93 research outputs found

    Profiling large-scale lazy functional programs

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    The LOLITA natural language processing system is an example of one of the ever increasing number of large-scale systems written entirely in a functional programming language. The system consists of over 50,000 lines of Haskell code and is able to perform a number of tasks such as semantic and pragmatic analysis of text, context scanning and query analysis. Such a system is more useful if the results are calculated in real-time, therefore the efficiency of such a system is paramount. For the past three years we have used profiling tools supplied with the Haskell compilers GHC and HBC to analyse and reason about our programming solutions and have achieved good results; however, our experience has shown that the profiling life-cycle is often too long to make a detailed analysis of a large system possible, and the profiling results are often misleading. A profiling system is developed which allows three types of functionality not previously found in a profiler for lazy functional programs. Firstly, the profiler is able to produce results based on an accurate method of cost inheritance. We have found that this reduces the possibility of the programmer obtaining misleading profiling results. Secondly, the programmer is able to explore the results after the execution of the program. This is done by selecting and deselecting parts of the program using a post-processor. This greatly reduces the analysis time as no further compilation, execution or profiling of the program is needed. Finally, the new profiling system allows the user to examine aspects of the run-time call structure of the program. This is useful in the analysis of the run-time behaviour of the program. Previous attempts at extending the results produced by a profiler in such a way have failed due to the exceptionally high overheads. Exploration of the overheads produced by the new profiling scheme show that typical overheads in profiling the LOLITA system are: a 10% increase in compilation time; a 7% increase in executable size and a 70% run-time overhead. These overheads mean a considerable saving in time in the detailed analysis of profiling a large, lazy functional program

    Profiling of parallel programs in a non-strict functional language

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    [Abstract] Purely functional programming languages offer many benefits to parallel programming. The absence of side effects and the provision for higher-level abstractions eases the programming effort. In particular, nonstrict functional languages allow further separation of concerns and provide more parallel facilities in the form of semi-implicit parallelism. On the other hand, because the low-level details of the execution are hidden, usually in a runtime system, the process of debugging the performance of parallel applications becomes harder. Currently available parallel profiling tools allow programmers to obtain some information about the execution; however, this information is usually not detailed enough to precisely pinpoint the cause of some performance problems. Often, this is because the cost of obtaining that information would be prohibitive for a complete program execution. In this thesis, we design and implement a parallel profiling framework based on execution replay. This debugging technique makes it possible to simulate recorded executions of a program, ensuring that their behaviour remains unchanged. The novelty of our approach is to adapt this technique to the context of parallel profiling and to take advantage of the characteristics of non-strict purely functional semantics to guarantee minimal overhead in the recording process. Our work allows to build more powerful profiling tools that do not affect the parallel behaviour of the program in a meaningful way.We demonstrate our claims through a series of benchmarks and the study of two use cases.[Resumo] As linguaxes de programación funcional puras ofrecen moitos beneficios para a programación paralela. A ausencia de efectos secundarios e as abstraccións de alto nivel proporcionadas facilitan o esforzo de programación. En particular, as linguaxes de programación non estritas permiten unha maior separación de conceptos e proporcionan máis capacidades de paralelismo na forma de paralelismo semi-implícito. Por outra parte, debido a que os detalles de baixo nivel da execución están ocultos, xeralmente nun sistema de execución, o proceso de depuración do rendemento de aplicacións paralelas é máis difícil. As ferramentas de profiling dispoñibles hoxe en día permiten aos programadores obter certa información acerca da execución; non obstante, esta información non acostuma a ser o suficientemente detallada para determinar de maneira precisa a causa dalgúns problemas de rendemento. A miúdo, isto débese a que o custe de obter esa información sería prohibitivo para unha execución completa do programa. Nesta tese, deseñamos e implementamos unha plataforma de profiling paralelo baseada en execution replay. Esta técnica de depuración fai que sexa posible simular execucións previamente rexistradas, asegurando que o seu comportamento se manteña sen cambios. A novidade do noso enfoque é adaptar esta técnica para o contexto do profiling paralelo e aproveitar as características da semántica das linguaxes de programación funcional non estritas e puras para garantizar unha sobrecarga mínima na recolección das trazas de execución. O noso traballo permite construír ferramentas de profiling máis potentes que non afectan ao comportamento paralelo do programa de maneira significativa. Demostramos as nosas afirmacións nunha serie de benchmarks e no estudo de dous casos de uso.[Resumen]Los lenguajes de programación funcional puros ofrecen muchos beneficios para la programación paralela. La ausencia de efectos secundarios y las abstracciones de alto nivel proporcionadas facilitan el esfuerzo de programación. En particular, los lenguajes de programación no estrictos permiten una mayor separación de conceptos y proporcionan más capacidades de paralelismo en la forma de paralelismo semi-implícito. Por otra parte, debido a que los detalles de bajo nivel de la ejecución están ocultos, generalmente en un sistema de ejecución, el proceso de depuración del rendimiento de aplicaciones paralelas es más difícil. Las herramientas de profiling disponibles hoy en día permiten a los programadores obtener cierta información acerca de la ejecución; sin embargo, esta información no suele ser lo suficientemente detallada para determinar de manera precisa la causa de algunos problemas de rendimiento. A menudo, esto se debe a que el costo de obtener esa información sería prohibitivo para una ejecución completa del programa. En esta tesis, diseñamos e implementamos una plataforma de profiling paralelo baseada en execution replay. Esta técnica de depuración hace que sea posible simular ejecuciones previamente registradas, asegurando que su comportamiento se mantiene sin cambios. La novedad de nuestro enfoque es adaptar esta técnica para el contexto del profiling paralelo y aprovechar las características de la semántica de los lenguajes de programación funcional no estrictos y puros para garantizar una sobrecarga mínima en la recolección de las trazas de ejecución. Nuestro trabajo permite construir herramientas de profiling más potentes que no afectan el comportamiento paralelo del programa de manera significativa. Demostramos nuestras afirmaciones en una serie de benchmarks y en el estudio de dos casos de uso

    Projection-Based Program Analysis

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    Projection-based program analysis techniques are remarkable for their ability to give highly detailed and useful information not obtainable by other methods. The first proposed projection-based analysis techniques were those of Wadler and Hughes for strictness analysis, and Launchbury for binding-time analysis; both techniques are restricted to analysis of first-order monomorphic languages. Hughes and Launchbury generalised the strictness analysis technique, and Launchbury the binding-time analysis technique, to handle polymorphic languages, again restricted to first order. Other than a general approach to higher-order analysis suggested by Hughes, and an ad hoc implementation of higher-order binding-time analysis by Mogensen, neither of which had any formal notion of correctness, there has been no successful generalisation to higher-order analysis. We present a complete redevelopment of monomorphic projection-based program analysis from first principles, starting by considering the analysis of functions (rather than programs) to establish bounds on the intrinsic power of projection-based analysis, showing also that projection-based analysis can capture interesting termination properties. The development of program analysis proceeds in two distinct steps: first for first-order, then higher order. Throughout we maintain a rigorous notion of correctness and prove that our techniques satisfy their correctness conditions. Our higher-order strictness analysis technique is able to capture various so-called data-structure-strictness properties such as head strictness-the fact that a function may be safely assumed to evaluate the head of every cons cell in a list for which it evaluates the cons cell. Our technique, and Hunt's PER-based technique (originally proposed at about the same time as ours), are the first techniques of any kind to capture such properties at higher order. Both the first-order and higher-order techniques are the first projection-based techniques to capture joint strictness properties-for example, the fact that a function may be safely assumed to evaluate at least one of several arguments. The first-order binding-time analysis technique is essentially the same as Launchbury's; the higher-order technique is the first such formally-based higher-order generalisation. Ours are the first projection-based termination analysis techniques, and are the first techniques of any kind that are able to detect termination properties such as head termination-the fact that termination of a cons cell implies termination of the head. A notable feature of the development is the method by which the first-order analysis semantics are generalised to higher-order: except for the fixed-point constant the higher-order semantics are all instances of a higher-order semantics parameterised by the constants defining the various first-order semantics

    Extracting total Amb programs from proofs

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    We present a logical system CFP (Concurrent Fixed Point Logic) supporting the extraction of nondeterministic and concurrent programs that are provably total and correct. CFP is an intuitionistic first-order logic with inductive and coinductive definitions extended by two propositional operators: Rrestriction, a strengthening of implication, and an operator for total concurrency. The source of the extraction are formal CFP proofs, the target is a lambda calculus with constructors and recursion extended by a constructor Amb (for McCarthy's amb) which is interpreted operationally as globally angelic choice and is used to implement nondeterminism and concurrency. The correctness of extracted programs is proven via an intermediate domain-theoretic denotational semantics. We demonstrate the usefulness of our system by extracting a nondeterministic program that translates infinite Gray code into the signed digit representation. A noteworthy feature of CFP is the fact that the proof rules for restriction and concurrency involve variants of the classical law of excluded middle that would not be interpretable computationally without Amb.Comment: 39 pages + 4 pages appendix. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2104.1466

    The Europeanisation of local government in Western Scotland, 1975-1997

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    This thesis considers the impact of Europeanisation upon local government in the West of Scotland through analysing firstly, the response of Strathclyde Regional Council to Europeanising influences and the policies which SRC subsequently pursued to respond to these developments. The impact of European policies as a form of multi-level governance is also evaluated through research into the role of local government within two institutions established in Strathclyde to deal with aspects of European policy :- Strathclyde European Partnership and the Ouverture programme. Lastly, the impact of local government reorganisation upon SRC's successor unitary authorities to engage with European policy is considered. The research findings illustrate that the process of Europeanisation has developed through a number of cyclical stages which has resulted in the development of changing and varying response from SNAs to European policy developments. The initial engagement of SRC with European Institutions occurred at an early stage as the Council attempted to discover new sources of finance. The pro-active stance of the Council resulted in financial benefits for Strathclyde but also an increasing engagement within SRC with European policy as the Council responded to the emerging Single European Market. This engagement also led SRC to attempt to utilise a variety of means to influence European policy. The research suggests that while local government was able to influence the European policy process this tended to occur where European Commission and / or member-state(s) interests overlapped with those of local government. While multi-level governance exists in Western Scotland, the key partners remain the European Commission and the member state

    Prototyping parallel functional intermediate languages

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    Non-strict higher-order functional programming languages are elegant, concise, mathematically sound and contain few environment-specific features, making them obvious candidates for harnessing high-performance architectures. The validity of this approach has been established by a number of experimental compilers. However, while there have been a number of important theoretical developments in the field of parallel functional programming, implementations have been slow to materialise. The myriad design choices and demands of specific architectures lead to protracted development times. Furthermore, the resulting systems tend to be monolithic entities, and are difficult to extend and test, ultimatly discouraging experimentation. The traditional solution to this problem is the use of a rapid prototyping framework. However, as each existing systems tends to prefer one specific platform and a particular way of expressing parallelism (including implicit specification) it is difficult to envisage a general purpose framework. Fortunately, most of these systems have at least one point of commonality: the use of an intermediate form. Typically, these abstract representations explicitly identify all parallel components but without the background noise of syntactic and (potentially arbitrary) implementation details. To this end, this thesis outlines a framework for rapidly prototyping such intermediate languages. Based on the traditional three-phase compiler model, the design process is driven by the development of various semantic descriptions of the language. Executable versions of the specifications help to both debug and informally validate these models. A number of case studies, covering the spectrum of modern implementations, demonstrate the utility of the framework

    Architecture aware parallel programming in Glasgow parallel Haskell (GPH)

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    General purpose computing architectures are evolving quickly to become manycore and hierarchical: i.e. a core can communicate more quickly locally than globally. To be effective on such architectures, programming models must be aware of the communications hierarchy. This thesis investigates a programming model that aims to share the responsibility of task placement, load balance, thread creation, and synchronisation between the application developer and the runtime system. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of four new architectureaware constructs for Glasgow parallel Haskell that exploit information about task size and aim to reduce communication for small tasks, preserve data locality, or to distribute large units of work. We define a semantics for the constructs that specifies the sets of PEs that each construct identifies, and we check four properties of the semantics using QuickCheck. We report a preliminary investigation of architecture aware programming models that abstract over the new constructs. In particular, we propose architecture aware evaluation strategies and skeletons. We investigate three common paradigms, such as data parallelism, divide-and-conquer and nested parallelism, on hierarchical architectures with up to 224 cores. The results show that the architecture-aware programming model consistently delivers better speedup and scalability than existing constructs, together with a dramatic reduction in the execution time variability. We present a comparison of functional multicore technologies and it reports some of the first ever multicore results for the Feedback Directed Implicit Parallelism (FDIP) and the semi-explicit parallelism (GpH and Eden) languages. The comparison reflects the growing maturity of the field by systematically evaluating four parallel Haskell implementations on a common multicore architecture. The comparison contrasts the programming effort each language requires with the parallel performance delivered. We investigate the minimum thread granularity required to achieve satisfactory performance for three implementations parallel functional language on a multicore platform. The results show that GHC-GUM requires a larger thread granularity than Eden and GHC-SMP. The thread granularity rises as the number of cores rises

    On the Optimization of Iterative Programming with Distributed Data Collections

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    Big data programming frameworks are becoming increasingly important for the development of applications for which performance and scalability are critical. In those complex frameworks, optimizing code by hand is hard and time-consuming, making automated optimization particularly necessary. In order to automate optimization, a prerequisite is to find suitable abstractions to represent programs; for instance, algebras based on monads or monoids to represent distributed data collections. Currently, however, such algebras do not represent recursive programs in a way which allows for analyzing or rewriting them. In this paper, we extend a monoid algebra with a fixpoint operator for representing recursion as a first class citizen and show how it enables new optimizations. Experiments with the Spark platform illustrate performance gains brought by these systematic optimizations

    Conservation and ecology of the red-billed chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax

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    Summaer available p.

    A diagnostic expert system as a tool for technology improvement support

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    This dissertation focuses on design, modelling and development of a diagnostic expert system, which was implemented as a tool (named Capability Diagnostic) in FutureSME project (and web portal) as one of the tools for self-diagnostic of SMEs, where according to analysis of current state the output data were generated. These data were used for creation of an action plan, which serves as a list of improvements that need to be done to solve crucial processes of the company. After improvements in company processes were completed, a new diagnostic process was initiated and a comparison with previous results was performed. This tool was evaluated by companies partnering to the project as one of the most contributive results of the project. Design, modelling and development of the system were focused on general use of the diagnostic system for company processes and improvement support.Tato disertační práce se zabývá návrhem, modelováním, vývojem a realizací obecného diagnostického expertního systému, který byl jako nástroj (nazván jako Capability Diagnostic) nasazen v rámci projektu (a portálu) FutureSME jako jeden z nástrojů pro diagnostiku malých a středních podniků, kde na základě analýzy aktuálního stavu generoval výstupní data, která byla použita pro vytvoření akčního plánu, na základě kterého byly provedeny zásahy do chodu firmy, které měly napomoci k řešení klíčových procesů jejího fungování. Po zavedení opatření byla opakovaně provedena diagnostika a výsledek byl porovnán s původním či předchozím stavem. Tento nástroj byl partnery projektu (majiteli či řediteli firem) hodnocen jako jeden z nejpřínosnějších v tomto projektu. Návrh, model i vývoj systému byl zaměřen na obecné využití i v jiných oblastech (nejen průmyslových) pro zlepšování firemních procesů.352 - Katedra automatizační techniky a řízenívyhově