124 research outputs found

    Automatic synthesis of sorting algorithms by gene expression programming + (geometric) semantic gene expression programming + encouraging phenotype variation with a new semantic operator: semantic conditional crossover

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    Gene Expression Programming (GEP) is an alternative to Genetic Programming (GP). Given its characteristics compared to GP, we question if GEP should be the standard choice for evolutionary program synthesis, both as base for research and practical application. We raise the question if such a shift could increase the rate of investigation, applicability and the quality of results obtained from evolutionary techniques for code optimization. We present three distinct and unprecedented studies using GEP in an attempt to develop understanding, investigate the potential and forward the branch. Each study has an individual contribution on its own involving GEP. As a whole, the three studies try to investigate di erent aspects that might be critical to answer the questions raised in the previous paragraph. In the rst individual contribution, we investigate GEP's applicability to automatically synthesize sorting algorithms. Performance is compared against GP under similar experimental conditions. GEP is shown to be capable of producing sorting algorithms and outperforms GP in doing so. As a second experiment, we enhanced GEP's evolutionary process with semantic awareness of candidate programs, originating Semantic Gene Expression Programming (SGEP), similarly to how Semantic Genetic Programming (SGP) builds over GP. Geometric semantic concepts are then introduced to SGEP, forming Geometric Semantic Gene Expression Programming (GSGEP). A comparative experiment between GP, GEP, SGP and SGEP is performed using di erent problems and setup combinations. Results were mixed when comparing SGEP and SGP, suggesting performance is signi cantly related to the problem addressed. By out-performing the alternatives in many of the benchmarks, SGEP demonstrates practical potential. The results are analyzed in di erent perspectives, also providing insight on the potential of di erent crossover variations when applied along GP/GEP. GEP' compatibility with innovation developed to work with GP is demonstrated possible without extensive adaptation. Considerations for integration of SGEP are discussed. In the last contribution, a new semantic operator is proposed, SCC, which applies crossover conditionally only when elements are semantically di erent enough, performing mutation otherwise. The strategy attempts to encourage semantic diversity and wider the portion of the semantic-solution space searched. A practical experiment was performed alternating the integration of SCC in the evolutionary process. When using the operator, the quality of obtained solutions alternated between slight improvements and declines. The results don't show a relevant indication of possible advantage from its employment and don't con rm what was expected in the theory. We discuss ways in which further work might investigate this concept and assess if it has practical potential under di erent circumstances. On the other hand, in regards to the basilar questions of this investigation, the process of development and testing of SCC is performed completely on a GEP/SGEP base, suggesting how the latest can be used as the base for future research on evolutionary program synthesis.Programa c~ao Gen etica por Express~oes (GEP) e uma alternativa recente a Programa c~ao Gen etica (GP). Neste estudo observamos o GEP e colocamos a quest~ao se este n~ao deveria ser tratado como primeira escolha quando se trata de sintetiza c~ao autom atica de programas atrav es de m etodos evolutivos. Dadas as caracteristicas do GEP perguntamonos se esta mudan ca de perspectiva poderia aumentar a investiga c~ao, aplicabilidade e qualidade dos resultados obtidos para a optimiza c~ao de c odigo por m etodos evolutivos. Neste estudo apresentamos tr^es contribui c~oes in editas e distintas usando o algoritmo GEP. Cada uma das contribui c~oes apresenta um avan co ou investiga c~ao no campo da GEP. Como um todo, estas contribui c~oes tentam obter cohecimento e informa c~oes para se abordar a quest~ao geral apresentada no p aragrafo anterior. Na primeira contribui c~ao, investiga-mos e testamos o GEP no problema da sintese autom atica de algoritmos de ordena c~ao. Para o melhor do nosso conhecimento, esta e a primeira vez que este problema e abordado com o GEP. A performance e comparada a do GP em condi c~oes semelhantes, de modo a isolar as caracteristicas de cada algoritmo como factor de distin c~ao. As a second experiment, we enhanced GEP's evolutionary process with semantic awareness of candidate programs, originating Semantic Gene Expression Programming (SGEP), similarly to how Semantic Genetic Programming (SGP) builds over GP. Geometric semantic concepts are then introduced to SGEP, forming Geometric Semantic Gene Expression Programming (GSGEP). A comparative experiment between GP, GEP, SGP and SGEP is performed using di erent problems and setup combinations. Results were mixed when comparing SGEP and SGP, suggesting performance is signi cantly related to the problem addressed. By out-performing the alternatives in many of the benchmarks, SGEP demonstrates practical potential. The results are analyzed in di erent perspectives, also providing insight on the potential of di erent crossover variations when applied along GP/GEP. GEP's compatibility with innovation developed to work with GP is demonstrated possible without extensive adaptation. Considerations for integration of SGEP are discussed. Na segunda contribui c~ao, adicionamos ao processo evolutivo do GEP a capacidade de medir o valor sem^antico dos programas que constituem a popula c~ao. A esta variante damos o nome de Programa c~ao Gen etica por Express~oes Sem^antica (SGEP). Esta variante tr as para o GEP as mesmas caracteristicas que a Programa c~ao Gen etica Sem^antica(SGP) trouxe para o GP convencional. Conceitos geom etricos s~ao tamb em apresentados para o SGEP, extendendo assim a variante e criando a Programa c~ao Gen etica por Express~oes Geom etrica Sem^antica (GSGEP). De forma a testar estas novas variantes, efectuamos uma experi^encia onde s~ao comparados o GP, GEP, SGP e SGEP entre diferentes problemas e combina c~oes de operadores de cruzamento. Os resultados mostraram que n~ao houve um algoritmo que se destaca-se em todas as experi^encias, sugerindo que a performance est a signi cativamente relacionada com o problema a ser abordado. De qualquer modo, o SGEP obteve vantagem em bastantes dos benchmarks, dando assim ind cios de pot^encial ter utilidade pr atica. De um modo geral, esta contribui c~ao demonstra que e possivel utilizar tecnologia desenvolvida a pensar em GP no GEP sem grande esfor co na adapta c~ao. No m da contribui c~ao, s~ao discutidas algumas considera c~oes sobre o SGEP. Na terceira contribui c~ao propomos um novo operador, o Cruzamento Sem^antico Condicional (SCC). Este operador, baseado na dist^ancia sem^antica entre dois elementos propostos, decide se os elementos s~ao propostos para cruzamento, ou se um deles e mutato e ambos re-introduzidos na popula c~ao. Esta estrat egia tem como objectivo aumentar a diversidade gen etica na popula c~ao em fases cruciais do processo evolutivo e alargar a por c~ao do espa co sem^antico pesquisado. Para avaliar o pot^encial deste operador, realizamos uma experi^encia pr atica e comparamos processos evolutivos semelhantes onde o uso ou n~ao uso do SCC e o factor de distin c~ao. Os resultados obtidos n~ao demonstraram vantagens no uso do SCC e n~ao con rmam o esperado em teoria. No entanto s~ao discutidas maneiras em que o conceito pode ser reaproveitado para novos testes em que possa ter pot^encial para demonstrar resultados possitivos. Em rela c~ao a quest~ao central da tese, visto este estudo ter sido desenvolvido com base em GEP/SGEP e visto a teoria do SCC ser compativel com GP, e demonstrado que um estudo geral a area da sintese de algoritmos por meios evolutivos, pode ser conduzido com base no GEP

    Development of a hybrid genetic programming technique for computationally expensive optimisation problems

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    The increasing computational power of modern computers has contributed to the advance of nature-inspired algorithms in the fields of optimisation and metamodelling. Genetic programming (GP) is a genetically-inspired technique that can be used for metamodelling purposes. GP main strength is in the ability to infer the mathematical structure of the best model fitting a given data set, relying exclusively on input data and on a set of mathematical functions given by the user. Model inference is based on an iterative or evolutionary process, which returns the model as a symbolic expression (text expression). As a result, model evaluation is inexpensive and the generated expressions can be easily deployed to other users. Despite genetic programming has been used in many different branches of engineering, its diffusion on industrial scale is still limited. The aims of this thesis are to investigate the intrinsic limitations of genetic programming, to provide a comprehensive review of how researchers have tackled genetic programming main weaknesses and to improve genetic programming ability to extract accurate models from data. In particular, research has followed three main directions. The first has been the development of regularisation techniques to improve the generalisation ability of a model of a given mathematical structure, based on the use of a specific tuning algorithm in case sinusoidal functions are among the functions the model is composed of. The second has been the analysis of the influence that prior knowledge regarding the function to approximate may have on genetic programming inference process. The study has led to the introduction of a strategy that allows to use prior knowledge to improve model accuracy. Thirdly, the mathematical structure of the models returned by genetic programming has been systematically analysed and has led to the conclusion that the linear combination is the structure that is mostly returned by genetic programming runs. A strategy has been formulated to reduce the evolutionary advantage of linear combinations and to protect more complex classes of individuals throughout the evolution. The possibility to use genetic programming in industrial optimisation problems has also been assessed with the help of a new genetic programming implementation developed during the research activity. Such implementation is an open source project and is freely downloadable from http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~cnua/mypage.html

    Model based test suite minimization using metaheuristics

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    Software testing is one of the most widely used methods for quality assurance and fault detection purposes. However, it is one of the most expensive, tedious and time consuming activities in software development life cycle. Code-based and specification-based testing has been going on for almost four decades. Model-based testing (MBT) is a relatively new approach to software testing where the software models as opposed to other artifacts (i.e. source code) are used as primary source of test cases. Models are simplified representation of a software system and are cheaper to execute than the original or deployed system. The main objective of the research presented in this thesis is the development of a framework for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of test suites generated from UML models. It focuses on three activities: transformation of Activity Diagram (AD) model into Colored Petri Net (CPN) model, generation and evaluation of AD based test suite and optimization of AD based test suite. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a de facto standard for software system analysis and design. UML models can be categorized into structural and behavioral models. AD is a behavioral type of UML model and since major revision in UML version 2.x it has a new Petri Nets like semantics. It has wide application scope including embedded, workflow and web-service systems. For this reason this thesis concentrates on AD models. Informal semantics of UML generally and AD specially is a major challenge in the development of UML based verification and validation tools. One solution to this challenge is transforming a UML model into an executable formal model. In the thesis, a three step transformation methodology is proposed for resolving ambiguities in an AD model and then transforming it into a CPN representation which is a well known formal language with extensive tool support. Test case generation is one of the most critical and labor intensive activities in testing processes. The flow oriented semantic of AD suits modeling both sequential and concurrent systems. The thesis presented a novel technique to generate test cases from AD using a stochastic algorithm. In order to determine if the generated test suite is adequate, two test suite adequacy analysis techniques based on structural coverage and mutation have been proposed. In terms of structural coverage, two separate coverage criteria are also proposed to evaluate the adequacy of the test suite from both perspectives, sequential and concurrent. Mutation analysis is a fault-based technique to determine if the test suite is adequate for detecting particular types of faults. Four categories of mutation operators are defined to seed specific faults into the mutant model. Another focus of thesis is to improve the test suite efficiency without compromising its effectiveness. One way of achieving this is identifying and removing the redundant test cases. It has been shown that the test suite minimization by removing redundant test cases is a combinatorial optimization problem. An evolutionary computation based test suite minimization technique is developed to address the test suite minimization problem and its performance is empirically compared with other well known heuristic algorithms. Additionally, statistical analysis is performed to characterize the fitness landscape of test suite minimization problems. The proposed test suite minimization solution is extended to include multi-objective minimization. As the redundancy is contextual, different criteria and their combination can significantly change the solution test suite. Therefore, the last part of the thesis describes an investigation into multi-objective test suite minimization and optimization algorithms. The proposed framework is demonstrated and evaluated using prototype tools and case study models. Empirical results have shown that the techniques developed within the framework are effective in model based test suite generation and optimizatio

    Design and verification of SystemC transaction-level models

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    Transaction-level modeling allows exploring several SoC design architectures, leading to better performance and easier verification of the final product. In this paper, we present an approach to design and verify SystemC models at the transaction level. We integrate the verification as part of the design flow where we first model both the design and the properties (written in Property Specification language) in Unifed Modeling Language (UML); then, we translate them into an intermediate format modeled with AsmL [language based on Abstract State Machines (ASM)]. The AsmL model is used to generate a finite state machine of the design, including the properties. Checking the correctness of the properties is performed on the fly while generating the state machine. Finally, we translate the verified design to SystemC and map the properties to a set of assertions (as monitors in C#) that can be reused to validate the design at lower levels by simulation. For existing SystemC designs, we propose to translate the code back to AsmL in order to apply the same verification approach. At the SystemC level, we also present a genetic algorithm to enhance the assertions coverage. We will ensure the soundness of our approach by proving the correctness of the SystemC-to-AsmL and AsmL-to-SystemC transformations. We illustrate our approach on two case studies including the PCI bus standard and a master/slave generic architecture from the SystemC library

    A logic programming framework for modeling temporal objects

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    Automatic Generation of Text Summaries - Challenges, proposals and experiments

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    Los estudiantes e investigadores en el área de procesamiento deenguaje natural, inteligencia artificial, ciencias computacionales y lingüística computacional serán quizá los primeros interesados en este libro. No obstante, también se pretende introducir a público no especializado en esta prometedora área de investigación; por ello, hemos traducido al español algunos tecnicismos y anglicismos, propios de esta disciplina, pero sin dejar de mencionar, en todo momento, su término en inglés para evitar confusiones y lograr que aquellos lectores interesados puedan ampliar sus fuentes de conocimiento.Este libro presenta un método computacional novedoso, a nivel internacional, para la generación automática de resúmenes de texto, pues supera la calidad de los que actualmente se pueden crear. Es decir, es resultado de una investigación que buscó métodos y modelos computacionales lo menos dependientes del lenguaje y dominio

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 15. Number 4.

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    To tackle the growing complexity of developing modern software systems that usually have embedded and distributed nature, and more and more involve safety critical aspects, formal methods (FMs) have been affirmed as an efficient approach to ensure the quality and correctness of the design, that permits to discover errors yet at the early stages of the system development. Among the several FMs available, some of them can be described as state-based, since they describe systems by using the notions of state and transitions between states. State-based FMs are sometimes preferred since they produce specifications that are more intuitive, being the notions of state and transition close to the notions of program state and program execution that are familiar to any developer. Moreover, state-based FMs are usually executable and permit to be simulated, so having an abstraction of the execution of the system under development. The aim of the thesis is to provide tool-assisted techniques that help the adoption of state-based FMs. In particular we address four main goals: 1) identifying a process for the development of an integrated framework around a formal method. The adoption of a formal method is often prevented by the lack of tools to support the user in the different development activities, as model editing, validation, verification, etc. Moreover, also when tools are available, they have usually been developed to target only one aspect of the system development process. So, having a well-engineered process that helps in the development of concrete notations and tools for a FM can make FMs of practical application. 2) promoting the integration of different FMs. Indeed, having only one formal notation, for doing different formal activities during the development of the system, is preferable than having a different notation for each formal activity. Moreover such notation should be high-level: working with high level notations is definitely easier than working with low-level ones, and the produced specifications are usually more readable. This goal can be seen as a sub-goal of the first goal; indeed, in a framework around a formal method, it should also be possible to integrate other formal methods that better address some particular formal activities. 3) helping the user in writing correct specifications. The basic assumption of any formal technique is that the specification, representing the desired properties of the system or the model of the system, is correct. However, in case the specification is not correct, all the verification activities based on the specification produce results that are meaningless. So, validation techniques should assure that the specification reflects the intended requirements; besides traditional simulation (user-guided or scenario-based), also model review techniques, checking for common quality attributes that any specification should have, are a viable solution. 4) reducing the distance between the formal specification and the actual implementation of the system. Several FMs work on a formal description of the system which is assumed to reflect the actual implementation; however, in practice, the formal specification and the actual implementation could be not conformant. A solution is to obtain the implementation, through refinements steps, from the formal specification, and proving that the refinements steps are correct. A different viable solution is to link the implementation with its formal specification and check, during the program execution, if they are conformant