459 research outputs found

    Pyörivien monilaserkeilainjärjestelmien geometrinen kalibrointi

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    The introduction of light-weight and low-cost multi-beam laser scanners provides ample opportunities in positioning and mapping as well as automation and robotics. The fields of view (FOV) of these sensors can be further expanded by actuation, for example by rotation. These rotating multi-beam lidar (RMBL) systems can provide fast and expansive coverage of the geometries of spaces, but the nature of the sensors and their actuation leave room for improvement in accuracy and precision. Geometric calibration methods addressing this space have been proposed, and this thesis reviews a selection of these methods and evaluates their performance when applied to a set of data samples collected using a custom RMBL platform and six Velodyne multi-beam sensors (one VLP-16 Lite, four VLP-16s and one VLP-32C). The calibration algorithms under inspection are unsupervised and data-based, and they are quantitatively compared to a target-based calibration performed using a high-accuracy point cloud obtained using a terrestrial laser scanner as a reference. The data-based calibration methods are automatic plane detection and fitting, a method based on local planarity and a method based on the information-theoretic concept of information entropy. It is found that of these, the plane-fitting and entropy-based measures for point cloud quality obtain the best calibration results.Kevyet ja edulliset monilaserkeilaimet tuovat uusia mahdollisuuksia paikannus- ja kartoitusaloille mutta myös automaatioon ja robotiikkaan. Näiden sensorien näköaloja voidaan kasvattaa entisestään esimerkiksi pyörittämällä, ja näin toteutettavat pyörivät monilaserkeilainjärjestelmät tuottavat nopeasti kattavaa geometriaa niitä ympäröivistä tiloista. Sensorien rakenne ja järjestelmän liikkuvuus lisäävät kuitenkin kohinaa ja epävarmuutta mittauksissa, minkä vuoksi erilaisia geometrisia kalibrointimenetelmiä onkin ehdotettu aiemmassa tutkimuksessa. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään valikoituja kalibrointimenetelmiä ja arvioidaan niiden tuloksia koeasetelmassa, jossa pyörivälle alustalle asennetuilla Velodyne-monilaserkeilaimilla (yksi VLP-16 Lite, neljä VLP-16:aa ja yksi VLP-32C) mitataan liikuntasalin geometriaa. Tarkasteltavat menetelmät ovat valvomattomia ja vain mittauksiin perustuvia ja niitä verrataan samasta tilasta hankittuun tarkkaan maalaserkeilausaineistoon. Menetelmiä ovat tasojen automaattinen etsintä ja sovitus, paikalliseen tasomaisuuteen perustuva menetelmä sekä informaatioteoreettiseen entropiaan perustuva menetelmä. Näistä tasojen sovitus ja entropiamenetelmä saavuttivat parhaat kalibrointitulokset referenssikalibraatioon verrattaessa

    A fast high-precision six-degree-of-freedom relative position sensor

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    Lasers are commonly used in high-precision measurement and profiling systems. Some laser measurement systems are based on interferometry principles, and others are based on active triangulation, depending on requirements of the application. This paper describes an active triangulation laser measurement system for a specific application wherein the relative position of two fixed, rigid mechanical components is to be measured dynamically with high precision in six degrees of freedom (DOF). Potential applications include optical systems with feedback to control for mechanical vibration, such as target acquisition devices with multiple focal planes. The method uses an array of several laser emitters mounted on one component. The lasers are directed at a reflective surface on the second component. The reflective surface consists of a piecewise-planar pattern such as a pyramid, or more generally a curved reflective surface such as a hyperbolic paraboloid. The reflected spots are sensed at 2-dimensional photodiode arrays on the emitter component. Changes in the relative position of the emitter component and reflective surface will shift the location of the reflected spots within photodiode arrays. Relative motion in any degree of freedom produces independent shifts in the reflected spot locations, allowing full six-DOF relative position determination between the two component positions. Response time of the sensor is limited by the read-out rate of the photodiode arrays. Algorithms are given for position determination with limits on uncertainty and sensitivity, based on laser and spot-sensor characteristics, and assuming regular surfaces. Additional uncertainty analysis is achievable for surface irregularities based on calibration data

    External multi-modal imaging sensor calibration for sensor fusion: A review

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    Multi-modal data fusion has gained popularity due to its diverse applications, leading to an increased demand for external sensor calibration. Despite several proven calibration solutions, they fail to fully satisfy all the evaluation criteria, including accuracy, automation, and robustness. Thus, this review aims to contribute to this growing field by examining recent research on multi-modal imaging sensor calibration and proposing future research directions. The literature review comprehensively explains the various characteristics and conditions of different multi-modal external calibration methods, including traditional motion-based calibration and feature-based calibration. Target-based calibration and targetless calibration are two types of feature-based calibration, which are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the paper highlights systematic calibration as an emerging research direction. Finally, this review concludes crucial factors for evaluating calibration methods and provides a comprehensive discussion on their applications, with the aim of providing valuable insights to guide future research directions. Future research should focus primarily on the capability of online targetless calibration and systematic multi-modal sensor calibration.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. PID2019-108816RB-I0

    Heritage documentation techniques and methods

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    This methodology notebooks "Heritage documentation techniques and methods", contains • 3D modelling, digital photography and information dissemination • Creation of 3D models by using scanners • Low-cost desktop scanner • Photography notes: Exposure • Photography notes: Focal length, lenses and cross-polarization • White adjustment and colour calibration • Image-Based Modelling Systems • Focus stacking technique • Rollout photography and DStretch filter • Information dissemination • 3D diagram blocks • Simple animations of 3D modelsEsta serie de cuadernos tiene como objetivo difundir un conjunto de técnicas usadas principalmente para la construcción y documentación de modelos tridimensionales (3D) y fotografía de alta resolución de objetos arqueológicos. Estas técnicas posibilitan construir modelos con calidad métrica contrastada, color calibrado y alta resolución que se difunden por internet usando diversas plataformas.This series of notebooks aims to describe a set of techniques used mainly to construct and document the three-dimensional (3D) models and high-resolution photographs of archaeological objects. These techniques can be used to build models with a contrasting metric quality, calibrated colour and high resolution, to be disseminated on the Internet using various platforms and web services.Parte de la realización de estos cuadernos ha sido financiada a través del proyecto GR18028 (Grupo de investigación RNM026) el cual ha sido cofinanciado por los Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Gobierno de Extremadura

    A Doppler Lidar system with preview control for wind turbine load mitigation

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    This dissertation focuses on the development of a system for wind turbine in order to mitigate the load from unstable wind speed. The work is divided into 2 main parts: a cost efficient Doppler wind Lidar system is developed based on a short coherence length laser system in combine with multiple length delayline concept; a preview pitch control is developed based on the design of a combination of 2 degree of freedom (2-DOF) feedback / feedforward control with a model predictive control