5 research outputs found

    Perfecting the analysis of 10Gbit/s computer network

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    Tato diplomová práce se skládá z několika částí. Popisuje technologii desetigigabitového Ethernetu. Představuje analyzátory Ixia a Endace, především jejich využití pro analýzu provozu a zátěžového testování síťových prvků. Zabývá se doporučeními RFC, týkající se testování směrovačů a přepínačů. Obsahuje výsledky testů přepínačů a směrovače provedených dle doporučení RFC 2544 a RFC 2889. Část práce je věnována kartám COMBO FPGA. V rámci této práce je také vytvořena dokumentace k analyzátorům a CD obsahuje makro programu Microsoft Excel pro prezentaci výsledků měření.The master’s thesis consists of several parts. Describes the technology 10 Gbps Ethernet. Analyzer Ixia and Endace presents, especially their use for traffic analysis and stress testing the network devices. It deals with documents RFC concerning the routers and switch testing. Thesis includes the reports of tests switches and router performed by RFC 2544 and RFC 2889 documents. Part of the thesis is dedicated to COMBO FPGA cards. Documentations to the analyzers is created in this thesis and macro is on the CD for presentation of measurement results.

    Protocolo de Gestão Remota TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol: relatório de Estágio

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    Relatório de estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas de Informação organizacionaisNo contexto atual, de um mundo de negócios cada vez mais competitivo, responder rapidamente às condições de mudança, ser inovador no atendimento face às necessidades dos clientes e no modo de atuar perante o mercado, torna-se um fator crítico de sucesso. A evolução da banda larga e a entrada no mercado de equipamentos terminais com funções específicas por tipo de serviço (Internet, VoIP, IPTV…), implicam a adoção de soluções inovadoras que permitam uma gestão, configuração rápida e flexível de acordo com a especificidade de cada cliente. A convergência de diversos serviços (Internet, VoIP, IPTV…) num único canal de acesso (Triple Play e Quadruple Play) e a diversidade de aplicações têm dificultado a gestão, segurança e garantia do QoS (Quality of Service) nas redes de comunicação, incitando assim a busca de novas soluções. O objetivo deste relatório de estágio, consiste em: i) Estudo do protocolo de gestão remota TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol; ii) Estudo e instalação de um ACS; iii) Testar a conformidade de implementação do protocolo TR069 - CWMP em CPE´s, no intuito de prevenir eventuais problemas relacionados com o protocolo. Para se atingir estes objetivos utilizou-se como metodologia a revisão da literatura, análise de relatórios técnicos, ferramentas de troubleshooting, automação de testes e criação de scripts. Foi possível concluir que a atividade de execução de testes é crucial porque é a forma de garantir que o processo de execução de testes decorre de acordo com os steps inicialmente estipulados, no sentido de garantir a conformidade do protocolo TR069 - CWMP nos CPE. O processo de execução de testes permitiu concluir a viabilidade de submeter os dispositivos (CPE) ao processo de Acceptance Testing e/ou fase de aceitação, pelo que, constatou-se que apenas uma pequena percentagem de testes falharam e que estão tipificados no sentido de ser possível prevenir a ocorrência de problemas dos CPE´s.Abstract: In the current context, in a world of increasingly competitive business, respond quickly to changing conditions, be innovative in service to the needs of customers and in order to act before the market becomes a critical success factor. The evolution of broadband and entry into the equipment market terminals with specific functions by service type (Internet, VoIP, IPTV ...), involve the adoption of innovative solutions that enable management, fast and flexible configuration according to specific character each client. The convergence of different services (Internet, VoIP, IPTV...) a single access channel (Triple Play and Quadruple Play) and the diversity of applications have hampered the management, security and guarantee of QoS (Quality of Service) in communication networks, thus prompting the search for new solutions. The purpose of this internship report consists of: i) remote management protocol TR-069 Study CPE WAN Management Protocol; ii) Study and installation of ACS; iii) test the compliance of implementing the CWMP protocol terminal equipment CPE, in order to prevent any problems with the protocol in CPE's. To achieve these goals we used as methodology the literature review, technical reports analysis, troubleshooting tools, test automation and scripting. It was concluded that the test execution activity is crucial because it is the way to ensure that the test execution process proceeds according to the steps set out initially, to ensure compliance of the CWMP protocol in CPE's. The process of running tests led us to conclude the feasibility of subjecting the devices (CPE) to the Acceptance Testing process and / or acceptance phase, whereby it was found that only a small percentage of failed tests and are typified in the sense be possible to prevent the occurrence of problems CPE's

    Online traffic engineering for MPLS networks

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    Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 2004.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Internet is fast evolving into a commercial platform that carries a mixture of narrow- and broadband applications such as voice, video, and data. Users expect a certain level of guaranteed service from their service providers and consequently the need exists for efficient Internet traffic engineering to enable better Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities. Multi-protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a label switching protocol that has emerged as an enabling technology to achieve efficient traffic engineering for QoS management in IP networks. The ability of the MPLS protocol to create explicit virtual connections called Label Switched Paths (LSPs) to carry network traffic significantly enhances the traffic engineering capabilities of communication networks. The MPLS protocol supports two options for explicit LSP selection: offline LSP computation using an optimization method and dynamic route selection where a single node makes use of current available network state information in order to compute an explicit LSP online. This thesis investigates various methods for the selection of explicit bandwidth guaranteed LSPs through dynamic route selection. We address the problem of computing a sequence of optimal LSPs where each LSP can carry a specific traffic demand and we assume that no prior information regarding the future traffic demands are available and that the arrival sequence of LSP requests to the network is unknown. Furthermore, we investigate the rerouting abilities of the online LSP selection methods to perform MPLS failure restoration upon link failure. We propose a new online routing framework known as Least Interference Optimization (LIO) that utilizes the current bandwidth availability and traffic flow distribution to achieve efficient traffic engineering. We present the Least Interference Optimization Algorithm (LIOA) that reduces the interference among competing network flows by balancing the number and quantity of flows carried by a link for the setup of bandwidth guaranteed LSPs in MPLS networks. The LIOA routing strategy is evaluated and compared against well-known routing strategies such as the Minimum Hop Algorithm (MHA), Minimum Interference Routing Algorithm (MIRA), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Constraint Shortest Path First (CSPF) by means of simulation. Simulation results revealed that, for the network topologies under consideration, the routing strategies that employed dynamic network state information in their routing decisions (LIOA, CSPF and MIRA) generally outperformed the routing strategies that only rely on static network information (OSPF and MHA). In most simulation experiments the best performance was achieved by the LIOA routing strategy while the MHA performed the worse. Furthermore we observed that the computational complexity of the MIRA routing strategy does not translate into equivalent performance gains. We employed the online routing strategies for MPLS failure recovery upon link failure. In particular we investigated two aspects to determine the efficiency of the routing strategies for MPLS rerouting: the suitability of the LSP configuration that results due to the establishment of LSPs prior to link failure and the ability of the online routing strategy to reroute failed LSPs upon link failure. Simulation results revealed similar rerouting performance for all online routing strategies under investigation, but a LSP configuration most suitable for online rerouting was observed for the LIOA routing strategy.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die Internet is voordurend besig om te evoleer in 'n medium wat 'n wye reeks moderne kommunikasietegnologiee ondersteun, insluitende telefoon, video en data. Internet gebruikers verwag gewaarborgde diens van hul diensverskaffers en daar bestaan dus 'n vraag na doeltreffende televerkeerbeheer vir gewaarborgde Internet diensgehalte. Multiprotokol Etiketskakeling (MPLS) is 'n etiketskakeling protokol wat doeltreffende televerkeerbeheer en diensgehalte moontlik maak deur die eksplisiete seleksie van virtuele konneksies vir die transmissie van netwerkverkeer in Internetprotokol (IP) netwerke. Hierdie virtuele konneksies staan bekend as etiketgeskakelde paaie. Die MPLS protokol ondersteun tans twee moontlikhede vir eksplisiete seleksie van etiketgeskakelde paaie: aflyn padberekening met behulp van optimeringsmetodes en dinamiese aanlyn padseleksie waar 'n gekose node 'n eksplisiete pad bereken deur die huidige stand van die netwerk in ag te neem. In hierdie tesis word verskeie padseleksiemetodes vir die seleksie van eksplisiete bandwydte-gewaarborgde etiketgeskakelde paaie deur mid del van dinamiese padseleksie ondersoek. Die probleem om 'n reeks optimale etiketgeskakelde paaie te bereken wat elk 'n gespesifeerde verkeersaanvraag kan akkommodeer word aangespreek. Daar word aanvaar dat geen informasie in verband met die toekomstige verkeersaanvraag bekend is nie en dat die aankomsvolgorde van etiketgeskakelde pad verso eke onbekend is. Ons ondersoek verder die herroeteringsmoontlikhede van die aanlyn padseleksiemetodes vir MPLS foutrestorasie in die geval van skakelonderbreking. Vir hierdie doel word 'n nuwe aanlyn roeteringsraamwerk naamlik Laagste Inwerking Optimering (LIO) voorgestel. LIO benut die huidige beskikbare bandwydte en verkeersvloeidistribusie van die netwerk om doeltreffende televerkeerbeheer moontlik te maak. Ons beskryf 'n Laagste Inwerking Optimering Algoritme (LIOA) wat die inwerking tussen kompeterende verkeersvloei verminder deur 'n balans te handhaaf tussen die aantal en kwantiteit van die verkeersvloeistrome wat gedra word deur elke netwerkskakel. Die LIOA roeteringstrategie word geevalueer met behulp van simulasie en die resultate word vergelyk met ander bekende roeteringstrategiee insluitende die Minimum Node Algorithme (MHA), die Minimum Inwerking Algoritme (MIRA), die Wydste Kortste Pad Eerste Algoritme (OSPF) en die Beperkte Kortste Pad Eerste Algoritme (CSPF). Die resultate van die simulasie-eksperimente to on dat, vir die netwerk topologiee onder eksperimentasie, die roeteringstratgiee wat roeteringsbesluite op dinamiese netwerk informasie baseer (LIOA, MIRA, CSPF) oor die algemeen beter vaar as die wat slegs staatmaak op statiese netwerkinformasie (MHA, OSPF). In die meeste simulasie-eksperimente vaar die LIOA roeteringstrategie die beste en die MHA roeteringstrategie die slegste. Daar word verder waargeneem dat die komputasiekomplesiteit van die MIRA roeteringstrategie nie noodwendig weerspieel word in die sukses van roeteringsuitkoms nie. In die geval waar die aanlyn roeteringstrategiee aangewend word vir MPLS foutrestorasie, toon die resultate van simulasie-eksperimente dat al die roeteringstrategiee min of meer dieselfde uitkoms lewer ten opsigte van herroetering van onderbreekte verkeersvloei. Die konfigurasie van etiketgeskakelde paaie deur die LIOA roeteringstrategie voor skakelonderbreking is egter die geskikste vir televerkeer herroetering na skakelonderbrekin