44 research outputs found

    Fully Secure Attribute-Based Encryption for tt-CNF from LWE

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    Attribute-based Encryption (ABE), first introduced by [SW05,GPSW06], is a public key encryption system that can support multiple users with varying decryption permissions. One of the main properties of such schemes is the supported function class of policies. While there are fully secure constructions from bilinear maps for a fairly large class of policies, the situation with lattice-based constructions is less satisfactory and many efforts were made to close this gap. Prior to this work the only known fully secure lattice construction was for the class of point functions (also known as IBE). In this work we construct for the first time a lattice-based (ciphertext-policy) ABE scheme for the function class tt-CNF, which consists of CNF formulas where each clause depends on at most tt bits of the input, for any constant tt. This class includes NP-verification policies, bit-fixing policies and tt-threshold policies. Towards this goal we also construct a fully secure single-key constrained PRF from OWF for the same function class, which might be of independent interest

    Conditional Attribute-Based Proxy Re-Encryption

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    Proxy re-encryption (PRE) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a semi-trusted proxy to transfer the decryption rights of ciphertexts in a secure and privacy-preserving manner. This versatile primitive has been extended to several powerful variants, leading to numerous applications, such as e-mail forwarding and content distribution. One such variant is attribute-based PRE (AB-PRE), which provides an expressible access control mechanism by allowing the proxy to switch the underlying policy of an attribute-based encryption (ABE) ciphertext. However, the function of AB-PRE is to convert the underlying policies of all ciphertexts indiscriminately, which lacks the flexibility of ciphertext transformation. Therefore, AB-PRE needs to support the property of conditional delegation. Among the other variants of PRE, there is a variant called conditional PRE (C-PRE), which allows fine-grained delegations by restricting the proxy to performing valid re-encryption only for a limited set of ciphertexts. Unfortunately, existing PRE schemes cannot simultaneously achieve expressible access control mechanisms and fine-grained delegations. Specifically, we require a PRE scheme, via which the proxy can convert the underlying policies of an ABE ciphertext only if this ciphertext is in the set of ciphertexts allowing the proxy to perform valid transformations. To address this problem, we formalize the notion of conditional attribute-based PRE (CAB-PRE) in the honest re-encryption attacks (HRA) model, which is more robust and implies chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) security, and propose the first CAB-PRE scheme. To construct such a scheme, we design as a building block, the first adaptively HRA-secure (ciphertext-policy) AB-PRE based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem. This scheme solves the open problem left by Susilo et al. in ESORICS\u2721 about how to construct an HRA-secure (ciphertext-policy) AB-PRE scheme, and it should be of independent interest. Then, we introduce a well-matched conditional delegation mechanism for this AB-PRE scheme to derive our adaptively HRA-secure CAB-PRE scheme

    Leakage-Resilient IBE/ABE with Optimal Leakage Rates from Lattices

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    We derive the first adaptively secure IBE and ABE for t-CNF, and selectively secure ABE for general circuits from lattices, with 1−o(1)1-o(1) leakage rates, in the both relative leakage model and bounded retrieval model (BRM). To achieve this, we first identify a new fine-grained security notion for ABE -- partially adaptive/selective security, and instantiate this notion from LWE. Then, by using this notion, we design a new key compressing mechanism for identity-based/attributed-based weak hash proof system (IB/AB-wHPS) for various policy classes, achieving (1) succinct secret keys and (2) adaptive/selective security matching the existing non-leakage resilient lattice-based designs. Using the existing connection between weak hash proof system and leakage resilient encryption, the succinct-key IB/AB-wHPS can yield the desired leakage resilient IBE/ABE schemes with the optimal leakage rates in the relative leakage model. Finally, by further improving the prior analysis of the compatible locally computable extractors, we can achieve the optimal leakage rates in the BRM

    Hiding secrets in public random functions

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    Constructing advanced cryptographic applications often requires the ability of privately embedding messages or functions in the code of a program. As an example, consider the task of building a searchable encryption scheme, which allows the users to search over the encrypted data and learn nothing other than the search result. Such a task is achievable if it is possible to embed the secret key of an encryption scheme into the code of a program that performs the "decrypt-then-search" functionality, and guarantee that the code hides everything except its functionality. This thesis studies two cryptographic primitives that facilitate the capability of hiding secrets in the program of random functions. 1. We first study the notion of a private constrained pseudorandom function (PCPRF). A PCPRF allows the PRF master secret key holder to derive a public constrained key that changes the functionality of the original key without revealing the constraint description. Such a notion closely captures the goal of privately embedding functions in the code of a random function. Our main contribution is in constructing single-key secure PCPRFs for NC^1 circuit constraints based on the learning with errors assumption. Single-key secure PCPRFs were known to support a wide range of cryptographic applications, such as private-key deniable encryption and watermarking. In addition, we build reusable garbled circuits from PCPRFs. 2. We then study how to construct cryptographic hash functions that satisfy strong random oracle-like properties. In particular, we focus on the notion of correlation intractability, which requires that given the description of a function, it should be hard to find an input-output pair that satisfies any sparse relations. Correlation intractability captures the security properties required for, e.g., the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, where the Fiat-Shamir transformation is a practical method of building signature schemes from interactive proof protocols. However, correlation intractability was shown to be impossible to achieve for certain length parameters, and was widely considered to be unobtainable. Our contribution is in building correlation intractable functions from various cryptographic assumptions. The security analyses of the constructions use the techniques of secretly embedding constraints in the code of random functions

    CP-ABE for Circuits (and more) in the Symmetric Key Setting

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    The celebrated work of Gorbunov, Vaikuntanathan and Wee provided the first key policy attribute based encryption scheme (ABE) for circuits from the Learning With Errors (LWE) assumption. However, the arguably more natural ciphertext policy variant has remained elusive, and is a central primitive not yet known from LWE. In this work, we construct the first symmetric key ciphertext policy attribute based encryption scheme (CP-ABE) for all polynomial sized circuits from the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. In more detail, the ciphertext for a message mm is labelled with an access control policy ff, secret keys are labelled with public attributes xx from the domain of ff and decryption succeeds to yield the hidden message mm if and only if f(x)=1f(x)=1. The size of our public and secret key do not depend on the size of the circuits supported by the scheme -- this enables our construction to support circuits of unbounded size (but bounded depth). Our construction is secure against collusions of unbounded size. We note that current best CP-ABE schemes [BSW07,Wat11,LOSTW10,OT10,LW12,RW13,Att14,Wee14,AHY15,CGW15,AC17,KW19] rely on pairings and only support circuits in the class NC1 (albeit in the public key setting). We adapt our construction to the public key setting for the case of bounded size circuits. The size of the ciphertext and secret key as well as running time of encryption, key generation and decryption satisfy the efficiency properties desired from CP-ABE, assuming that all algorithms have RAM access to the public key. However, the running time of the setup algorithm and size of the public key depends on the circuit size bound, restricting the construction to support circuits of a-priori bounded size. We remark that the inefficiency of setup is somewhat mitigated by the fact that setup must only be run once. We generalize our construction to consider attribute and function hiding. The compiler of lockable obfuscation upgrades any attribute based encryption scheme to predicate encryption, i.e. with attribute hiding [GKW17,WZ17]. Since lockable obfuscation can be constructed from LWE, we achieve ciphertext policy predicate encryption immediately. For function privacy, we show that the most natural notion of function hiding ABE for circuits, even in the symmetric key setting, is sufficient to imply indistinguishability obfuscation. We define a suitable weakening of function hiding to sidestep the implication and provide a construction to achieve this notion for both the key policy and ciphertext policy case. Previously, the largest function class for which function private predicate encryption (supporting unbounded keys) could be achieved was inner product zero testing, by Shen, Shi and Waters [SSW09]

    Adaptively Secure Constrained Pseudorandom Functions in the Standard Model

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    Constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) allow learning ``constrained\u27\u27 PRF keys that can evaluate the PRF on a subset of the input space, or based on some predicate. First introduced by Boneh and Waters [AC’13], Kiayias et al. [CCS’13] and Boyle et al. [PKC’14], they have shown to be a useful cryptographic primitive with many applications. These applications often require CPRFs to be adaptively secure, which allows the adversary to learn PRF values and constrained keys in an arbitrary order. However, there is no known construction of adaptively secure CPRFs based on a standard assumption in the standard model for any non-trivial class of predicates. Moreover, even if we rely on strong tools such as indistinguishability obfuscation (IO), the state-of-the-art construction of adaptively secure CPRFs in the standard model only supports the limited class of NC1 predicates. In this work, we develop new adaptively secure CPRFs for various predicates from different types of assumptions in the standard model. Our results are summarized below. - We construct adaptively secure and O(1)O(1)-collusion-resistant CPRFs for tt-conjunctive normal form (tt-CNF) predicates from one-way functions (OWFs) where tt is a constant. Here, O(1)O(1)-collusion-resistance means that we can allow the adversary to obtain a constant number of constrained keys. Note that tt-CNF includes bit-fixing predicates as a special case. - We construct adaptively secure and single-key CPRFs for inner-product predicates from the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Here, single-key security means that we only allow the adversary to learn one constrained key. Note that inner-product predicates include tt-CNF predicates for a constant tt as a special case. Thus, this construction supports more expressive class of predicates than that supported by the first construction though it loses the collusion-resistance and relies on a stronger assumption. - We construct adaptively secure and O(1)O(1)-collusion-resistant CPRFs for all circuits from the LWE assumption and indistinguishability obfuscation (IO). The first and second constructions are the first CPRFs for any non-trivial predicates to achieve adaptive security outside of the random oracle model or relying on strong cryptographic assumptions. Moreover, the first construction is also the first to achieve any notion of collusion-resistance in this setting. Besides, we prove that the first and second constructions satisfy weak 11-key privacy, which roughly means that a constrained key does not reveal the corresponding constraint. The third construction is an improvement over previous adaptively secure CPRFs for less expressive predicates based on IO in the standard model

    Constrained PRFs for Bit-fixing (and More) from OWFs with Adaptive Security and Constant Collusion Resistance

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    Constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) allow learning constrained PRF keys that can evaluate the PRF on a subset of the input space, or based on some sort of predicate. First introduced by Boneh and Waters [AC\u2713], Kiayias et al. [CCS\u2713] and Boyle et al. [PKC\u2714], they have been shown to be a useful cryptographic primitive with many applications. The full security definition of CPRFs requires the adversary to learn multiple constrained keys in an arbitrary order, a requirement for many of these applications. Unfortunately, existing constructions of CPRFs satisfying this security notion are only known from exceptionally strong cryptographic assumptions, such as indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) and the existence of multilinear maps, even for very weak constraints. CPRFs from more standard assumptions only satisfy selective security for a single constrained key query. In this work, we give the first construction of a CPRF that can adaptively issue a constant number of constrained keys for bit-fixing predicates (or more generally tt-conjunctive normal form predicates), only requiring the existence of one-way functions (OWFs). This is a much weaker assumption compared with all previous constructions. In addition, we prove that the new scheme satisfies 1-key privacy (otherwise known as constraint-hiding). This is the only construction for any non-trivial predicates to achieve adaptive security and collusion-resistance outside of the random oracle model or relying on strong cryptographic assumptions. Our technique represents a noted departure from existing CPRF constructions

    Decentralized Policy-Hiding Attribute-Based Encryption with Receiver Privacy

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    Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables limiting access to encrypted data to users with certain attributes. Different aspects of ABE were studied, such as the multi-authority setting (MA-ABE), and policy hiding, meaning the access policy is unknown to unauthorized parties. However, no practical scheme so far provably provides both properties, which are often desirable in real-world applications: supporting decentralization, while hiding the access policy. We present the first practical decentralized ABE scheme with a proof of being policy-hiding. Our construction is based on a decentralized inner-product predicate encryption scheme, introduced in this paper, which hides the encryption policy. It results in an ABE scheme supporting conjunctions, disjunctions and threshold policies, that protects the access policy from parties that are not authorized to decrypt the content. Further, we address the issue of receiver privacy. By using our scheme in combination with vector commitments, we hide the overall set of attributes possessed by the receiver from individual authorities, only revealing the attribute that the authority is controlling. Finally, we propose randomizing-polynomial encodings that immunize the scheme in the presence of corrupt authorities

    Constrained Pseudorandom Functions from Pseudorandom Synthesizers

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    In this paper we resolve the question of whether or not constrained pseudorandom functions (CPRFs) can be built directly from pseudorandom synthesizers. In particular, we demonstrate that the generic PRF construction from pseudorandom synthesizers due to Naor and Reingold can be used to construct CPRFs with bit-fixed predicates using the direct-line\u27\u27 approach. We further introduce a property of CPRFs that may be of independent interest

    ABE for Circuits with Constant-Size Secret Keys and Adaptive Security

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    An important theme in research on attribute-based encryption (ABE) is minimizing the sizes of the secret keys and ciphertexts. In this work, we present two new ABE schemes with *constant-size* secret keys, that is, the key size is independent of the sizes of policies or attributes, and dependent only on the security parameter lambda. * We construct the first key-policy ABE scheme for circuits with constant-size secret keys, |sk_f|=poly(lambda), which concretely consist of only three group elements. The previous state-of-the-art construction by [Boneh et al., Eurocrypt \u2714] has key size polynomial in the maximum depth d of the policy circuits, |sk_f|=poly(d,lambda). Our new scheme removes this dependency of key size on d while keeping the ciphertext size the same, which grows linearly in the attribute length and polynomially in the maximal depth, |ct|=|x|poly(d,lambda). * We present the first ciphertext-policy ABE scheme for Boolean formulae that simultaneously has constant-size keys and succinct ciphertexts of size independent of the policy formulae, in particular, |sk_f|=poly(lambda) and |ct_x|=poly(|x|,lambda). Concretely, each secret key consists of only two group elements. Previous ciphertext-policy ABE schemes either have succinct ciphertexts but non constant-size keys [Agrawal--Yamada, Eurocrypt \u2720; Agrawal--Wichs--Yamada, TCC \u2720], or constant-size keys but large ciphertexts that grow with the policy size, as well as the attribute length. Our second construction is the first ABE scheme achieving *double succinctness*, where both keys and ciphertexts are smaller than the corresponding attributes and policies tied to them. Our constructions feature new ways of combining lattices with pairing groups for building ABE and are proven selectively secure based on LWE and in the generic (pairing) group model. We further show that when replacing the LWE assumption with its adaptive variant introduced in [Quach--Wee--Wichs FOCS \u2718] the constructions become adaptively secure