731 research outputs found

    RTLS - real time location systems

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    The trend towards increasingly large farming units raises questions regarding how to better monitor production. Larger units make the impact from possible errors more severe, which increases the pressure on management supervision. To cope with management issues, prevent errors and handle increased demands on traceability and documentation, the Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) concept is making its way into various parts of agriculture. In sectors outside agriculture, RTLS are already being used successfully to track and locate items through nodes at different levels of accuracy, such as room level or the relative or absolute position. Empirical data can be received in real time from the nodes. Such systems are well established among dairy herds for feed management and automation. Their application in crop production is less well developed, though there are potential areas of application, such as digital recordkeeping of applied inputs, e.g. fertilizers and pesticides, and environmental monitoring to forecast disease outbreaks or give precise and automatic irrigation. RTLS can also be used to trace agricultural goods through the distribution chain to the end customer. This inventory study examines the state-of-the-art of available RTLS solutions for farming, in practice and in agricultural research. The study is based on material found in the literature and on interviews conducted with researchers and representatives of agribusinesses. Probable solutions for future applications include RTLS tracking of dairy cows with exact location capability using electronic passive ear tags. In crop production, RTLS for yield mapping and spatial environmental monitoring are seen as potential applications. Although possible solutions exist, it is clear that the knowledge of this technology is low in the business and further research is needed in order to raise sector awareness about RTLS applications in agriculture.Trenden med en strukturrationalisering mot större enheter med mindre personal per producerad enhet höjer behovet av en effektiv produktionsövervakning. Stora enheter med hantering av stora varuflöden leder till att ett misstag fÄr större konsekvenser och det gör att kraven som stÀlls pÄ lantbrukaren ökar. För att klara detta och möta större krav pÄ spÄrbarhet och dokumentation skulle RTLS (Real Tid Lokaliserings System) kunna hjÀlpa till att automatisera eller Ätminstone effektivisera dokumentation spÄrbarhet och Àven precision inom lantbruksproduktionen. Inom andra branscher Àn lantbruk har redan RTLS gjort sitt intÄg, det anvÀnds inom logistik och transport, sjukhus och pÄ byggarbetsplatser för att ge möjlighet att spÄra verktyg, varor och personal för att snabbt kunna se var de befinner sig och enkelt göra t ex en löpande lagerinventering. Det finns olika noggrannhet i systemet. Man pratar om exakt positionering dÀr man ger föremÄlets placering en koordinat, det vanligaste Àr dock att man placerar lÀsare vid strategiska platser för att avlÀsa nÀr objektet passerar genom t ex en dörr. Ett RTLS kan vara uppbyggt pÄ olika vis, genomgÄende Àr dock att systemet har en eller flera lÀsare och taggar som Àr fÀsta pÄ de enheter man vill registrera. Taggarna kan vara utformade pÄ olika vis, den hÀr studien behandlar frÀmst system med passiva RFID (Radio Frekvens Identifikation) taggar men Àven aktiva taggar förekommer. I ett passivt system saknar taggarna batteri och Àr uppladdade av ett elektromagnetiskt fÀlt som sÀnds ut av lÀsaren. Aktiva taggar har lÀngre rÀckvidd Àn passiva men batterierna mÄste bytas och taggarna Àr betydligt dyrare. Det finns ett antal potentiella applikationer för RTLS inom lantbruket, inom animalieproduktion Àr framförallt ett system för exakt positionsbestÀmning av djur med hjÀlp av passiva taggar i form av elektroniska öronmÀrken. Ett sÄdant system skulle kunna anvÀndas för att spÄra upp djur i stora besÀttningar men Àven ersÀtta befintliga system för brunstpassning och transponderutfodring. Inom vÀxtodling skulle ett potentiellt system kunna samla in klimatdata i ett fÀlt och bearbeta denna för att skapa exakta bevattningskartor eller sjukdomsprognoser. Ett annat system skulle kunna anvÀndas för att skördekartera och spÄra skördade produkter. Slutsatsen Àr dock att det finns stora möjligheter med RTLS inom varierande applikationer, dock Àr kunskapen om möjligheterna mycket liten och mer undersökningar behövs för att underbygga de olika systemens praktiska tillÀmpbarhet

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based wireless manufacturing systems, a review

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is one of the most promising technological innovations in order to track and trace products as well as material flow in manufacturing systems. High Frequency (HF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID systems can track a wide range of products in the part production process via radio waves with level of accuracy and reliability.   As a result, quality and transparency of data across the supply chain can be accurately obtained in order to decrease time and cost of part production. Also, process planning and part production scheduling can be modified using the advanced RFID systems in part manufacturing process. Moreover, to decrease the cost of produced parts, material handling systems in the advanced assembly lines can be analyzed and developed by using the RFID. Smart storage systems can increase efficiency in part production systems by providing accurate information from the stored raw materials and products for the production planning systems. To increase efficiency of energy consumption in production processes, energy management systems can be developed by using the RFID-sensor networks. Therefore, smart factories and intelligent manufacturing systems as industry 4.0 can be introduced by using the developed RFID systems in order to provide new generation of part production systems. In this paper, a review of RFID based wireless manufacturing systems is presented and future research works are also suggested. It has been observed that the research filed can be moved forward by reviewing and analyzing recent achievements in the published papers

    Warehouse logistics information system using RFID tags as an effective way of automating business processes

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    This article presents an information system project based on warehouse logistics using RFID tags. RFID tags are the last word in automating business processes related to the identification of various items. Now this technology is becoming attractive and relevant. The main goals of creating an information system are as follows: reducing the time spent on searching for goods, through the use of modern technology of RFID tags; increase search quality, due to non-contact remote detection and recognition of goods; improving the efficiency of the organization, due to the formation of reporting and statistical information

    IoT and Its Application in Library: A Review of Emerging Trends

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    The library activities are always oriented towards offering the best possible resources and services to its users. From time to time, technological advancements have benefited them in accomplishing their objectives effectively. The internet of things (IoT) has recently been predicted to be a technology that will benefit librarians in their endeavours. The purpose of this article is to review selected scholarly papers on IoT applications in libraries in order to demonstrate the potential of IoT applications in library activities, particularly in the academic environment. The paper discusses several elements of IoT applications in libraries and cautions readers about possible consequences. The study is exploratory in nature, and national and international articles were culled from a variety of sources. Articles that recommended or advocated the use of IoT technology in libraries are included in the study. The study offers an in-depth analysis of IoT ­­­technologies for library use in five sections: introduction, concept of IoT, application of IoT in libraries, advantages and challenges in adopting IoT. Our review reveals that while several IoT applications have been developed for library usage, only a few libraries in western nations have implemented them, and the technology has not been extensively accepted, particularly in Indian libraries. Finally, concludes that, despite the cyber security concerns and hurdles, the introduction of IoT technology in libraries is critical for providing current services alongside traditional services to a vast mass of techno dexterous users at their chosen location

    Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Operations Planning: Collaboration and Digital Perspectives

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    [EN] Digital transformation provide supply chains (SCs) with extensive accurate data that should be combined with analytical techniques to improve their management. Among these techniques Artificial Intelligence (AI) has proved their suitability, memory and ability to manage uncertain and constantly changing information. Despite the fact that a number of AI literature reviews exist, no comprehensive review of reviews for the SC operations planning has yet been conducted. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of AI literature reviews in a structured manner to gain insights into their evolution in incorporating new ICTs and collaboration. Results show that hybrization man-machine and collaboration and ethical aspects are understudied.This research has been funded by the project entitled NIOTOME (Ref. RTI2018-102020-B-I00) (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE). The first author was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de EducaciĂłn, InvestigaciĂłn, Cultura y Deporte) under Grant ACIF/2019/021.RodrĂ­guez-SĂĄnchez, MDLÁ.; Alemany DĂ­az, MDM.; Boza, A.; Cuenca, L.; Ortiz Bas, Á. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Operations Planning: Collaboration and Digital Perspectives. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 598:365-378. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62412-5_30S365378598Lezoche, M., Hernandez, J.E., Alemany, M.M.E., DĂ­az, E.A., Panetto, H., Kacprzyk, J.: Agri-food 4.0: a survey of the supply chains and technologies for the future agriculture. Comput. Ind. 117, 103–187 (2020)Stock, J.R., Boyer, S.L.: Developing a consensus definition of supply chain management: a qualitative study. Int. J. Phys. Distrib. Logistics Manag. 39(8), 690–711 (2009)Min, H.: Artificial intelligence in supply chain management: theory and applications. Int. J. Logistics Res. 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