242 research outputs found

    Advanced cranial navigation

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    Neurosurgery is performed with extremely low margins of error. Surgical inaccuracy may have disastrous consequences. The overall aim of this thesis was to improve accuracy in cranial neurosurgical procedures by the application of new technical aids. Two technical methods were evaluated: augmented reality (AR) for surgical navigation (Papers I-II) and the optical technique of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) for real-time tissue identification (Papers III-V). Minimally invasive skull-base endoscopy has several potential benefits compared to traditional craniotomy, but approaching the skull base through this route implies that at-risk organs and surgical targets are covered by bone and out of the surgeon’s direct line of sight. In Paper I, a new application for AR-navigated endoscopic skull-base surgery, based on an augmented-reality surgical navigation (ARSN) system, was developed. The accuracy of the system, defined by mean target registration error (TRE), was evaluated and found to be 0.55±0.24 mm, the lowest value reported error in the literature. As a first step toward the development of a cranial application for AR navigation, in Paper II this ARSN system was used to enable insertions of biopsy needles and external ventricular drainages (EVDs). The technical accuracy (i.e., deviation from the target or intended path) and efficacy (i.e., insertion time) were assessed on a 3D-printed realistic, anthropomorphic skull and brain phantom; Thirty cranial biopsies and 10 EVD insertions were performed. Accuracy for biopsy was 0.8±0.43 mm with a median insertion time of 149 (87-233) seconds, and for EVD accuracy was 2.9±0.8 mm at the tip with a median angular deviation of 0.7±0.5° and a median insertion time of 188 (135-400) seconds. Glial tumors grow diffusely in the brain, and patient survival is correlated with the extent of tumor removal. Tumor borders are often invisible. Resection beyond borders as defined by conventional methods may further improve a patient’s prognosis. In Paper III, DRS was evaluated for discrimination between glioma and normal brain tissue ex vivo. DRS spectra and histology were acquired from 22 tumor samples and 9 brain tissue samples retrieved from 30 patients. Sensitivity and specificity for the detection of low-grade gliomas were 82.0% and 82.7%, respectively, with an AUC of 0.91. Acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion is treated with endovascular thrombectomy, but treatment failure can occur when clot composition and thrombectomy technique are mismatched. Intra-procedural knowledge of clot composition could guide the choice of treatment modality. In Paper IV, DRS, in vivo, was evaluated for intravascular clot characterization. Three types of clot analogs, red blood cell (RBC)-rich, fibrin-rich and mixed clots, were injected into the external carotids of a domestic pig. An intravascular DRS probe was used for in-situ measurements of clots, blood, and vessel walls, and the spectral data were analyzed. DRS could differentiate clot types, vessel walls, and blood in vivo (p<0,001). The sensitivity and specificity for detection were 73.8% and 98.8% for RBC clots, 100% and 100% for mixed clots, and 80.6% and 97.8% for fibrin clots, respectively. Paper V evaluated DRS for characterization of human clot composition ex vivo: 45 clot units were retrieved from 29 stroke patients and examined with DRS and histopathological evaluation. DRS parameters correlated with clot RBC fraction (R=81, p<0.001) and could be used for the classification of clot type with sensitivity and specificity rates for the detection of RBC-rich clots of 0.722 and 0.846, respectively. Applied in an intravascular probe, DRS may provide intra-procedural information on clot composition to improve endovascular thrombectomy efficiency

    Advanced Endoscopic Navigation:Surgical Big Data,Methodology,and Applications

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    随着科学技术的飞速发展,健康与环境问题日益成为人类面临的最重大问题之一。信息科学、计算机技术、电子工程与生物医学工程等学科的综合应用交叉前沿课题,研究现代工程技术方法,探索肿瘤癌症等疾病早期诊断、治疗和康复手段。本论文综述了计算机辅助微创外科手术导航、多模态医疗大数据、方法论及其临床应用:从引入微创外科手术导航概念出发,介绍了医疗大数据的术前与术中多模态医学成像方法、阐述了先进微创外科手术导航的核心流程包括计算解剖模型、术中实时导航方案、三维可视化方法及交互式软件技术,归纳了各类微创外科手术方法的临床应用。同时,重点讨论了全球各种手术导航技术在临床应用中的优缺点,分析了目前手术导航领域内的最新技术方法。在此基础上,提出了微创外科手术方法正向数字化、个性化、精准化、诊疗一体化、机器人化以及高度智能化的发展趋势。【Abstract】Interventional endoscopy (e.g., bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, laparoscopy, cystoscopy) is a widely performed procedure that involves either diagnosis of suspicious lesions or guidance for minimally invasive surgery in a variety of organs within the body cavity. Endoscopy may also be used to guide the introduction of certain items (e.g., stents) into the body. Endoscopic navigation systems seek to integrate big data with multimodal information (e.g., computed tomography, magnetic resonance images, endoscopic video sequences, ultrasound images, external trackers) relative to the patient's anatomy, control the movement of medical endoscopes and surgical tools, and guide the surgeon's actions during endoscopic interventions. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to realize the next generation of context-aware navigated endoscopy. This review presents a broad survey of various aspects of endoscopic navigation, particularly with respect to the development of endoscopic navigation techniques. First, we investigate big data with multimodal information involved in endoscopic navigation. Next, we focus on numerous methodologies used for endoscopic navigation. We then review different endoscopic procedures in clinical applications. Finally, we discuss novel techniques and promising directions for the development of endoscopic navigation.X.L. acknowledges funding from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. T.M.P. acknowledges funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and a grant from Intuitive Surgical Inc


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    I tumori maligni del distretto testa-collo rappresentano un insieme di lesioni dalle diverse caratteristiche patologiche, epidemiologiche e prognostiche. Per una porzione considerevole di tali patologie, l’intervento chirurgico finalizzato all’asportazione completa del tumore rappresenta l’elemento chiave del trattamento, quand’anche esso includa altre modalità quali la radioterapia e la terapia sistemica. La qualità dell’atto chirurgico ablativo è pertanto essenziale al fine di garantire le massime chance di cura al paziente. Nell’ambito della chirurgia oncologica, la qualità delle ablazioni viene misurata attraverso l’analisi dello stato dei margini di resezione. Oltre a rappresentare un surrogato della qualità della resezione chirurgica, lo stato dei margini di resezione ha notevoli implicazioni da un punto di vista clinico e prognostico. Infatti, il coinvolgimento dei margini di resezione da parte della neoplasia rappresenta invariabilmente un fattore prognostico sfavorevole, oltre che implicare la necessità di intensificare i trattamenti postchirurgici (e.g., ponendo indicazione alla chemioradioterapia adiuvante), comportando una maggiore tossicità per il paziente. La proporzione di resezioni con margini positivi (i.e., coinvolti dalla neoplasia) nel distretto testa-collo è tra le più elevate in ambito di chirurgia oncologica. In tale contesto si pone l’obiettivo del dottorato di cui questa tesi riporta i risultati. Le due tecnologie di cui si è analizzata l’utilità in termini di ottimizzazione dello stato dei margini di resezione sono la navigazione chirurgica con rendering tridimensionale e la realtà aumentata basata sulla videoproiezione di immagini. Le sperimentazioni sono state svolte parzialmente presso l’Università degli Studi di Brescia, parzialmente presso l’Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova e parzialmente presso l’University Health Network (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). I risultati delle sperimentazioni incluse in questo elaborato dimostrano che l'impiego della navigazione chirurgica con rendering tridimensionale nel contesto di procedure oncologiche ablative cervico-cefaliche risulta associata ad un vantaggio significativo in termini di riduzione della frequenza di margini positivi. Al contrario, le tecniche di realtà aumentata basata sulla videoproiezione, nell'ambito della sperimentazione preclinica effettuata, non sono risultate associate a vantaggi sufficienti per poter considerare tale tecnologia per la traslazione clinica.Head and neck malignancies are an heterogeneous group of tumors. Surgery represents the mainstay of treatment for the large majority of head and neck cancers, with ablation being aimed at removing completely the tumor. Radiotherapy and systemic therapy have also a substantial role in the multidisciplinary management of head and neck cancers. The quality of surgical ablation is intimately related to margin status evaluated at a microscopic level. Indeed, margin involvement has a remarkably negative effect on prognosis of patients and mandates the escalation of postoperative treatment by adding concomitant chemotherapy to radiotherapy and accordingly increasing the toxicity of overall treatment. The rate of margin involvement in the head and neck is among the highest in the entire field of surgical oncology. In this context, the present PhD project was aimed at testing the utility of 2 technologies, namely surgical navigation with 3-dimensional rendering and pico projector-based augmented reality, in decreasing the rate of involved margins during oncologic surgical ablations in the craniofacial area. Experiments were performed in the University of Brescia, University of Padua, and University Health Network (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). The research activities completed in the context of this PhD course demonstrated that surgical navigation with 3-dimensional rendering confers a higher quality to oncologic ablations in the head and neck, irrespective of the open or endoscopic surgical technique. The benefits deriving from this implementation come with no relevant drawbacks from a logistical and practical standpoint, nor were major adverse events observed. Thus, implementation of this technology into the standard care is the logical proposed step forward. However, the genuine presence of a prognostic advantage needs longer and larger study to be formally addressed. On the other hand, pico projector-based augmented reality showed no sufficient advantages to encourage translation into the clinical setting. Although observing a clear practical advantage deriving from the projection of osteotomy lines onto the surgical field, no substantial benefits were measured when comparing this technology with surgical navigation with 3-dimensional rendering. Yet recognizing a potential value of this technology from an educational standpoint, the performance displayed in the preclinical setting in terms of surgical margins optimization is not in favor of a clinical translation with this specific aim

    New technologies for the further advancement of ERCP

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    Background: The capabilities of conventional endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) are hampered by several limitations. Newly developed adjunct technologies such as single operator peroral cholangiopancreatoscopy (SOPCP) and new imaging techniques could overcome some of these limitations, but their role in common clinical practice have not yet been established. Aims: To assess the diagnostic and therapeutic yield of SOPCP in the diagnosis and treatment of biliopancreatic disease. To investigate patient-related risk factors for post procedural pancreatitis (PPP) following single-operator peroral pancreatoscopy. To determine the feasibility and potential clinical yield of bimodal ERCP. To assess radiation dose in cone beam ERCP. Methods: In paper I, All SOPCP procedures performed at Karolinska University Hospital between March 2007 and December 2014 were included in this study and each procedure’s diagnostic yield and therapeutic value was evaluated using a predefined 4 grade assessment scale. In paper II, all consecutive patients that underwent single operator pancreatoscopy (SOPP) at Karolinska University Hospital between April 2015 and Nov 2020 were included. The Swedish Registry for Gallstone Surgery and ERCP (GallRiks) was used to retrieve patient data and preprocedural imaging was reviewed in consensus by two senior radiologists. Pancreatic gland morphology and main pancreatic duct (MPD) diameter were evaluated as risk factors for PPP using uni- and multivariate logistic regression. In paper III, patients undergoing conventional ERCP had a previous T2-weighted magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) sequence aligned and fused with the two-dimensional image generated from the fluoroscopy c-arm unit in real time and data regarding feasibility and clinical yield was retrieved. In paper IV, radiation exposure data from conventional ERCP procedures and cone beam ERCP (CB-ERCP) procedures performed between February 2016 and June 2017 at a tertiary high volume endoscopy unit was analyzed. CBERCP cases used either the standard exposure protocol ‘DR’ or the modified low dose exposure protocol‘DR Care’. Results: During the study period in paper I, 365 SOPCP procedures were performed. SOPCP was found to be of pivotal importance (grade 4) in 19% of cases, and of great clinical significance (grade 3) in 44% of cases. SOPCP did not affect clinical decision-making or alter clinical course (grade 1 and 2) in 37% of cases. In paper II, Postprocedural pancreatitis occurred in 15 (23%) of patients during the 30-day follow up. Univariate analysis of risk factors for PPP showed a significant association with chronic pancreatitis (OR 0.28 95% CI 0.08-0.92), insertion of a pancreatic stent (OR 0.28; 95% CI 0.08-0.95) and the ratio between MPD and pancreatic gland thickness in the body of pancreas (OR 1.14; 95% CI 1.03-1.28). In a multivariate regression model, the association between an increased body MPD/gland ratio in pancreatic body and PPP remained significant (OR 1.26; 95% CI 1.06-1.57) after adjustments for confounders including chronic pancreatitis. In paper III, 13 patients underwent bimodal ERCP for bile duct stricture, complex cholelithiasis or ductal leakage. Bimodal ERCP was feasible in all 13 cases, and image quality was assessed as “good” in 11 patients (85%). Bimodal ERCP aided in visualizing the lesion of interest (77 %), assisted in understanding the 3D anatomy of the biliopancreatic ductal system (62 %), and aided in finding a favorable position for the c-arm (38%) for subsequent therapeutic intervention. In paper IV, 728 conventional ERCP procedures were performed and 42 cases utilized CBERCP. The median total dose area product (DAP) was 48.9 Gycm2 for CB-ERCP procedures using the DR exposure protocol and 19.7 Gycm2 for CB-ERCP procedures using the DR care exposure protocol. The median total DAP was 6.5 Gycm2 when conventional ERCP was used. Conventional ERCP generated a significantly reduced total DAP compared to both CBERCP using the ‘DR’ exposure protocol (U=908, p < 0.001) and CB-ERCP using the ‘DR care’exposure protocol (U=3823, p < 0.001). Conclusions: SOPCP has a high impact on management of patients with complex cholelithiasis, indeterminate biliary strictures and pancreatic cystic lesions in a tertiary care setting, but the procedure contributes to a considerable risk of adverse events. There is an association between the pancreatic gland thickness and MPD diameter in the pancreatic body with the risk of developing PPP after SOPP. Bimodal ERCP is feasible and can aid in understanding biliary anatomy and visualizing the lesion of interest. Its future area of use may lie in the assessment and treatment of complex intrahepatic biliary disease. Cone beam asssisted ERCP procedures are associated with higher total radiation doses than conventional ERCP procedures, but it is possible to decrease radiation doses to acceptable levels with adjustments of exposure protocols. These adjustments do not compromise the capabilities of cone beam ERCP to provide enhanced intraprocedural guidance


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    Minimally-invasive robotic-assisted surgery is a rapidly-growing alternative to traditionally open and laparoscopic procedures; nevertheless, challenges remain. Standard of care derives surgical strategies from preoperative volumetric data (i.e., computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) images) that benefit from the ability of multiple modalities to delineate different anatomical boundaries. However, preoperative images may not reflect a possibly highly deformed perioperative setup or intraoperative deformation. Additionally, in current clinical practice, the correspondence of preoperative plans to the surgical scene is conducted as a mental exercise; thus, the accuracy of this practice is highly dependent on the surgeon’s experience and therefore subject to inconsistencies. In order to address these fundamental limitations in minimally-invasive robotic surgery, this dissertation combines a high-end robotic C-arm imaging system and a modern robotic surgical platform as an integrated intraoperative image-guided system. We performed deformable registration of preoperative plans to a perioperative cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), acquired after the patient is positioned for intervention. From the registered surgical plans, we overlaid critical information onto the primary intraoperative visual source, the robotic endoscope, by using augmented reality. Guidance afforded by this system not only uses augmented reality to fuse virtual medical information, but also provides tool localization and other dynamic intraoperative updated behavior in order to present enhanced depth feedback and information to the surgeon. These techniques in guided robotic surgery required a streamlined approach to creating intuitive and effective human-machine interferences, especially in visualization. Our software design principles create an inherently information-driven modular architecture incorporating robotics and intraoperative imaging through augmented reality. The system's performance is evaluated using phantoms and preclinical in-vivo experiments for multiple applications, including transoral robotic surgery, robot-assisted thoracic interventions, and cocheostomy for cochlear implantation. The resulting functionality, proposed architecture, and implemented methodologies can be further generalized to other C-arm-based image guidance for additional extensions in robotic surgery

    Optical techniques for 3D surface reconstruction in computer-assisted laparoscopic surgery

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    One of the main challenges for computer-assisted surgery (CAS) is to determine the intra-opera- tive morphology and motion of soft-tissues. This information is prerequisite to the registration of multi-modal patient-specific data for enhancing the surgeon’s navigation capabilites by observ- ing beyond exposed tissue surfaces and for providing intelligent control of robotic-assisted in- struments. In minimally invasive surgery (MIS), optical techniques are an increasingly attractive approach for in vivo 3D reconstruction of the soft-tissue surface geometry. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art methods for optical intra-operative 3D reconstruction in laparoscopic surgery and discusses the technical challenges and future perspectives towards clinical translation. With the recent paradigm shift of surgical practice towards MIS and new developments in 3D opti- cal imaging, this is a timely discussion about technologies that could facilitate complex CAS procedures in dynamic and deformable anatomical regions

    Autonomous Tissue Scanning under Free-Form Motion for Intraoperative Tissue Characterisation

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    In Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), tissue scanning with imaging probes is required for subsurface visualisation to characterise the state of the tissue. However, scanning of large tissue surfaces in the presence of deformation is a challenging task for the surgeon. Recently, robot-assisted local tissue scanning has been investigated for motion stabilisation of imaging probes to facilitate the capturing of good quality images and reduce the surgeon's cognitive load. Nonetheless, these approaches require the tissue surface to be static or deform with periodic motion. To eliminate these assumptions, we propose a visual servoing framework for autonomous tissue scanning, able to deal with free-form tissue deformation. The 3D structure of the surgical scene is recovered and a feature-based method is proposed to estimate the motion of the tissue in real-time. A desired scanning trajectory is manually defined on a reference frame and continuously updated using projective geometry to follow the tissue motion and control the movement of the robotic arm. The advantage of the proposed method is that it does not require the learning of the tissue motion prior to scanning and can deal with free-form deformation. We deployed this framework on the da Vinci surgical robot using the da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) for Ultrasound tissue scanning. Since the framework does not rely on information from the Ultrasound data, it can be easily extended to other probe-based imaging modalities.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, ICRA 202

    Exploiting Temporal Image Information in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Minimally invasive procedures rely on medical imaging instead of the surgeons direct vision. While preoperative images can be used for surgical planning and navigation, once the surgeon arrives at the target site real-time intraoperative imaging is needed. However, acquiring and interpreting these images can be challenging and much of the rich temporal information present in these images is not visible. The goal of this thesis is to improve image guidance for minimally invasive surgery in two main areas. First, by showing how high-quality ultrasound video can be obtained by integrating an ultrasound transducer directly into delivery devices for beating heart valve surgery. Secondly, by extracting hidden temporal information through video processing methods to help the surgeon localize important anatomical structures. Prototypes of delivery tools, with integrated ultrasound imaging, were developed for both transcatheter aortic valve implantation and mitral valve repair. These tools provided an on-site view that shows the tool-tissue interactions during valve repair. Additionally, augmented reality environments were used to add more anatomical context that aids in navigation and in interpreting the on-site video. Other procedures can be improved by extracting hidden temporal information from the intraoperative video. In ultrasound guided epidural injections, dural pulsation provides a cue in finding a clear trajectory to the epidural space. By processing the video using extended Kalman filtering, subtle pulsations were automatically detected and visualized in real-time. A statistical framework for analyzing periodicity was developed based on dynamic linear modelling. In addition to detecting dural pulsation in lumbar spine ultrasound, this approach was used to image tissue perfusion in natural video and generate ventilation maps from free-breathing magnetic resonance imaging. A second statistical method, based on spectral analysis of pixel intensity values, allowed blood flow to be detected directly from high-frequency B-mode ultrasound video. Finally, pulsatile cues in endoscopic video were enhanced through Eulerian video magnification to help localize critical vasculature. This approach shows particular promise in identifying the basilar artery in endoscopic third ventriculostomy and the prostatic artery in nerve-sparing prostatectomy. A real-time implementation was developed which processed full-resolution stereoscopic video on the da Vinci Surgical System

    Image-Fusion for Biopsy, Intervention, and Surgical Navigation in Urology

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