3,412 research outputs found

    Functional Encryption for Turing Machines

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    In this work, we construct an adaptively secure functional encryption for Turing machines scheme, based on indistinguishability obfuscation for circuits. Our work places no restrictions on the types of Turing machines that can be associated with each secret key, in the sense that the Turing machines can accept inputs of unbounded length, and there is no limit to the description size or the space complexity of the Turing machines. Prior to our work, only special cases of this result were known, or stronger assumptions were required. More specifically, previous work (implicitly) achieved selectively secure FE for Turing machines with a-priori bounded input based on indistinguishability obfuscation (STOC 2015), or achieved FE for general Turing machines only based on knowledge-type assumptions such as public-coin differing-inputs obfuscation (TCC 2015). A consequence of our result is the first constructions of succinct adaptively secure garbling schemes (even for circuits) in the standard model. Prior succinct garbling schemes (even for circuits) were only known to be adaptively secure in the random oracle model

    Succinct Garbling Schemes from Functional Encryption through a Local Simulation Paradigm

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    We study a simulation paradigm, referred to as local simulation, in garbling schemes. This paradigm captures simulation proof strategies in which the simulator consists of many local simulators that generate different blocks of the garbled circuit. A useful property of such a simulation strategy is that only a few of these local simulators depend on the input, whereas the rest of the local simulators only depend on the circuit. We formalize this notion by defining locally simulatable garbling schemes. By suitably realizing this notion, we give a new construction of succinct garbling schemes for Turing machines assuming the polynomial hardness of compact functional encryption and standard assumptions (such as either CDH or LWE). Prior constructions of succinct garbling schemes either assumed sub-exponential hardness of compact functional encryption or were designed only for small-space Turing machines. We also show that a variant of locally simulatable garbling schemes can be used to generically obtain adaptively secure garbling schemes for circuits. All prior constructions of adaptively secure garbling that use somewhere equivocal encryption can be seen as instantiations of our construction

    Reusable Garbled Deterministic Finite Automata from Learning With Errors

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    Bounded Functional Encryption for Turing Machines: Adaptive Security from General Assumptions

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    The recent work of Agrawal et al., [Crypto \u2721] and Goyal et al. [Eurocrypt \u2722] concurrently introduced the notion of dynamic bounded collusion security for functional encryption (FE) and showed a construction satisfying the notion from identity based encryption (IBE). Agrawal et al., [Crypto \u2721] further extended it to FE for Turing machines in non-adaptive simulation setting from the sub-exponential learining with errors assumption (LWE). Concurrently, the work of Goyal et al. [Asiacrypt \u2721] constructed attribute based encryption (ABE) for Turing machines achieving adaptive indistinguishability based security against bounded (static) collusions from IBE, in the random oracle model. In this work, we significantly improve the state of art for dynamic bounded collusion FE and ABE for Turing machines by achieving adaptive simulation style security from a broad class of assumptions, in the standard model. In more detail, we obtain the following results: - We construct an adaptively secure (AD-SIM) FE for Turing machines, supporting dynamic bounded collusion, from sub-exponential LWE. This improves the result of Agrawal et al. which achieved only non-adaptive (NA-SIM) security in the dynamic bounded collusion model. - Towards achieving the above goal, we construct a ciphertext policy FE scheme (CPFE) for circuits of unbounded size and depth, which achieves AD-SIM security in the dynamic bounded collusion model from IBE and laconic oblivious transfer (LOT). Both IBE and LOT can be instantiated from a large number of mild assumptions such as the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption, the factoring assumption, and polynomial LWE. - We construct an AD-SIM secure FE for Turing machines, supporting dynamic bounded collusions, from LOT, ABE for NC1 (or NC) and private information retrieval (PIR) schemes which satisfy certain properties. This significantly expands the class of assumptions on which AD-SIM secure FE for Turing machines can be based. In particular, it leads to new constructions of FE for Turing machines including one based on polynomial LWE and one based on the combination of the bilinear decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption and the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption on some specific groups. In contrast the only prior construction by Agrawal et al. achieved only NASIM security and relied on sub-exponential LWE. To achieve the above result, we define the notion of CPFE for read only RAM programs and succinct FE for LOT, which may be of independent interest. - We also construct an ABE scheme for Turing machines which achieves AD-IND security in the standard model supporting dynamic bounded collusions. Our scheme is based on IBE and LOT. Previously, the only known candidate that achieved AD-IND security from IBE by Goyal et al. relied on the random oracle model

    Reusable garbled circuits and succinct functional encryption

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    Garbled circuits, introduced by Yao in the mid 80s, allow computing a function f on an input x without leaking anything about f or x besides f(x). Garbled circuits found numerous applications, but every known construction suffers from one limitation: it offers no security if used on multiple inputs x. In this paper, we construct for the first time reusable garbled circuits. The key building block is a new succinct single-key functional encryption scheme. Functional encryption is an ambitious primitive: given an encryption Enc(x) of a value x, and a secret key sk_f for a function f, anyone can compute f(x) without learning any other information about x. We construct, for the first time, a succinct functional encryption scheme for {\em any} polynomial-time function f where succinctness means that the ciphertext size does not grow with the size of the circuit for f, but only with its depth. The security of our construction is based on the intractability of the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem and holds as long as an adversary has access to a single key sk_f (or even an a priori bounded number of keys for different functions). Building on our succinct single-key functional encryption scheme, we show several new applications in addition to reusable garbled circuits, such as a paradigm for general function obfuscation which we call token-based obfuscation, homomorphic encryption for a class of Turing machines where the evaluation runs in input-specific time rather than worst-case time, and a scheme for delegating computation which is publicly verifiable and maintains the privacy of the computation.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA award FA8750-11-2-0225)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA award N66001-10-2-4089)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF award CNS-1053143)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF award IIS-1065219)Google (Firm

    On Extractability (a.k.a. Differing-Inputs) Obfuscation

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    We initiate the study of {\em extractability obfuscation}, a notion first suggested by Barak et al. (JACM 2012): An extractability obfuscator eO for a class of algorithms M guarantees that if an efficient attacker A can distinguish between obfuscations eO(M_1), eO(M_2) of two algorithms M_1,M_2 \in M, then A can efficiently recover (given M_1 and M_2) an input on which M_1 and M_2 provide different outputs. - We rely on the recent candidate virtual black-box obfuscation constructions to provide candidate constructions of extractability obfuscators for NC^1; next, following the blueprint of Garg et~al. (FOCS 2013), we show how to bootstrap the obfuscator for NC^1 to an obfuscator for all non-uniform polynomial-time Turing machines. In contrast to the construction of Garg et al., which relies on indistinguishability obfuscation for NC^1, our construction enables succinctly obfuscating non-uniform {\em Turing machines} (as opposed to circuits), without turning running-time into description size. - We introduce a new notion of {\em functional witness encryption}, which enables encrypting a message m with respect to an instance x, language L, and function f, such that anyone (and only those) who holds a witness w for x\in L can compute f(m,w) on the message and particular known witness. We show that functional witness encryption is, in fact, equivalent to extractability obfuscation. - We demonstrate other applications of extractability extraction, including the first construction of fully (adaptive-message) indistinguishability-secure functional encryption for an unbounded number of key queries and unbounded message spaces. - We finally relate indistinguishability obfuscation and extractability obfuscation and show special cases when indistinguishability obfuscation can be turned into extractability obfuscation
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