32 research outputs found

    Advisement: From Bank Street to Binghamton

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    The author describes her experience of adapting the Bank Street advisement model to a new master\u27s program in early childhood/elementary education at the State University of New York at Binghamton

    I Want To Know Why or Tolerance for Ambiguity in Education

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    Looks at graduate teacher education within the lens of theories of psychology, such as Piaget and Freud

    Choosing Priorities for Young Children

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    Discusses the way childhood has changed and the way adults, including teachers, are reacting

    A Theoretical Framework for Advisement

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    Describes the theory and practice of advisement, offering a glimpse of the developmental facet of advisement and the relationship involved between advisor and advisee

    Developing Collaborative Leaders: Reflections on Leadership Advisement at Bank Street College

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    Describes the educational leadership advisement process in its role in preparing collaborative leaders

    Evaluation of a skills-based condom intervention in an alcohol-using student population: A feasibility study

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    Young people are, as a group, at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unwanted pregnancy and binge-drinking. The primary method of contraception that offers protection against both pregnancy and STI transmission is condoms. Whilst research examining the relationship between alcohol use and sexual behaviour suggests a complex association dependent on many factors, it is vital that interventions devised to encourage condom use are effective in binge-drinking populations. This feasibility study arose from a systematic review of the literature identifying the previous skills-based interventional work of Jemmott et al. (2005) as the most robust of its kind in the field. An adapted version of this skills-based intervention was put together using national resources for use with a university binge-drinking population in the UK. This feasibility study identified changes to practical condom skills, theoretical condom knowledge and skills, intentions to use condoms and condom use self-efficacy for the information-only group and skills-based group with tentative findings suggesting an increased retention of knowledge for the skills-based group in terms of theoretical knowledge and skills. Actual condom use was not found to have improved at follow-up 4–7 weeks post-intervention. These findings will be discussed here in terms of what they can tell us about the feasibility of running a powered trial, and a number of recommendations arising from the observed strengths and limitations of the current study and intervention content will be proposed

    Impact Australia: investment for social and economic benefit

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    DEEWR, in collaboration with JBWere, has developed a report that establishes a foundation for understanding impact investing in the Australian context: what it is, why it matters, what is happening here and what could or should happen. The report showcases examples in Australia and internationally of people harnessing capital markets to: support community prosperity; encourage vibrant culture; and contribute new solutions for issues of exclusion and sustainability. This report provides a foundation for understanding impact investing in the Australian context: what it is, why it matters, what is happening here and what could or should happen. It has been informed by insights and experience from the field in Australia that acknowledge the challenges and opportunities ahead and enliven a vision for the future. What if the growing interest, energy, and passion are not harnessed around clear and common purpose? What if there is not sufficient focus and leadership to create the structures to support a coherent body of practice, prioritise activity to demonstrate efficacy and build critical mass? Realising the potential for impact investing is not a given. It is a strategic challenge requiring leadership, collective action and development of practice across sectoral boundaries. A concerted, energetic response to the call to action could deliver significant benefit for Australia and the region; a failure to answer could be a significant opportunity missed. Pursuing innovations for social and economic benefit The distinguishing feature of impact investing is the intention to achieve both a positive social, cultural and/or environmental benefit and some measure of financial return. Financial return distinguishes impact investing from grant funding; intentional design for positive benefit to society distinguishes it from traditional investments. Impact investing has emerged against a backdrop of longer term global trends. Interest and activity are evident and growing across the world. Fundamentally, this is about expanding the total pool of economic and social value, not redistributing what already exists. Impact investment is already having a positive effect globally in catalysing new markets and encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation for the benefit of society. Impact Investing in Australia Impact investing is happening in Australia today, although the term is not yet in mainstream use. Case studies showcasing what impact investing deals in Australia look like and who is participating are included in the report. Even more significant than the innovation and impact evident in the early Australian transactions are indicators of activity from different actors in the market place and across a range of sectors which echo the international developments. Australia has not yet seen a concerted focus on developing the field, yet foundations for increasing the scale and scope of impact investment are in place. International commentators visiting Australia have remarked on the signposts. The potential extends beyond the domestic market, to what can be done from Australia, particularly in the Asian region. The imperative now is to translate interest into action, and fragmented activity into a more coherent practice for impact investing in the Australian context

    Guaranteeing safety to human beings and society as the function of a state and sovereign ruler in the medieval period of Europe

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    Загуменна, Ю. О. Гарантування безпеки людини і суспільства як функція держави і монарха у Середньовічній Європі / Загуменна Ю. О. // Київський часопис права. - 2021. - № 4. - С. 9-18. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/klj/2021.4.1.Досліджено, що ключовою політико-правовою підвалиною формування безпекового дискурсу у середньовічній європейській цивілізації була монопольна за своїм офіційним статусом християнська доктрина. Ця доктрина запропонувала цілісне і взаємозумовлене бачення права, держави, суспільства та їхніх зв’язків у встановленні, обґрунтуванні, легітимації і зміцненні засад безпечного існування соціуму. Вона мала внутрішньополітичний і зовнішньополітичний виміри, охоплювала своїм дискурсом взаємовідносини між різними суб’єктами політико-правових відносин, структурувала ці відносини довкола провідних центрів влади, якими у середньовічній Європі були монархічні, феодальні (великі територіальні магнати) і церковні (папство, єпископат) структури, а також сприяла інтегруванню середньовічних суспільств. Показано, що у добу Середньовіччя як цивілізації військово-релігійного типу на першому плані були такі сфери публічної безпеки, як воєнна та релігійна. З’ясовано, що політико-правова думка доби Середньовіччя значно змістила акценти у структуруванні суб’єктів гарантування публічної безпеки, поставивши на перше місце Бога і Церкву як Його земне втілення.The author shows that the key political and legal basis for the formation of security discourse in medieval European civilization was a monopoly on its official status Christian doctrine. This doctrine offered a holistic and interdependent vision of law, the state, society and their links in establishing, justifying, legitimizing and strengthening the principles of safe existence of society. It had domestic and foreign policy dimensions, covered with its discourse the relationship between the various subjects of political and legal relations, structured these relations around the leading centers of power, which in medieval Europe were monarchical, feudal (large territorial magnates) and church structures. ), as well as contributed to the integration of medieval societies, especially in the stages of decay and decline of the institutions of central government. This concept was largely based on the synthesis of late antiquity political and legal heritage (the idea of the common good, justice, peace, etc.) with the spiritual foundations of Christian doctrine (peace, harmony, order, ideas of godliness, obedience to the law, etc.). It is shown that, being a civilization of military-religious type, the Middle Ages brought to the fore such spheres of public security as military and religious security. It has been found that the political and legal thought of the Middle Ages significantly shifted the emphasis in structuring the subjects of guaranteeing public safety, bringing God and the Church as His earthly incarnation in the first place. Legal institutionalization of public safety was understood in political and legal thought as a complex and dynamic phenomenon, inseparable from the co-creation of God and man: being the ultimate highest authority for guaranteeing public safety, the guarantor of its high axiological value, God nevertheless making one's own efforts to consciously guarantee public safety, along with other social values such as life, justice, equality before God, responsibility, conscience, etc. The weakness of the implementation of the security function by the state and the central government was compensated by the authority and power of the Church, which assumes the security function as the embodiment of God's Will and the prototype of the City of God on earth.Исследовано, что ключевой политико-правовой основой формирования дискурса безопасности в средневековой европейской цивилизации была монопольная по своему официальному статусу христианская доктрина. Эта доктрина предложила целостное и взаимообусловленное видение права, государства, общества и их связей в установлении, обосновании, легитимации и укреплении основ безопасного существования социума. Она имела внутриполитическое и внешнеполитическое измерения, охватывала своим дискурсом взаимоотношения между разными субъектами политико-правовых отношений, структурировала эти отношения вокруг ведущих центров власти, которыми в средневековой Европе были монархические, феодальные (крупные территориальные магнаты) и церковные (папство, епископство) структуры , а также способствовала интегрированию средневековых обществ. Показано, что в эпоху Средневековья как цивилизации военно-религиозного типа на первом плане были такие сферы публичной безопасности, как военная и религиозная. Выяснено, что политико-правовая мысль эпохи Средневековья значительно сместила акценты в структурировании субъектов обеспечения публичной безопасности, поставив во главу угла Бога и Церковь как Его земное воплощение

    Rationality, Irrationality and Economic Cognition

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    This paper contrasts the modern use of the assumption that rationality guides individual economic behaviour, as reflected in simple models of utility and profit maximization, to literature between 1890 and 1930 which sharply challenged the use of such an assumption, as well as to later literature in economic psychology from Herbert Simon onwards which sees economic (and other) cognitive processes in different ways. Some of the earlier literature proposed objective and operational notions of rationality based on the availability of information, ability to reason (cognitive skills), and even morality. Learning played a major role in individuals achieving what was referred to as complete rationality. I draw on these ideas, and suggest that developing models in which economic agents have degrees (or levels) of economic cognition which are endogenously determined could both change the perceptions economists have on policy matters and incorporate findings from recent economic psychology literature. This would remove the issue of whether economic agents are dichotomously rational or irrational, and instead introduce continuous metrics of cognition into economic thinking. Such an approach also poses the two policy issues of whether raising levels of economic cognition should be an objective of policy and whether policy interventions motivated by departures from full economic cognition should be analyzed.learning, complete rationality

    An investigation into the impact of decision support systems on strategic marketing planning practice

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    Relatively few companies gain the benefits from marketing planning claimed by prescriptive literature. This results from cognitive, procedural, resource, organisational, cultural and data availability barriers to effective planning. Research in other domains suggests that decision support systems (DSS) could assist in reducing some of these barriers. The research aim was therefore to examine whether and how DSS could be used to improve strategic marketing planning practice. The research method incorporated: iterative development of a DSS named EXN4AR a formative evaluation of the prototype system using a survey and a multiple-case study; and a further multiple-case study of users of other, related systems to explore the extent to which the results from the EXMAR evaluation could be generalised. The study confirms that software can play a valuable role in reducing some of the barriers to effective planning. Systems can assist with the effective application of analytical marketing tools through automated calculations, graphical display and on-line guidance, thus reducing the technical marketing knowledge required. Support for fast iteration allows these tools to be used to facilitate group strategy debates. Endeavours to move planning out of the hands of specialists and into cross-functional teams can be further aided by cross-functional analyses and by automated assistance with managing the complexity of multiple-level plans. The electronic format can support moves towards continuous planning based on a live marketing model of the business, helping the organisation to respond to internal or external changes without the constraints of the annual planning cycle. Other barriers such as cultural problems must, however, be reduced by other means. Various factors contributing to success in system implementation are identified, including top management support, sufficiently wide planning team definition, appropriate definition of planning units, sufficiently flexible planning procedures, ease of use, and a system that is seen as empowering rather than controlling