61,076 research outputs found

    Sistem Monitoring Kedalaman Dan Kekeruhan Air Berbasis Internet Of Things

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    Abstrak: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat masalah yang ditemukan yaitu pada saat proses penggecekan kedalaman dan kekeruhan kualitas air masih menggunakan sistem secara manual yang melibatkan peran karyawan dalam melakukan proses penggecekannya dengan menggunakan alat turbidity meter dan level transmitter. Oleh sebab itu peneliti memberikan masukkan dan saran untuk proses penggecekan kedalaman dan kekeruhan air tersebut menggunakan sensor dalam mendapatkan hasil penggecekannya dan sistem berbasis internet of things untuk memonitoring hasil dari sensor yang digunakan. Lalu hasil dari prosesnya dapat dimonitoring langsung kedalam platform website. Didalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode logika fuzzy logic untuk memprogram perangkat kerasnya dan hasil monitoringnya menggunakan website dengan framework codeigneter. Yang bertujuan untuk membangun sistem monitoring penggecekan kedalaman dan kekeruhan kualitas air secara otomatis menggunakan sensor ultrasonic dan sensor turbidity.   Kata kunci: fuzzy logic, internet of things, sensor turbidity, sensor ultrasonic, sistem monitoring   Abstract: Based on the results of the research conducted, there were problems found that when the process of checking the depth and turbidity of water quality was still using a manual system that involved the role of employees in carrying out the checking process using a turbidity meter and level transmitter. Therefore, researchers provide input and suggestions for the process of checking the depth and turbidity of the water using sensors to get the results of checking and an internet of things based system to monitor the results of the sensors used. Then the results of the process can be monitored directly into the website platform. In this research, the writer uses fuzzy logic logic method to program the hardware and the monitoring results use a website with codeigneter framework. Which aims to build a monitoring system for checking the depth and turbidity of water quality automatically using ultrasonic sensors and turbidity sensors..   Keywords: fuzzy logic, internet of things, monitoring systems, turbidity sensors, ultrasonic sensor

    Advanced detection Denial of Service attack in the Internet of Things network based on MQTT protocol using fuzzy logic

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    Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is one of the popular protocols used on the Internet of Things (IoT) networks because of its lightweight nature. With the increasing number of devices connected to the internet, the number of cybercrimes on IoT networks will increase. One of the most popular attacks is the Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Standard security on MQTT uses SSL/TLS, but SSL/TLS is computationally wasteful for low-powered devices. The use of fuzzy logic algorithms with the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) scheme is suitable for detecting DoS because of its simple nature. This paper uses a fuzzy logic algorithm embedded in a node to detect DoS in the MQTT protocol with feature selection nodes. This paper's contribution is that the nodes feature selection used will monitor SUBSCRIBE and SUBACK traffic and provide this information to fuzzy input nodes to detect DoS attacks. Fuzzy performance evaluation is measured against changes in the number of nodes and attack intervals. The results obtained are that the more the number of nodes and the higher the traffic intensity, the fuzzy performance will decrease, and vice versa. However, the number of nodes and traffic intensity will affect fuzzy performance

    An investigation of the trading agent competition : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    The Internet has swept over the whole world. It is influencing almost every aspect of society. The blooming of electronic commerce on the back of the Internet further increases globalisation and free trade. However, the Internet will never reach its full potential as a new electronic media or marketplace unless agents are developed. The trading Agent Competition (TAC), which simulates online auctions, was designed to create a standard problem in the complex domain of electronic marketplaces and to inspire researchers from all over the world to develop distinctive software agents to a common exercise. In this thesis, a detailed study of intelligent software agents and a comprehensive investigation of the Trading Agent Competition will be presented. The design of the Risker Wise agent and a fuzzy logic system predicting the bid increase of the hotel auction in the TAC game will be discussed in detail

    Distributed localized contextual event reasoning under uncertainty

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    We focus on Internet of Things (IoT) environments where sensing and computing devices (nodes) are responsible to observe, reason, report and react to a specific phenomenon. Each node captures context from data streams and reasons on the presence of an event. We propose a distributed predictive analytics scheme for localized context reasoning under uncertainty. Such reasoning is achieved through a contextualized, knowledge-driven clustering process, where the clusters of nodes are formed according to their belief on the presence of the phenomenon. Each cluster enhances its localized opinion about the presence of an event through consensus realized under the principles of Fuzzy Logic (FL). The proposed FLdriven consensus process is further enhanced with semantics adopting Type-2 Fuzzy Sets to handle the uncertainty related to the identification of an event. We provide a comprehensive experimental evaluation and comparison assessment with other schemes over real data and report on the benefits stemmed from its adoption in IoT environments

    Fuzzy Method Design for IoT-Based Mushroom Greenhouse Controlling

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    The ideal conditions for the oyster mushrooms growth are at a humidity of 65-75% and 29-31C during incubation, while the growth of stems should be at a humidity of 70-90% 29-32C. This ideal ecosystem is maintained by aeration and manual watering. Still, the results are not optimal in preventing damage to the mycelium during the incubation period, resulting in a decrease in crop yields. Automatic control has not created ideal conditions because air temperature and humidity regulation are only based on fans and sprayers that do not directly affect air conditions. Therefore, we need a method to manipulate the mushroom greenhouse space ecosystem, namely fuzzy logic, the application of fuzzy logic integrated with sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers with the Internet of Things to solve this problem. The results of the installation of fuzzy logic in the mushroom's greenhouse in this system can be seen from the fan's modulation response and the pump's duration. The test results of this control feature can manipulate temperature and humidity. Therefore, the oyster mushroom greenhouse produces an ideal state of 29.8C, the humidity of 68.97% RH, and the production has been proven to be optimal with an average daily harvest of 3.8kg.The ideal conditions for the oyster mushrooms growth are at a humidity of 65-75% and 29-31C during incubation, while the growth of stems should be at a humidity of 70-90% 29-32C. This ideal ecosystem is maintained by aeration and manual watering. Still, the results are not optimal in preventing damage to the mycelium during the incubation period, resulting in a decrease in crop yields. Automatic control has not created ideal conditions because air temperature and humidity regulation are only based on fans and sprayers that do not directly affect air conditions. Therefore, we need a method to manipulate the mushroom greenhouse space ecosystem, namely fuzzy logic, the application of fuzzy logic integrated with sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers with the Internet of Things to solve this problem. The results of the installation of fuzzy logic in the mushroom's greenhouse in this system can be seen from the fan's modulation response and the pump's duration. The test results of this control feature can manipulate temperature and humidity. Therefore, the oyster mushroom greenhouse produces an ideal state of 29.8C, the humidity of 68.97% RH, and the production has been proven to be optimal with an average daily harvest of 3.8kg


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    Abstrak: Prototype Sistem Kontrol dan Monitoring Suhu Serta Ketinggian Air pada Kolam Budidaya Ikan Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy. Kualitas air yang kurang baik mengakibatkan pertumbuhan ikan menjadi lambat, dalam usaha budidaya ikan nila ketersediaan air dan kualitas air merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan dalam usaha budidaya ikan. Untuk kualitas air pada pembudidayaan ikan nila khususnya pada besaran fisik air, suhu air yang optimal sebagai penentu keberhasilan bagi budidaya ikan nila adalah 25-30°C. Pentingnya pengontrolan dan pemantauan kualitas air pada keberhasilan budidaya ikan, maka perlu dirancang suatu sistem pengontrolan suhu dan ketinggian air yang bisa dimonitoring dari jarak jauh dengan menggunakan metode logika fuzzy dan menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT) sebagai monitoring, dalam kasus ini perancangan dalam skala aquarium 30x30x30 cm. Sistem kontrol dan monitoring dalam penelitian ini berhasil dilakukan. Untuk pengontrolan ketinggian air, debit air yang masuk setiap menitnya adalah 3 liter. Untuk mengontrol suhu air dengan kondisi air panas dan dingin, waktu yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu sebesar 1°C adalah 38,9 menit dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menurunkan suhu sebesar 1°C adalah 20,4 menit dengan ketinggian air rata-rata 15 cm atau setara dengan 13,5 liter. Kemudian alat ini berhasil dimonitoring dengan menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT) dengan koneksi internet dari jarak jauh. Kata kunci: Logika Fuzzy, Internet of Things, Sistem Kontrol, Monitoring. Abstract: Prototype System of Control and Monitoring of Temperature And Water Level in Fish Farming Pond Using Fuzzy Logic. Poor water quality results in slow fish growth. In tilapia aquaculture, water availability and water quality are among the factors that determine the success of fish farming. For water quality in tilapia cultivation, especially in the physical quantity of water, the optimal water temperature as a determinant of success for tilapia aquaculture is 25-30 °C. The importance of controlling and monitoring water quality in the success of fish farming, it is necessary to design a temperature and water level control system that can be monitored remotely using fuzzy logic methods and using the Internet of Things (IoT) as monitoring, in this case the design on an aquarium scale 30x30x30 cm. The control and monitoring system in this study was successfully carried out. To control the water level, the water flow that enters every minute is 3 liters. To control water temperature with hot and cold water conditions, the time needed to raise the temperature by 1°C is 38,9 minutes and the time needed to reduce the temperature by 1°C is 20,4 minuteswith an average water level of 15 cm or the equivalent of 13.5 liters. Then this tool is successfully monitored using the Internet of Things (IoT) with an internet connection remotely. Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Internet of Things, Control System, Monitoring


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    The use of cable internet service at home is often disrupted by problems or damage to the network. Not all cable internet service users understand how to solve problems on their internet network. While there are many ways to solve this problem, it often takes administrators and technicians a long time to find and fix the problem. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop an expert system that can detect and solve problems on the Celebes Media Network (Bnet) internet network. An expert system is a system that can store knowledge from an expert and use that knowledge to solve problems with the help of a computer. This expert system was created using the Fuzzy Logic method with Naive Bayes, where Fuzzy Logic can be used to change and transform the uncertainty of the value given by the user into a definite value, which is then processed and processed by Naive Bayes to calculate the weight of the user's answer. This method is particularly suitable for expert systems that require reliable safeguards to ensure the accuracy of defined values. The Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) method was used to develop this system. The benefit of this system is the ability to quickly and easily detect and solve problems on the internet network, which can assist administrators and technicians in dealing with problems on the network. The test results are then analyzed and optimized by administrators and technicians, resulting in an accuracy rate of 85% between the system and the original expert.Penggunaan layanan internet kabel di rumah sering terganggu oleh masalah atau kerusakan pada jaringan. Tidak semua pengguna layanan internet kabel memahami cara mengatasi masalah pada jaringan internet mereka. Meskipun ada banyak cara untuk mengatasi masalah ini, seringkali membutuhkan waktu yang lama bagi administrator dan teknisi untuk menemukan dan memperbaiki masalah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem pakar yang dapat mendeteksi dan menyelesaikan masalah pada jaringan internet Celebes Media Jaringan (Bnet). Sistem pakar adalah sistem yang dapat menyimpan pengetahuan dari seorang pakar dan menggunakan pengetahuan tersebut untuk memecahkan masalah dengan bantuan komputer. Sistem pakar ini dibuat menggunakan metode Fuzzy Logic dengan Naive Bayes, di mana Fuzzy Logic dapat digunakan untuk mengubah dan mentransformasikan ketidakpastian nilai yang diberikan oleh pengguna menjadi nilai yang pasti, yang kemudian diproses dan diolah oleh Naive Bayes untuk melakukan perhitungan bobot dari jawaban pengguna. Metode ini sangat cocok untuk sistem pakar yang memerlukan tindakan pengaman yang andal untuk memastikan keakuratan dari nilai yang pasti. Metode Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem ini. Manfaat dari sistem ini adalah kemampuan untuk dengan cepat dan mudah mendeteksi dan menyelesaikan masalah pada jaringan internet, yang dapat membantu administrator dan teknisi dalam menangani masalah pada jaringan. Hasil pengujian kemudian dianalisis dan dioptimalkan oleh administrator dan teknisi, menghasilkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 85% antara sistem dan pakar asli

    Optimasi Sistem Cerdas Pada Pengering Tanaman Obat Berbasis Internet Of Thing dengan Memanfaatkan Sumber Energi Terbarukan

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    Intisari ˗ Penelitian ini membahas tentang  optimasi sistem cerdas yang akan diterapkan pada sistem pengering tanaman obat berbasis internet of thing dan memanfaatkan sumber energi terbarukan. Pemilihan metode sistem kendali menjadi sangat penting karena sumber daya yang akan digunakan pada sistem pengering ini adalah energi terbarukan yang memiliki batasan waktu. Pada sistem pengering ini juga digunakan Internet of thing untuk memantau dan mengatur suhu ruangan kabinet. Untuk mendapatkan performa sistem yang optimal, maka diusulkan metode Smart Fuzzy sebagai sistem kendali cerdas untuk mengendalikan suhu ruangan kabinet agar mencapai target yang diinginkan pengguna. Pengujian metode sistem kendali dilakukan dengan menggunakan simulasi pada perangkat lunak komputer. Metode Smart Fuzzy yang diusulkan akan dibandingkan dengan  metode PID untuk membuktikan efektifitas dari metode yang diusulkan. Metode Smart Fuzzy merupakan metode kendali yang menggunakan logika Fuzzy untuk mengambil keputusan besar kecilnya sinyal masukan sebuah sistem. Metode ini menggunakan basis aturan yang diperoleh dari pengetahuan manusia. Hasil simulasi komputer yang diperoleh menunjukan metode Smart Fuzzy memiliki performa lebih baik dibandingkan metode PID. Hal ini terlihat dari osilasi pada luaran dengan menggunakan metode Smart Fuzzy lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan menggunakan metode PID. Kata kunci: Smart Fuzzy, basis aturan, logika, tanaman obat, temperatur ruang Abstract - This research discusses the optimization of an intelligent system that will be applied to the drying system of medicinal plants based on the internet of things and utilizing renewable energy sources. The control system method is becoming very important, given that the resources to be used in this drying system are renewable energy with a time limit. This drying system also uses the Internet of things to monitor and regulate the temperature of the cabinet room. In order to achieve optimal system performance, an intelligent control system method is proposed to control the temperature of the cabinet room in order to achieve the desired target of the user by using the Smart Fuzzy  method. The control system method will be tested on a computer using software simulations. The proposed Smart Fuzzy  method will be compared with the PID method to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Smart Fuzzy  is a control method that uses Fuzzy logic to make decisions about the size of the input signal system. This method uses a rule-based approach derived from human knowledge. The results obtained from the software simulation show that the Smart Fuzzy  method has better performance than the PID method. From the output oscillation, it can be seen that using the Smart Fuzzy  method is smaller than using the PID method. Keywords: Smart Fuzzy, rule base, logic, medicinal plants, room temperatur

    A Water Bath Control System in a Virtual Laboratory Environment

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    In this paper, the development of a water bath control system in a virtual laboratory environment is discussed. The system proposed is developed using LABVIEW 8.6. This project consists of three stages. The first stage is hardware development, which involves construction of interface circuit to allow communication between plant and computer. The second stage is to build the Fuzzy Logic Controller using LABVIEW software, where fuzzy set and rule base are applied. The final stage is to publish the GUI module onto the web for real-time remote control. An internet based GUI module environment of a water bath temperature control system has successfully been developed using LABVIEW software and published onto the web where it can be fully controlled using Fuzzy Logic Controller developed, and monitored by any user despite of their geographical locations, as long as they have computers with web browsers and internet connection. Thus, this will assure a better and easier understanding of certain subjects, especially control system. With such a facility, laboratory resources can be shared online, laboratory experiments can be carried out away from the site as well as outside the official working hour, and the control subject can be taught in a more meaningful and effective manner to the students