13 research outputs found

    An XML DTD for Project Gutenberg

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    Project Gutenberg is an electronic collection of documents and literature, the majority of which exist in ASCII format. While the ASCII format has been an almost universally accessible format since the Project started in 1971, the possibilities and advantages of marking up the texts with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) are compelling. Related efforts are detailed and analyzed for viability with the Gutenberg texts. This project presents a direction for the future of this effort and a DTD suitable for the collection. The prepared DTD provides the schema against which 5 test documents are marked up with XML. A tutorial based on my experiences marking up the text and an index of the available elements are included

    The Many Authors of The Several Houses of Brian, Spencer, Liam, Victoria, Brayden, Vincent, and Alex: Authorship, Agency, and Appropriation

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    The Several Houses of Brian, Spencer, Liam, Victoria, Brayden, Vincent, and Alex is a computer-generated children’s book of 53,651 words and 350 unique illustrations arranged over 800 pages. The text is a cumulative poem in the style of the nursery rhyme “This is the House that Jack Built,” but with a house for each of the eponymous seven individuals, and with each of their houses containing many more types of things. These houses, these things, and these words were chosen by a Python script that I wrote, and the resulting novel--which can be viewed on my Github repository--is the outcome of a specific execution of this script that I carried out on December 16, 2017. I completed this novel for NaNoGenMo (National Novel Generation Month), where participants spend November writing code that will generate a novel of at least 50,000 words, then share a sample and their source code. My 2017 entry was late, but I still consider it a success.In this artist’s statement, I will reflect on the context for creating this book, and use it as an illustration of the challenges that so-called computer-generated text pose within the scope of digital creative writing studies and practice. I will also comment on some of the conceptual, ethical, and aesthetic issues involved in declaring ownership (authorship) of this kind of work, and I reflect on the pedagogical implementation of this kind of work in a creating coding classroom

    The Design and implementation of a system for processing documents described in generalized markup languages

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    This thesis proposes an architecture for a system capable of transforming the work of an author into printed form, and builds a partial implementation based upon that architecture. It allows an author to describe a document as a hierarchical structure and remain unconcerned about how his work will ultimately appear in printed form. The author is provided with a special markup language which can be used to tag the various logical parts of a document. The author must also be aware of how the various tagged parts fit together. The system is able to read the author\u27s manuscript as input, and produce a typeset object as output

    Mary Lago Collection

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    The massive correspondence of E. M. Forster, which Professor Lago gathered from archives all over the world, is one of the prominent features of the collection, with over 15,000 letters. It was assembled in preparation for an edition of selected letters that she edited in collaboration with P. N. Furbank, Forster's authorized biographer. A similar archive of Forster letters has been deposited in King's College. The collection also includes copies of the correspondence of William Rothenstein, Edward John Thompson, Max Beerbohm, Rabindranath Tagore, Edward Burne-Jones, D.S. MacColl, Christiana Herringham, and Arthur Henry Fox-Strangways. These materials were also gathered by her in preparation for subsequent books. In addition, the collection contains Lago's extensive personal and professional correspondence, including correspondence with Buddhadeva Bose, Penelope Fitzgerald, P.N. Furbank, Dilys Hamlett, Krishna Kripalani, Celia Rooke, Stella Rhys, Satyajit Ray, Amitendranath Tagore, E.P. Thompson, Lance Thirkell, Pratima Tagore, John Rothenstein and his family, Eric and Nancy Crozier, Michael Holroyd, Margaret Drabble, Santha Rama Rau, Hsiao Ch'ien, Ted Uppmann, Edith Weiss-Mann, Arthur Mendel, Zia Moyheddin and numerous others. The collection is supplemented by extensive files related to each of her books, proof copies of these books, and files related to her academic career, honors, awards, and memorabilia. Personal material includes her journals and diaries that depict the tenuous position of a woman in the male-dominated profession of the early seventies. The book collection fully supports research in Edwardian and Victorian literature and also contains a representative selection of recent Bengali literature

    Chemical and Physical Transformations of Humic Acids

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    Tato práce představuje pilotní studii testující souvislosti mezi biologickými vlastnostmi a strukturou huminových kyselin extrahovaných z původního a modifikovaného jihomoravského lignitu, důl Mír, Mikulčice. V první části práce byly testovány metody vhodné ke zvýšení výtěžku huminových kyselin extrahovaných z lignitu. Oxidace lignitu v plynné fázi nepřinesla uspokojivé zvýšení výtěžku a byla instrumentálně poměrně náročná. Dále proto byla zkoumána jen oxidace v kapalné fázi a modifikace nízkomolekulárními organickými kyselinami. Modifikace organickými kyselinami byla inspirována procesy podporujícími biologické funkce v rizosféře, t.j. kořenový systém vylučuje exudáty způsobující změny v supramolekulové struktuře okolní organické hmoty čímž zlepšuje její mobilitu a prostupnost buněčnými stěnami. Primární struktura huminových kyselin připravených v této práci byla zkoumána prostřednictvím elementární analýzy a spektrálních metod (13C CPMAS NMR, EPR a UV-VIS spektroskopie). Navzdory tomu, že primární struktura vykazovala jen malé rozdíly, měření biologické aktivity a genotoxického potenciálu prokázalo, že huminové kyseliny a jejich humáty získané z lignitu s rozdílnou předúpravou vykazují odlišnou bioaktivitu. Proto byla dále zkoumána supramolekulární struktura vzorků ve zředěných roztocích, a to prostřednictvím vysokoúčinné vylučovací chromatografie, měření ultrazvukové rychlosti a hustoty. Testovány byly dva různé protionty – draselný a amonný. Získané výsledky potvrdily předpoklad, že pozorované změny v kvalitě humátů jsou závislé na protiiontu, koncentraci humátu v roztoku a také na metodě předúpravy původního lignitu. Obě zvolené metody předúpravy lignitu prokázaly svůj potenciál produkovat huminové kyseliny s rozmanitými biologickými vlastnostmi, aplikovatelné v zemědělství, životním prostředí a potenciálně i ve farmakologii.This work is a pilot study testing the relationships between biological properties and structure of humic acids extracted from original and modified South-Moravian lignite, mine Mír, Mikulčice. In first part of the work, methods suitable for increase of the humic acid yield were explored. Lignite oxidation in gas phase turned out to be relatively instrumentally demanding and insufficiently effective. Therefore, only oxidation in liquid phase was explored further along with modification with short-chained organic acids. Modification with short-chained organic acids was inspired by processes enhancing biological functions in rhizosphere, i.e. the root system produces exudates causing changes in the supramolecular structure of the surrounding organic matter, improving its mobility and cell-walls penetration. Primary structure of humic acids produced in this work was investigated by elemental analysis, solid state NMR, EPR and UV-VIS spectroscopy. Despite the fact that only minor differences were found, conducted assessment of biological activity and genotoxic potential showed that humic acids and their respective humates isolated from lignite with different pre-treatment show different bioactivity. Therefore, supramolecular structure of samples in diluted solutions was investigated by means of HPSEC, HRUS and densitometry measurements. Two counterions – potassium and ammonium – were tested. Obtained results confirm the assumption that observed quality of humates depends on counterion, concen-tration of humate and also on the method of lignite pre-treatment. Both selected pre-treatment methods showed potential to produce humic acids with variable biological properties, applicable in agriculture, environmental chemistry and potencially also in pharmacology.

    Develop and Standardize a DOT&PF Statewide Airport Construction Specifications Updating Process

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    A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE In Project ManagementThis research study evaluates the operational performance of an experimental process model developed to provide a systematic and repeatable approach to updating the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) Statewide Standard Airport Construction (SSAC) specifications to comply with the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5370-10H – Standard Specifications for Construction of Airports, (10H). In order to develop and standardize an effective process within DOT&PF, this study must examine how a large government organization, like DOT&PF, implements change. This study also discusses which key Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s) knowledge areas provide the framework for initiating, planning, and executing an implementation phase of this experimental process model on two specification sections, P-401 – Asphalt Mix Pavement (P-401) and P-318 – Foamed Asphalt Stabilized Base Course (P-318). P-401 is also referred to in this study as the “Beta Test case” and P-318 as the “Trial Run case”

    Tralics, a LaTeX to XML translator Partie II

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    Version 2In this document we describe Tralics, a LaTeX to XML translator, and its application to the Raweb. There are two parts: the first part describes the translator, the second part the tools required for the Raweb. This document has different chapters; we shall describe first how TeX can read an XML file and convert it to Pdf; in effect, we shall describe the xmltex, fotex and mathml packages, written by D. Carlisle et S. Rahtz, with some minor bug corrections and additions. We show how style sheets can be used to convert the XML source into XSL/FO or HTML, or even XML. Finally, we shall explain the Raweb DTD