9,119 research outputs found

    How Smart is your Android Smartphone?

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    Smart phones are ubiquitous today. These phones generally have access to sensitive personal information and, consequently, they are a prime target for attackers. A virus or worm that spreads over the network to cell phone users could be particularly damaging. Due to a rising demand for secure mobile phones, manufacturers have increased their emphasis on mobile security. In this project, we address some security issues relevant to the current Android smartphone framework. Specifically, we demonstrate an exploit that targets the Android telephony service. In addition, as a defense against the loss of personal information, we provide a means to encrypt data stored on the external media card. While smartphones remain vulnerable to a variety of security threats, this encryption provides an additional level of security

    State of Alaska Election Security Project Phase 2 Report

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    A laska’s election system is among the most secure in the country, and it has a number of safeguards other states are now adopting. But the technology Alaska uses to record and count votes could be improved— and the state’s huge size, limited road system, and scattered communities also create special challenges for insuring the integrity of the vote. In this second phase of an ongoing study of Alaska’s election security, we recommend ways of strengthening the system—not only the technology but also the election procedures. The lieutenant governor and the Division of Elections asked the University of Alaska Anchorage to do this evaluation, which began in September 2007.Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell. State of Alaska Division of Elections.List of Appendices / Glossary / Study Team / Acknowledgments / Introduction / Summary of Recommendations / Part 1 Defense in Depth / Part 2 Fortification of Systems / Part 3 Confidence in Outcomes / Conclusions / Proposed Statement of Work for Phase 3: Implementation / Reference

    Security Implementation of Mission Control System for ESTCube-1 Satellite

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    Lühikokkuvõte ESTCube-1 on Eesti esimene satelliit ja ühtlasi onta ehitatud tervenisti üliõpilaste poolt. ESTCube-1 paljudestallsüsteemidest on üks osa missioonijuhtimissüsteemist (ingl. k.Mission Control System- MCS). Missioonijuhtimise tarkvara on modulaarne, moodulid võivad asuda erinevates serverites. Praeguses seadistusestöötab enamik moodulitest vaikimisi konfiguratsiooniseadetes ja mõnel juhul ei ole andmed piisavalt kaitstud – näiteks suhtlevad osad komponendidilma turvalise võrguühenduseta. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on süstemaatiliselt läheneda missioonijuhtimise süsteemi kui terviku turvalisusele ja leida lahendus senisest paremini turvatud süsteemi seadistamiseks. Töö koosneb järgnevatest sammudest:kirjeldada ESTCube-1 missioonijuhtimissüsteemi arhitektuuri, analüüsida kõikide süsteemi moodulite turvalahenduste võimalusi, rakendada leitud terviklahendus missioonijuhtimissüsteemi turvalahendustetestkeskkonnas, katsetadaja kontrollida süsteemi tööd uues seadistuses. Töös valitud lahendus võimaldab turvalisiühendusi erinevate moodulite vahel ja krüpteerib salvestatud andmed. Andmetele juurdepääsu saab piirata ka kasutajapõhiselt. Kokkuvõttes võib missioonijuhtimissüsteemi tarkvara panna tööle avatud ligipääsuga üle Interneti. Seni kasutatud lahendus tugines VPN ja SSH tunnelitele, mis on küll sobiliksüsteemi arenduseks, aga käesolev lahendus võimaldab süsteemile turvalise ligipääsu satelliidi opereerimise igapäevatöös. Võtmesõnad: ESTCube-1, Mission Control System, CubeSat, Hummingbird, Atlassian Crowd, Mongodb, Oracle 11g, Apache ActiveMQ, Jetty Web ServerAbstract: ESTCube-1 is Estonia’s first satellite project built by university students. ESTCube-1 Mission Control System (MCS) software is also developed as part of this educational project. Mission Control System is a modular system, comprised of various components in multiple servers, of which most of them are running on default or basic security configuration settings and in some cases, data is not protected well enough in the present state. Some of the components communicate over unsecured network thereby making its data vulnerable. As this thesis title “Security Implementation of Mission Control System for ESTCube-1 Satellite” implies, there is need for a systematic approach about the entire data security of the mission and my aim is to improve the security of ESTCube-1 Mission Control System. The following steps are taken in the thesis: establish a good understanding ESTCube-1 MCS architecture, understand the possibilities of security configurations of all used technologies, analyse the effect of a possible selection of security methods, implement the chosen solutions in a sandbox environment, test and verify the operating of the complete MCS with the implemented solution. The results shows security implementations done on the various components allows the connection between components are secure and data in motion are encrypted. Access to the data at rest are restricted, some are encrypted and only privileged users can gain access. Mission Control System accessibility over the Internet is more secure and access to the hardware tightened. In conclusion, the Mission Control System can certainly be accessed via the Internet securely as long as the user has valid certificates. Other access means are through other means like VPN and SSH Tunnelling. The original system configuration providedESTCube-1 MCS with just adequate security that would be befitting for a production environment, with the security solution found in current thesis, the system could be elevated for enterprise-level usage. Keywords: ESTCube-1, Mission Control System, CubeSat, Hummingbird, Atlassian Crowd, Mongodb, Oracle 11g, Apache ActiveMQ, Jetty Web Serve

    A Holistic Systems Security Approach Featuring Thin Secure Elements for Resilient IoT Deployments

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    © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.IoT systems differ from traditional Internet systems in that they are different in scale, footprint, power requirements, cost and security concerns that are often overlooked. IoT systems inherently present different fail-safe capabilities than traditional computing environments while their threat landscapes constantly evolve. Further, IoT devices have limited collective security measures in place. Therefore, there is a need for different approaches in threat assessments to incorporate the interdependencies between different IoT devices. In this paper, we run through the design cycle to provide a security-focused approach to the design of IoT systems using a use case, namely, an intelligent solar-panel project called Daedalus. We utilise STRIDE/DREAD approaches to identify vulnerabilities using a thin secure element that is an embedded, tamper proof microprocessor chip that allows the storage and processing of sensitive data. It benefits from low power demand and small footprint as a crypto processor as well as is compatible with IoT 29 requirements. Subsequently, a key agreement based on an asymmetric cryptographic scheme, namely B-SPEKE was used to validate and authenticate the source. We find that end-to-end and independent stand-alone procedures used for validation and encryption of the source data originating from the solar panel are cost-effective in that the validation is carried out once and not several times in the chain as is often the case. The threat model proved useful not so much as a panacea for all threats but provided the framework for the consideration of known threats, and therefore appropriate mitigation plans to be deployed.Peer reviewe


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    CLIPS is an expert system, created specifically to allow rapid implementation of an expert system. CLIPS is written in C, and thus needs a very small amount of memory to run. Parallel CLIPS (PCLIPS) is an extension to CLIPS which is intended to be used in situations where a group of expert systems are expected to run simultaneously and occasionally communicate with each other on an integrated network. PCLIPS is a coarse-grained data distribution system. Its main goal is to take information in one knowledge base and distribute it to other knowledge bases so that all the executing expert systems are able to use that knowledge to solve their disparate problems

    Light-Weight Digital Receipt System

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    The sole purpose of this project is to develop a light-weight digital receipt system that can counter the short-comings of the conventional digital receipt system and meet the market expectations desirably. The proposed system mainly focuses on achieving simpler receipt data extraction, leverage the use of server to a third party and eliminate as much cost as possible. The approach proposed is mainly used to counter problems and complications which are found in existing digital system nowadays. The author believes that retrieving receipt data must not necessary be done at the server, but could also be done at the POS system, particularly at the printer point. Besides, the author's proposed digital receipt will not require any reconfiguration processes to be done at retailer's POS system, which retailers will not need to worry for their POS system being modified just to integrate with digital receipt applications. The author will strive to produce a digital receipt system that is very cost-effective as compared to the conventional digital receipt system so that both retailer and customer can afford to use such as technology