94,940 research outputs found

    Firefly Algorithm: Recent Advances and Applications

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    Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms, especially those based on swarm intelligence, have attracted much attention in the last ten years. Firefly algorithm appeared in about five years ago, its literature has expanded dramatically with diverse applications. In this paper, we will briefly review the fundamentals of firefly algorithm together with a selection of recent publications. Then, we discuss the optimality associated with balancing exploration and exploitation, which is essential for all metaheuristic algorithms. By comparing with intermittent search strategy, we conclude that metaheuristics such as firefly algorithm are better than the optimal intermittent search strategy. We also analyse algorithms and their implications for higher-dimensional optimization problems.Comment: 15 page

    General Defocusing Particle Tracking: fundamentals and uncertainty assessment

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    General Defocusing Particle Tracking (GDPT) is a single-camera, three-dimensional particle tracking method that determines the particle depth positions from the defocusing patterns of the corresponding particle images. GDPT relies on a reference set of experimental particle images which is used to predict the depth position of measured particle images of similar shape. While several implementations of the method are possible, its accuracy is ultimately limited by some intrinsic properties of the acquired data, such as the signal-to-noise ratio, the particle concentration, as well as the characteristics of the defocusing patterns. GDPT has been applied in different fields by different research groups, however, a deeper description and analysis of the method fundamentals has hitherto not been available. In this work, we first identity the fundamental elements that characterize a GDPT measurement. Afterwards, we present a standardized framework based on synthetic images to assess the performance of GDPT implementations in terms of measurement uncertainty and relative number of measured particles. Finally, we provide guidelines to assess the uncertainty of experimental GDPT measurements, where true values are not accessible and additional image aberrations can lead to bias errors. The data were processed using DefocusTracker, an open-source GDPT software. The datasets were created using the synthetic image generator MicroSIG and have been shared in a freely-accessible repository

    Quantum computers can search rapidly by using almost any transformation

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    A quantum computer has a clear advantage over a classical computer for exhaustive search. The quantum mechanical algorithm for exhaustive search was originally derived by using subtle properties of a particular quantum mechanical operation called the Walsh-Hadamard (W-H) transform. This paper shows that this algorithm can be implemented by replacing the W-H transform by almost any quantum mechanical operation. This leads to several new applications where it improves the number of steps by a square-root. It also broadens the scope for implementation since it demonstrates quantum mechanical algorithms that can readily adapt to available technology.Comment: This paper is an adapted version of quant-ph/9711043. It has been modified to make it more readable for physicists. 9 pages, postscrip

    Reference Nodes Selection for Anchor-Free Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá návrhem nového bezkotevního lokalizačního algoritmu sloužícího pro výpočet pozice uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích. Provedené studie ukázaly, že dosavadní bezkotevní lokalizační algoritmy, pracující v paralelním režimu, dosahují malých lokalizačních chyb. Jejich nevýhodou ovšem je, že při sestavení množiny referenčních uzlu spotřebovávají daleko větší množství energie než algoritmy pracující v inkrementálním režimu. Paralelní lokalizační algoritmy využívají pro určení pozice referenční uzly nacházející se na protilehlých hranách bezdrátové sítě. Nový lokalizační algoritmus označený jako BRL (Boundary Recognition aided Localization) je založen na myšlence decentralizovaně detekovat uzly ležící na hranici síti a pouze z této množiny vybrat potřebný počet referenčních uzlu. Pomocí navrženého přístupu lze znažně snížit množství energie spotřebované v průběhu procesu výběru referenčních uzlů v senzorovém poli. Dalším přínosem ke snížení energetických nároku a zároveň zachování nízké lokalizační chyby je využití procesu multilaterace se třemi, eventuálně čtyřmi referenčními body. V rámci práce byly provedeny simulace několika dílčích algoritmu a jejich funkčnost byla ověřena experimentálně v reálné senzorové síti. Navržený algoritmus BRL byl porovnán z hlediska lokalizační chyby a počtu zpracovaných paketů s několika známými lokalizačními algoritmy. Výsledky simulací dokázaly, že navržený algoritmus představuje efektivní řešení pro přesnou a zároveň nízkoenergetickou lokalizaci uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích.The doctoral thesis is focused on a design of a novel anchor free localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks. As introduction, the incremental and concurrent anchor free localization algorithms are presented and their performance is compared. It was found that contemporary anchor free localization algorithms working in the concurrent manner achieve a low localization error, but dissipate signicant energy reserves. A new Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm presented in this thesis is based on an idea to recognize the nodes placed on the boundary of network and thus reduce the number of transmission realized during the reference nodes selection phase of the algorithm. For the position estimation, the algorithm employs the multilateration technique that work eectively with the low number of the reference nodes. Proposed algorithms are tested through the simulations and validated by the real experiment with the wireless sensor network. The novel Boundary Recognition Aided Localization algorithm is compared with the known algorithms in terms of localization error and the communication cost. The results show that the novel algorithm presents powerful solution for the anchor free localization.

    The Folklore of Sorting Algorithms

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    The objective of this paper is to review the folklore knowledge seen in research work devoted on synthesis, optimization, and effectiveness of various sorting algorithms. We will examine sorting algorithms in the folklore lines and try to discover the tradeoffs between folklore and theorems. Finally, the folklore knowledge on complexity values of the sorting algorithms will be considered, verified and subsequently converged in to theorems