601 research outputs found

    Boosting diagnosis accuracy of Alzheimer's disease using statistical and kernel-based feature selection techniques

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia in the elderly. Approximately, 26 million people worldwide are affected by AD. Among the various diagnostic methods for Alzheimer's disease, MRI brain imaging can display sharp changes in brain tissues. It can be used as a method for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Considering the high volume of features related to brain tissue thickness, requires the using feature reduction methods. For this purpose, statistical tests pair sample test and Independent sample test was used. After careful selection of key features, for reducing the number of features, SAS which is a kernel-based feature selection algorithm is used in linear and nonlinear mode. At the end, neural network classification, decision trees, nearest neighbor and Naïve Bayes algorithms are used for modeling. Results show that the classification accuracy of obtained feature subsets have better results compare to the original data set

    Label-aligned multi-task feature learning for multimodal classification of Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment

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    Multimodal classification methods using different modalities of imaging and non-imaging data have recently shown great advantages over traditional single-modality-based ones for diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as well as its prodromal stage, i.e., mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, to the best of our knowledge, most existing methods focus on mining the relationship across multiple modalities of the same subjects, while ignoring the potentially useful relationship across different subjects. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel learning method for multimodal classification of AD/MCI, by fully exploring the relationships across both modalities and subjects. Specifically, our proposed method includes two subsequent components, i.e., label-aligned multi-task feature selection and multimodal classification. In the first step, the feature selection learning from multiple modalities are treated as different learning tasks and a group sparsity regularizer is imposed to jointly select a subset of relevant features. Furthermore, to utilize the discriminative information among labeled subjects, a new label-aligned regularization term is added into the objective function of standard multi-task feature selection, where label-alignment means that all multi-modality subjects with the same class labels should be closer in the new feature-reduced space. In the second step, a multi-kernel support vector machine (SVM) is adopted to fuse the selected features from multi-modality data for final classification. To validate our method, we perform experiments on the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database using baseline MRI and FDG-PET imaging data. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves better classification performance compared with several state-of-the-art methods for multimodal classification of AD/MCI

    Cascaded Multi-View Canonical Correlation (CaMCCo) for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer\u27s Disease via Fusion of Clinical, Imaging and Omic Features

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    The introduction of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a diagnostic category adds to the challenges of diagnosing Alzheimer\u27s Disease (AD). No single marker has been proven to accurately categorize patients into their respective diagnostic groups. Thus, previous studies have attempted to develop fused predictors of AD and MCI. These studies have two main limitations. Most do not simultaneously consider all diagnostic categories and provide suboptimal fused representations using the same set of modalities for prediction of all classes. In this work, we present a combined framework, cascaded multiview canonical correlation (CaMCCo), for fusion and cascaded classification that incorporates all diagnostic categories and optimizes classification by selectively combining a subset of modalities at each level of the cascade. CaMCCo is evaluated on a data cohort comprising 149 patients for whom neurophysiological, neuroimaging, proteomic and genomic data were available. Results suggest that fusion of select modalities for each classification task outperforms (mean AUC = 0.92) fusion of all modalities (mean AUC = 0.54) and individual modalities (mean AUC = 0.90, 0.53, 0.71, 0.73, 0.62, 0.68). In addition, CaMCCo outperforms all other multi-class classification methods for MCI prediction (PPV: 0.80 vs. 0.67, 0.63)

    Multimodal and multicontrast image fusion via deep generative models

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    Recently, it has become progressively more evident that classic diagnostic labels are unable to reliably describe the complexity and variability of several clinical phenotypes. This is particularly true for a broad range of neuropsychiatric illnesses (e.g., depression, anxiety disorders, behavioral phenotypes). Patient heterogeneity can be better described by grouping individuals into novel categories based on empirically derived sections of intersecting continua that span across and beyond traditional categorical borders. In this context, neuroimaging data carry a wealth of spatiotemporally resolved information about each patient's brain. However, they are usually heavily collapsed a priori through procedures which are not learned as part of model training, and consequently not optimized for the downstream prediction task. This is because every individual participant usually comes with multiple whole-brain 3D imaging modalities often accompanied by a deep genotypic and phenotypic characterization, hence posing formidable computational challenges. In this paper we design a deep learning architecture based on generative models rooted in a modular approach and separable convolutional blocks to a) fuse multiple 3D neuroimaging modalities on a voxel-wise level, b) convert them into informative latent embeddings through heavy dimensionality reduction, c) maintain good generalizability and minimal information loss. As proof of concept, we test our architecture on the well characterized Human Connectome Project database demonstrating that our latent embeddings can be clustered into easily separable subject strata which, in turn, map to different phenotypical information which was not included in the embedding creation process. This may be of aid in predicting disease evolution as well as drug response, hence supporting mechanistic disease understanding and empowering clinical trials

    Blood vessel feature description for detection of Alzheimers disease

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    We describe how image analysis can be used to detect the presence of Alzheimer’s disease. The data are images of brain tissue collected from subjects with and without Alzheimer’s disease. The analysis concentrates on the shape and structure of the blood vessels which are known to be affected by amyloid beta, whose drainage is affected by Alzheimer’s disease. The structure is analysed by a new approach which measures the influence of the blood vessels’ branching structures. Their density and tortuosity are analysed in conjunction with a boundary description derived using Fourier descriptors. These measures form a feature vector which is derived from the images of brain tissue, and the discrimination capability shows that it is possible to detect the presence of Alzheimer’s disease using these measures and in an automated way. These measures also show that shape information is influenced by the vessels’ branchingstructure, as known to be consistent with Alzheimer’s disease evolution

    Multiple kernel learning with random effects for predicting longitudinal outcomes and data integration

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    Predicting disease risk and progression is one of the main goals in many clinical research studies. Cohort studies on the natural history and etiology of chronic diseases span years and data are collected at multiple visits. Although kernel-based statistical learning methods are proven to be powerful for a wide range of disease prediction problems, these methods are only well studied for independent data but not for longitudinal data. It is thus important to develop time-sensitive prediction rules that make use of the longitudinal nature of the data. In this paper, we develop a novel statistical learning method for longitudinal data by introducing subject-specific short-term and long-term latent effects through a designed kernel to account for within-subject correlation of longitudinal measurements. Since the presence of multiple sources of data is increasingly common, we embed our method in a multiple kernel learning framework and propose a regularized multiple kernel statistical learning with random effects to construct effective nonparametric prediction rules. Our method allows easy integration of various heterogeneous data sources and takes advantage of correlation among longitudinal measures to increase prediction power. We use different kernels for each data source taking advantage of the distinctive feature of each data modality, and then optimally combine data across modalities. We apply the developed methods to two large epidemiological studies, one on Huntington's disease and the other on Alzheimer's Disease (Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, ADNI) where we explore a unique opportunity to combine imaging and genetic data to study prediction of mild cognitive impairment, and show a substantial gain in performance while accounting for the longitudinal aspect of the data