34 research outputs found

    Collaboration - changing the global landscape of science: proceedings of 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting 2014, September 3 - 5, 2014, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

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    The 10th WIS encourages continued investigation into the field of applied scientometrics. The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology, science policy, quantitative aspects of science and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices. The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices witch in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making

    Bibliometrics and scientometrics in India: An overview of studies during 1995-2014Part II: Contents of the articles in terms of disciplines and their bibliometric aspects

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    This part of the study highlights the contents of the published articles in terms of various disciplines or sub-disciplines and the bibliometric aspects discussed in these articles. The analysis of 902 papers published by Indian scholars during1995-2014 indicates that the main focus of bibliometrics/scientometrics is on assessment of science and technology in India in different sub-disciplines including contributions by Indian states and other individual countries followed by bibliometric analysis of individual journals. Papers dealing with bibliometric laws received a low priority as compared to other subdisciplines of bibliometrics/scientometrics. The analysis of data indicates that the share of theoretical studies using mathematical and statistical techniques which were missing in the earlier period (1970-1994) has increased during 1995-2014. The field of medicine as a discipline received the highest attention as compared to other disciplines

    Scientific collaboration : theoretical and conceptual review

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    A colaboração vem despertando interesse da comunidade científica há alguns anos e muitos estudos foram realizados para conhecer a evolução do fenômeno e sua relação com a ciência e sua comunicação. Apresenta uma revisão dos aspectos teóricos e conceituais da co-autoria e da colaboração científica na literatura nacional e internacional, buscando definir esta prática sob diferentes perspectivas e indicando algumas das motivações que levam à colaboração.Collaboration has been attracting the interest of the scientific community for several years and many studies have been conducted to understand the evolution of the phenomenon and its relation to science and its communication. This article presents an overview of theoretical and conceptual aspects of co-authorship and scientific collaboration in Brazilian and international literature in an attempt to define this practice from different perspectives and show some of the motivations behind it

    Constituição e trajetória do grupo de pesquisa desenvolvimento curricular em matemática e formação de professores

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    No presente texto nosso objetivo é o de revisitar a trajetória do Grupo de Pesquisa “Desenvolvimento Curricular em Matemática e Formação de Professores”, criado em 2000, com vistas a contextualizar suas produções ao longo de cerca de quinze anos de funcionamento e a identificar, nesse percurso, um processo coletivo de produção de conhecimentos. A retrospectiva aponta para a importância da colaboração e da investigação sobre formas pelas quais pesquisadores se relacionam, se organizam e como transmitem informações entre si

    Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2007

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    Im digitalen Zeitalter kommt es zu einem Wandel wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, zur Zeit vor allem in dem Maße, wie die Potenziale der elektronischen Laborjournale und des elektronischen Publizierens im Internet als unverzichtbares Medium der Bereitstellung und Verbreitung von wissenschaftlichen Dokumenten genutzt werden. Den Vorzügen der elektronischen Publikationsform stehen zwei miteinander verbundene Probleme gegenüber, die noch nicht zufriedenstellend gelöst sind: das Problem der Authentizität und das der Langzeitarchivierung. Um die Vorzüge des elektronischen Publizierens für wissenschaftliche Dokumente voll wirksam werden zu lassen, müssen Lösungen gefunden und eingeführt werden, die die Integrität der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen langfristig sichern. Erste Lösungen liegen vor und werden in der Anwendung überprüft, weitere Lösungen werden zu finden und in ihrer Anwendung zu überprüfen sein. Die Vorteile elektronischer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen liegen auf der Hand − Schnelligkeit und weltweiter Zugriff auf alle relevanten Informationen. Einiges spricht dafür, dass wir erst am Anfang einer zweiten Medienrevolution stehen. Es ist aber heute schon gewiss, dass die elektronischen Medien nicht nur technisch neue Möglichkeiten der Wissensvermittlung erschließen, sondern die Wissensproduktion selbst verändern werden. Untersuchungen zur Qualitätssicherung und Integrität wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in der Digitalen Bibliothek sind ein wichtiges Anliegen der Wissenschaftsforschung, dem sich die Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung im Rahmen ihrer Jahrestagung am 23. und 24. März 2007 gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin zugewandt hat. Die Beiträge dieses Jahrbuchs sollen dazu beitragen, einen Einblick in theoretische und praktische Probleme der neuen Kultur des elektronischen Publizierens in der Wissenschaft zu geben.Peer Reviewe

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    The Geography of Scientific Collaboration

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    Science is increasingly defined by multidimensional collaborative networks. Despite the unprecedented growth of scientific collaboration around the globe – the collaborative turn – geography still matters for the cognitive enterprise. This book explores how geography conditions scientific collaboration and how collaboration affects the spatiality of science. This book offers a complex analysis of the spatial aspects of scientific collaboration, addressing the topic at a number of levels: individual, organizational, urban, regional, national, and international. Spatial patterns of scientific collaboration are analysed along with their determinants and consequences. By combining a vast array of approaches, concepts, and methodologies, the volume offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for the geography of scientific collaboration. The examples of scientific collaboration policy discussed in the book are taken from the European Union, the United States, and China. Through a number of case studies the authors analyse the background, development and evaluation of these policies. This book will be of interest to researchers in diverse disciplines such as regional studies, scientometrics, R&D policy, socio-economic geography and network analysis. It will also be of interest to policymakers, and to managers of research organisations

    Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift und Digitale Bibliothek: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2002

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    Elektronische Produktion, Verbreitung und Rezeption von wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften - deren integrative Wechselbeziehungen eingeschlossen - verändern unausweichlich die Forschungssituation unserer Zeit. Inzwischen sind elektronische Zeitschriften ein fester Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Publikationswesens geworden, auf den die meisten Forscher nicht mehr verzichten möchten. In diesem Wandel braucht es Orientierungen und Kompetenzen. Seit ihrem Aufkommen in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts haben wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften sich selbst als Forschungsbibliotheken der Wissenschaftsdisziplinen verstanden und dies mit der weiteren Differenzierung der Wissenschaft in einem Maße realisiert, dass ihre zunehmend elektronische Produktion die Entwicklung der Digitalen Bibliothek in der Wissenschaft nachhaltig forciert. Untersuchungen über diesen grundlegenden Vorgang neuerer Wissenschaftsentwicklung sind ein wichtiges Anliegen der Wissenschaftsforschung. Die Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschung hat sich dieser Fragestellung angenommen und sie im Rahmen ihrer Jahrestagung 2002 unter dem Thema „Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift und Digitale Bibliothek“ analysiert. Vorausgegangen waren Diskussionen über „Wissenschaft - Informationszeitalter - Digitale Bibliothek“ auf der Jahrestagung 1998 und über „Organisationsinformatik und Digitale Bibliothek in der Wissenschaft“ auf der Jahrestagung 2000, die in den jeweiligen Jahrbüchern Wissenschaftsforschung 1998 und 2000 publiziert wurden. Die Ergebnisse der Tagung vom März 2002, die im Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin stattgefunden hat, werden hiermit - in Fortführung der Publikationsreihe - als Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2002 dem interessierten Leser vorgestellt.Peer Reviewe

    Consumer brand relationships: the determinants of brand loyalty in the context of football clubs

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    The present research resides within the field of consumer brand relationships and is grounded in the Service dominant logic (S-D logic) marketing stance as framework. Following the realisation of a lack of works in this novel marketing approach addressing the area of emotions with service brands, the present research aims to fill this gap by achieving a more comprehensive knowledge of the underlying components responsible for the occurrence of brand loyalty with emotion-laden brands, and for the emotional consequences and attitudes the supporters of the brand are faced with. This was addressed by following an exploratory approach on a single industry (i.e. football) in the European context. Where, the primary unit of analysis of this research is the individual as a resource integrator/beneficiary as part of a wider social network engaged with the brand. Integrating the emerging view on consumer brand relationship theory where brands are dynamic and actively co-created entities that evolve with consumers and cultures in kind (Allen et al., 2008) and in line with theoretical framework of this research, S-D logic. Therefore, a bibliometric study was initially carried out on the S-D logic literature, followed by a critical review of the research areas that underpinned this research, which collectively defined the implementation of the subsequent research stages. Resulting in a mix methods approach, comprising of a qualitative study with 46 interviews on three Portuguese football clubs and a quantitative study with 842 respondents across six European countries. A service brand model is proposed where brand loyalty is built from the interaction of the five constructs identified (brand associations, involvement, satisfaction, emotional attachment, and trust), with emotional attachment representing a crucial construct. Providing brand managers, the knowledge on how to improve the level of relationship between the organisation and its consumers. Moreover, this research brings to the forefront of S-D logic research the consumer brand relationship realm, more specifically the concept of emotions with service brands.O presente estudo integra-se na teoria dos relacionamentos do consumidor com a marca, tendo a lógica dominante de serviço (lógica D-S) como enquadramento. Dado que existe uma escassez de estudos relativamente às emoções para com as marcas de serviço nesta singular abordagem do marketing, o presente estudo pretende reduzir esta lacuna através da aquisição de um conhecimento mais abrangente dos componentes responsáveis pelo surgimento da lealdade para com marcas de cariz emocional, e que contribuem para níveis emocionais mais elevados em termos das atitudes e consequências dai resultantes para os apoiantes da marca. Estes aspetos foram considerados seguindo uma abordagem exploratória numa única industria, a do futebol num contexto europeu. Onde a principal unidade de analise desta pesquisa é o individuo como integrador/beneficiário envolvido com a marca, fazendo parte de uma network social mais abrangente. Incorporando a perspetiva emergente na teoria de relacionamento do consumidor com a marca onde as marcas são dinâmicas e são entidades cocriadas que evolvem com os consumidores e suas culturas (Allen et al., 2008) em linha com o enquadramento teórico desta pesquisa, lógica D-S. Consequentemente, um estudo bibliométrico da literatura referente à lógica dominante de serviço foi conduzido numa primeira fase, seguido de uma revisão critica das áreas de pesquisas que integram esta pesquisa, definindo a implementação das etapas de pesquisa subsequentes. Resultando numa abordagem de métodos mistos, correspondente a um estudo qualitativo com 46 entrevistas referentes a três clubes Portugueses de futebol e um estudo quantitativo com 842 inquiridos em seis países Europeus. Um modelo de marca de serviço é proposto onde a lealdade à marca é construída com base na interação de cinco construtos identificados (associações à marca, envolvimento, satisfação, ligação emocional, e confiança), de onde a ligação emocional se evidencia como um construto crucial. Permitindo aos gestores de marcas o conhecimento de como incrementar o nível de relacionamento entre a organização e os seus consumidores. Acresce o facto de que esta pesquisa salienta a relevância empírica da área de relacionamento do consumidor com a marca, em particular o conceito das emoções com marcas de serviço, na literatura referente à logica dominante de serviço

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute