32 research outputs found

    Grape pomace application in environmental studies: from waste to natural food preservative and source of biofuel

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    The geographic location of Republic of Macedonia is exceptional for breeding vine and specific grape varieties. But, the wine industry waste in general is a problem in Macedonia, since it does not have any usage. In the European Union, there is approximately 14.5 million tons of wine industry waste produced from wineries (http://www.academicwino.com/2012/11/grape-seed-extract-leather-production.html). In fact, the wine industry waste (grape pomace) contains primarily crushed grape skins and seeds rich in beneficial polyphenol compounds that act as antioxidants, antibacterial agents etc. The largest fraction of winery waste is pomace, or the solid remains of grapes (skins, stalks and seeds), which is thrown away ending up in landfills. From another point of view, transport is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases and biofuels can significantly reduce transport’s carbon footprint since it is dependent on finite fossil fuels such as oil and petroleum for its energy needs (R.E.H. Sims, et al.). Biodiesel, provides significantly reduced emissions of carbon monoxide; compared to petroleum diesel fuel

    Anti-angiogenic and toxicity effects of Derris trifoliata extract in zebrafish embryo

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    Introduction: Derris trifoliata has been traditionally used as folk for the treatment of , rheumatic joints, diarrhoea, and dysmenorrhea, and rotenoids isolated from the plant have shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties. This study aimed to assess the toxicity effects and antiangiogenic activity of extract of Derris trifoliata on zebrafish embryo model. Materials and Methods: Zebrafihs embryos were treated with aqueous extract of Derris Trifoliata to evaluate its effects on angiogenesis and zebrafish-toxicity. Angiogenic response was analyzed using whole-mount alkaline phosphatase (AP) vessel staining on 72 hours post fertilization (hpf) zebrafish embryos. Results: 1.0 mg/ml concentration was toxic to zebrafish embryos and embryos exposed to concentrations at 0.5 mg/ml and below showed some malformations. Derris trifoliata aqueous extract also showed some anti-angiogenic activity in vivo in the zebrafish embryo model wereby at high concentration inhibited vessel formation in zebrafish embryo. Conclusions: The anti-angiogenic response of extract of Derris trifoliata in zebrafish in vivo model suggest its therapeutic potential as anti-cancer agent

    Non-covalent interactions in organotin(IV) derivatives of 5,7-ditertbutyl- and 5,7-diphenyl-1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine as recognition motifs in crystalline self- assembly and their in vitro antistaphylococcal activity

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    Non-covalent interactions are known to play a key role in biological compounds due to their stabilization of the tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins [1]. Ligands similar to purine rings, such as triazolo pyrimidine ones, are very versatile in their interactions with metals and can act as model systems for natural bio-inorganic compounds [2]. A considerable series (twelve novel compounds are reported) of 5,7-ditertbutyl-1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine (dbtp) and 5,7-diphenyl- 1,2,4-triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine (dptp) were synthesized and investigated by FT-IR and 119Sn M\uf6ssbauer in the solid state and by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, in solution [3]. The X-ray crystal and molecular structures of Et2SnCl2(dbtp)2 and Ph2SnCl2(EtOH)2(dptp)2 were described, in this latter pyrimidine molecules are not directly bound to the metal center but strictly H-bonded, through N(3), to the -OH group of the ethanol moieties. The network of hydrogen bonding and aromatic interactions involving pyrimidine and phenyl rings in both complexes drives their self-assembly. Noncovalent interactions involving aromatic rings are key processes in both chemical and biological recognition, contributing to overall complex stability and forming recognition motifs. It is noteworthy that in Ph2SnCl2(EtOH)2(dptp)2 \u3c0\u2013\u3c0 stacking interactions between pairs of antiparallel triazolopyrimidine rings mimick basepair interactions physiologically occurring in DNA (Fig.1). M\uf6ssbauer spectra suggest for Et2SnCl2(dbtp)2 a distorted octahedral structure, with C-Sn-C bond angles lower than 180\ub0. The estimated angle for Et2SnCl2(dbtp)2 is virtually identical to that determined by X-ray diffraction. Ph2SnCl2(EtOH)2(dptp)2 is characterized by an essentially linear C-Sn-C fragment according to the X-ray all-trans structure. The compounds were screened for their in vitro antibacterial activity on a group of reference staphylococcal strains susceptible or resistant to methicillin and against two reference Gramnegative pathogens [4] . We tested the biological activity of all the specimen against a group of staphylococcal reference strains (S. aureus ATCC 25923, S. aureus ATCC 29213, methicillin resistant S. aureus 43866 and S. epidermidis RP62A) along with Gram-negative pathogens (P. aeruginosa ATCC9027 and E. coli ATCC25922). Ph2SnCl2(EtOH)2(dptp)2 showed good antibacterial activity with a MIC value of 5 \u3bcg mL-1 against S. aureus ATCC29213 and also resulted active against methicillin resistant S. epidermidis RP62A

    V Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología. 2016

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    171 p.I. Abstracts. Ahozko komunikazioak / Comunicaciones orales: 1. Biozientziak: Alderdi Molekularrak / Biociencias: Aspectos moleculares. 2. Biozientziak: Ingurune Alderdiak / Biociencias: Aspectos Ambientales. 3. Fisika eta Ingenieritza Elektronika / Física e Ingeniería Electrónica. 4. Geología / Geología. 5. Matematika / Matemáticas. 6. Kimika / Química. 7. Ingenieritza Kimikoa eta Kimika / Ingeniería Química y Química. II. Abstracts. Idatzizko Komunikazioak (Posterrak) / Comunicaciones escritas (Pósters): 1. Biozientziak / Biociencias. 2. Fisika eta Ingenieritza Elektronika / Física e Ingeniería Electrónica. 3. Geologia / Geologia. 4. Matematika / Matemáticas. 5. Kimika / Química. 6. Ingenieritza Kimikoa / Ingeniería Química

    A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Raphael Mechoulam: The Father of Cannabinoid and Endocannabinoid Research

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    During the last 60 years the relevance of cannabis (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica) ingredients, like the psychoactive Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol, 120+ additional cannabinoids and 440+ non-cannabinoid compounds, for human health and disease has become apparent. Approximately 30 years after the elucidation of THC structure the molecular reasons for the biological activity of these plant extracts were made clearer by the discovery of endocannabinoids, that are endogenous lipids able to bind to the same receptors activated by THC. Besides endocannabinoids, that include several N-acylethanolamines and acylesters, a complex array of receptors, metabolic enzymes, transporters (transmembrane, intracellular and extracellular carriers) were also discovered, and altogether they form a so-called “endocannabinoid system” that has been shown to finely tune the manifold biological activities of these lipid signals. Both plant-derived cannabinoids and endocannabinoids were first discovered by the group led by Prof. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, who has just celebrated his 90th birthday and clearly stood out as a giant of modern science. The many implications of his seminal work for chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacology and medicine are described in this special issue by the scientists who reached during the last 20 years the highest recognition in the field of (endo)cannabinoid research, receiving the Mechoulam Award for their major contributions. I thank them for having accepted my invitation to be part of this honorary issue of Molecules, and Raphi for continuing to illuminate our field with his always inspiring investigations and new ideas

    V Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología. 2016

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    171 p.I. Abstracts. Ahozko komunikazioak / Comunicaciones orales: 1. Biozientziak: Alderdi Molekularrak / Biociencias: Aspectos moleculares. 2. Biozientziak: Ingurune Alderdiak / Biociencias: Aspectos Ambientales. 3. Fisika eta Ingenieritza Elektronika / Física e Ingeniería Electrónica. 4. Geología / Geología. 5. Matematika / Matemáticas. 6. Kimika / Química. 7. Ingenieritza Kimikoa eta Kimika / Ingeniería Química y Química. II. Abstracts. Idatzizko Komunikazioak (Posterrak) / Comunicaciones escritas (Pósters): 1. Biozientziak / Biociencias. 2. Fisika eta Ingenieritza Elektronika / Física e Ingeniería Electrónica. 3. Geologia / Geologia. 4. Matematika / Matemáticas. 5. Kimika / Química. 6. Ingenieritza Kimikoa / Ingeniería Química

    Continuing professional development - challenge for professional organization

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    Professions, as one of key sectors of social systems, bear a leading role in the existing social work organization. Free professions take up a special place and significance, all the way from Roman artes liberales to our times. Pharmaceutical profession, as one of the oldest, led by ethical principles, is regulated by postulates accepted by the profession members, and in modern times established through legislations. Typical determinants of the regulated professions, which also refer to pharmacists, as chamber members, are as follows: following ethical principles, specific skills and knowledge, professional development, autonomy at work, continuing improvement, competencies development, professional associations, licensing

    ω-Transaminases as Promising Biocatalysts for the Chiral Synthesis of β-Amino Acids

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    Diese Arbeit erörtert die Enzyme-Familie der ω-Transaminasen (ω-TA), die eine stereoselektive Übertragung einer Stickstoffgruppe von einem Amino-Donor auf ein Akzeptor Molekül (mit Keton/Aldehyd-Funktion) katalysieren. ω-Transaminasen sind von großem Interesse für viele pharmazeutische Prozesse und Synthese-Strategien, da selbige es ermöglichen, stickstoffhaltige Wirkstoffe enantiomerenrein zu produzieren. Die Dissertation, angefertigt im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Projektes Molecular Interaction Engineering (MIE), beschäftigte sich hierbei mit der Enzymherstellung und Modifikation am Beispiel der Synthese von β-Aminosäuren sowie dem Abbau selbiger durch Mikroorganismen. Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand daher die Transaminierung von β-Ketosäuren/estern, das dafür notwendige Enzym Engineering, sowie die Charakterisierung und Katalogisierung der ω-Transaminase-Familie. Das primäre Ziel war hierbei die Synthese des chiralen Paclitaxel-Bestandteils, β-Phenylalanine(ester), durch ω-Transaminasen demonstrieren. Zusammenfassend konnten in dieser Thesis folgende Punkte erreicht werden: o Die Proteinproduktion und Reinigung der ω-TA aus Variovorax paradoxus konnte durch Codon-Optimierung sowie Fast-protein-liquid-chromatography (FPLC) mittels Ni-NTA-Säulen verbessert werden und die Langzeitstabilität konnte erhöht werden. o Außerdem konnte eine ω-Transaminase-Engineering-Datenbank (oTAED) als hilfreiche Basis für das Transaminase Engineering etabliert werden. o Funktionelle Aminosäurepositionen in der V. paradoxus ω-TA wurden mutiert und die Auswirkungen auf die Aktivität untersucht. o Durch gezielte Mutagenese konnte die Proteinstabilität der ω-TA aus V. paradoxus unter gleichzeitigem Erhalt der Aktivität verbessert werden. o Es konnten die Schwierigkeiten bei der Synthese von β-Phenylalanin (β-PA) durch eine Lipase-ω-TA Kaskadenreaktion erörtert und gezeigt werden. Hierbei wurden alternative Syntheseweg vorgeschlagen und analysiert. o Es wurden zwei ω-TA für die Synthese von (R)- sowie (S)-β-PA-Ethylester identifiziert durch Screening einer ω-TA Bibliothek. o Eine ω-TA (namentlich 3FCR_4M) zeigte Potenzial für eine Maßstabsvergrößerung um den Faktor 200 für die Synthese des (S)-β-PA-Ethylester (200 mL - 30 mM Produktkonzentration). o Der Abbau von β-PA durch zwei Bakterien konnte unter kontrollierten Bedingungen genauer analysiert werden. Dabei wurde erstmals der simultane Abbau beider Enantiomere einer β-Aminosäure durch ein Bakterium gezeigt, wobei neben der Transaminierung noch ein weiterer, bislang unbekannter Abbaumechanismus erfolgt