11 research outputs found

    Comprehensive survey on quality of service provisioning approaches in cognitive radio networks : part one

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    Much interest in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) has been raised recently by enabling unlicensed (secondary) users to utilize the unused portions of the licensed spectrum. CRN utilization of residual spectrum bands of Primary (licensed) Networks (PNs) must avoid harmful interference to the users of PNs and other overlapping CRNs. The coexisting of CRNs depends on four components: Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Decision, Spectrum Sharing, and Spectrum Mobility. Various approaches have been proposed to improve Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in CRNs within fluctuating spectrum availability. However, CRN implementation poses many technical challenges due to a sporadic usage of licensed spectrum bands, which will be increased after deploying CRNs. Unlike traditional surveys of CRNs, this paper addresses QoS provisioning approaches of CRN components and provides an up-to-date comprehensive survey of the recent improvement in these approaches. Major features of the open research challenges of each approach are investigated. Due to the extensive nature of the topic, this paper is the first part of the survey which investigates QoS approaches on spectrum sensing and decision components respectively. The remaining approaches of spectrum sharing and mobility components will be investigated in the next part

    Quality of service differentiation for multimedia delivery in wireless LANs

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    Delivering multimedia content to heterogeneous devices over a variable networking environment while maintaining high quality levels involves many technical challenges. The research reported in this thesis presents a solution for Quality of Service (QoS)-based service differentiation when delivering multimedia content over the wireless LANs. This thesis has three major contributions outlined below: 1. A Model-based Bandwidth Estimation algorithm (MBE), which estimates the available bandwidth based on novel TCP and UDP throughput models over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. MBE has been modelled, implemented, and tested through simulations and real life testing. In comparison with other bandwidth estimation techniques, MBE shows better performance in terms of error rate, overhead, and loss. 2. An intelligent Prioritized Adaptive Scheme (iPAS), which provides QoS service differentiation for multimedia delivery in wireless networks. iPAS assigns dynamic priorities to various streams and determines their bandwidth share by employing a probabilistic approach-which makes use of stereotypes. The total bandwidth to be allocated is estimated using MBE. The priority level of individual stream is variable and dependent on stream-related characteristics and delivery QoS parameters. iPAS can be deployed seamlessly over the original IEEE 802.11 protocols and can be included in the IEEE 802.21 framework in order to optimize the control signal communication. iPAS has been modelled, implemented, and evaluated via simulations. The results demonstrate that iPAS achieves better performance than the equal channel access mechanism over IEEE 802.11 DCF and a service differentiation scheme on top of IEEE 802.11e EDCA, in terms of fairness, throughput, delay, loss, and estimated PSNR. Additionally, both objective and subjective video quality assessment have been performed using a prototype system. 3. A QoS-based Downlink/Uplink Fairness Scheme, which uses the stereotypes-based structure to balance the QoS parameters (i.e. throughput, delay, and loss) between downlink and uplink VoIP traffic. The proposed scheme has been modelled and tested through simulations. The results show that, in comparison with other downlink/uplink fairness-oriented solutions, the proposed scheme performs better in terms of VoIP capacity and fairness level between downlink and uplink traffic

    Secure Control and Operation of Energy Cyber-Physical Systems Through Intelligent Agents

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    The operation of the smart grid is expected to be heavily reliant on microprocessor-based control. Thus, there is a strong need for interoperability standards to address the heterogeneous nature of the data in the smart grid. In this research, we analyzed in detail the security threats of the Generic Object Oriented Substation Events (GOOSE) and Sampled Measured Values (SMV) protocol mappings of the IEC 61850 data modeling standard, which is the most widely industry-accepted standard for power system automation and control. We found that there is a strong need for security solutions that are capable of defending the grid against cyber-attacks, minimizing the damage in case a cyber-incident occurs, and restoring services within minimal time. To address these risks, we focused on correlating cyber security algorithms with physical characteristics of the power system by developing intelligent agents that use this knowledge as an important second line of defense in detecting malicious activity. This will complement the cyber security methods, including encryption and authentication. Firstly, we developed a physical-model-checking algorithm, which uses artificial neural networks to identify switching-related attacks on power systems based on load flow characteristics. Secondly, the feasibility of using neural network forecasters to detect spoofed sampled values was investigated. We showed that although such forecasters have high spoofed-data-detection accuracy, they are prone to the accumulation of forecasting error. In this research, we proposed an algorithm to detect the accumulation of the forecasting error based on lightweight statistical indicators. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms was experimentally verified on the Smart Grid testbed at FIU. The test results showed that the proposed techniques have a minimal detection latency, in the range of microseconds. Also, in this research we developed a network-in-the-loop co-simulation platform that seamlessly integrates the components of the smart grid together, especially since they are governed by different regulations and owned by different entities. Power system simulation software, microcontrollers, and a real communication infrastructure were combined together to provide a cohesive smart grid platform. A data-centric communication scheme was selected to provide an interoperability layer between multi-vendor devices, software packages, and to bridge different protocols together

    Ecosystemic Evolution Feeded by Smart Systems

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    Information Society is advancing along a route of ecosystemic evolution. ICT and Internet advancements, together with the progression of the systemic approach for enhancement and application of Smart Systems, are grounding such an evolution. The needed approach is therefore expected to evolve by increasingly fitting into the basic requirements of a significant general enhancement of human and social well-being, within all spheres of life (public, private, professional). This implies enhancing and exploiting the net-living virtual space, to make it a virtuous beneficial integration of the real-life space. Meanwhile, contextual evolution of smart cities is aiming at strongly empowering that ecosystemic approach by enhancing and diffusing net-living benefits over our own lived territory, while also incisively targeting a new stable socio-economic local development, according to social, ecological, and economic sustainability requirements. This territorial focus matches with a new glocal vision, which enables a more effective diffusion of benefits in terms of well-being, thus moderating the current global vision primarily fed by a global-scale market development view. Basic technological advancements have thus to be pursued at the system-level. They include system architecting for virtualization of functions, data integration and sharing, flexible basic service composition, and end-service personalization viability, for the operation and interoperation of smart systems, supporting effective net-living advancements in all application fields. Increasing and basically mandatory importance must also be increasingly reserved for human–technical and social–technical factors, as well as to the associated need of empowering the cross-disciplinary approach for related research and innovation. The prospected eco-systemic impact also implies a social pro-active participation, as well as coping with possible negative effects of net-living in terms of social exclusion and isolation, which require incisive actions for a conformal socio-cultural development. In this concern, speed, continuity, and expected long-term duration of innovation processes, pushed by basic technological advancements, make ecosystemic requirements stricter. This evolution requires also a new approach, targeting development of the needed basic and vocational education for net-living, which is to be considered as an engine for the development of the related ‘new living know-how’, as well as of the conformal ‘new making know-how’

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts

    Protocolos para la seguridad de la información en eHealth: Criptografía en entornos mHeath

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    Abstract. The advance of technology has brought with it the evolution of tools in various fields, among which the medical field stands out. Today’s medicine has tools that 30 years ago were unthinkable making its functioning completely different. Thanks to this fusion of medicine and technology new terms concerning this symbiosis, such as eHealth or mHealth, may be found in our daily lives. Both users and all the areas that work in the protection and performance of health and safety benefit from it. In this doctoral thesis we have worked in several lines with the aim of improving information security in several mHealth systems trying to make the proposed solutions extrapolable to other environments. Firstly, a tool, supported by an expert system and using identity-based encryption for the protection of patient information, for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of children with attention deficit disorder is proposed. Second, a solution focused on geared towards enhancing solutions for two of the fundamental problems of medical data information security: the secure management of patient information and the identification of patients within the hospital environment, is included. The solution proposed for the identification problem is based on the use of NFC bracelets that store an identifier associated with the patient and is generated through an HMAC function. In the third work, the problem of identification is again analyzed, but this time in emergency environments where no stable communication networks are present. It also proposes a system for the classification of victims whose objective is to improve the management of health resources in these scenarios. The fourth contribution is a system for improving the traceability and management of small emergencies and everyday events based on the use of blockchains. To conclude with the contributions of this thesis, a cryptographic scheme which improves security in healthcare devices with little computing capacity is presented. The general aim of this thesis is providing improvements in current medicine through mHealth systems, paying special attention to information security. Specifically, measures for the protection of data integrity, identification, authentication and nonrepudiation of information are included. The completion of this doctoral thesis has been funded through a pre-doctoral FPI grant from the Canary Islands Government.El avance de la tecnología ha traído consigo la evolución de herramientas en diversos ámbitos, entre ellos destaca el de la medicina. La medicina actual posee unas herramientas que hace 30 años eran impensables, lo que hace que su funcionamiento sea completamente diferente. Gracias a esta fusión de medicina y tecnología encontramos en nuestro día a día nuevos términos, como eHealth o mHealth, que hacen referencia a esta simbiosis, en la que se benefician tanto los usuarios, como todas las áreas que trabajan en la protección y actuación de la salud y seguridad de las mismas. En esta tesis doctoral se ha trabajado en varias líneas con el objetivo de mejorar la seguridad de la información en varios sistemas mHealth intentando que las soluciones propuestas sean extrapolables a otros entornos. En primer lugar se propone una herramienta destinada al diagnóstico, tratamiento y monitorización de niños con trastorno de déficit de atención que se apoya en un sistema experto y usa cifrado basado en identidad para la protección de la información de los pacientes. En segundo lugar, se incluye una solución centrada en aportar mejoras en dos de los problemas fundamentales de la seguridad de la información de los datos médicos: la gestión segura de la información de los pacientes y la identificación de los mismos dentro del entorno hospitalario. La solución planteada para el problema de identificación se basa en la utilización de pulseras NFC que almacenan un identificador asociado al paciente y que es generado a través de una función HMAC. En el tercer trabajo se analiza de nuevo el problema de identificación de las personas pero esta vez en entornos de emergencia en los que no se cuenta con redes de comunicaciones estables. Además se propone un sistema de clasificación de víctimas en dichos entornos cuyo objetivo es mejorar la gestión de recursos sanitarios en estos escenarios. Como cuarta aportación se presenta un sistema de mejora de la trazabilidad y de la gestión de pequeñas emergencias y eventos cotidianos basada en el uso de blockchain. Para terminar con las aportaciones de esta tesis, se presenta un esquema criptográfico que mejora los esquemas actuales de seguridad utilizados para dispositivos del entorno sanitario que poseen poca capacidad computacional. La finalidad general perseguida en esta tesis es aportar mejoras al uso de la medicina actual a través de sistemas mHealth en los que se presta especial atención a la seguridad de la información. Concretamente se incluyen medidas para la protección de la integridad de los datos, identificación de personas, autenticación y no repudio de la información. La realización de esta tesis doctoral ha contando con financiación del Gobierno de Canarias a través de una beca predoctoral FPI

    XXI Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación - WICC 2019: libro de actas

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXI Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), celebrado en la provincia de San Juan los días 25 y 26 de abril 2019, organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic