1,819 research outputs found

    From Random Matrices to Quasiperiodic Jacobi Matrices via Orthogonal Polynomials

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    We present an informal review of results on asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, stressing their spectral aspects and similarity in two cases considered. They are polynomials orthonormal on a finite union of disjoint intervals with respect to the Szego weight and polynomials orthonormal on R with respect to varying weights and having the same union of intervals as the set of oscillations of asymptotics. In both cases we construct double infinite Jacobi matrices with generically quasiperiodic coefficients and show that each of them is an isospectral deformation of another. Related results on asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of a class of random matrices of large size are also shortly discussed

    Limiting Laws of Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for Unitary Invariant Matrix Models

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    We study the variance and the Laplace transform of the probability law of linear eigenvalue statistics of unitary invariant Matrix Models of n-dimentional Hermitian matrices as n tends to infinity. Assuming that the test function of statistics is smooth enough and using the asymptotic formulas by Deift et al for orthogonal polynomials with varying weights, we show first that if the support of the Density of States of the model consists of two or more intervals, then in the global regime the variance of statistics is a quasiperiodic function of n generically in the potential, determining the model. We show next that the exponent of the Laplace transform of the probability law is not in general 1/2variance, as it should be if the Central Limit Theorem would be valid, and we find the asymptotic form of the Laplace transform of the probability law in certain cases

    Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle: New results

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    We announce numerous new results in the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle

    The Nevai Condition

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    We study Nevai's condition that for orthogonal polynomials on the real line, Kn(x,x0)2Kn(x0,x0)1dρ(x)δx0K_n(x,x_0)^2 K_n(x_0,x_0)^{-1} d\rho (x)\to\delta_{x_0} where KnK_n is the CD kernel. We prove that it holds for the Nevai class of a finite gap set uniformly on the spectrum and we provide an example of a regular measure on [2,2][-2,2] where it fails on an interval