70 research outputs found

    Material Recognition Meets 3D Reconstruction : Novel Tools for Efficient, Automatic Acquisition Systems

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    For decades, the accurate acquisition of geometry and reflectance properties has represented one of the major objectives in computer vision and computer graphics with many applications in industry, entertainment and cultural heritage. Reproducing even the finest details of surface geometry and surface reflectance has become a ubiquitous prerequisite in visual prototyping, advertisement or digital preservation of objects. However, today's acquisition methods are typically designed for only a rather small range of material types. Furthermore, there is still a lack of accurate reconstruction methods for objects with a more complex surface reflectance behavior beyond diffuse reflectance. In addition to accurate acquisition techniques, the demand for creating large quantities of digital contents also pushes the focus towards fully automatic and highly efficient solutions that allow for masses of objects to be acquired as fast as possible. This thesis is dedicated to the investigation of basic components that allow an efficient, automatic acquisition process. We argue that such an efficient, automatic acquisition can be realized when material recognition "meets" 3D reconstruction and we will demonstrate that reliably recognizing the materials of the considered object allows a more efficient geometry acquisition. Therefore, the main objectives of this thesis are given by the development of novel, robust geometry acquisition techniques for surface materials beyond diffuse surface reflectance, and the development of novel, robust techniques for material recognition. In the context of 3D geometry acquisition, we introduce an improvement of structured light systems, which are capable of robustly acquiring objects ranging from diffuse surface reflectance to even specular surface reflectance with a sufficient diffuse component. We demonstrate that the resolution of the reconstruction can be increased significantly for multi-camera, multi-projector structured light systems by using overlappings of patterns that have been projected under different projector poses. As the reconstructions obtained by applying such triangulation-based techniques still contain high-frequency noise due to inaccurately localized correspondences established for images acquired under different viewpoints, we furthermore introduce a novel geometry acquisition technique that complements the structured light system with additional photometric normals and results in significantly more accurate reconstructions. In addition, we also present a novel method to acquire the 3D shape of mirroring objects with complex surface geometry. The aforementioned investigations on 3D reconstruction are accompanied by the development of novel tools for reliable material recognition which can be used in an initial step to recognize the present surface materials and, hence, to efficiently select the subsequently applied appropriate acquisition techniques based on these classified materials. In the scope of this thesis, we therefore focus on material recognition for scenarios with controlled illumination as given in lab environments as well as scenarios with natural illumination that are given in photographs of typical daily life scenes. Finally, based on the techniques developed in this thesis, we provide novel concepts towards efficient, automatic acquisition systems

    A Bayesian Framework for Enhanced Geometric Reconstruction of Complex Objects by Helmholtz Stereopsis

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    Helmholtz stereopsis is an advanced 3D reconstruction technique for objects with arbitrary reflectance properties that uniquely characterises surface points by both depth and normal. Traditionally, in Helmholtz stereopsis consistency of depth and normal estimates is assumed rather than explicitly enforced. Furthermore, conventional Helmholtz stereopsis performs maximum likelihood depth estimation without neighbourhood consideration. In this paper, we demonstrate that reconstruction accuracy of Helmholtz stereopsis can be greatly enhanced by formulating depth estimation as a Bayesian maximum a posteriori probability problem. In reformulating the problem we introduce neighbourhood support by formulating and comparing three priors: a depth-based, a normal-based and a novel depth-normal consistency enforcing one. Relative performance evaluation of the three priors against standard maximum likelihood Helmholtz stereopsis is performed on both real and synthetic data to facilitate both qualitative and quantitative assessment of reconstruction accuracy. Observed superior performance of our depth-normal consistency prior indicates a previously unexplored advantage in joint optimisation of depth and normal estimates

    Computational Imaging for Shape Understanding

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    Geometry is the essential property of real-world scenes. Understanding the shape of the object is critical to many computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we explore using computational imaging approaches to recover the geometry of real-world scenes. Computational imaging is an emerging technique that uses the co-designs of image hardware and computational software to expand the capacity of traditional cameras. To tackle face recognition in the uncontrolled environment, we study 2D color image and 3D shape to deal with body movement and self-occlusion. Especially, we use multiple RGB-D cameras to fuse the varying pose and register the front face in a unified coordinate system. The deep color feature and geodesic distance feature have been used to complete face recognition. To handle the underwater image application, we study the angular-spatial encoding and polarization state encoding of light rays using computational imaging devices. Specifically, we use the light field camera to tackle the challenging problem of underwater 3D reconstruction. We leverage the angular sampling of the light field for robust depth estimation. We also develop a fast ray marching algorithm to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. To deal with arbitrary reflectance, we investigate polarimetric imaging and develop polarimetric Helmholtz stereopsis that uses reciprocal polarimetric image pairs for high-fidelity 3D surface reconstruction. We formulate new reciprocity and diffuse/specular polarimetric constraints to recover surface depths and normals using an optimization framework. To recover the 3D shape in the unknown and uncontrolled natural illumination, we use two circularly polarized spotlights to boost the polarization cues corrupted by the environment lighting, as well as to provide photometric cues. To mitigate the effect of uncontrolled environment light in photometric constraints, we estimate a lighting proxy map and iteratively refine the normal and lighting estimation. Through expensive experiments on the simulated and real images, we demonstrate that our proposed computational imaging methods outperform traditional imaging approaches

    Colour Helmholtz Stereopsis for Reconstruction of Complex Dynamic Scenes

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    Helmholtz Stereopsis (HS) is a powerful technique for reconstruction of scenes with arbitrary reflectance properties. However, previous formulations have been limited to static objects due to the requirement to sequentially capture reciprocal image pairs (i.e. two images with the camera and light source positions mutually interchanged). In this paper, we propose colour HS-a novel variant of the technique based on wavelength multiplexing. To address the new set of challenges introduced by multispectral data acquisition, the proposed novel pipeline for colour HS uniquely combines a tailored photometric calibration for multiple camera/light source pairs, a novel procedure for surface chromaticity calibration and the state-of-the-art Bayesian HS suitable for reconstruction from a minimal number of reciprocal pairs. Experimental results including quantitative and qualitative evaluation demonstrate that the method is suitable for flexible (single-shot) reconstruction of static scenes and reconstruction of dynamic scenes with complex surface reflectance properties

    Photometric Reconstruction from Images: New Scenarios and Approaches for Uncontrolled Input Data

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    The changes in surface shading caused by varying illumination constitute an important cue to discern fine details and recognize the shape of textureless objects. Humans perform this task subconsciously, but it is challenging for a computer because several variables are unknown and intermix in the light distribution that actually reaches the eye or camera. In this work, we study algorithms and techniques to automatically recover the surface orientation and reflectance properties from multiple images of a scene. Photometric reconstruction techniques have been investigated for decades but are still restricted to industrial applications and research laboratories. Making these techniques work on more general, uncontrolled input without specialized capture setups has to be the next step but is not yet solved. We explore the current limits of photometric shape recovery in terms of input data and propose ways to overcome some of its restrictions. Many approaches, especially for non-Lambertian surfaces, rely on the illumination and the radiometric response function of the camera to be known. The accuracy such algorithms are able to achieve depends a lot on the quality of an a priori calibration of these parameters. We propose two techniques to estimate the position of a point light source, experimentally compare their performance with the commonly employed method, and draw conclusions which one to use in practice. We also discuss how well an absolute radiometric calibration can be performed on uncontrolled consumer images and show the application of a simple radiometric model to re-create night-time impressions from color images. A focus of this thesis is on Internet images which are an increasingly important source of data for computer vision and graphics applications. Concerning reconstructions in this setting we present novel approaches that are able to recover surface orientation from Internet webcam images. We explore two different strategies to overcome the challenges posed by this kind of input data. One technique exploits orientation consistency and matches appearance profiles on the target with a partial reconstruction of the scene. This avoids an explicit light calibration and works for any reflectance that is observed on the partial reference geometry. The other technique employs an outdoor lighting model and reflectance properties represented as parametric basis materials. It yields a richer scene representation consisting of shape and reflectance. This is very useful for the simulation of new impressions or editing operations, e.g. relighting. The proposed approach is the first that achieves such a reconstruction on webcam data. Both presentations are accompanied by evaluations on synthetic and real-world data showing qualitative and quantitative results. We also present a reconstruction approach for more controlled data in terms of the target scene. It relies on a reference object to relax a constraint common to many photometric stereo approaches: the fixed camera assumption. The proposed technique allows the camera and light source to vary freely in each image. It again avoids a light calibration step and can be applied to non-Lambertian surfaces. In summary, this thesis contributes to the calibration and to the reconstruction aspects of photometric techniques. We overcome challenges in both controlled and uncontrolled settings, with a focus on the latter. All proposed approaches are shown to operate also on non-Lambertian objects

    3D Data Acquisition and Registration using Two Opposing Kinects

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    Combining Features and Semantics for Low-level Computer Vision

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    Visual perception of depth and motion plays a significant role in understanding and navigating the environment. Reconstructing outdoor scenes in 3D and estimating the motion from video cameras are of utmost importance for applications like autonomous driving. The corresponding problems in computer vision have witnessed tremendous progress over the last decades, yet some aspects still remain challenging today. Striking examples are reflecting and textureless surfaces or large motions which cannot be easily recovered using traditional local methods. Further challenges include occlusions, large distortions and difficult lighting conditions. In this thesis, we propose to overcome these challenges by modeling non-local interactions leveraging semantics and contextual information. Firstly, for binocular stereo estimation, we propose to regularize over larger areas on the image using object-category specific disparity proposals which we sample using inverse graphics techniques based on a sparse disparity estimate and a semantic segmentation of the image. The disparity proposals encode the fact that objects of certain categories are not arbitrarily shaped but typically exhibit regular structures. We integrate them as non-local regularizer for the challenging object class 'car' into a superpixel-based graphical model and demonstrate its benefits especially in reflective regions. Secondly, for 3D reconstruction, we leverage the fact that the larger the reconstructed area, the more likely objects of similar type and shape will occur in the scene. This is particularly true for outdoor scenes where buildings and vehicles often suffer from missing texture or reflections, but share similarity in 3D shape. We take advantage of this shape similarity by localizing objects using detectors and jointly reconstructing them while learning a volumetric model of their shape. This allows to reduce noise while completing missing surfaces as objects of similar shape benefit from all observations for the respective category. Evaluations with respect to LIDAR ground-truth on a novel challenging suburban dataset show the advantages of modeling structural dependencies between objects. Finally, motivated by the success of deep learning techniques in matching problems, we present a method for learning context-aware features for solving optical flow using discrete optimization. Towards this goal, we present an efficient way of training a context network with a large receptive field size on top of a local network using dilated convolutions on patches. We perform feature matching by comparing each pixel in the reference image to every pixel in the target image, utilizing fast GPU matrix multiplication. The matching cost volume from the network's output forms the data term for discrete MAP inference in a pairwise Markov random field. Extensive evaluations reveal the importance of context for feature matching.Die visuelle Wahrnehmung von Tiefe und Bewegung spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei dem Verständnis und der Navigation in unserer Umwelt. Die 3D Rekonstruktion von Szenen im Freien und die Schätzung der Bewegung von Videokameras sind von größter Bedeutung für Anwendungen, wie das autonome Fahren. Die Erforschung der entsprechenden Probleme des maschinellen Sehens hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten enorme Fortschritte gemacht, jedoch bleiben einige Aspekte heute noch ungelöst. Beispiele hierfür sind reflektierende und texturlose Oberflächen oder große Bewegungen, bei denen herkömmliche lokale Methoden häufig scheitern. Weitere Herausforderungen sind niedrige Bildraten, Verdeckungen, große Verzerrungen und schwierige Lichtverhältnisse. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir vor nicht-lokale Interaktionen zu modellieren, die semantische und kontextbezogene Informationen nutzen, um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern. Für die binokulare Stereo Schätzung schlagen wir zuallererst vor zusammenhängende Bereiche mit objektklassen-spezifischen Disparitäts Vorschlägen zu regularisieren, die wir mit inversen Grafik Techniken auf der Grundlage einer spärlichen Disparitätsschätzung und semantischen Segmentierung des Bildes erhalten. Die Disparitäts Vorschläge kodieren die Tatsache, dass die Gegenstände bestimmter Kategorien nicht willkürlich geformt sind, sondern typischerweise regelmäßige Strukturen aufweisen. Wir integrieren sie für die komplexe Objektklasse 'Auto' in Form eines nicht-lokalen Regularisierungsterm in ein Superpixel-basiertes grafisches Modell und zeigen die Vorteile vor allem in reflektierenden Bereichen. Zweitens nutzen wir für die 3D-Rekonstruktion die Tatsache, dass mit der Größe der rekonstruierten Fläche auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit steigt, Objekte von ähnlicher Art und Form in der Szene zu enthalten. Dies gilt besonders für Szenen im Freien, in denen Gebäude und Fahrzeuge oft vorkommen, die unter fehlender Textur oder Reflexionen leiden aber ähnlichkeit in der Form aufweisen. Wir nutzen diese ähnlichkeiten zur Lokalisierung von Objekten mit Detektoren und zur gemeinsamen Rekonstruktion indem ein volumetrisches Modell ihrer Form erlernt wird. Dies ermöglicht auftretendes Rauschen zu reduzieren, während fehlende Flächen vervollständigt werden, da Objekte ähnlicher Form von allen Beobachtungen der jeweiligen Kategorie profitieren. Die Evaluierung auf einem neuen, herausfordernden vorstädtischen Datensatz in Anbetracht von LIDAR-Entfernungsdaten zeigt die Vorteile der Modellierung von strukturellen Abhängigkeiten zwischen Objekten. Zuletzt, motiviert durch den Erfolg von Deep Learning Techniken bei der Mustererkennung, präsentieren wir eine Methode zum Erlernen von kontextbezogenen Merkmalen zur Lösung des optischen Flusses mittels diskreter Optimierung. Dazu stellen wir eine effiziente Methode vor um zusätzlich zu einem Lokalen Netzwerk ein Kontext-Netzwerk zu erlernen, das mit Hilfe von erweiterter Faltung auf Patches ein großes rezeptives Feld besitzt. Für das Feature Matching vergleichen wir mit schnellen GPU-Matrixmultiplikation jedes Pixel im Referenzbild mit jedem Pixel im Zielbild. Das aus dem Netzwerk resultierende Matching Kostenvolumen bildet den Datenterm für eine diskrete MAP Inferenz in einem paarweisen Markov Random Field. Eine umfangreiche Evaluierung zeigt die Relevanz des Kontextes für das Feature Matching

    Depth Enhancement and Surface Reconstruction with RGB/D Sequence

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    Surface reconstruction and 3D modeling is a challenging task, which has been explored for decades by the computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning communities. It is fundamental to many applications such as robot navigation, animation and scene understanding, industrial control and medical diagnosis. In this dissertation, I take advantage of the consumer depth sensors for surface reconstruction. Considering its limited performance on capturing detailed surface geometry, a depth enhancement approach is proposed in the first place to recovery small and rich geometric details with captured depth and color sequence. In addition to enhancing its spatial resolution, I present a hybrid camera to improve the temporal resolution of consumer depth sensor and propose an optimization framework to capture high speed motion and generate high speed depth streams. Given the partial scans from the depth sensor, we also develop a novel fusion approach to build up complete and watertight human models with a template guided registration method. Finally, the problem of surface reconstruction for non-Lambertian objects, on which the current depth sensor fails, is addressed by exploiting multi-view images captured with a hand-held color camera and we propose a visual hull based approach to recovery the 3D model


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    This dissertation addresses the problem of inferring scene depth information from a collection of calibrated images taken from different viewpoints via stereo matching. Although it has been heavily investigated for decades, depth from stereo remains a long-standing challenge and popular research topic for several reasons. First of all, in order to be of practical use for many real-time applications such as autonomous driving, accurate depth estimation in real-time is of great importance and one of the core challenges in stereo. Second, for applications such as 3D reconstruction and view synthesis, high-quality depth estimation is crucial to achieve photo realistic results. However, due to the matching ambiguities, accurate dense depth estimates are difficult to achieve. Last but not least, most stereo algorithms rely on identification of corresponding points among images and only work effectively when scenes are Lambertian. For non-Lambertian surfaces, the brightness constancy assumption is no longer valid. This dissertation contributes three novel stereo algorithms that are motivated by the specific requirements and limitations imposed by different applications. In addressing high speed depth estimation from images, we present a stereo algorithm that achieves high quality results while maintaining real-time performance. We introduce an adaptive aggregation step in a dynamic-programming framework. Matching costs are aggregated in the vertical direction using a computationally expensive weighting scheme based on color and distance proximity. We utilize the vector processing capability and parallelism in commodity graphics hardware to speed up this process over two orders of magnitude. In addressing high accuracy depth estimation, we present a stereo model that makes use of constraints from points with known depths - the Ground Control Points (GCPs) as referred to in stereo literature. Our formulation explicitly models the influences of GCPs in a Markov Random Field. A novel regularization prior is naturally integrated into a global inference framework in a principled way using the Bayes rule. Our probabilistic framework allows GCPs to be obtained from various modalities and provides a natural way to integrate information from various sensors. In addressing non-Lambertian reflectance, we introduce a new invariant for stereo correspondence which allows completely arbitrary scene reflectance (bidirectional reflectance distribution functions - BRDFs). This invariant can be used to formulate a rank constraint on stereo matching when the scene is observed by several lighting configurations in which only the lighting intensity varies

    Deep-Learning-Based 3-D Surface Reconstruction—A Survey

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    In the last decade, deep learning (DL) has significantly impacted industry and science. Initially largely motivated by computer vision tasks in 2-D imagery, the focus has shifted toward 3-D data analysis. In particular, 3-D surface reconstruction, i.e., reconstructing a 3-D shape from sparse input, is of great interest to a large variety of application fields. DL-based approaches show promising quantitative and qualitative surface reconstruction performance compared to traditional computer vision and geometric algorithms. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of these DL-based methods for 3-D surface reconstruction. To this end, we will first discuss input data modalities, such as volumetric data, point clouds, and RGB, single-view, multiview, and depth images, along with corresponding acquisition technologies and common benchmark datasets. For practical purposes, we also discuss evaluation metrics enabling us to judge the reconstructive performance of different methods. The main part of the document will introduce a methodological taxonomy ranging from point- and mesh-based techniques to volumetric and implicit neural approaches. Recent research trends, both methodological and for applications, are highlighted, pointing toward future developments
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