57,182 research outputs found

    Topology regulates pattern formation capacity of binary cellular automata on graphs

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    We study the effect of topology variation on the dynamic behavior of a system with local update rules. We implement one-dimensional binary cellular automata on graphs with various topologies by formulating two sets of degree-dependent rules, each containing a single parameter. We observe that changes in graph topology induce transitions between different dynamic domains (Wolfram classes) without a formal change in the update rule. Along with topological variations, we study the pattern formation capacities of regular, random, small-world and scale-free graphs. Pattern formation capacity is quantified in terms of two entropy measures, which for standard cellular automata allow a qualitative distinction between the four Wolfram classes. A mean-field model explains the dynamic behavior of random graphs. Implications for our understanding of information transport through complex, network-based systems are discussed.Comment: 16 text pages, 13 figures. To be published in Physica

    A Categorical View on Algebraic Lattices in Formal Concept Analysis

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    Formal concept analysis has grown from a new branch of the mathematical field of lattice theory to a widely recognized tool in Computer Science and elsewhere. In order to fully benefit from this theory, we believe that it can be enriched with notions such as approximation by computation or representability. The latter are commonly studied in denotational semantics and domain theory and captured most prominently by the notion of algebraicity, e.g. of lattices. In this paper, we explore the notion of algebraicity in formal concept analysis from a category-theoretical perspective. To this end, we build on the the notion of approximable concept with a suitable category and show that the latter is equivalent to the category of algebraic lattices. At the same time, the paper provides a relatively comprehensive account of the representation theory of algebraic lattices in the framework of Stone duality, relating well-known structures such as Scott information systems with further formalisms from logic, topology, domains and lattice theory.Comment: 36 page

    Continuity of the radius of convergence of p-adic differential equations on Berkovich analytic spaces

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    We consider a vector bundle with integrable connection (\cE,\na) on an analytic domain U in the generic fiber \cX_{\eta} of a smooth formal p-adic scheme \cX, in the sense of Berkovich. We define the \emph{diameter} \delta_{\cX}(\xi,U) of U at \xi\in U, the \emph{radius} \rho_{\cX}(\xi) of the point \xi\in\cX_{\eta}, the \emph{radius of convergence} of solutions of (\cE,\na) at \xi, R(\xi) = R_{\cX}(\xi, U,(\cE, \na)). We discuss (semi-) continuity of these functions with respect to the Berkovich topology. In particular, under we prove under certain assumptions that \delta_{\cX}(\xi,U), \rho_{\cX}(\xi) and R_{\xi}(U,\cE,\na) are upper semicontinuous functions of \xi; for Laurent domains in the affine space, \delta_{\cX}(-,U) is continuous. In the classical case of an affinoid domain U of the analytic affine line, R is a continuous function.Comment: 19 pages. We have simplified and improved the expositio

    Formal Concept Analysis and Resolution in Algebraic Domains

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    We relate two formerly independent areas: Formal concept analysis and logic of domains. We will establish a correspondene between contextual attribute logic on formal contexts resp. concept lattices and a clausal logic on coherent algebraic cpos. We show how to identify the notion of formal concept in the domain theoretic setting. In particular, we show that a special instance of the resolution rule from the domain logic coincides with the concept closure operator from formal concept analysis. The results shed light on the use of contexts and domains for knowledge representation and reasoning purposes.Comment: 14 pages. We have rewritten the old version according to the suggestions of some referees. The results are the same. The presentation is completely differen