88 research outputs found

    Genetic And Evolutionary Biometrics:Multiobjective, Multimodal, Feature Selection/Weighting For Tightly Coupled Periocular And Face Recognition

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    The Genetic & Evolutionary Computation (GEC) research community has seen the emergence of a new subarea, referred to as Genetic & Evolutionary Biometrics (GEB), as GECs have been applied to solve a variety of biometric problems. In this dissertation, we present three new GEB techniques for multibiometric recognition: Genetic & Evolutionary Feature Selection (GEFeS), Weighting (GEFeW), and Weighting/Selection (GEFeWS). Instead of selecting the most salient individual features, these techniques evolve subsets of the most salient combinations of features and/or weight features based on their discriminative ability in an effort to increase accuracy while decreasing the overall number of features needed for recognition. We also incorporate cross validation into our best performing technique in an attempt to evolve feature masks (FMs) that also generalize well to unseen subjects and we search the value preference space in an attempt to analyze its impact in respect to optimization and generalization. Our results show that by fusing the periocular biometric with the face, we can achieve higher recognition accuracies than using the two biometric modalities independently. Our results also show that our GEB techniques are able to achieve higher recognition rates than the baseline methods, while using significantly fewer features. In addition, by incorporating machine learning, we were able to create FMs that also generalize well to unseen subjects and use less than 50% of the extracted features. Finally, by searching the value preference space, we were able to determine which weights were most effective in terms of optimization and generalization

    Genetic And Evolutionary Feature Selection And Weighting For Face Recognition

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    Investigated the hybridization of genetic-based feature selection (GEFeS), genetic-based feature weighting (GEFeW) and LBP-based face recognition techniques. The results indicate that feature selection and weighting enhances the overall performance of LBP-based face recognition techniques

    Multimodal score-level fusion using hybrid ga-pso for multibiometric system

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    Due to the limitations that unimodal systems suffer from, Multibiometric systems have gained much interest in the research community on the grounds that they alleviate most of these limitations and are capable of producing better accuracies and performances. One of the important steps to reach this is the choice of the fusion techniques utilized. In this paper, a modeling step based on a hybrid algorithm, that includes Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm, is proposed to combine two biometric modalities at the score level. This optimization technique is employed to find the optimum weights associated to the modalities being fused. An analysis of the results is carried out on the basis of comparing the EER accuracies and ROC curves of the fusion techniques. Furthermore, the execution speed of the hybrid approach is discussed and compared to that of the single optimization algorithms, GA and PS

    Combining multiple Iris matchers using advanced fusion techniques to enhance Iris matching performance

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    M.Phil. (Electrical And Electronic Engineering)The enormous increase in technology advancement and the need to secure information e ectively has led to the development and implementation of iris image acquisition technologies for automated iris recognition systems. The iris biometric is gaining popularity and is becoming a reliable and a robust modality for future biometric security. Its wide application can be extended to biometric security areas such as national ID cards, banking systems such as ATM, e-commerce, biometric passports but not applicable in forensic investigations. Iris recognition has gained valuable attention in biometric research due to the uniqueness of its textures and its high recognition rates when employed on high biometric security areas. Identity veri cation for individuals becomes a challenging task when it has to be automated with a high accuracy and robustness against spoo ng attacks and repudiation. Current recognition systems are highly a ected by noise as a result of segmentation failure, and this noise factors increase the biometric error rates such as; the FAR and the FRR. This dissertation reports an investigation of score level fusion methods which can be used to enhance iris matching performance. The fusion methods implemented in this project includes, simple sum rule, weighted sum rule fusion, minimum score and an adaptive weighted sum rule. The proposed approach uses an adaptive fusion which maps feature quality scores with the matcher. The fused scores were generated from four various iris matchers namely; the NHD matcher, the WED matcher, the WHD matcher and the POC matcher. To ensure homogeneity of matching scores before fusion, raw scores were normalized using the tanh-estimators method, because it is e cient and robust against outliers. The results were tested against two publicly available databases; namely, CASIA and UBIRIS using two statistical and biometric system measurements namely the AUC and the EER. The results of these two measures gives the AUC = 99:36% for CASIA left images, the AUC = 99:18% for CASIA right images, the AUC = 99:59% for UBIRIS database and the Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.041 for CASIA left images, the EER = 0:087 for CASIA right images and with the EER = 0:038 for UBIRIS images

    Visual Clutter Study for Pedestrian Using Large Scale Naturalistic Driving Data

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    Some of the pedestrian crashes are due to driver’s late or difficult perception of pedestrian’s appearance. Recognition of pedestrians during driving is a complex cognitive activity. Visual clutter analysis can be used to study the factors that affect human visual search efficiency and help design advanced driver assistant system for better decision making and user experience. In this thesis, we propose the pedestrian perception evaluation model which can quantitatively analyze the pedestrian perception difficulty using naturalistic driving data. An efficient detection framework was developed to locate pedestrians within large scale naturalistic driving data. Visual clutter analysis was used to study the factors that may affect the driver’s ability to perceive pedestrian appearance. The candidate factors were explored by the designed exploratory study using naturalistic driving data and a bottom-up image-based pedestrian clutter metric was proposed to quantify the pedestrian perception difficulty in naturalistic driving data. Based on the proposed bottom-up clutter metrics and top-down pedestrian appearance based estimator, a Bayesian probabilistic pedestrian perception evaluation model was further constructed to simulate the pedestrian perception process

    Combining multiple Iris matchers using advanced fusion techniques to enhance Iris matching performance

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    M.Phil. (Electrical And Electronic Engineering)The enormous increase in technology advancement and the need to secure information e ectively has led to the development and implementation of iris image acquisition technologies for automated iris recognition systems. The iris biometric is gaining popularity and is becoming a reliable and a robust modality for future biometric security. Its wide application can be extended to biometric security areas such as national ID cards, banking systems such as ATM, e-commerce, biometric passports but not applicable in forensic investigations. Iris recognition has gained valuable attention in biometric research due to the uniqueness of its textures and its high recognition rates when employed on high biometric security areas. Identity veri cation for individuals becomes a challenging task when it has to be automated with a high accuracy and robustness against spoo ng attacks and repudiation. Current recognition systems are highly a ected by noise as a result of segmentation failure, and this noise factors increase the biometric error rates such as; the FAR and the FRR. This dissertation reports an investigation of score level fusion methods which can be used to enhance iris matching performance. The fusion methods implemented in this project includes, simple sum rule, weighted sum rule fusion, minimum score and an adaptive weighted sum rule. The proposed approach uses an adaptive fusion which maps feature quality scores with the matcher. The fused scores were generated from four various iris matchers namely; the NHD matcher, the WED matcher, the WHD matcher and the POC matcher. To ensure homogeneity of matching scores before fusion, raw scores were normalized using the tanh-estimators method, because it is e cient and robust against outliers. The results were tested against two publicly available databases; namely, CASIA and UBIRIS using two statistical and biometric system measurements namely the AUC and the EER. The results of these two measures gives the AUC = 99:36% for CASIA left images, the AUC = 99:18% for CASIA right images, the AUC = 99:59% for UBIRIS database and the Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.041 for CASIA left images, the EER = 0:087 for CASIA right images and with the EER = 0:038 for UBIRIS images


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    Biometry is an area in great expansion and is considered as possible solution to cases where high authentication parameters are required. Although this area is quite advanced in theoretical terms, using it in practical terms still carries some problems. The systems available still depend on a high cooperation level to achieve acceptable performance levels, which was the backdrop to the development of the following project. By studying the state of the art, we propose the creation of a new and less cooperative biometric system that reaches acceptable performance levels.A constante necessidade de parâmetros mais elevados de segurança, nomeadamente ao nível de autenticação, leva ao estudo biometria como possível solução. Actualmente os mecanismos existentes nesta área tem por base o conhecimento de algo que se sabe ”password” ou algo que se possui ”codigo Pin”. Contudo este tipo de informação é facilmente corrompida ou contornada. Desta forma a biometria é vista como uma solução mais robusta, pois garante que a autenticação seja feita com base em medidas físicas ou compartimentais que definem algo que a pessoa é ou faz (”who you are” ou ”what you do”). Sendo a biometria uma solução bastante promissora na autenticação de indivíduos, é cada vez mais comum o aparecimento de novos sistemas biométricos. Estes sistemas recorrem a medidas físicas ou comportamentais, de forma a possibilitar uma autenticação (reconhecimento) com um grau de certeza bastante considerável. O reconhecimento com base no movimento do corpo humano (gait), feições da face ou padrões estruturais da íris, são alguns exemplos de fontes de informação em que os sistemas actuais se podem basear. Contudo, e apesar de provarem um bom desempenho no papel de agentes de reconhecimento autónomo, ainda estão muito dependentes a nível de cooperação exigida. Tendo isto em conta, e tudo o que já existe no ramo do reconhecimento biometrico, esta área está a dar passos no sentido de tornar os seus métodos o menos cooperativos poss??veis. Possibilitando deste modo alargar os seus objectivos para além da mera autenticação em ambientes controlados, para casos de vigilância e controlo em ambientes não cooperativos (e.g. motins, assaltos, aeroportos). É nesta perspectiva que o seguinte projecto surge. Através do estudo do estado da arte, pretende provar que é possível criar um sistema capaz de agir perante ambientes menos cooperativos, sendo capaz de detectar e reconhecer uma pessoa que se apresente ao seu alcance.O sistema proposto PAIRS (Periocular and Iris Recognition Systema) tal como nome indica, efectua o reconhecimento através de informação extraída da íris e da região periocular (região circundante aos olhos). O sistema é construído com base em quatro etapas: captura de dados, pré-processamento, extração de características e reconhecimento. Na etapa de captura de dados, foi montado um dispositivo de aquisição de imagens com alta resolução com a capacidade de capturar no espectro NIR (Near-Infra-Red). A captura de imagens neste espectro tem como principal linha de conta, o favorecimento do reconhecimento através da íris, visto que a captura de imagens sobre o espectro visível seria mais sensível a variações da luz ambiente. Posteriormente a etapa de pré-processamento implementada, incorpora todos os módulos do sistema responsáveis pela detecção do utilizador, avaliação de qualidade de imagem e segmentação da íris. O modulo de detecção é responsável pelo desencadear de todo o processo, uma vez que esta é responsável pela verificação da exist?ncia de um pessoa em cena. Verificada a sua exist?ncia, são localizadas as regiões de interesse correspondentes ? íris e ao periocular, sendo também verificada a qualidade com que estas foram adquiridas. Concluídas estas etapas, a íris do olho esquerdo é segmentada e normalizada. Posteriormente e com base em vários descritores, é extraída a informação biométrica das regiões de interesse encontradas, e é criado um vector de características biométricas. Por fim, é efectuada a comparação dos dados biometricos recolhidos, com os já armazenados na base de dados, possibilitando a criação de uma lista com os níveis de semelhança em termos biometricos, obtendo assim um resposta final do sistema. Concluída a implementação do sistema, foi adquirido um conjunto de imagens capturadas através do sistema implementado, com a participação de um grupo de voluntários. Este conjunto de imagens permitiu efectuar alguns testes de desempenho, verificar e afinar alguns parâmetros, e proceder a optimização das componentes de extração de características e reconhecimento do sistema. Analisados os resultados foi possível provar que o sistema proposto tem a capacidade de exercer as suas funções perante condições menos cooperativas

    Dementia Detection Using LSTM and GRU

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    Neuro-degenerative infections, like dementia, can affect discourse, language, and the ability of correspondence.A new report to work on the precision of dementia identification examined the utilization of conversation analysis(CA) of meetings between patients and nervous system specialists to recognize reformist neuro-degenerative(ND) memory issues patients and those with (non-reformist) FMD (Functional Memory Disorder). In any case,manual CA is expensive for routine clinical use and hard proportional. In this work, we present an early dementiadiscovery framework utilizing discourse acknowledgment and examination dependent on NLP method andacoustic component handling strategy apply on various element extraction and learning using LSTM (LongShort-Term Memory) and GRU which strikingly catches the transient provisions and long haul conditions fromauthentic information to demonstrate the abilities of grouping models over a feed-forward neural organization inestimating discourse investigation related issues. Dementia dataset is taken where the audio file is considered forspeech recognition analysis on basis of that data is generated and it is predefined given in dementia data databank.That audio file is converted to text based on speech analysis. Using LSTM and GRU gives efficient results

    A Survey on Visual Surveillance of Object Motion and Behaviors

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    Privacy protecting biometric authentication systems

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    As biometrics gains popularity and proliferates into the daily life, there is an increased concern over the loss of privacy and potential misuse of biometric data held in central repositories. The major concerns are about i) the use of biometrics to track people, ii) non-revocability of biometrics (eg. if a fingerprint is compromised it can not be canceled or reissued), and iii) disclosure of sensitive information such as race, gender and health problems which may be revealed by biometric traits. The straightforward suggestion of keeping the biometric data in a user owned token (eg. smart cards) does not completely solve the problem, since malicious users can claim that their token is broken to avoid biometric verification altogether. Put together, these concerns brought the need for privacy preserving biometric authentication methods in the recent years. In this dissertation, we survey existing privacy preserving biometric systems and implement and analyze fuzzy vault in particular; we propose a new privacy preserving approach; and we study the discriminative capability of online signatures as it relates to the success of using online signatures in the available privacy preserving biometric verification systems. Our privacy preserving authentication scheme combines multiple biometric traits to obtain a multi-biometric template that hides the constituent biometrics and allows the possibility of creating non-unique identifiers for a person, such that linking separate template databases is impossible. We provide two separate realizations of the framework: one uses two separate fingerprints of the same individual to obtain a combined biometric template, while the other one combines a fingerprint with a vocal pass-phrase. We show that both realizations of the framework are successful in verifying a person's identity given both biometric traits, while preserving privacy (i.e. biometric data is protected and the combined identifier can not be used to track people). The Fuzzy Vault emerged as a promising construct which can be used in protecting biometric templates. It combines biometrics and cryptography in order to get the benefits of both fields; while biometrics provides non-repudiation and convenience, cryptography guarantees privacy and adjustable levels of security. On the other hand, the fuzzy vault is a general construct for unordered data, and as such, it is not straightforward how it can be used with different biometric traits. In the scope of this thesis, we demonstrate realizations of the fuzzy vault using fingerprints and online signatures such that authentication can be done while biometric templates are protected. We then demonstrate how to use the fuzzy vault for secret sharing, using biometrics. Secret sharing schemes are cryptographic constructs where a secret is split into shares and distributed amongst the participants in such a way that it is constructed/revealed only when a necessary number of share holders come together (e.g. in joint bank accounts). The revealed secret can then be used for encryption or authentication. Finally, we implemented how correlation attacks can be used to unlock the vault; showing that further measures are needed to protect the fuzzy vault against such attacks. The discriminative capability of a biometric modality is based on its uniqueness/entropy and is an important factor in choosing a biometric for a large-scale deployment or a cryptographic application. We present an individuality model for online signatures in order to substantiate their applicability in biometric authentication. In order to build our model, we adopt the Fourier domain representation of the signature and propose a matching algorithm. The signature individuality is measured as the probability of a coincidental match between two arbitrary signatures, where model parameters are estimated using a large signature database. Based on this preliminary model and estimated parameters, we conclude that an average online signature provides a high level of security for authentication purposes. Finally, we provide a public online signature database along with associated testing protocols that can be used for testing signature verification system