236 research outputs found

    NASA space station software standards issues

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    The selection and application of software standards present the NASA Space Station Program with the opportunity to serve as a pacesetter for the United States software in the area of software standards. The strengths and weaknesses of each of the NASA defined software standards issues are summerized and discussed. Several significant standards issues are offered for NASA consideration. A challenge is presented for the NASA Space Station Program to serve as a pacesetter for the U.S. Software Industry through: (1) Management commitment to software standards; (2) Overall program participation in software standards; and (3) Employment of the best available technology to support software standard

    A conceptual model for megaprogramming

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    Megaprogramming is component-based software engineering and life-cycle management. Magaprogramming and its relationship to other research initiatives (common prototyping system/common prototyping language, domain specific software architectures, and software understanding) are analyzed. The desirable attributes of megaprogramming software components are identified and a software development model and resulting prototype megaprogramming system (library interconnection language extended by annotated Ada) are described

    A Programming Environment Evaluation Methodology for Object-Oriented Systems

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    The object-oriented design strategy as both a problem decomposition and system development paradigm has made impressive inroads into the various areas of the computing sciences. Substantial development productivity improvements have been demonstrated in areas ranging from artificial intelligence to user interface design. However, there has been very little progress in the formal characterization of these productivity improvements and in the identification of the underlying cognitive mechanisms. The development and validation of models and metrics of this sort require large amounts of systematically-gathered structural and productivity data. There has, however, been a notable lack of systematically-gathered information on these development environments. A large part of this problem is attributable to the lack of a systematic programming environment evaluation methodology that is appropriate to the evaluation of object-oriented systems

    Research into software executives for space operations support

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    Research concepts pertaining to a software (workstation) executive which will support a distributed processing command and control system characterized by high-performance graphics workstations used as computing nodes are presented. Although a workstation-based distributed processing environment offers many advantages, it also introduces a number of new concerns. In order to solve these problems, allow the environment to function as an integrated system, and present a functional development environment to application programmers, it is necessary to develop an additional layer of software. This 'executive' software integrates the system, provides real-time capabilities, and provides the tools necessary to support the application requirements

    Gestão de campos de golfe em contexto turístico: estudo de caso da região do Algarve

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    OBJETIVOS: O golfe, como indústria, foi posta em causa pelo surgimento de uma pandemia provocada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2. Procurou-se saber se, e de que forma, os campos de golfe do Algarve se adaptaram ou não a uma nova realidade com dois períodos de encerramento, menos clientes e menos funcionários, durante a pandemia Covid-19. Avaliar ainda, se a gestão dos campos aproveitou para fazer alterações substanciais no seu modelo de negócio, nas infraestruturas e recursos humanos. O encerramento dos campos de golfe durante um período alargado foi inédito, mas, permitiu investigar implicações importantes para os modelos de gestão dos campos de golfe, focando especificamente a temática da sustentabilidade ambiental na perspetiva da visão dos diretores e a perceção dos greenkeepers quanto à gestão ambiental dos campos de golfe e consequentemente as ações implementadas e identificar as alterações na gestão ambiental dos campos no cenário pós-Covid. METODOLOGIA: Foram aplicados questionários a 28 diretores e a 18 grenkeepers dos campos de golfe do Algarve. Os questionários, adaptados de Pradas (2016), foram na sua grande maioria entregues de forma presencial, para que quaisquer dúvidas no preenchimento dos mesmos pudessem ser esclarecidas. O instrumento desenhado referiu-se primeiro às características da gestão dos campos de golfe. Na segunda parte do questionário procurou-se medir a importância de eventuais alterações realizadas durante os períodos de interrupção da atividade. O inquérito destinado aos GKs foi constituído por 18 questões que aferiram as características da inventariação do tempo dedicadas ao tratamento das várias áreas do campo de golfe e a importância das atividades que estes realizam para tornar o campo de golfe sustentável ambientalmente. Para este estudo descritivo a análise estatística foi realizada utilizando o software IBM SPSS Statistics versão 27. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva da amostra das diferentes variáveis. As variáveis qualitativas (e.g., género, posse de certificação ISO), são descritas utilizando as frequências e percentagens correspondentes a cada categoria definida na variável. As variáveis quantitativas (e.g., idade), são descritas pela média e desvio padrão. RESULTADOS: As respostas obtidas revelam que a generalidade dos campos de golfe não alterou profundamente o seu modelo de gestão para além da obrigatoriedade de elaborar planos de contingência para evitar a propagação da doença. A maioria dos campos recorreu às medidas de apoio do Estado, fez alterações no número dos seus recursos humanos e centrou a atenção em atrair clientes adaptando os preços. Os diretores dos campos não consideraram a sustentabilidade ambiental como um dos fatores mais importantes na gestão dos campos de golfe. Relativamente à intervenção dos GKs, estes revelaram ter conhecimento das boas práticas ambientais para campos de golfe. Os resultados evidenciam o suporte de todos os GKs à importância de ter um campo de golfe ambientalmente sustentável. Contudo, as razões apontadas para alcançar esse objetivo são maioritariamente de ordem económica, nomeadamente para “reduzir custos”. CONCLUSÕES: A atividade do golfe no Algarve foi retomada, com uma manutenção do fluxo da maioria dos campos e alguns campos a terem registado até um aumento do fluxo de atividade do seu campo. Conclui-se que a generalidade dos campos de golfe não alterou profundamente o seu modelo de gestão para além da obrigatoriedade de elaborar planos de contingência para evitar a propagação da doença. Relativamente à perspetiva ambiental, esta não é um dos três fatores considerados importantes para o gestor dos campos de golfe. De acordo com a opinião e ação dos GKs este estudo permite concluir que as principais atividades realizadas para tornar o campo de golfe sustentável ambientalmente são o desenvolvimento de um plano para armazenamento e uso seguro de pesticidas. Neste enquadramento, evitar a contaminação, o escolher fertilizantes e pesticidas, corretivos orgânicos do solo e o uso de técnicas para economizar água, são as ações consideradas mais importantes para que o campo de golfe seja ambientalmente sustentável.OBJETIVES: The golf, as an industry, has been called into question because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper studies how the golf courses in the Algarve coped with the pandemic and how they adapted to this new reality: with two periods of close down, less customers and less staff. We asses as well if the management entities took opportunity to change or develop their business model, infrastructures, or human resources. The prolonged closing of golf courses was a novelty, but allowed investigations to take place, regarding the management models of the courses – mainly the sustainability area in the perspective of directors and greenkeepers perceptions of environmental management and measures implemented after the Covid. METHODOLOGY: There were 28 directors of golf courses that reply to the enquiry, and 18 greenkeepers that did the same. The queries were in their majority delivered in personal, in case there was any doubt during the filling of the paper. The query asked about the characteristic of the management of the golf courses. The second part measured the importance given to hypothetic changes during the periods of close down. The query filled by the GKs had 18 questions about the time spend in the courses, and the tasks/activities done that made the course more sustainable and environmentally friendly. In order to accomplish this study, it was used the software IBM SPSS Statistics version 27. Firstly, it was done a descriptive analysis of the samples of the several variables: qualitative variables (gender, ISO certification) are described using the frequency and percentages correspondent to each category of the variable. The quantitative variables (age) are described by the average value and standard deviation. RESULTS: The answers obtain revealed that the great majority of the courses did not change their management model, besides the fact that they are now obliged to have contingency plans to avoid the propagation of Covid. Most of the courses asked help from the government to change the quantity of their human resources and adapt the prices to the customers. Regarding the directors of the fields, they don’t consider the environmental aspect as one of the most important ones for the management of the courses. The GKs revealed to have good environmental practices towards the fields. The results show that the majority of the GKs defend sustainable practices, but most of the time these practices are not monetary speaking sustainable. CONCLUSION: The path pursued to restore the golf in the Algarve, as an industry and economy was made gradually, with some golf courses considering that the occupancy post Covid-19 was higher than before the pandemic situation. We conclude that the fields seem to have not built solid basis to return to the numbers they were doing before the Covid appear, having the answers they gave to the query in background. Regarding the environment, and according to the GK’s, this study allows us to conclude that the main activities done to make the course more sustainable are the developing of a plan for pesticides/improvers and their use and measures to save and economize the water usage

    Historical Diver, Volume 11, Issue 2 (Number 35), 2003

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    Greenpass RADIUS Tools for Delegated Authorization in Wireless Networks

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    Dartmouth\u27s Greenpass project extends how public key cryptography can be used to secure the wireless LAN with a RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) server that is responsible for handling authentication requests from clients (called supplicants in the 802.1x authentication model). This thesis describes the design and implementation of the authentication process of Greenpass, specifically what decisions are made in determining who is granted access and how a small modification of already existing protocols can be used to provide guest access in a way that better reflects how delegation of authority works in the real world. Greenpass takes advantage of the existing PKI to authenticate local Dartmouth users via X.509 identity certificates using EAP-TLS. We use the flexibility of SPKI/SDSI (Simple Public Key Infrastructure/Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure) authorization certificates to distribute the responsibility of delegating access to guests to certain authorized delegators, avoiding some of the necessary steps and paperwork associated with having a large centralized entity responsible for the entire institution. This thesis also discusses how our solution can be adapted to support different methods of guest delegation and investigates the possibility of eliminating the cumbersome central entity and administrative overhead traditionally associated with public key cryptography