205 research outputs found

    Application-Aware Distribution Trees for Application-Level Multicast

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm to construct application-aware distribution trees for application-level multicast. Unlike existing approaches, the distribution trees do not solely depend on network characteristics but also on the application semantics of the transmitted packets. In the presented algorithm, the application may specify an individual priority for each packet-receiver pair. The distribution tree is then constructed such that the higher the priority, the more direct the path from the sender to the packet\'s destination. This comes at the cost of an increase in link stress -- the more direct a path, the less likely it is that it can be integrated efficiently into an overlay multicast distribution tree. Our algorithm takes this tradeoff into account and constructs efficient application-aware distribution trees. We demonstrate the performance and characteristics of the algorithm through extensive simulation

    QOS Reliability and Improvement for Congestion Probability Routing in ATM Networks

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    The other primitives for switch management and control are borrowed heavily from the specified protocol. They include priority for switch configuration port and switch management VP management and permanent measurement. The protocol was implemented and integrated with the OPNET platform. Without going into specifies of the protocol we describe its design principles and show how it has affected in the protocol. Traditional connection switches include an embedded processor that implements both the switch control and network signaling. The objective of CAC is to keep the network load moderate to achieve a performance objective associated with QOS. Cell loss ratio a key QOS parameter in ATM networks is essential for proper network resources dimensioning, congestion control , bandwidth allocation and routing. Keywords: Quality of Service, Servicing Monitoring

    A Survey on Routing Protocols for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the advances in micro-electronics, wireless sensor devices have been made much smaller and more integrated, and large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based the cooperation among the significant amount of nodes have become a hot topic. “Large-scale” means mainly large area or high density of a network. Accordingly the routing protocols must scale well to the network scope extension and node density increases. A sensor node is normally energy-limited and cannot be recharged, and thus its energy consumption has a quite significant effect on the scalability of the protocol. To the best of our knowledge, currently the mainstream methods to solve the energy problem in large-scale WSNs are the hierarchical routing protocols. In a hierarchical routing protocol, all the nodes are divided into several groups with different assignment levels. The nodes within the high level are responsible for data aggregation and management work, and the low level nodes for sensing their surroundings and collecting information. The hierarchical routing protocols are proved to be more energy-efficient than flat ones in which all the nodes play the same role, especially in terms of the data aggregation and the flooding of the control packets. With focus on the hierarchical structure, in this paper we provide an insight into routing protocols designed specifically for large-scale WSNs. According to the different objectives, the protocols are generally classified based on different criteria such as control overhead reduction, energy consumption mitigation and energy balance. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of each protocol, we highlight their innovative ideas, describe the underlying principles in detail and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover a comparison of each routing protocol is conducted to demonstrate the differences between the protocols in terms of message complexity, memory requirements, localization, data aggregation, clustering manner and other metrics. Finally some open issues in routing protocol design in large-scale wireless sensor networks and conclusions are proposed

    Avaliação de controlo de sessões multicast em redes com contexto

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesOs utilizadores pretendem aceder, cada vez mais, a serviços multimédia com requisitos mais exigentes e personalizados. As limitações impostas pelos ambientes existentes (internet, 3G) para fornecer estes serviços levam à procura de melhores soluções, nomeadamente uma gestão eficaz das sessões multiparty. Neste tipo de soluções é normalmente utilizado o multicast, já que este permite reduzir os recursos utilizados, diminuindo o número de pacotes na rede. Contudo, o multicast não está consistente ao nível dos cenários de mobilidade, fundamentais nas redes de próxima geração. Actualmente existe uma vasta gama de tecnologias de acesso sem fios como WiFi, GPRS, UMTS e WiMAX. No futuro estas tecnologias diferentes complementar-se-ão convergindo numa infra-estrutura heterogénea capaz de fornecer um melhor serviço aos utilizadores, denominadas de redes 4G. A evolução dos terminais móveis também permitirá que estes se liguem simultaneamente a várias redes de acesso. Para uma melhor distribuição dos serviços dos utilizadores pelas redes de acesso disponíveis são necessários novos mecanismos de selecção. Uma nova selecção da rede baseada em informação de contexto (entidades e ambiente) tem tido grande relevo na comunidade científica. Assim, aplicações e rede reagem a alterações de contexto para uma melhor selecção da mesma. A dissertação apresentada encontra-se no âmbito do transporte multiparty com informação de contexto e reserva de recursos, permitindo a entrega do conteúdo de uma forma personalizada e com Qualidade de Serviço a vários utilizadores móveis, independentemente da tecnologia de acesso de cada um e da própria tecnologia da rede. Em suma, é utilizada uma arquitectura de rede baseada em informação de contexto e que reage eficazmente a alterações do mesmo. De forma a implementar a proposta apresentada recorreu-se à criação de várias entidades no simulador de redes NS-2. Os resultados foram obtidos usando diferentes cenários, avaliando a influência de cada parâmetro individualmente. Demonstrou-se que a arquitectura implementada permite suportar uma entrega dos conteúdos de uma maneira personalizada e independente da tecnologia utilizada. Obteve-se ainda uma boa gestão dos recursos da rede e uma melhoria na experiência percepcionada pelo utilizador através da selecção total da rede com base numa entidade de controlo central. A introdução do overlay de transporte multiparty melhora o comportamento geral da rede, minimizando as reconfigurações frequentes necessárias.Nowadays, more and more users want to access multimedia services with strong and personalized requirements. The limitations intrinsic to current environments (Internet and 3G) to provide this type of services motivate the research for an efficient management of multiparty sessions. The solution can also be based on multicast implementation, since it reduces resources utilization, decreasing the number of packets in the network. However, current multicast is not a strong solution in mobility scenarios, essential in next generation networks. Currently there is a wide range of wireless access technologies such as WiFi, GPRS, UMTS and WiMAX. In the future, these different technologies will converge in a complementary manner forming a heterogeneous infrastructure able to offer a better service to its users, usually named 4G. The evolution of mobile terminals will also allow them to connect simultaneously to several access networks. In order to a better distribution of the users services throughout available access networks, new selection mechanisms are required. A new network selection based on context information (entities and environments) is having a relevant role in scientific community. So, applications and networks react according to context changes, improving network selection. This Thesis is in the scope of context-aware multiparty transport with resources allocation, allowing the delivery of content in a personalized way with Quality of Service to several users, independently of the technology and the network. Resuming, the solution implements a context-aware network architecture that reacts efficiently to its changes. In order to implement this architecture, new entities were created in the network simulator NS-2. The results were obtained using different scenarios, evaluating the influence of each parameter independently. It was demonstrated that the integration of several components, allows a delivery of contents in a personalized manner and independently of the technology. The results showed a better management of the network resources and users experience, throughout the total network selection, based on a central control unit. The multiparty transport overlay improves the network behaviour, minimizing the necessary frequent reconfigurations