522 research outputs found

    Application of learning algorithms to traffic management in integrated services networks.

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN027131 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Open queueing networks : optimization and performance evaluation models for discrete manufacturing systems

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-45).Research supported by FundacÌ©ão de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil.by Gabriel R. Bitran, Reinaldo Morabito

    Statistical multiplexing and connection admission control in ATM networks

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    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology is widely employed for the transport of network traffic, and has the potential to be the base technology for the next generation of global communications. Connection Admission Control (CAC) is the effective traffic control mechanism which is necessary in ATM networks in order to avoid possible congestion at each network node and to achieve the Quality-of-Service (QoS) requested by each connection. CAC determines whether or not the network should accept a new connection. A new connection will only be accepted if the network has sufficient resources to meet its QoS requirements without affecting the QoS commitments already made by the network for existing connections. The design of a high-performance CAC is based on an in-depth understanding of the statistical characteristics of the traffic sources

    Cycle Time Estimation in a Semiconductor Wafer Fab: A concatenated Machine Learning Approach

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    Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung aller Bereiche des Lebens und der Industrie lĂ€sst die Nachfrage nach Mikrochips steigen. Immer mehr Branchen – unter anderem auch die Automobilindustrie – stellen fest, dass die Lieferketten heutzutage von den Halbleiterherstellern abhĂ€ngig sind, was kĂŒrzlich zur Halbleiterkrise gefĂŒhrt hat. Diese Situation erhöht den Bedarf an genauen Vorhersagen von Lieferzeiten von Halbleitern. Da aber deren Produktion extrem schwierig ist, sind solche SchĂ€tzungen nicht einfach zu erstellen. GĂ€ngige AnsĂ€tze sind entweder zu simpel (z.B. Mittelwert- oder rollierende MittelwertschĂ€tzer) oder benötigen zu viel Zeit fĂŒr detaillierte Szenarioanalysen (z.B. ereignisdiskrete Simulationen). Daher wird in dieser Arbeit eine neue Methodik vorgeschlagen, die genauer als Mittelwert- oder rollierende MittelwertschĂ€tzer, aber schneller als Simulationen sein soll. Diese Methodik nutzt eine Verkettung von Modellen des maschinellen Lernens, die in der Lage sind, Wartezeiten in einer Halbleiterfabrik auf der Grundlage einer Reihe von Merkmalen vorherzusagen. In dieser Arbeit wird diese Methodik entwickelt und analysiert. Sie umfasst eine detaillierte Analyse der fĂŒr jedes Modell benötigten Merkmale, eine Analyse des genauen Produktionsprozesses, den jedes Produkt durchlaufen muss – was als "Route" bezeichnet wird – und entwickelte Strategien zur BewĂ€ltigung von Unsicherheiten, wenn die Merkmalswerte in der Zukunft nicht bekannt sind. ZusĂ€tzlichwird die vorgeschlagene Methodik mit realen Betriebsdaten aus einerWafer-Fabrik der Robert Bosch GmbH evaluiert. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Methodik den Mittelwert- und Rollierenden MittelwertschĂ€tzern ĂŒberlegen ist, insbesondere in Situationen, in denen die Zykluszeit eines Loses signifikant vom Mittelwert abweicht. ZusĂ€tzlich kann gezeigt werden, dass die AusfĂŒhrungszeit der Methode signifikant kĂŒrzer ist als die einer detaillierten Simulation

    An enhanced approximation mathematical model inventorying items in a multi-echelon system under a continuous review policy with probabilistic demand and lead-time

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    An inventory system attempts to balance between overstock and understock to reduce the total cost and achieve customer demand in a timely manner. The inventory system is like a hidden entity in a supply chain, where a large complete network synchronizes a series of interrelated processes for a manufacturer, in order to transform raw materials into final products and distribute them to customers. The optimality of inventory and allocation policies in a supply chain for a cement industry is still unknown for many types of multi-echelon inventory systems. In multi-echelon networks, complexity exists when the inventory issues appear in multiple tiers and whose performances are significantly affected by the demand and lead-time. Hence, the objective of this research is to develop an enhanced approximation mathematical model in a multi-echelon inventory system under a continuous review policy subject to probabilistic demand and lead-time. The probability distribution function of demand during lead-time is established by developing a new Simulation Model of Demand During Lead-Time (SMDDL) using simulation procedures. The model is able to forecast future demand and demand during lead-time. The obtained demand during lead-time is used to develop a Serial Multi-echelon Inventory (SMEI) model by deriving the inventory cost function to compute performance measures of the cement inventory system. Based on the performance measures, a modified distribution multi-echelon inventory (DMEI) model with the First Come First Serve (FCFS) rule (DMEI-FCFS) is derived to determine the best expected waiting time and expected number of retailers in the system based on a mean arrival rate and a mean service rate. This research established five new distribution functions for the demand during lead-time. The distribution functions improve the performance measures, which contribute in reducing the expected waiting time in the system. Overall, the approximation model provides accurate time span to overcome shortage of cement inventory, which in turn fulfil customer satisfaction
