Therefore, in this dissertation, we study human-robot skill transfer and generalising through intuitive teleoperation interfaces for contact-rich manipulation tasks, including medical examination, manipulating deformable objects, grasping soft objects and composite layup in manufacturing. The introduction, motivation and objectives of this thesis are introduced in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, a literature review on manipulation skills acquisition through teleoperation is carried out, and the motivation and objectives of this thesis are discussed subsequently. Overall, the main contents of this thesis have three parts: Part 1 (Chapter 3) introduces the development and controller design of teleoperation systems with multimodal feedback, which is the foundation of this project for robot learning from human demonstration and interaction. In Part 2 (Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7), we studied primitive skill library theory, behaviour tree-based modular method, and perception-enhanced method to improve the generalisation capability of learning from the human demonstrations. And several applications were employed to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods.In Part 3 (Chapter 8), we studied the deep multimodal neural networks to encode the manipulation skill, especially the multimodal perception information. This part conducted physical experiments on robot-assisted ultrasound scanning applications.Chapter 9 summarises the contributions and potential directions of this thesis. Keywords: Learning from demonstration; Teleoperation; Multimodal interface; Human-in-the-loop; Compliant control; Human-robot interaction; Robot-assisted sonography

    Tactile Perception And Visuotactile Integration For Robotic Exploration

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    As the close perceptual sibling of vision, the sense of touch has historically received less than deserved attention in both human psychology and robotics. In robotics, this may be attributed to at least two reasons. First, it suffers from the vicious cycle of immature sensor technology, which causes industry demand to be low, and then there is even less incentive to make existing sensors in research labs easy to manufacture and marketable. Second, the situation stems from a fear of making contact with the environment, avoided in every way so that visually perceived states do not change before a carefully estimated and ballistically executed physical interaction. Fortunately, the latter viewpoint is starting to change. Work in interactive perception and contact-rich manipulation are on the rise. Good reasons are steering the manipulation and locomotion communities’ attention towards deliberate physical interaction with the environment prior to, during, and after a task. We approach the problem of perception prior to manipulation, using the sense of touch, for the purpose of understanding the surroundings of an autonomous robot. The overwhelming majority of work in perception for manipulation is based on vision. While vision is a fast and global modality, it is insufficient as the sole modality, especially in environments where the ambient light or the objects therein do not lend themselves to vision, such as in darkness, smoky or dusty rooms in search and rescue, underwater, transparent and reflective objects, and retrieving items inside a bag. Even in normal lighting conditions, during a manipulation task, the target object and fingers are usually occluded from view by the gripper. Moreover, vision-based grasp planners, typically trained in simulation, often make errors that cannot be foreseen until contact. As a step towards addressing these problems, we present first a global shape-based feature descriptor for object recognition using non-prehensile tactile probing alone. Then, we investigate in making the tactile modality, local and slow by nature, more efficient for the task by predicting the most cost-effective moves using active exploration. To combine the local and physical advantages of touch and the fast and global advantages of vision, we propose and evaluate a learning-based method for visuotactile integration for grasping

    Generative and predictive models for robust manipulation

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    Probabilistic modelling of manipulation skills, perception and uncertainty pose many challenges at different stages of a typical robot manipulation pipeline. This thesis is about devising algorithms and strategies for improving robustness in object manipulation skills acquired from demonstration and derived from learnt physical models in non-prehensile tasks such as pushing. Manipulation skills can be made robust in different ways: first by improving time performance for grasp synthesis, second by employing active perceptual strategies that exploit generated grasp action hypothesis to more efficiently gather task-relevant information for grasp generation, and finally via exploiting predictive uncertainty in learnt physical models. Hence, robust manipulation skills emerge from the interplay of a triad of capabilities: generative modelling for action synthesis, active perception, and finally learning and exploiting uncertainty in physical interactions. This thesis addresses these problems by • Showing how parametric models for approximating multimodal distributions can be used as a computationally faster method for generative grasp synthesis. • Exploiting generative methods for dexterous grasp synthesis and investigating how active vision strategies can be applied to improve grasp execution safety, success rate, and utilise fewer camera views of an object for grasp generation. • Outlining methods to model and exploit predictive uncertainty from learnt forward models to achieve robust, uncertainty-averse non-prehensile manipulation, such as push manipulation. In particular, the thesis: (i) presents a framework for generative grasp synthesis with applications for real-time grasp synthesis suitable for multi-fingered robot hands; (ii) describes a sensorisation method for under-actuated hands, such as the Pisa/IIT SoftHand, which allows us to deploy the aforementioned grasp synthesis framework to this type of robotic hand; (iii) provides an active vision approach for view selection that makes use of generative grasp synthesis methods to perform perceptual predictions in order to leverage grasp performance, taking into account grasp execution safety and contact information; and (iv) finally, going beyond prehensile skills, provides an approach to model and exploit predictive uncertainty from learnt physics applied to push manipulation. Experimental results are presented in simulation and on real robot platforms to validate the proposed methods

    Activity related biometrics for person authentication

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    One of the major challenges in human-machine interaction has always been the development of such techniques that are able to provide accurate human recognition, so as to other either personalized services or to protect critical infrastructures from unauthorized access. To this direction, a series of well stated and efficient methods have been proposed mainly based on biometric characteristics of the user. Despite the significant progress that has been achieved recently, there are still many open issues in the area, concerning not only the performance of the systems but also the intrusiveness of the collecting methods. The current thesis deals with the investigation of novel, activity-related biometric traits and their potential for multiple and unobtrusive authentication based on the spatiotemporal analysis of human activities. In particular, it starts with an extensive bibliography review regarding the most important works in the area of biometrics, exhibiting and justifying in parallel the transition that is performed from the classic biometrics to the new concept of behavioural biometrics. Based on previous works related to the human physiology and human motion and motivated by the intuitive assumption that different body types and different characters would produce distinguishable, and thus, valuable for biometric verification, activity-related traits, a new type of biometrics, the so-called prehension biometrics (i.e. the combined movement of reaching, grasping activities), is introduced and thoroughly studied herein. The analysis is performed via the so-called Activity hyper-Surfaces that form a dynamic movement-related manifold for the extraction of a series of behavioural features. Thereafter, the focus is laid on the extraction of continuous soft biometric features and their efficient combination with state-of-the-art biometric approaches towards increased authentication performance and enhanced security in template storage via Soft biometric Keys. In this context, a novel and generic probabilistic framework is proposed that produces an enhanced matching probability based on the modelling of the systematic error induced during the estimation of the aforementioned soft biometrics and the efficient clustering of the soft biometric feature space. Next, an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed methodologies follows that effectively illustrates the increased authentication potential of the prehension-related biometrics and the significant advances in the recognition performance by the probabilistic framework. In particular, the prehension biometrics related biometrics is applied on several databases of ~100 different subjects in total performing a great variety of movements. The carried out experiments simulate both episodic and multiple authentication scenarios, while contextual parameters, (i.e. the ergonomic-based quality factors of the human body) are also taken into account. Furthermore, the probabilistic framework for augmenting biometric recognition via soft biometrics is applied on top of two state-of-art biometric systems, i.e. a gait recognition (> 100 subjects)- and a 3D face recognition-based one (~55 subjects), exhibiting significant advances to their performance. The thesis is concluded with an in-depth discussion summarizing the major achievements of the current work, as well as some possible drawbacks and other open issues of the proposed approaches that could be addressed in future works.Open Acces

    A Hierarchical Architecture for Flexible Human-Robot Collaboration

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    This thesis is devoted to design a software architecture for Human- Robot Collaboration (HRC), to enhance the robots\u2019 abilities for working alongside humans. We propose FlexHRC, a hierarchical and flexible human-robot cooperation architecture specifically designed to provide collaborative robots with an extended degree of autonomy when supporting human operators in tasks with high-variability. Along with FlexHRC, we have introduced novel techniques appropriate for three interleaved levels, namely perception, representation, and action, each one aimed at addressing specific traits of humanrobot cooperation tasks. The Industry 4.0 paradigm emphasizes the crucial benefits that collaborative robots could bring to the whole production process. In this context, a yet unreached enabling technology is the design of robots able to deal at all levels with humans\u2019 intrinsic variability, which is not only a necessary element to a comfortable working experience for humans but also a precious capability for efficiently dealing with unexpected events. Moreover, a flexible assembly of semi-finished products is one of the expected features of next-generation shop-floor lines. Currently, such flexibility is placed on the shoulders of human operators, who are responsible for product variability, and therefore they are subject to potentially high stress levels and cognitive load when dealing with complex operations. At the same time, operations in the shop-floor are still very structured and well-defined. Collaborative robots have been designed to allow for a transition of such burden from human operators to robots that are flexible enough to support them in high-variability tasks while they unfold. As mentioned before, FlexHRC architecture encompasses three perception, action, and representation levels. The perception level relies on wearable sensors for human action recognition and point cloud data for perceiving the object in the scene. The action level embraces four components, the robot execution manager for decoupling action planning from robot motion planning and mapping the symbolic actions to the robot controller command interface, a task Priority framework to control the robot, a differential equation solver to simulate and evaluate the robot behaviour on-the-fly, and finally a random-based method for the robot path planning. The representation level depends on AND/OR graphs for the representation of and the reasoning upon human-robot cooperation models online, a task manager to plan, adapt, and make decision for the robot behaviors, and a knowledge base in order to store the cooperation and workspace information. We evaluated the FlexHRC functionalities according to the application desired objectives. This evaluation is accompanied with several experiments, namely collaborative screwing task, coordinated transportation of the objects in cluttered environment, collaborative table assembly task, and object positioning tasks. The main contributions of this work are: (i) design and implementation of FlexHRC which enables the functional requirements necessary for the shop-floor assembly application such as task and team level flexibility, scalability, adaptability, and safety just a few to name, (ii) development of the task representation, which integrates a hierarchical AND/OR graph whose online behaviour is formally specified using First Order Logic, (iii) an in-the-loop simulation-based decision making process for the operations of collaborative robots coping with the variability of human operator actions, (iv) the robot adaptation to the human on-the-fly decisions and actions via human action recognition, and (v) the predictable robot behavior to the human user thanks to the task priority based control frame, the introduced path planner, and the natural and intuitive communication of the robot with the human