2,122 research outputs found

    Immersed in Pop! Excursions into Compositional Design

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    Recent changes in consumer audio and music technology and distribution - for example the addition of 3D audio formats such as Dolby Atmos to music streaming services, the recent release of “Spatial Audio” on Apple and Beats products, the proliferation of musical content in virtual reality and 360º videos, etc. - have reignited a public discourse on concepts of immersion and interactivity in popular music and media. This raises questions and necessitates a deepening of popular musicological discourse in these areas. This thesis thus asks: what is the relationship between so-called immersive media and immersive experience? How are immersive and interactive experiences of audiovisual popular music compositionally designed? And to what degree do interpretations of immersion and interactivity in popular music imply agency on part of the listener/viewer? To address these questions, Bresler has authored or co-authored four articles and book chapters on music in immersive and interactive media with a focus on compositional design and immersion in pop music. In the framing chapter, these articles are contextualized through the coining of the term immersive staging, which is a framework for understanding how the perceived relationship between the performer and listener is mediated through technology, performativity, audiovisual compositional design, and aesthetics. Additionally, the chapter makes a case for the hermeneutic methodologies employed throughout.publishedVersio

    The Sampling of Bodily Sound in Contemporary Composition: towards an embodied analysis

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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.The listener’s experience as an embodied subject is at the centre of this work. Embodied experience forms the basis for analyses of three contemporary compositions that sample bodily sound, in order to question how such works represent and mediate the body. The possible applications of this embodied methodology are illustrated through three case studies: Crackers by Christof Migone (2001), A Chance to Cut is a Chance to Cure by Matmos (2001) and Ground Techniques (2009) by Neil Luck. The findings of each analysis are placed within discussion of critical and theoretical concerns related to the (re)presentation, mediation and manipulation of the body both as materiality and as social construct, using, in particular, work by Hansen (2004) and Wegenstein (2006). The sampling practices of these works lead to the fragmentation of the represented bodies, in which margins between bodily interiors and exteriors are frequently crossed, bringing about a reconfiguration of the musical subject. Furthermore, the celebration of the bodily origins of these works complicates notions of recorded sound as disembodied. The analytical methodology developed in this thesis derives from a consideration of approaches in a number of fields: feminist musicology, music psychology, embodied cognition, phenomenology, music and gesture and new media theory. The sensations and affective responses of the listening body are discussed alongside an examination of how listening is shaped by processes of technological mediation. This thesis attends to both the body that is listening and the body that is listened to. I argue that it is not adequate to understand the works studied as merely representing the body, but suggest it would be more appropriate to understand the relationship between work and body as multi-faceted, conceptualising the body and recorded sound as mutually framing. This uncovers not only technology as mediation, but also the body as mediation. Finally, the case studies are used to reflect upon the limits of the embodied analysis methodology and its potential for wider application.This study was part-financed with the aid of a studentship from University College Falmouth and a grant from The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust

    Supporting Methodology Transfer in Visualization Research with Literature-Based Discovery and Visual Text Analytics

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    [ES] La creciente especialización de la ciencia está motivando la rápida fragmentación de disciplinas bien establecidas en comunidades interdisciplinares. Esta descom- posición se puede observar en un tipo de investigación en visualización conocida como investigación de visualización dirigida por el problema. En ella, equipos de expertos en visualización y un dominio concreto, colaboran en un área específica de conocimiento como pueden ser las humanidades digitales, la bioinformática, la seguridad informática o las ciencias del deporte. Esta tesis propone una serie de métodos inspirados en avances recientes en el análisis automático de textos y la rep- resentación del conocimiento para promover la adecuada comunicación y transferen- cia de conocimiento entre estas comunidades. Los métodos obtenidos se combinaron en una interfaz de análisis visual de textos orientada al descubrimiento científico, GlassViz, que fue diseñada con estos objetivos en mente. La herramienta se probó por primera vez en el dominio de las humanidades digitales para explorar un corpus masivo de artículos de visualización de propósito general. GlassViz fue adaptada en un estudio posterior para que soportase diferentes fuentes de datos representativas de estas comunidades, mostrando evidencia de que el enfoque propuesto también es una alternativa válida para abordar el problema de la fragmentación en la investigación en visualización


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    Sound Kinks : Sadomasochistic Erotica in Audiovisual Music Performances

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    In this dissertation I study musical, sonic and multimodal representations of sadomasochistic erotica in films, music videos, stage performances, and popular music. The study consists of an introductory chapter (1), a theoretical chapter on sadomasochism (2), three chapters discussing six case studies (3–5), as well as discussion and conclusion chapters (6 and 7). The examples investigated are the films Secretary (2003) and Duke of Burgundy (2014), Leonard Cohen’s song ‘I’m Your Man’ (1988), Elvis Costello’s song ‘When I Was Cruel No. 2’ (2002), Rihanna’s song and music video S&M (2011), and a filmed operatic production of W. A. Mozart’s Don Giovanni focusing on the character Zerlina (1787; dir. Claus Guth, 2008). In the conclusion, I briefly discuss the film Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) as an example of post-feminist, neoliberal sadomasochism occurring at the time of writing. This study introduces a new conceptual tool for interpreting music with specific regard to eroticism: kink reading, or kink listening. My research is informed by three main areas of inquiry and methodologies: cultural musicology, queer musicology, and close reading. I theorise sadomasochism in a resolutely multifaceted and critical way using theory on performative materialism, which emphasizes both the lived experience of sadomasochism and the social power structures informing practices. My findings indicate that there are certain strategies through which SM erotica has been depicted in music, which often include a mixture of humorous musical language and semiotic signifiers of the Uncanny, or the unsettling. This combination is distinctive of depictions of SM sex scenes. The music is often encoded as multisensory, and transforms perceptions of time and place. While sadomasochist representations can reflect cultural imbalances, SM can also be utilized as a queer, critical tool for empowering non-normative bodies, genders, and sexualities by making practitioners sexual agents rather than victims. SM can also broaden the concept of sex from a genital-oriented, procreation-directed activity to a state of mind combining suspended time and space and a mixture of sexual pleasure and sexualised pain.Sadomasokistinen erotiikka audiovisuaalisissa musiikki-esityksissä Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan sadomasokistisen erotiikan musiikillisia ja äänellisiä esityksiä nykykulttuurissa, erityisesti populaarimusiikissa ja musiikkivideossa, elokuvassa ja oopperassa. Tutkimus koostuu johdannosta (luku 1), teoreettisista tarkasteluista (luku 2), musiikillisten ja audiovisuaalisten esitysten analyyseista (luvut 3–5) sekä keskustelu- ja tulosluvuista (luvut 6–7). Tutkimusaineistona ovat elokuvat Secretary (2003) ja Duke of Burgundy (2014), Leonard Cohenin laulu ‘I’m Your Man’ (1988), Elvis Costellon laulu ‘When I Was Cruel No. 2’ (2002), Rihannan laulu ja musiikki-video S&M (2011) sekä Zerlinan henkilöhahmo W. A. Mozartin oopperan Don Giovanni (1787) nykytuotannossa (ohj. Claus Guth, 2008). Luvussa 6 käytetään myös elokuvaa Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) esimerkkinä nykypäivän sadomasokistista kuvastoa hyödyntävästä populaarikulttuurista neoliberaalina ja post-feministisenä ilmiönä. Väitöskirjassa kehitetään uusi lähestymistapa erotiikan tarkasteluun musiikissa: kink-luku eli kink-kuuntelu. Tämä perustuu kulttuuriseen musiikintutkimuksen, queer-musiikintutkimukseen sekä audiovisuaaliseen lähilukuun. SM-kuvastoa lähestytään monipuolisella tavalla performatiivisen materialismin kautta, joka painottaa sekä elettyä mielihyvää että sosiaalisia valtarakenteita, joista SM koostuu. Tutkimuksessa todetaan, että musiikissa SM-erotiikka kuvataan usein camp-huumorin kautta, johon on sekoitettu kumman (engl. Uncanny) tunnetta. Lisäksi SM:lla leikittelevät äänimaailmat laajentuvat moniaistillisiksi kokemuksiksi ja venyttävät ajan ja paikan käsitteitä. Vaikka SM voi heijastella kulttuurisia vallan epäsuhtia, sitä voidaan myös pitää queer-henkisenä kriittisenä konseptina, joka voimaannuttaa epänormatiivisia kehoja, sukupuolia ja seksuaalisuuksia tekemällä niistä aktiivisia seksuaalisia toimijoita uhriposition sijaan. Tämä voi laajentaa seksuaalisuuden ja seksuaalisen aktiviteetin käsittämistä sukupuolielinkeskeisestä ja lisääntymispäämääräisestä määrittelystä mielentilaksi, jossa aika ja paikka hämärtyvät ja jossa seksuaalinen mielihyvä ja kipu sekoittuvat nautinnollisesti.Siirretty Doriast