35 research outputs found

    Framework for design, simulation and functional prototyping of wearable IoT devices.

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    El presente proyecto tiene como propósito facilitar el diseño, simulación y prototipado funcional de dispositivos IoT vestibles. Estos dispositivos vestibles son elementos de cómputo con una gran capacidad de interacción con las personas y de comunicación con Internet. Estos dispositivos presentan una oportunidad para los ecosistemas donde se requiere implementar el desarrollo e innovación de base tecnológica, como en Colombia, país que cuenta con políticas encaminadas hacia este horizonte. Sin embargo, el proceso de desarrollo de tales equipos en un ambiente competitivo que se desarrolla a la velocidad de la tecnología de punta se considera complejo debido a factores como el tiempo de desarrollo, la interdisciplinariedad del equipo de trabajo necesario y la necesidad de implementación de funcionalidades avanzadas acordes con el desarrollo tecnológico actual. Para abordar estas dificultades se propuso el framework denominado Frame-WIoT, utilizando un enfoque de diseño basado en modelos con el cual se pudo abordar las dificultades inherentes al desarrollo de dispositivos vestibles. El trabajo consideró diseñar una arquitectura genérica que permita representar los dispositivos vestibles, de acuerdo con la documentación científica. El siguiente paso fue implementar los componentes de la arquitectura en un ambiente de simulación, Simulink, con el objetivo de formalizar el diseño genérico del punto anterior. Finalmente, se generaron los componentes de simulación y prototipado que fueron evaluados con la construcción de un prototipo funcional de dispositivo.LISTA DE FIGURAS 11 LISTA DE ANEXOS 16 RESUMEN 17 ABSTRACT 18 INTRODUCCION 19 1 PROBLEMA, PREGUNTA E HIPOTESIS DE INVESTIGACIÓN 21 1.1 PROBLEMA 21 1.1.1 Pregunta 23 1.1.2 Hipótesis 23 1.2 OBJETIVOS 25 1.2.2 Objetivos específicos 25 1.3 JUSTIFICACIÓN 26 2 MARCO REFERENCIAL 28 2.1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 28 2.1.1 Framework 28 2.1.2 Diseño 28 2.1.3 Simulación 28 2.1.4 Prototipado 28 2.1.5 Dispositivo vestible 28 2.2 MARCO TEÓRICO 29 2.2.1 Internet de las cosas 29 2.2.2 Modelo de referencia de IoT 29 2.2.3 Capacidades de dispositivo IoT 29 2.2.4 Computación vestible 30 2.2.5 Vestibilidad 31 2.3 ESTADO DEL ARTE 32 2.3.1 Prototipado de vestibles: Aplicaciones y enfoques 33 2.3.2 Frameworks y otras herramientas para el prototipado 37 2.3.3 Consideraciones finales 41 2.4 MARCO LEGAL Y POLÍTICO 43 2.5 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 45 3 ASPECTOS METODOLÓGICOS 46 3.1 ENFOQUE Y TIPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN 46 3.2 TÉCNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN 47 3.3 ACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS 48 3.3.1 Diseño de una arquitectura genérica para dispositivos vestibles 48 3.3.2 Implementación de los componentes de la arquitectura propuesta en Simulink 49 3.3.3 Construcción del componente de simulación del framework 50 3.3.4 Construcción del componente de prototipado del framework 51 4 ARQUITECTURA GENÉRICA PARA DISPOSITIVOS IOT VESTIBLES 53 4.1 ANÁLISIS DE ARQUITECTURAS ENCONTRADAS EN LA LITERATURA CIENTÍFICA 53 4.2 REQUISITOS DE UN VESTIBLE 57 4.3 MODELO DE DOMINIO PARA IOT VESTIBLE 60 4.4 FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN EN LA ARQUITECTURA IOT-A 62 4.4.1 Servicio adquiere valor de un sensor 62 4.4.2 Almacenamiento de información del sensor 62 4.5 FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN EN EL DISPOSITIVO VESTIBLE 62 4.6 DIAGRAMA DE COMPONENTES 63 4.7 DIAGRAMA DE DESPLIEGUE 65 5 ARQUITECTURA IMPLEMENTADA EN SIMULINK 68 5.1 COMPONENTE DE ADQUISICIÓN 71 5.2 COMPONENTE DE PROCESAMIENTO 74 5.3 COMPONENTE DE ALMACENAMIENTO 76 5.4 COMPONENTE DE SALIDA/CTUACIÓN 77 5.5 COMPONENTE DE COMUNICACIÓN 79 6 ENTORNO DE SIMULACIÓN PARA FRAME-WIOT 81 6.1 ESCENARIOS DE SIMULACIÓN 81 6.1.1 Escenario de interacción con la persona 83 6.1.2 Escenario de comunicación de datos 83 6.2 ELEMENTOS DEL ENTORNO DE SIMULACIÓN PARA FRAME-WIOT 84 6.3 MODELO DE COMPONENTES DE LA ARQUITECTURA DE DISPOSITIVO VESTIBLE EN SIMULINK 84 6.3.1 Componente de adquisición 84 6.3.2 Componente de procesamiento 85 6.3.3 Componente de actuación 87 6.3.4 Componente de comunicación 88 6.3.5 Componente de almacenamiento 89 6.4 INTERFAZ DE SIMULACIÓN 89 6.5 INTERFAZ DE SALIDA DE VIDEO 90 6.6 MODELO DEL CUERPO HUMANO 91 7 ENTORNO DE PROTOTIPADO 94 7.1 RECURSOS PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE PROTOTIPOS 94 7.1.1 Raspberry Pi 94 7.1.2 Thingspeak 95 7.1.3 Modelo de prototipado 97 7.2 COMPONENTES MODIFICADOS PARA PROTOTIPADO 99 7.2.1 Componente de adquisición 100 7.2.2 Componente de comunicación 101 7.2.3 Componente de actuación/salida. 102 7.3 PRUEBAS IMPLEMENTADAS 104 7.3.1 Pruebas para el componente de adquisición 104 7.3.2 Pruebas al componente de actuación 105 7.3.3 Pruebas al componente de comunicación 107 7.4 PRUEBA DE CONCEPTO 110 7.4.1 Problema 110 7.4.2. Solución planteada 111 7.4.3 Escenarios evaluados 111 7.4.4 Conclusiones sobre la prueba de concepto 118 8 RESULTADOS 119 9 CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 121 9.1 CONCLUSIONES 121 9.2 RECOMENDACIONES 125 10 REFERENCIAS 127 11 ANEXOS 140MaestríaThe purpose of this project is to facilitate the design, simulation and functional prototyping of wearable IoT devices. These wearable devices are computational elements with a great capacity for interaction with people and communication with the Internet. These devices present an opportunity for ecosystems where it is necessary to implement technology-based development and innovation, as in Colombia, a country that has policies aimed at this horizon. However, the process of developing such equipment in a competitive environment that develops at the speed of cutting-edge technology is considered complex due to factors such as development time, the interdisciplinary nature of the necessary work team and the need to implement advanced functionalities in line with current technological development. To address these difficulties, the framework called Frame-WIoT was proposed, using a design approach based on models with which the inherent difficulties in the development of wearable devices could be addressed. The work considered to design a generic architecture that allows to represent wearable devices, according to the scientific documentation. The next step was to implement the components of the architecture in a simulation environment, Simulink, with the aim of formalizing the generic design of the previous point. Finally, the simulation and prototyping components that were evaluated with the construction of a functional device prototype were generated

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue President\u27s Message Business Relationship Management: Does Your organization Need It? Predict Your organization\u27s ICT Future by Making lt Happen Safeguarding Campus Networks in an loT World What the Year 2020 Holds tor the Digital Campus Collaborating for Success The Campus of the Future: 2020 and Beyond The lnternet of Things, Higher Education, and lT: How Do We Fit ln? 201 6 institutional! Excellence Awar

    The design and implementation of a smart-parking system for Helsinki Area

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    The strain on the parking infrastructure for the general public has significantly grown as a result of the ever rising number of vehicles geared by the rapid population growth in urban areas. Consequently, finding a vacant parking space has become quite a challenging task, especially at peak hours. Drivers have to cycle back and forth a number of times before they finally find where to park. This leads to increased fuel consumption, air pollution, and increased likelihood of causing accidents, to mention but a few. Paying for the parking is not straight forward either, as the ticket machines, on top of being located at a distance, in many times, they have several payment methods drivers must prepare for. A system therefore, that would allow drivers to check for the vacant parking places before driving to a busy city, takes care of the parking fee for exact time they have used, manages electronic parking permit, is the right direction towards toppling these difficulties. The main objective of this project was to design and implement a system that would provide parking occupancy estimation, parking fee payment method, parking permit management and parking analytics for the city authorities. The project had three phases. The first and the second phases used qualitative approaches to validate our hypotheses about parking shortcoming in Helsinki area and the recruitment of participants to the pilot of the project, respectively. The third phase involved the design, implementation and installation of the system. The other objective was to study the challenges a smart parking system would face at different stages of its life cycle. The objectives of the project were achieved and the considered assumption about the challenges associated with parking in a busy city were validated. A smart parking system will allow drivers to check for available parking spaces beforehand, they are able to pay for the parking fee, they can get electronic parking permits, and the city authority can get parking analytics for the city plannin

    Towards Autonomous Computer Networks in Support of Critical Systems

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen

    Design and implementation of an automatic speech recognition interface for a Multipurpose Assistant Robot (MASHI)

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    This project focuses in the initialization of the work and in the study of online services in order to design and implement an automatic speech recognition system for the robotic platform MASHI. This system will be implemented in two Raspberry Pi 3 using a Master-Slave structure. Online resources and services will be used to maintain the wireless connection and control of the platform. As the desired functionality, this automatic speech recognition system will serve as an efficient interface for the interaction between MASHI and the people inside public buildings, the interaction of the system with other interconnected devices is also considered

    Building the Future Internet through FIRE

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    The Internet as we know it today is the result of a continuous activity for improving network communications, end user services, computational processes and also information technology infrastructures. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure for the human-being by offering complex networking services and end-user applications that all together have transformed all aspects, mainly economical, of our lives. Recently, with the advent of new paradigms and the progress in wireless technology, sensor networks and information systems and also the inexorable shift towards everything connected paradigm, first as known as the Internet of Things and lately envisioning into the Internet of Everything, a data-driven society has been created. In a data-driven society, productivity, knowledge, and experience are dependent on increasingly open, dynamic, interdependent and complex Internet services. The challenge for the Internet of the Future design is to build robust enabling technologies, implement and deploy adaptive systems, to create business opportunities considering increasing uncertainties and emergent systemic behaviors where humans and machines seamlessly cooperate

    Optimizing Flow Routing Using Network Performance Analysis

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    Relevant conferences were attended at which work was often presented and several papers were published in the course of this project. • Muna Al-Saadi, Bogdan V Ghita, Stavros Shiaeles, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis. A novel approach for performance-based clustering and management of network traffic flows, IWCMC, ©2019 IEEE. • M. Al-Saadi, A. Khan, V. Kelefouras, D. J. Walker, and B. Al-Saadi: Unsupervised Machine Learning-Based Elephant and Mice Flow Identification, Computing Conference 2021. • M. Al-Saadi, A. Khan, V. Kelefouras, D. J. Walker, and B. Al-Saadi: SDN-Based Routing Framework for Elephant and Mice Flows Using Unsupervised Machine Learning, Network, 3(1), pp.218-238, 2023.The main task of a network is to hold and transfer data between its nodes. To achieve this task, the network needs to find the optimal route for data to travel by employing a particular routing system. This system has a specific job that examines each possible path for data and chooses the suitable one and transmit the data packets where it needs to go as fast as possible. In addition, it contributes to enhance the performance of network as optimal routing algorithm helps to run network efficiently. The clear performance advantage that provides by routing procedures is the faster data access. For example, the routing algorithm take a decision that determine the best route based on the location where the data is stored and the destination device that is asking for it. On the other hand, a network can handle many types of traffic simultaneously, but it cannot exceed the bandwidth allowed as the maximum data rate that the network can transmit. However, the overloading problem are real and still exist. To avoid this problem, the network chooses the route based on the available bandwidth space. One serious problem in the network is network link congestion and disparate load caused by elephant flows. Through forwarding elephant flows, network links will be congested with data packets causing transmission collision, congestion network, and delay in transmission. Consequently, there is not enough bandwidth for mice flows, which causes the problem of transmission delay. Traffic engineering (TE) is a network application that concerns with measuring and managing network traffic and designing feasible routing mechanisms to guide the traffic of the network for improving the utilization of network resources. The main function of traffic engineering is finding an obvious route to achieve the bandwidth requirements of the network consequently optimizing the network performance [1]. Routing optimization has a key role in traffic engineering by finding efficient routes to achieve the desired performance of the network [2]. Furthermore, routing optimization can be considered as one of the primary goals in the field of networks. In particular, this goal is directly related to traffic engineering, as it is based on one particular idea: to achieve that traffic is routed according to accurate traffic requirements [3]. Therefore, we can say that traffic engineering is one of the applications of multiple improvements to routing; routing can also be optimized based on other factors (not just on traffic requirements). In addition, these traffic requirements are variable depending on analyzed dataset that considered if it is data or traffic control. In this regard, the logical central view of the Software Defined Network (SDN) controller facilitates many aspects compared to traditional routing. The main challenge in all network types is performance optimization, but the situation is different in SDN because the technique is changed from distributed approach to a centralized one. The characteristics of SDN such as centralized control and programmability make the possibility of performing not only routing in traditional distributed manner but also routing in centralized manner. The first advantage of centralized routing using SDN is the existence of a path to exchange information between the controller and infrastructure devices. Consequently, the controller has the information for the entire network, flexible routing can be achieved. The second advantage is related to dynamical control of routing due to the capability of each device to change its configuration based on the controller commands [4]. This thesis begins with a wide review of the importance of network performance analysis and its role for understanding network behavior, and how it contributes to improve the performance of the network. Furthermore, it clarifies the existing solutions of network performance optimization using machine learning (ML) techniques in traditional networks and SDN environment. In addition, it highlights recent and ongoing studies of the problem of unfair use of network resources by a particular flow (elephant flow) and the possible solutions to solve this problem. Existing solutions are predominantly, flow routing-based and do not consider the relationship between network performance analysis and flow characterization and how to take advantage of it to optimize flow routing by finding the convenient path for each type of flow. Therefore, attention is given to find a method that may describe the flow based on network performance analysis and how to utilize this method for managing network performance efficiently and find the possible integration for the traffic controlling in SDN. To this purpose, characteristics of network flows is identified as a mechanism which may give insight into the diversity in flow features based on performance metrics and provide the possibility of traffic engineering enhancement using SDN environment. Two different feature sets with respect to network performance metrics are employed to characterize network traffic. Applying unsupervised machine learning techniques including Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and k-means cluster analysis to derive a traffic performance-based clustering model. Afterward, thresholding-based flow identification paradigm has been built using pre-defined parameters and thresholds. Finally, the resulting data clusters are integrated within a unified SDN architectural solution, which improves network management by finding the best flow routing based on the type of flow, to be evaluated against a number of traffic data sources and different performance experiments. The validation process of the novel framework performance has been done by making a performance comparison between SDN-Ryu controller and the proposed SDN-external application based on three factors: throughput, bandwidth,and data transfer rate by conducting two experiments. Furthermore, the proposed method has been validated by using different Data Centre Network (DCN) topologies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the network traffic management solution. The overall validation metrics shows real gains, the results show that 70% of the time, it has high performance with different flows. The proposed routing SDN traffic-engineering paradigm for a particular flow therefore, dynamically provisions network resources among different flow types

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5