101 research outputs found

    Distributed Power Generation in Europe: Technical Issues for Further Integration

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    The electric power sector in Europe is currently facing different changes and evolutions mainly in response to the three issues at EU level - environmental sustainability, security of supply, and competitiveness. These issues, against a background of growing electricity demand, may represent drivers for facilitating the further deployment of Distributed Power Generation technologies in Europe. The present Report focuses on the potential role of Distributed Power Generation (or simply Distributed Generation, DG) in a European perspective. More specifically, this work aims to assess the technical issues and developments related to DG technologies and their integration into the European power systems. As a starting point the concept of Distributed Generation is characterised for the purpose of the study. Distributed Generation, defined as an electric power source connected to the distribution network, serving a customer on-site or providing network support, may offer various benefits to the European electric power systems. DG technologies may consist of small/medium size, modular energy conversion units, which are generally located close to end users and transform primary energy resources into electricity and eventually heat. There are, however, major issues concerning the integration of DG technology into the distribution networks. In fact, the existing distribution networks were not generally designed to operate in presence of DG technologies. Consequently, a sustained increase in the deployment of DG resources may imply several changes in the electric power system architecture in the near future. The present Report on Distributed Generation in Europe, after an overview of the basic elements of electric power systems, introduces the proposed definition and main features of DG. Then, it reviews the state-of-the-art of DG technologies as well as focuses on current DG grid integration issues. Technical solutions towards DG integration in Europe and developments concerning the future distribution systems are also addressed in the study.JRC.F.7-Energy systems evaluatio

    Online Feedback Optimization for Subtransmission Grid Control

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    The increasing electric power consumption and the shift towards renewable energy resources demand for new ways to operate transmission and subtransmission grids. Online Feedback Optimization (OFO) is a feedback control method that enables real-time, constrained, and optimal control of these grids. Such controllers can minimize, e.g., curtailment and losses while satisfying grid constraints like voltage and current limits. We tailor and extend the OFO control method to handle discrete inputs and explain how to design an OFO controller for the subtransmission grid. We present a novel and publicly available benchmark which is of the real French subtransmission grid on which we analyze the proposed controller in terms of robustness against model mismatch, constraint satisfaction, and tracking performance. Overall, we show that OFO controllers can help utilize the grid to its full extent, virtually reinforce it, and operate it optimally and in real-time by using flexibility offered by renewable generators connected to distribution grids

    Contribution to the operation of smart rural distribution grid with energy resources for improvement of the quality of service

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    This Thesis aims for contributing in the deployment and operation of Smart Grid, in isolated rural areas. As it would be expected, technological developments and investments in the electrical field have mainly focused on urban and industrial areas where the energy demand is high, as well as, the possibility to recover easily the investment. Therefore, difficult accessing areas where population and electrical demand are low are less attractive to invest. For this reason, this Thesis, in parallel to the European project known as Smart Rural Grid, has focused on the rural grid development. In this sense, the Thesis contributes directly in the design, conception and justification of an innovate architecture for rural systems. The architecture has been deployed and tested at the end of a medium voltage line of Estabanell Energia in Vallfogona del Ripollès. In addition, the presented architecture is characterised to integrate power electronics with embedded battery systems, an innovative management system and a proper telecommunication network in order to gain robustness, flexibility and hosting capacity for distributed and renewable generation. To sum up, the Thesis has focused on the design and development of new operation modes, algorithms and equipment that allow to manage automatically and optimally the energy resources; like power electronics, energy storage systems, distributed and renewable generation, and controllable loads. These strategies are able to correct common issues in rural grids, such as voltage variations and electrical losses. In addition, they improve and ensure the power quality and supply continuity, contribute to reduce operational costs and infrastructure optimization and deferral.Aquesta tesi vol contribuir en el desplegament de les futures xarxes elèctriques intel.ligents, en entorns rurals que habitualment són oblidats. Cal mencionar que els principals avenços tecnològics i les inversions per part dels gestors de la xarxa s'han centrat en entorns urbans i industrials, ja que aquests solen demandar grans quantitats d'energia, fet que facilita la recuperació de la inversió. Per tant, en un entorn on la densitat de població i la demanda energètica és baixa i a més l'orografia és complexa resulta menys atractiu invertir-hi. Per aquest motiu, la tesi, en paral.lel al projecte Europeu Smart Rural Grid, s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament de les xarxes elèctriques en entorns rurals. El principal objectiu de la tesi i alhora del projecte Smart Rural Grid és desenvolupar tecnologies per concebre les futures xarxes en entorns rurals. Aquestes han de permetre incrementar la baixa eficiència, qualitat i resiliència de la xarxa. En aquest sentit, la tesi ha contribuït en la concepció, disseny i justificació d'una innovadora arquitectura. Aquesta arquitectura, s'ha dut a terme en el final d'una línia de mitja tensió d'Estabanell Energia a Vallfogona del Ripollès. A més, aquesta arquitectura es caracteritza per integrar electrònica de potència, sistemes elèctrics d'emmagatzemament, un innovador sistema de gestió i de telecomunicacions, poden proporcionar a la xarxa una major robustesa, flexibilitat i capacitat per integrar a la nova generació distribuïda i renovable. D'altre banda, la Tesi també s'ha centrat en la concepció i desenvolupament de nous modes d'operació, algoritmes i dispositius que permeten automatitzar i optimitzar la gestió dels recursos distribuïts; és a dir, la electrònica de potència, els sistemes d'emmagatzemament, la generació renovable i distribuïda i les càrregues controlables. Aquestes estratègies permeten solventar els problemes habituals en aquest tipus de xarxes, com per exemple les variacions de tensió i les pèrdues. A més, també milloren i asseguren la qualitat i continuïtat del subministrament, ajuden a reduir els costos d'operació i retrassar la inversió en nova infraestructur

    Smart grid architecture for rural distribution networks: application to a Spanish pilot network

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    This paper presents a novel architecture for rural distribution grids. This architecture is designed to modernize traditional rural networks into new Smart Grid ones. The architecture tackles innovation actions on both the power plane and the management plane of the system. In the power plane, the architecture focuses on exploiting the synergies between telecommunications and innovative technologies based on power electronics managing low scale electrical storage. In the management plane, a decentralized management system is proposed based on the addition of two new agents assisting the typical Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system of distribution system operators. Altogether, the proposed architecture enables operators to use more effectively—in an automated and decentralized way—weak rural distribution systems, increasing the capability to integrate new distributed energy resources. This architecture is being implemented in a real Pilot Network located in Spain, in the frame of the European Smart Rural Grid project. The paper also includes a study case showing one of the potentialities of one of the principal technologies developed in the project and underpinning the realization of the new architecture: the so-called Intelligent Distribution Power Router.Postprint (published version

    City-Friendly Smart Network Technologies and Infrastructures: The Spanish Experience

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    Efficient, resilient, and sustainable electricity delivery is a key cornerstone in increasingly large and complex urban environments, where citizens expect to keep or rise their living standards. In this context, cost-effective and ubiquitous digital technologies are driving the transformation of existing electrical infrastructures into truly smart systems capable of better providing the services a low-carbon society is demanding. The goal of this paper is twofold: 1) to review the dramatically evolving landscape of power systems, from the old framework based on centralized generation and control, aimed at serving inelastic customers through alternating current (ac) transmission networks and one-way distribution feeders, to a new paradigm centered mainly around two main axes: renewable generation, both centralized and distributed, and active customers (prosumers), interacting with each other through hybrid ac/dc smart grids; 2) to illustrate, through featured success stories, how several smart grid concepts and technologies have been put into practice in Spain over the last few years to optimize the performance of urban electrical assets

    Contribution to the operation of smart rural distribution grid with energy resources for improvement of the quality of service

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    Tesi per compendi de publicacions, amb una secció retallada pels drets d'editorThis Thesis aims for contributing in the deployment and operation of Smart Grid, in isolated rural areas. As it would be expected, technological developments and investments in the electrical field have mainly focused on urban and industrial areas where the energy demand is high, as well as, the possibility to recover easily the investment. Therefore, difficult accessing areas where population and electrical demand are low are less attractive to invest. For this reason, this Thesis, in parallel to the European project known as Smart Rural Grid, has focused on the rural grid development. In this sense, the Thesis contributes directly in the design, conception and justification of an innovate architecture for rural systems. The architecture has been deployed and tested at the end of a medium voltage line of Estabanell Energia in Vallfogona del Ripollès. In addition, the presented architecture is characterised to integrate power electronics with embedded battery systems, an innovative management system and a proper telecommunication network in order to gain robustness, flexibility and hosting capacity for distributed and renewable generation. To sum up, the Thesis has focused on the design and development of new operation modes, algorithms and equipment that allow to manage automatically and optimally the energy resources; like power electronics, energy storage systems, distributed and renewable generation, and controllable loads. These strategies are able to correct common issues in rural grids, such as voltage variations and electrical losses. In addition, they improve and ensure the power quality and supply continuity, contribute to reduce operational costs and infrastructure optimization and deferral.Aquesta tesi vol contribuir en el desplegament de les futures xarxes elèctriques intel.ligents, en entorns rurals que habitualment són oblidats. Cal mencionar que els principals avenços tecnològics i les inversions per part dels gestors de la xarxa s'han centrat en entorns urbans i industrials, ja que aquests solen demandar grans quantitats d'energia, fet que facilita la recuperació de la inversió. Per tant, en un entorn on la densitat de població i la demanda energètica és baixa i a més l'orografia és complexa resulta menys atractiu invertir-hi. Per aquest motiu, la tesi, en paral.lel al projecte Europeu Smart Rural Grid, s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament de les xarxes elèctriques en entorns rurals. El principal objectiu de la tesi i alhora del projecte Smart Rural Grid és desenvolupar tecnologies per concebre les futures xarxes en entorns rurals. Aquestes han de permetre incrementar la baixa eficiència, qualitat i resiliència de la xarxa. En aquest sentit, la tesi ha contribuït en la concepció, disseny i justificació d'una innovadora arquitectura. Aquesta arquitectura, s'ha dut a terme en el final d'una línia de mitja tensió d'Estabanell Energia a Vallfogona del Ripollès. A més, aquesta arquitectura es caracteritza per integrar electrònica de potència, sistemes elèctrics d'emmagatzemament, un innovador sistema de gestió i de telecomunicacions, poden proporcionar a la xarxa una major robustesa, flexibilitat i capacitat per integrar a la nova generació distribuïda i renovable. D'altre banda, la Tesi també s'ha centrat en la concepció i desenvolupament de nous modes d'operació, algoritmes i dispositius que permeten automatitzar i optimitzar la gestió dels recursos distribuïts; és a dir, la electrònica de potència, els sistemes d'emmagatzemament, la generació renovable i distribuïda i les càrregues controlables. Aquestes estratègies permeten solventar els problemes habituals en aquest tipus de xarxes, com per exemple les variacions de tensió i les pèrdues. A més, també milloren i asseguren la qualitat i continuïtat del subministrament, ajuden a reduir els costos d'operació i retrassar la inversió en nova infraestructuraPostprint (published version

    Energy Sharing Models for Renewable Energy Integration: Subtransmission Level, Distribution Level, and Community Level

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    Distributed energy resources (DERs) are being embedded rapidly and widely in the power grid and promoting the transformation of the centralized power industry to a more deregulated mode. However, how to safely and efficiently consume renewable energy is becoming a major concern. In this regard, energy sharing at both grid-scale and community-scale has emerged as a new solution to encourage participants to actively bid instead of acting as price takers and has the potential to accelerate the integration of DERs and decrease energy costs. At the grid level, two risk-averse energy sharing models are developed to safely integrate renewable energy by considering the network constraints and overbidding risk. A risk-averse two-stage stochastic game model is proposed for the regional energy sharing market (ESM). The sample average approximation (SAA) method is used to approximate the stochastic Cournot-Nash equilibrium. In addition, a data-driven joint chance-constrained game is developed for energy sharing in the local energy market (LEM). This model considers the maximum outputs of renewable energy aggregators (REAs) are random variables whose probability distributions are unknown, but the decision-maker has access to finite samples. Case studies show that the proposed game models can effectively increase the profit of reliable players and decrease the overbidding risk. At the community level, a community server enables energy sharing among users based on the Bayesian game-based pricing mechanism. It can also control the community energy storage system (CESS) to smooth the load based on the grid's price signal. A communication-censored ADMM for sharing problems is developed to decrease the communication cost between the community and the grid. Moreover, a co-optimization model for the plan and operation of the shared CESS is developed. By introducing the price uncertainty and degradation cost, the proposed model could more accurately evaluate the performance of the CESS and tap more economic potential. This thesis provides proof of the Nash equilibrium of all game models and the convergence of all market clearing algorithms. The proposed models and methods present performance improvement compared with existing solutions. The work in this thesis indicates that energy sharing is possible to implement at different levels of the power system and could benefit the participants and promote the integration of DERs

    Towards the next generation of smart grids: semantic and holonic multi-agent management of distributed energy resources

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    The energy landscape is experiencing accelerating change; centralized energy systems are being decarbonized, and transitioning towards distributed energy systems, facilitated by advances in power system management and information and communication technologies. This paper elaborates on these generations of energy systems by critically reviewing relevant authoritative literature. This includes a discussion of modern concepts such as ‘smart grid’, ‘microgrid’, ‘virtual power plant’ and ‘multi-energy system’, and the relationships between them, as well as the trends towards distributed intelligence and interoperability. Each of these emerging urban energy concepts holds merit when applied within a centralized grid paradigm, but very little research applies these approaches within the emerging energy landscape typified by a high penetration of distributed energy resources, prosumers (consumers and producers), interoperability, and big data. Given the ongoing boom in these fields, this will lead to new challenges and opportunities as the status-quo of energy systems changes dramatically. We argue that a new generation of holonic energy systems is required to orchestrate the interplay between these dense, diverse and distributed energy components. The paper therefore contributes a description of holonic energy systems and the implicit research required towards sustainability and resilience in the imminent energy landscape. This promotes the systemic features of autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity and emergence, and balances global and local system objectives, through adaptive control topologies and demand responsive energy management. Future research avenues are identified to support this transition regarding interoperability, secure distributed control and a system of systems approach

    Adaptive Energy Storage System Control for Microgrid Stability Enhancement

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    Microgrids are local power systems of different sizes located inside the distribution systems. Each microgrid contains a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. Their islanding operation capabilities during emergencies improve the resiliency and reliability of the electric energy supply. Due to its low kinetic energy storage capacity, maintaining microgrid stability is challenging under system contingencies and unpredictable power generation from renewable resources. This dissertation highlights the potential benefits of flexibly utilizing the battery energy storage systems to enhance the stability of microgrids. The main contribution of this research consists in the development of a storage converter controller with an additional stability margin that enables it to improve microgrid frequency and voltage regulation as well as its induction motor post-fault speed recovery. This new autonomous control technique is implemented by adaptively setting the converter controller parameters based on its estimated phase-locked loop frequency deviation and terminal voltage magnitude measurement. This work also assists in the microgrid design process by determining the normalized minimum storage converter sizing under a wide range of microgrid motor inertia, loading and fault clearing time with both symmetrical and asymmetrical fault types. This study evaluates the expandability of the proposed control methodologies under an unbalanced meshed microgrid with fault-induced feeder switching and multiple contingencies in addition to random power output from renewable generators. The favorable results demonstrate the robust storage converter controller performance under a dynamic changing microgrid environment