7 research outputs found

    A Drift-Resilient and Degeneracy-Aware Loop Closure Detection Method for Localization and Mapping In Perceptually-Degraded Environments

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    Enabling fully autonomous robots capable of navigating and exploring unknown and complex environments has been at the core of robotics research for several decades. Mobile robots rely on a model of the environment for functions like manipulation, collision avoidance and path planning. In GPS-denied and unknown environments where a prior map of the environment is not available, robots need to rely on the onboard sensing to obtain locally accurate maps to operate in their local environment. A global map of an unknown environment can be constructed from fusion of local maps of temporally or spatially distributed mobile robots in the environment. Loop closure detection, the ability to assert that a robot has returned to a previously visited location, is crucial for consistent mapping as it reduces the drift caused by error accumulation in the estimated robot trajectory. Moreover, in multi-robot systems, loop closure detection enables finding the correspondences between the local maps obtained by individual robots and merging them into a consistent global map of the environment. In ambiguous and perceptually-degraded environments, robust detection of intra- and inter-robot loop closures is especially challenging. This is due to poor illumination or lack-thereof, self-similarity, and sparsity of distinctive perceptual landmarks and features sufficient for establishing global position. Overcoming these challenges enables a wide range of terrestrial and planetary applications, ranging from search and rescue, and disaster relief in hostile environments, to robotic exploration of lunar and Martian surfaces, caves and lava tubes that are of particular interest as they can provide potential habitats for future manned space missions. In this dissertation, methods and metrics are developed for resolving location ambiguities to significantly improve loop closures in perceptually-degraded environments with sparse or undifferentiated features. The first contribution of this dissertation is development of a degeneracy-aware SLAM front-end capable of determining the level of geometric degeneracy in an unknown environment based on computing the Hessian associated with the computed optimal transformation from lidar scan matching. Using this crucial capability, featureless areas that could lead to data association ambiguity and spurious loop closures are determined and excluded from the search for loop closures. This significantly improves the quality and accuracy of localization and mapping, because the search space for loop closures can be expanded as needed to account for drift while decreasing rather than increasing the probability of false loop closure detections. The second contribution of this dissertation is development of a drift-resilient loop closure detection method that relies on the 2D semantic and 3D geometric features extracted from lidar point cloud data to enable detection of loop closures with increased robustness and accuracy as compared to traditional geometric methods. The proposed method achieves higher performance by exploiting the spatial configuration of the local scenes embedded in 2D occupancy grid maps commonly used in robot navigation, to search for putative loop closures in a pre-matching step before using a geometric verification. The third contribution of this dissertation is an extensive evaluation and analysis of performance and comparison with the state-of-the-art methods in simulation and in real-world, including six challenging underground mines across the United States

    A cooperative navigation system with distributed architecture for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in many applications due to, among other features, their versatility, reduced operating cost, and small size. These applications increasingly demand that features related to autonomous navigation be employed, such as mapping. However, the reduced capacity of resources such as, for example, battery and hardware (memory and processing units) can hinder the development of these applications in UAVs. Thus, the collaborative use of multiple UAVs for mapping can be used as an alternative to solve this problem, with a cooperative navigation system. This system requires that individual local maps be transmitted and merged into a global map in a distributed manner. In this scenario, there are two main problems to be addressed: the transmission of maps among the UAVs and the merging of the local maps in each UAV. In this context, this work describes the design, development, and evaluation of a cooperative navigation system with distributed architecture to be used by multiple UAVs. This system uses proposed structures to store the 3D occupancy grid maps. Furthermore, maps are compressed and transmitted between UAVs using algorithms specially proposed for these purposes. Then the local 3D maps are merged in each UAV. In this map merging system, maps are processed before and merged in pairs using suitable algorithms to make them compatible with the 3D occupancy grid map data. In addition, keypoints orientation properties are obtained from potential field gradients. Some proposed filters are used to improve the parameters of the transformations among maps. To validate the proposed solution, simulations were performed in six different environments, outdoors and indoors, and with different layout characteristics. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of thesystemin the construction, sharing, and merging of maps. Still, from the obtained results, the extreme complexity of map merging systems is highlighted.Os veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs) têm sidoamplamenteutilizados em muitas aplicações devido, entre outrosrecursos,à sua versatilidade, custo de operação e tamanho reduzidos. Essas aplicações exigem cadavez mais que recursos relacionados à navegaçãoautônoma sejam empregados,como o mapeamento. No entanto, acapacidade reduzida de recursos como, por exemplo, bateria e hardware (memória e capacidade de processamento) podem atrapalhar o desenvolvimento dessas aplicações em VANTs.Assim, o uso colaborativo de múltiplosVANTs para mapeamento pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para resolvereste problema, criando um sistema de navegaçãocooperativo. Estesistema requer que mapas locais individuais sejam transmitidos efundidos em um mapa global de forma distribuída.Nesse cenário, há doisproblemas principais aserem abordados:a transmissão dosmapas entre os VANTs e afusão dos mapas locais em cada VANT. Nestecontexto, estatese apresentao projeto, desenvolvimento e avaliaçãode um sistema de navegação cooperativo com arquitetura distribuída para ser utilizado pormúltiplos VANTs. Este sistemausa estruturas propostas para armazenaros mapasdegradedeocupação 3D. Além disso, os mapas são compactados e transmitidos entre os VANTs usando os algoritmos propostos. Em seguida, os mapas 3D locais são fundidos em cada VANT. Neste sistemade fusão de mapas, os mapas são processados antes e juntados em pares usando algunsalgoritmos adequados para torná-los compatíveiscom os dados dos mapas da grade de ocupação 3D. Além disso, as propriedadesde orientação dos pontoschave são obtidas a partir de gradientes de campos potenciais. Alguns filtros propostos são utilizadospara melhorar as indicações dos parâmetros dastransformações entre mapas. Paravalidar a aplicação proposta, foram realizadas simulações em seis ambientes distintos, externos e internos, e com características construtivas distintas. Os resultados apresentados demonstram a efetividade do sistema na construção, compartilhamento e fusão dos mapas. Ainda, a partir dos resultados obtidos, destaca-se a extrema complexidade dos sistemas de fusão de mapas

    Distributed scene reconstruction from multiple mobile platforms

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    Recent research on mobile robotics has produced new designs that provide house-hold robots with omnidirectional motion. The image sensor embedded in these devices motivates the application of 3D vision techniques on them for navigation and mapping purposes. In addition to this, distributed cheapsensing systems acting as unitary entity have recently been discovered as an efficient alternative to expensive mobile equipment. In this work we present an implementation of a visual reconstruction method, structure from motion (SfM), on a low-budget, omnidirectional mobile platform, and extend this method to distributed 3D scene reconstruction with several instances of such a platform. Our approach overcomes the challenges yielded by the plaform. The unprecedented levels of noise produced by the image compression typical of the platform is processed by our feature filtering methods, which ensure suitable feature matching populations for epipolar geometry estimation by means of a strict quality-based feature selection. The robust pose estimation algorithms implemented, along with a novel feature tracking system, enable our incremental SfM approach to novelly deal with ill-conditioned inter-image configurations provoked by the omnidirectional motion. The feature tracking system developed efficiently manages the feature scarcity produced by noise and outputs quality feature tracks, which allow robust 3D mapping of a given scene even if - due to noise - their length is shorter than what it is usually assumed for performing stable 3D reconstructions. The distributed reconstruction from multiple instances of SfM is attained by applying loop-closing techniques. Our multiple reconstruction system merges individual 3D structures and resolves the global scale problem with minimal overlaps, whereas in the literature 3D mapping is obtained by overlapping stretches of sequences. The performance of this system is demonstrated in the 2-session case. The management of noise, the stability against ill-configurations and the robustness of our SfM system is validated on a number of experiments and compared with state-of-the-art approaches. Possible future research areas are also discussed

    Rapid prototyping, performance characterization, and design automation of droplet-based microfluidic devices

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    Droplet generators are at the heart of many microfluidic devices developed for life science applications but are difficult to tailor to each specific application. The high fabrication costs, complex fluid dynamics, and incomplete understanding of multi-phase flows make engineering droplet-based platforms an iterative and resource-intensive process. First, we demonstrate the suitability of desktop micromills for low-cost rapid prototyping of thermoplastic microfluidic devices. With this method, microfluidic devices are made in 1 - 2 hours, have a minimum feature size of 75 μm, and cost less than $10. These devices are biocompatible and can accommodate integrated electrodes for sophisticated droplet manipulations, such as droplet sensing, sorting, and merging. Next, we leverage low-cost rapid prototyping to characterize the performance of microfluidic flow-focusing droplet generators. Specifically, the effect of eight design parameters on droplet diameter, generation rate, generation regime, and polydispersity are quantified. This was achieved through orthogonal design of experiments, a large-scale experimental dataset, and statistical analysis. Finally, we capitalize on the created dataset and machine learning to achieve accurate performance prediction and design automation of flow-focusing devices. The developed capabilities are captured in a software tool that converts high-level performance specifications to a device that delivers the desired droplet diameter and generation rate. This tool effectively eliminates the need for resource-intensive design iterations to achieve functional droplet generators. We also demonstrate the tool’s generalizability to new fluid combinations with transfer learning. We expect that our newly established framework on rapid prototyping, performance characterization informed by design of experiments, and machine learning guided design automation to enable extension to other microfluidic components and to facilitate widespread adoption of droplet microfluidics in the life sciences

    Resilient visual perception for multiagent systems

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    There has been an increasing interest in visual sensors and vision-based solutions for single and multi-robot systems. Vision-based sensors, e.g., traditional RGB cameras, grant rich semantic information and accurate directional measurements at a relatively low cost; however, such sensors have two major drawbacks. They do not generally provide reliable depth estimates, and typically have a limited field of view. These limitations considerably increase the complexity of controlling multiagent systems. This thesis studies some of the underlying problems in vision-based multiagent control and mapping. The first contribution of this thesis is a method for restoring bearing rigidity in non-rigid networks of robots. We introduce means to determine which bearing measurements can improve bearing rigidity in non-rigid graphs and provide a greedy algorithm that restores rigidity in 2D with a minimum number of added edges. The focus of the second part is on the formation control problem using only bearing measurements. We address the control problem for consensus and formation control through non-smooth Lyapunov functions and differential inclusion. We provide a stability analysis for undirected graphs and investigate the derived controllers for directed graphs. We also introduce a newer notion of bearing persistence for pure bearing-based control in directed graphs. The third part is concerned with the bearing-only visual homing problem with a limited field of view sensor. In essence, this problem is a special case of the formation control problem where there is a single moving agent with fixed neighbors. We introduce a navigational vector field composed of two orthogonal vector fields that converges to the goal position and does not violate the field of view constraints. Our method does not require the landmarks' locations and is robust to the landmarks' tracking loss. The last part of this dissertation considers outlier detection in pose graphs for Structure from Motion (SfM) and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problems. We propose a method for detecting incorrect orientation measurements before pose graph optimization by checking their geometric consistency in cycles. We use Expectation-Maximization to fine-tune the noise's distribution parameters and propose a new approximate graph inference procedure specifically designed to take advantage of evidence on cycles with better performance than standard approaches. These works will help enable multi-robot systems to overcome visual sensors' limitations in collaborative tasks such as navigation and mapping

    Autonomous Navigation of Distributed Spacecraft using Graph-based SLAM for Proximity Operations in Small Celestial Bodies

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    Establishment of a sustainable human presence beyond the cislunar space is a major milestone for mankind. Small celestial bodies (SCBs) like asteroids are known to contain valuable natural resources necessary for the development of space assets essential to the accomplishment of this goal. Consequently, future robotic spacecraft missions to SCBs are envisioned with the objective of commercial in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). In mission design, there is also an increasing interest in the utilization of the distributed spacecraft, to benefit from specialization and redundancy. The ability of distributed spacecraft to navigate autonomously in the proximity of a SCB is indispensable for the successful realization of ISRU mission objectives. Quasi-autonomous methods currently used for proximity navigation require extensive ground support for mapping and model development, which can be an impediment for large scale multi-spacecraft ISRU missions in the future. It is prudent to leverage the advances in terrestrial robotic navigation to investigate the development of novel methods for autonomous navigation of spacecraft. The primary objective of the work presented in this thesis is to evaluate the feasibility and investigate the development of methods based on graph-based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), a popular algorithm used in terrestrial autonomous navigation, for the autonomous navigation of distributed spacecraft in the proximity of SCBs. To this end, recent research in graph-based SLAM is extensively studied to identify strategies used to enable multi-agent navigation. The spacecraft navigation requirement is formulated as a graph-based SLAM problem using metric GraphSLAM or topometric graph-based SLAM. Techniques developed based on the identified strategies namely, map merging, inter-spacecraft measurements and relative localization are then applied to this formulation to enable distributed spacecraft navigation. In each case, navigation is formulated in terms of its application to a proximity operation scenario that best suits the multi-agent navigation technique. Several challenges related to the application of graph-based SLAM for spacecraft navigation, such as computational cost and illumination variation are also identified and addressed in the development of these methods. Experiments are performed using simulated models of asteroids and spacecraft dynamics, comparing the estimated states of the spacecraft and landmarks to the assumed true states. The results from the experiments indicate a consistent and robust state determination process, suggesting the suitability of the application of multi-agent navigation techniques to graph-based SLAM for enabling the autonomous navigation of distributed spacecraft near SCBs

    Fusion of dependent information in posegraphs

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of fusing measurements which contain correlated noises within posegraph-based formulations of filtering and estimation problems. We develop a formulation of the Weighted Geometric Density (WGD) fusion algorithm, a generalisation of Covariance Intersection (CI), for posegraphs. We show that this form can generate covariance consistent estimates. We propose two methods for computing the weighting parameters by maximising the information or maximising the likelihood. © 2012 IEEE