80,163 research outputs found

    The role of high-performance people management practices in Industry 4.0: The case of medium-sized Spanish firms

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    Purpose: This paper wants to build the case for the key role of high-performance people management practices in the development of I4.0 in SMEs. The research upon which this paper is based wants to prove that the consolidation of those practices should be a priority for any company willing to embark in this journey. The paper deals specifically with medium-sized Spanish firms which, on top, are already having significant issues with digitization. Design/methodology: The paper starts by digging into the literature to see how past technologies have impacted productivity, followed by a review of the material available on digitization and Industry 4.0. It moves on to explore the relationship between people management practices, productivity and innovation. Finally, the focus is placed on Spanish medium-sized companies, understanding their current levels of consolidation of high-performance people management practices as well as digitization. With all this information, several propositions are posited for validation using the Delphi methodology. Findings: I4.0 is, at its core, about productivity improvements through business process and business model innovation. People management practices are found to be strongly correlated with both productivity and innovation. It has also been found that Spanish medium-sized firms already have a significant initial gap compared to those of other OECD countries not only in productivity, but also people management practices and digitization. The experts seem to agree on the key role of people management practices and that they should be a high priority for any firm seriously thinking about industry 4.0. This is not to say that strategy or leadership will not play a paramount role in any digital transformation, but to emphasize the fact that the normally-forgotten people management practices will be important enablers in this process. Originality/value: It is believed that this is a topic that has been mostly neglected in the I4.0 literature. In that sense, the findings of this paper could be relevant for small and medium-sized businesses embarking on the industry 4.0 journey. This will entail a significant investment of time and money and, if the key role of people management practices is not on the radar screen, it may have significant implications for the success of those ventures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Inventing the Future: Barlow and Beyond

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    Inventing the Future: Barlow and Beyond

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    Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlĂ€gga preventiva omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder för att förhindra ventilator-associerad pneumoni pĂ„ en thoraxintensivvĂ„rdsavdelning. Bakgrund: De vanligaste vĂ„rdrelaterade infektionerna pĂ„ intensivvĂ„rdsavdelningar Ă€r pneumonier och bland dessa Ă€r 80 % ventilatorassocierade. VĂ„rdrelaterade infektioner innebĂ€r stora kostnader för samhĂ€llet och ökat vĂ„rdlidande för den drabbade patienten. För att förhindra uppkomsten av ventilator-associerad pneumoni (VAP) finns ett antal omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder som har visat sig vara effektiva vad gĂ€ller att motverka VAP. Design: Studien Ă€r en journalgranskning med retrospektiv deskriptiv design. Metod: Ett klusterurval gjordes dĂ€r patienter som vĂ„rdats minst tvĂ„ pĂ„började dygn i respirator valdes ut. Totalt togs 126 journaler fram varav 17 journaler exkluderades och slutligen ingick totalt 109 journaler i studien. Journalerna granskades med hjĂ€lp av ett protokoll dĂ€r följande omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder kontrollerades: tandborstning, munvĂ„rd med klorhexidinlösning, antal utförda kufftrycksmĂ€tningar, registrerat kufftryck, höjd huvudĂ€nda, subglottisaspiration, sederingsgrad enligt Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) samt gurgling med klorhexidinlösning. Datan analyserades i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat: Deltagarna delades in i tvĂ„ grupper utifrĂ„n Ă„lder (grupp 1 ≀ 69 Ă„r, grupp 2 ≄ 70 Ă„r). MunvĂ„rd med klorhexidin var den Ă„tgĂ€rd som utfördes flest gĂ„nger per dygn med medianvĂ€rde fyra i bĂ„da Ă„ldersgrupperna. DĂ€refter följde kufftrycksmĂ€tning med en median pĂ„ tvĂ„ kontroller per dygn. MedianvĂ€rdet för höjd huvudĂ€nda var ett i bĂ„da grupperna. Tandborstning var den Ă„tgĂ€rd som utfördes minst antal gĂ„nger. Det var inga signifikanta skillnader mellan de olika Ă„ldersgrupperna vad gĂ€ller utförda omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Konklusion och kliniska implikationer: En rimlig bedömning Ă€r att kontinuerlig uppdatering betrĂ€ffande den senaste forskningen hos vĂ„rdpersonal samt revidering av PM kommer att ge bĂ€ttre vĂ„rdresultat, kortare vĂ„rdtider, mindre kostnader för samhĂ€llet och mindre vĂ„rdlidande. Resultatet pekar pĂ„ behov av antingen bĂ€ttre följsamhet till befintliga rekommendationer, eller noggrannare och tydligare dokumentation av utförda Ă„tgĂ€rder

    Computer Mediated Communication and the Connection between Virtual Utopias and Actual Realities

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    People have generally been very ambivalent about the potential future roles of new technologies (and the internet specifically) and their possible effects on human society. Indeed, there has been a tendency for polarization between attitudes or perceptions of naive enthusiasm and cynical resistance towards the use of computers and computer networks, and for such related concepts as ‘the information superhighway’ and ‘cyberspace’. The projection of such ambivalent perceptions into naively utopian (or even ironically dystopian) images and narratives might be seen as the latest and uniquely global permutation of a basic function of human culture - that is, to imagine ‘a better future’ or represent ‘an ideal past’. This paper will consider the extent to which the kinds of virtual utopias made possible by computer-mediated communications are\ud ‘connected’ to the actual individual and social realities of human participants. In other words, how important might it be to recognise a distinction between the use of virtual utopias (and utopian representations in any culture) as merely escapist, self-indulgent fantasy on one hand, and\ud as a useful, transformative media for reinventing the human condition on the other? Whether we live in a Panoptic or democratic Net ten years from now depends, in no small measure, on what you and I know and do now. Howard Rheingold, Afterword to The Virtual Community (1994, p. 310

    Nonparametric approach to evaluation of economic and social development in the EU28 member states by DEA efficiency

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    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology is used in this study for a comparison of the dynamic efficiency of European countries over the last decade. Moreover, efficiency analysis is used to determine where resources are distributed efficiently and/or were used efficiently/inefficiently under factors of competitiveness extracted from factor analysis. DEA measures numerical grades of the efficiency of economic processes within evaluated countries and, therefore, it becomes a suitable tool for setting an efficient/inefficient position of each country. Most importantly, the DEA technique is applied to all (28) European Union (EU) countries to evaluate their technical and technological efficiency within the selected factors of competitiveness based on country competitiveness index in the 2000-2017 reference period. The main aim of the paper is to measure efficiency changes over the reference period and to analyze the level of productivity in individual countries based on the Malmquist productivity index (MPI). Empirical results confirm significant disparities among European countries and selected periods 2000-2007, 2008-2011, and 2012-2017. Finally, the study offers a comprehensive comparison and discussion of results obtained by MPI that indicate the EU countries in which policy-making authorities should aim to stimulate national development and provide more quality of life to the EU citizens.Web of Science122art. no. 7

    Internationalisation strategies of African MNEs: a case analysis of Angolan and Mozambican enterprises

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    This study investigates the internationalisation strategies of Lusophone Africa multinational enterprises (LAMNEs) from Angola and Mozambique. While previous scholarship examining the investment decisions and actual investment commitments found that MNEs make choices to internationalise incrementally to reduce uncertainty, this research expands this body of scholarship by identifying Angolan and Mozambican MNEs that were born global or created to become international new ventures (INVs). Key implications of this study suggests that despite several disadvantages faced by entrepreneurs in frontier economies, particularly in Angola and Mozambique LAMNEs relied on external resources to launch themselves into international markets, utilising web-enabled digital and virtual resources, such as the Internet, social media and online professional communities of practice. In addition, most did not enter foreign markets alone and chose to rely on modes of entry that included joint ventures and partnerships, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), e-commerce, and e-business.https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEXPORTM.2019.101809Accepted manuscriptPublished versio
