10,783 research outputs found

    Exploiting microvariation: How to make the best of your incomplete data

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    n this article we discuss the use of big corpuses or databases as a first step for qualitative analysis of linguistic data. We concentrate on ASIt, the Syntactic Atlas of Italy, and take into consideration the different types of dialectal data that can be collected from similar corpora and databases. We analyze all the methodological problems derived from the necessary compromise between the strict requirements imposed by a scientific inquiry and the management of big amounts of data. As a possible solution, we propose that the type of variation is per se a tool to derive meaningful generalizations. To implement this idea, we examine three different types of variation patterns that can be used in the study of morpho-syntax: the geographical distribution of properties (and their total or partial overlapping, or complementary distribution), the so-called leopard spots variation, and the lexical variation index, which can be used to determine the internal complexity of functional items

    Clausal tripartition, anti-locality and preliminary considerations of a formal approach to clause types

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    We will see how it is reasonable to speak of a minimum distance that an element must cross in order to enter into a well-formed movement dependency. In the course of the discussion of this notion of anti-localiry, a theoretical framework unfolds which is compatible with recent thoughts on syntactic computation regarding local economy and phrase structure, as well as the view that certain pronouns are grammatical formatives, rather than fully lexical expressions. The upshot will be that if an element does not move a certain distance, the derivation crashes at PF, unless the lower copy is spelled out as a pronominal element. The framework presented has a number of implications for the study of clause-typing, of which some will be discussed towards the end

    Types de formants dans la dérivation fonctionnelle polonaise et roumaine : bases théoriques

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    The paper describes types of derivational formatives in Polish and Romanian functional, i.e. synchronic derivation, focusing on the proper derivation (i.e. derivation from single-word bases). The proper derivation is positioned as a type of word-formation and a branch of morphology. The author identifies theprimary functions of derivational formatives: the semantic, pragmatic and syntactic function. The formatives are identified using a methodology developed in Polish word-formation theory, especially within nest derivatology. Applying a methodology developed for the description of the Polish word-formationsystem is aimed at distinguishing derivational formatives in Romanian. The author identifies and classifies the following types of derivational formatives in Romanian: affixes (among these prefixes, suffixes, postfixes and ambifixes), alternants (defined as members of alternation), negative formatives (in backformation), paradigmatic formatives (defined as changes in inflexional paradigm), zero formative and accentual formatives. The author also suggests including the types of word-formation stems in the description of the formal structure of derivatives.The paper describes types of derivational formatives in Polish and Romanian functional, i.e. synchronic derivation, focusing on the proper derivation (i.e. derivation from single-word bases). The proper derivation is positioned as a type of word-formation and a branch of morphology. The author identifies theprimary functions of derivational formatives: the semantic, pragmatic and syntactic function. The formatives are identified using a methodology developed in Polish word-formation theory, especially within nest derivatology. Applying a methodology developed for the description of the Polish word-formationsystem is aimed at distinguishing derivational formatives in Romanian. The author identifies and classifies the following types of derivational formatives in Romanian: affixes (among these prefixes, suffixes, postfixes and ambifixes), alternants (defined as members of alternation), negative formatives (in backformation), paradigmatic formatives (defined as changes in inflexional paradigm), zero formative and accentual formatives. The author also suggests including the types of word-formation stems in the description of the formal structure of derivatives.The paper describes types of derivational formatives in Polish and Romanian functional, i.e. synchronic derivation, focusing on the proper derivation (i.e. derivation from single-word bases). The proper derivation is positioned as a type of word-formation and a branch of morphology. The author identifies theprimary functions of derivational formatives: the semantic, pragmatic and syntactic function. The formatives are identified using a methodology developed in Polish word-formation theory, especially within nest derivatology. Applying a methodology developed for the description of the Polish word-formationsystem is aimed at distinguishing derivational formatives in Romanian. The author identifies and classifies the following types of derivational formatives in Romanian: affixes (among these prefixes, suffixes, postfixes and ambifixes), alternants (defined as members of alternation), negative formatives (in backformation), paradigmatic formatives (defined as changes in inflexional paradigm), zero formative and accentual formatives. The author also suggests including the types of word-formation stems in the description of the formal structure of derivatives

    Revolutionizing bantu lexicography: a Zulu case study

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    Zulu uses a conjunctive writing system, that is, a system whereby relatively short linguistic words are joined together to form long orthographic words with complex morphological structures. This has led to the so-called 'stem tradition in dictionary making for Zulu, as well as for most other Bantu languages. Given this lemmatization approach has been found to be inadequate for young learners (who fail to isolate stems), the development of a new approach was imperative for them, but until recently deemed impossible to implement. In this paper it is argued that it is now perfectly possible to reverse the unproductive trend, and to opt for the lemmatization of full words for all but one of the word classes in Bantu. This revolution is made possible thanks to the recent availability of relatively large corpora, with which the really frequent citation options may be pinpointed. Rather than a mission statement, this paper offers the result for all word classes. To do so, an actual guide to the use of a Zulu dictionary is re-represented and annotated

    Energia per al desenvolupament humà sostenible

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    Descripció de les activitats formatives realitzades per l'autor, amb el suport d'Enginyeria Sense Fronteres, sobre energia i desenvolupament humà sostenible.Peer Reviewe

    La biblioteca de formació del professorat d'Elx

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    S'explica una breu història de la B-CD de Formació del Professorat d'Elx des del seu naixement, fa 30 anys, com a Biblioteca del CEP d'Elx, fins a la actualitat com a extensió del CEFIRE d'Alacant. Mantenint una missió invariable al llarg de tots aquests anys, que és satisfer les necessitats formatives i in formatives de tota persona relacionada amb el món educatiu. És una biblioteca especialitzada en educació i didàctica pel contingut dels seus fons i pública perquè està oberta a totes les persones que sol·liciten aquest tipus d'informació. S'expliquen de forma detallada tot elsserveis que ofereix als seus usuaris tant presencials com virtual

    Number, Honor, and Agreement in Hindi-Urdu

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    In Hindi-Urdu, the honorific marker ji: can be added to a third person nominal to signal honorification of the nominal referent. The use of ji: triggers plural agreement, despite the nominal itself being singular. We propose that the formative that carries the semantics of plurality (*) and the formative that carries the semantics of honorification (Hon) occupy the same syntactic position, which we identify as Num. These two formatives have the same formal features, which correspond to the features responsible for what is called plural agreement, and make the same selectional demand of their complement, namely that it appear in the oblique form. However the formatives have distinct realizations and distinct semantics. Both can have zero realization or overt realization; for honorification the overt realization can be at least -ji:, sa:b, mahoday, sir, ma’am, and for pluralization -˜a:, -˜o. The two formatives are in complementary distribution; Hon blocks and vice-versa; this means that the complement of Hon has no choice but to stay singular. We end by describingthe honorific distinctions shown with second-person pronouns, describing additional complexities that their analysis requires

    La formació del gerent públic de l’esport

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    Aquest article analitza les necessitats formatives dels gerents públics de l’esport, i també enumera les diferents àrees formatives que incideixen directament en la funció de gestió i aporta una aproximació al currículum professional idoni en l’àmbit de la gestió esportiva. Alhora, identifica les mancances que pateixen actualment els gestors públics sobre les matèries curriculars directament implicades en la seva professió. Aquestes conclusions i aproximacions estan fonamentades en l’estudi empíric sobre l’opinió de 33 gestors d’esports de diferents municipis de la Comunitat Valenciana, després d’aplicar l’ARENA1 (Qüestionari per a l’anàlisi de la professió del gestor i situació de la gestió esportiva municipal)