1,103 research outputs found

    Effect of Communication Delays on the Successful Coordination of a Group of Biomimetic AUVs

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    In this paper, the influence of delays on the ability of a formation control algorithm to coordinate a group of twelve Biomimetic Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (BAUVs) is investigated. In this study the formation control algorithm is a decentralized methodology based on the behavioural mechanisms of fish within school structures. Incorporated within this algorithm is a representation of the well-known and frequently used communication protocol, Time-Division-Multiple-Access (TDMA). TDMA operates by assigning each vehicle a specific timeslot during which it can broadcast to the remaining members of the group. The size of this timeslot varies depending on a number of operational parameters such as the size of the message being transmitted, the hardware used and the distance between neighbouring vehicles. Therefore, in this work, numerous timeslot sizes are tested that range from theoretical possible values through to values used in practice. The formation control algorithm and the TDMA protocol have been implemented within a validated mathematical of the RoboSalmon BAUV designed and manufactured at the University of Glasgow. The results demonstrate a significant deterioration in the ability of the formation control algorithms as the timeslot size is increased. This deterioration is due to the fact that as the timeslot size is increased, the interim period between successive communication updates increases and as a result, the error between where the formation control algorithm estimates each vehicle to be and where they actually are, increases. As a result, since the algorithm no longer has an accurate representation of the positioning of neighbouring vehicles, it is no longer capable of selecting the correct behavioural equation and subsequently, is unable to coordinate the vehicles to form a stable group structure

    Cooperative Control of Multiple Biomimetic Robotic Fish

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    Optimal sensing for fish school identification

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    Fish schooling implies an awareness of the swimmers for their companions. In flow mediated environments, in addition to visual cues, pressure and shear sensors on the fish body are critical for providing quantitative information that assists the quantification of proximity to other swimmers. Here we examine the distribution of sensors on the surface of an artificial swimmer so that it can optimally identify a leading group of swimmers. We employ Bayesian experimental design coupled with two-dimensional Navier Stokes equations for multiple self-propelled swimmers. The follower tracks the school using information from its own surface pressure and shear stress. We demonstrate that the optimal sensor distribution of the follower is qualitatively similar to the distribution of neuromasts on fish. Our results show that it is possible to identify accurately the center of mass and even the number of the leading swimmers using surface only information

    Hydrodynamics of Biomimetic Marine Propulsion and Trends in Computational Simulations

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    [Abstract] The aim of the present paper is to provide the state of the works in the field of hydrodynamics and computational simulations to analyze biomimetic marine propulsors. Over the last years, many researchers postulated that some fish movements are more efficient and maneuverable than traditional rotary propellers, and the most relevant marine propulsors which mimic fishes are shown in the present work. Taking into account the complexity and cost of some experimental setups, numerical models offer an efficient, cheap, and fast alternative tool to analyze biomimetic marine propulsors. Besides, numerical models provide information that cannot be obtained using experimental techniques. Since the literature about trends in computational simulations is still scarce, this paper also recalls the hydrodynamics of the swimming modes occurring in fish and summarizes the more relevant lines of investigation of computational models

    3D locomotion biomimetic robot fish with haptic feedback

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    This thesis developed a biomimetic robot fish and built a novel haptic robot fish system based on the kinematic modelling and three-dimentional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) hydrodynamic analysis. The most important contribution is the successful CFD simulation of the robot fish, supporting users in understanding the hydrodynamic properties around it

    Multiple cues produced by a robotic fish modulate aggressive behaviour in Siamese fighting fishes

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    The use of robotics to establish social interactions between animals and robots, represents an elegant and innovative method to investigate animal behaviour. However, robots are still underused to investigate high complex and flexible behaviours, such as aggression. Here, Betta splendens was tested as model system to shed light on the effect of a robotic fish eliciting aggression. We evaluated how multiple signal systems, including a light stimulus, affect aggressive responses in B. splendens. Furthermore, we conducted experiments to estimate if aggressive responses were triggered by the biomimetic shape of fish replica, or whether any intruder object was effective as well. Male fishes showed longer and higher aggressive displays as puzzled stimuli from the fish replica increased. When the fish replica emitted its full sequence of cues, the intensity of aggression exceeded even that produced by real fish opponents. Fish replica shape was necessary for conspecific opponent perception, evoking significant aggressive responses. Overall, this study highlights that the efficacy of an artificial opponent eliciting aggressive behaviour in fish can be boosted by exposure to multiple signals. Optimizing the cue combination delivered by the robotic fish replica may be helpful to predict escalating levels of aggression

    Biomimetic and Live Medusae Reveal the Mechanistic Advantages of a Flexible Bell Margin

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    Flexible bell margins are characteristic components of rowing medusan morphologies and are expected to contribute towards their high propulsive efficiency. However, the mechanistic basis of thrust augmentation by flexible propulsors remained unresolved, so the impact of bell margin flexibility on medusan swimming has also remained unresolved. We used biomimetic robotic jellyfish vehicles to elucidate that propulsive thrust enhancement by flexible medusan bell margins relies upon fluid dynamic interactions between entrained flows at the inflexion point of the exumbrella and flows expelled from under the bell. Coalescence of flows from these two regions resulted in enhanced fluid circulation and, therefore, thrust augmentation for flexible margins of both medusan vehicles and living medusae. Using particle image velocimetry (PIV) data we estimated pressure fields to demonstrate a mechanistic basis of enhanced flows associated with the flexible bell margin. Performance of vehicles with flexible margins was further enhanced by vortex interactions that occur during bell expansion. Hydrodynamic and performance similarities between robotic vehicles and live animals demonstrated that the propulsive advantages of flexible margins found in nature can be emulated by human-engineered propulsors. Although medusae are simple animal models for description of this process, these results may contribute towards understanding the performance of flexible margins among other animal lineages
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