27 research outputs found

    The 1989 JSC bibliography of scientific and technical papers

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    This document is a compilation of Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center contributions to the scientific and technical literature in aerospace and life sciences made during calendar year 1989. Citations include NASA formal series reports, journal articles, conference and symposium presentations, papers published in proceedings or other collective works, and seminar and workshop results

    Management of data quality when integrating data with known provenance

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    Forests for a Better Future Sustainability, Innovation and Interdisciplinarity

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    This book highlights the role of research in innovation and sustainability in the forest sector. The contributions included fall within the broad thematic areas of forest science and cover crucial topics such as biocontrol, forest fire risk, harvesting and logging practices, quantitative and qualitative assessments of forest products, urban forests, and wood treatments—topics that have also been addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributions also have practical applications, as they deal with the ecological and economic importance of forests and new technologies for the conservation, monitoring, and improvement of services and forest value

    Micro-topography associated to forest edges

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    Forest edges are often defined as the discontinuity between the forest habitat and an adjacent open habitat, thus they are based on a clear difference in the structure of the dominant vegetation. However, beside this very general definition, in the field we can observe a large diversity of edges, with often different kinds of micro-topography features: bank, ditch, stone wall, path, etc. As these elements are rather common in many temperate forest edges, it seems important to start to characterize them more clearly and with consistency. From a set of observations in south-western France, we build a first typology of the micro-topographic elements associated to forest edges. For each of them we describe the process, natural or human induced, at their origin, and according to the literature available, we identify some of their key ecological roles. Banks, generated by the differential erosion between forest and crops along slopes, are especially analyzed since they are the most common micro-topographic element in our region. It offers many micro-habitat conditions in the soil used by a wide range of species, notably by several bee species. More research is required to study in details the importance of such micro-topographic elements

    SIMMEC 2016

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    Nota de responsabilidade: os autores s?o os ?nicos respons?veis pelo material reproduzido nesse artigo.O Simp?sio de Mec?nica Computacional (SIMMEC) ? um evento multidisciplinar de ?mbito nacional realizado desde 1991 como evento da Associa??o Brasileira de M?todos Computacionais em Engenharia (ABMEC). Seu objetivo ? a divulga??o da produ??o t?cnica e cient?fica na ?rea de m?todos computacionais aplicados a diversas ?reas da engenharia, incentivando a gera??o de conhecimento, parcerias e produtos. O XII SIMMEC foi realizado de 23 a 25 de maio de 2016 na cidade de Diamantina, Minas Gerais, cidade Patrim?nio Cultural da Humanidade desde 1999. Esta edi??o foi organizada pelo Instituto de Ci?ncia e Tecnologia da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Nesta edi??o o SIMMEC contou com contribui??es nas seguintes ?reas tem?ticas: biomec?nica, computa??o cient?fica, din?mica e vibra??o, fen?menos de transporte, mec?nica dos s?lidos, m?todos num?ricos e otimiza??o.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG