2,132 research outputs found

    New IR & Ranking Algorithm for Top-K Keyword Search on Relational Databases ‘Smart Search’

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    Database management systems are as old as computers, and the continuous research and development in databases is huge and an interest of many database venders and researchers, as many researchers work in solving and developing new modules and frameworks for more efficient and effective information retrieval based on free form search by users with no knowledge of the structure of the database. Our work as an extension to previous works, introduces new algorithms and components to existing databases to enable the user to search for keywords with high performance and effective top-k results. Work intervention aims at introducing new table structure for indexing of keywords, which would help algorithms to understand the semantics of keywords and generate only the correct CN‟s (Candidate Networks) for fast retrieval of information with ranking of results according to user‟s history, semantics of keywords, distance between keywords and match of keywords. In which a three modules where developed for this purpose. We implemented our three proposed modules and created the necessary tables, with the development of a web search interface called „Smart Search‟ to test our work with different users. The interface records all user interaction with our „Smart Search‟ for analyses, as the analyses of results shows improvements in performance and effective results returned to the user. We conducted hundreds of randomly generated search terms with different sizes and multiple users; all results recorded and analyzed by the system were based on different factors and parameters. We also compared our results with previous work done by other researchers on the DBLP database which we used in our research. Our final result analysis shows the importance of introducing new components to the database for top-k keywords search and the performance of our proposed system with high effective results.نظم إدارة قواعد البيانات قديمة مثل أجيزة الكمبيوتر، و البحث والتطوير المستمر في قواعد بيانات ضخم و ىنالك اىتمام من العديد من مطوري قواعد البيانات والباحثين، كما يعمل العديد من الباحثين في حل وتطوير وحدات جديدة و أطر السترجاع المعمومات بطرق أكثر كفاءة وفعالية عمى أساس نموذج البحث الغير مقيد من قبل المستخدمين الذين ليس لدييم معرفة في بنية قاعدة البيانات. ويأتي عممنا امتدادا لألعمال السابقة، ويدخل الخوارزميات و مكونات جديدة لقواعد البيانات الموجودة لتمكين المستخدم من البحث عن الكممات المفتاحية )search Keyword )مع األداء العالي و نتائج فعالة في الحصول عمى أعمى ترتيب لمبيانات .)Top-K( وييدف ىذا العمل إلى تقديم بنية جديدة لفيرسة الكممات المفتاحية )Table Keywords Index ،)والتي من شأنيا أن تساعد الخوارزميات المقدمة في ىذا البحث لفيم معاني الكممات المفتاحية المدخمة من قبل المستخدم وتوليد فقط الشبكات المرشحة (s’CN (الصحيحة السترجاع سريع لممعمومات مع ترتيب النتائج وفقا ألوزان مختمفة مثل تاريخ البحث لممستخدم، ترتيب الكمات المفتاحية في النتائج والبعد بين الكممات المفتاحية في النتائج بالنسبة لما قام المستخدم بأدخالو. قمنا بأقتراح ثالث مكونات جديدة )Modules )وتنفيذىا من خالل ىذه االطروحة، مع تطوير واجية البحث عمى شبكة اإلنترنت تسمى "البحث الذكي" الختبار عممنا مع المستخدمين. وتتضمن واجية البحث مكونات تسجل تفاعل المستخدمين وتجميع تمك التفاعالت لمتحميل والمقارنة، وتحميالت النتائج تظير تحسينات في أداء استرجاع البينات و النتائج ذات صمة ودقة أعمى. أجرينا مئات عمميات البحث بأستخدام جمل بحث تم أنشائيا بشكل عشوائي من مختمف األحجام، باالضافة الى االستعانة بعدد من المستخدمين ليذه الغاية. واستندت جميع النتائج المسجمة وتحميميا بواسطة واجية البحث عمى عوامل و معايير مختمفة .وقمنا بالنياية بعمل مقارنة لنتائجنا مع االعمال السابقة التي قام بيا باحثون آخرون عمى نفس قاعدة البيانات (DBLP (الشييرة التي استخدمناىا في أطروحتنا. وتظير نتائجنا النيائية مدى أىمية أدخال بنية جديدة لفيرسة الكممات المفتاحية الى قواعد البيانات العالئقية، وبناء خوارزميات استنادا الى تمك الفيرسة لمبحث بأستخدام كممات مفتاحية فقط والحصول عمى نتائج أفضل ودقة أعمى، أضافة الى التحسن في وقت البحث

    A semantic and agent-based approach to support information retrieval, interoperability and multi-lateral viewpoints for heterogeneous environmental databases

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    PhDData stored in individual autonomous databases often needs to be combined and interrelated. For example, in the Inland Water (IW) environment monitoring domain, the spatial and temporal variation of measurements of different water quality indicators stored in different databases are of interest. Data from multiple data sources is more complex to combine when there is a lack of metadata in a computation forin and when the syntax and semantics of the stored data models are heterogeneous. The main types of information retrieval (IR) requirements are query transparency and data harmonisation for data interoperability and support for multiple user views. A combined Semantic Web based and Agent based distributed system framework has been developed to support the above IR requirements. It has been implemented using the Jena ontology and JADE agent toolkits. The semantic part supports the interoperability of autonomous data sources by merging their intensional data, using a Global-As-View or GAV approach, into a global semantic model, represented in DAML+OIL and in OWL. This is used to mediate between different local database views. The agent part provides the semantic services to import, align and parse semantic metadata instances, to support data mediation and to reason about data mappings during alignment. The framework has applied to support information retrieval, interoperability and multi-lateral viewpoints for four European environmental agency databases. An extended GAV approach has been developed and applied to handle queries that can be reformulated over multiple user views of the stored data. This allows users to retrieve data in a conceptualisation that is better suited to them rather than to have to understand the entire detailed global view conceptualisation. User viewpoints are derived from the global ontology or existing viewpoints of it. This has the advantage that it reduces the number of potential conceptualisations and their associated mappings to be more computationally manageable. Whereas an ad hoc framework based upon conventional distributed programming language and a rule framework could be used to support user views and adaptation to user views, a more formal framework has the benefit in that it can support reasoning about the consistency, equivalence, containment and conflict resolution when traversing data models. A preliminary formulation of the formal model has been undertaken and is based upon extending a Datalog type algebra with hierarchical, attribute and instance value operators. These operators can be applied to support compositional mapping and consistency checking of data views. The multiple viewpoint system was implemented as a Java-based application consisting of two sub-systems, one for viewpoint adaptation and management, the other for query processing and query result adjustment

    A Model Driven Approach to Model Transformations

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    The OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative has been the focus of much attention in both academia and industry, due to its promise of more rapid and consistent software development through the increased use of models. In order for MDA to reach its full potential, the ability to manipulate and transform models { most obviously from the Platform Independent Model (PIM) to the Platform Specific Models (PSM) { is vital. Recognizing this need, the OMG issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) largely concerned with finding a suitable mechanism for trans- forming models. This paper outlines the relevant background material, summarizes the approach taken by the QVT-Partners (to whom the authors belong), presents a non-trivial example using the QVT-Partners approach, and finally sketches out what the future holds for model transformations

    Towards Automated Network Configuration Management

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    Modern networks are designed to satisfy a wide variety of competing goals related to network operation requirements such as reachability, security, performance, reliability and availability. These high level goals are realized through a complex chain of low level configuration commands performed on network devices. As networks become larger, more complex and more heterogeneous, human errors become the most significant threat to network operation and the main cause of network outage. In addition, the gap between high-level requirements and low-level configuration data is continuously increasing and difficult to close. Although many solutions have been introduced to reduce the complexity of configuration management, network changes, in most cases, are still manually performed via low--level command line interfaces (CLIs). The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has introduced NETwork CONFiguration (NETCONF) protocol along with its associated data--modeling language, YANG, that significantly reduce network configuration complexity. However, NETCONF is limited to the interaction between managers and agents, and it has weak support for compliance to high-level management functionalities. We design and develop a network configuration management system called AutoConf that addresses the aforementioned problems. AutoConf is a distributed system that manages, validates, and automates the configuration of IP networks. We propose a new framework to augment NETCONF/YANG framework. This framework includes a Configuration Semantic Model (CSM), which provides a formal representation of domain knowledge needed to deploy a successful management system. Along with CSM, we develop a domain--specific language called Structured Configuration language to specify configuration tasks as well as high--level requirements. CSM/SCL together with NETCONF/YANG makes a powerful management system that supports network--wide configuration. AutoConf supports two levels of verifications: consistency verification and behavioral verification. We apply a set of logical formalizations to verifying the consistency and dependency of configuration parameters. In behavioral verification, we present a set of formal models and algorithms based on Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) to capture the behaviors of forwarding control lists that are deployed in firewalls, routers, and NAT devices. We also adopt an enhanced version of Dyna-Q algorithm to support dynamic adaptation of network configuration in response to changes occurred during network operation. This adaptation approach maintains a coherent relationship between high level requirements and low level device configuration. We evaluate AutoConf by running several configuration scenarios such as interface configuration, RIP configuration, OSPF configuration and MPLS configuration. We also evaluate AutoConf by running several simulation models to demonstrate the effectiveness and the scalability of handling large-scale networks

    Methods for Semantic Interoperability in AutomationML-based Engineering

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    Industrial engineering is an interdisciplinary activity that involves human experts from various technical backgrounds working with different engineering tools. In the era of digitization, the engineering process generates a vast amount of data. To store and exchange such data, dedicated international standards are developed, including the XML-based data format AutomationML (AML). While AML provides a harmonized syntax among engineering tools, the semantics of engineering data remains highly heterogeneous. More specifically, the AML models of the same domain or entity can vary dramatically among different tools that give rise to the so-called semantic interoperability problem. In practice, manual implementation is often required for the correct data interpretation, which is usually limited in reusability. Efforts have been made for tackling the semantic interoperability problem. One mainstream research direction has been focused on the semantic lifting of engineering data using Semantic Web technologies. However, current results in this field lack the study of building complex domain knowledge that requires a profound understanding of the domain and sufficient skills in ontology building. This thesis contributes to this research field in two aspects. First, machine learning algorithms are developed for deriving complex ontological concepts from engineering data. The induced concepts encode the relations between primitive ones and bridge the semantic gap between engineering tools. Second, to involve domain experts more tightly into the process of ontology building, this thesis proposes the AML concept model (ACM) for representing ontological concepts in a native AML syntax, i.e., providing an AML-frontend for the formal ontological semantics. ACM supports the bidirectional information flow between the user and the learner, based on which the interactive machine learning framework AMLLEARNER is developed. Another rapidly growing research field devotes to develop methods and systems for facilitating data access and exchange based on database theories and techniques. In particular, the so-called Query By Example (QBE) allows the user to construct queries using data examples. This thesis adopts the idea of QBE in AML-based engineering by introducing the AML Query Template (AQT). The design of AQT has been focused on a native AML syntax, which allows constructing queries with conventional AML tools. This thesis studies the theoretical foundation of AQT and presents algorithms for the automated generation of query programs. Comprehensive requirement analysis shows that the proposed approach can solve the problem of semantic interoperability in AutomationML-based engineering to a great extent

    A Web-based mapping technique foreEstablishing metadata interoperability

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    Die Integration von Metadaten aus unterschiedlichen, heterogenen Datenquellen erfordert Metadaten-Interoperabilität, eine Eigenschaft die nicht standardmäßig gegeben ist. Metadaten Mapping Verfahren ermöglichen es Domänenexperten Metadaten-Interoperabilität in einem bestimmten Integrationskontext herzustellen. Mapping Lösungen sollen dabei die notwendige Unterstützung bieten. Während diese für den etablierten Bereich interoperabler Datenbanken bereits existieren, ist dies für Web-Umgebungen nicht der Fall. Betrachtet man das Ausmaß ständig wachsender strukturierter Metadaten und Metadatenschemata im Web, so zeichnet sich ein Bedarf nach Web-basierten Mapping Lösungen ab. Den Kern einer solchen Lösung bildet ein Mappingmodell, das die zur Spezifikation von Mappings notwendigen Sprachkonstrukte definiert. Existierende Semantic Web Sprachen wie beispielsweise RDFS oder OWL bieten zwar grundlegende Mappingelemente (z.B.: owl:equivalentProperty, owl:sameAs), adressieren jedoch nicht das gesamte Sprektrum möglicher semantischer und struktureller Heterogenitäten, die zwischen unterschiedlichen, inkompatiblen Metadatenobjekten auftreten können. Außerdem fehlen technische Lösungsansätze zur Überführung zuvor definierter Mappings in ausführbare Abfragen. Als zentraler wissenschaftlicher Beitrag dieser Dissertation, wird ein abstraktes Mappingmodell präsentiert, welches das Mappingproblem auf generischer Ebene reflektiert und Lösungsansätze zum Abgleich inkompatibler Schemata bietet. Instanztransformationsfunktionen und URIs nehmen in diesem Modell eine zentrale Rolle ein. Erstere überbrücken ein breites Spektrum möglicher semantischer und struktureller Heterogenitäten, während letztere das Mappingmodell in die Architektur des World Wide Webs einbinden. Auf einer konkreten, sprachspezifischen Ebene wird die Anbindung des abstrakten Modells an die RDF Vocabulary Description Language (RDFS) präsentiert, wodurch ein Mapping zwischen unterschiedlichen, in RDFS ausgedrückten Metadatenschemata ermöglicht wird. Das Mappingmodell ist in einen zyklischen Mappingprozess eingebunden, der die Anforderungen an Mappinglösungen in vier aufeinanderfolgende Phasen kategorisiert: mapping discovery, mapping representation, mapping execution und mapping maintenance. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation beschäftigen wir uns hauptsächlich mit der Representation-Phase sowie mit der Transformation von Mappingspezifikationen in ausführbare SPARQL-Abfragen. Zur Unterstützung der Discovery-Phase bietet das Mappingmodell eine Schnittstelle zur Einbindung von Schema- oder Ontologymatching-Algorithmen. Für die Maintenance-Phase präsentieren wir ein einfaches, aber seinen Zweck erfüllendes Mapping-Registry Konzept. Auf Basis des Mappingmodells stellen wir eine Web-basierte Mediator-Wrapper Architektur vor, die Domänenexperten die Möglichkeit bietet, SPARQL-Mediationsschnittstellen zu definieren. Die zu integrierenden Datenquellen müssen dafür durch Wrapper-Komponenen gekapselt werden, welche die enthaltenen Metadaten im Web exponieren und SPARQL-Zugriff ermöglichen. Als beipielhafte Wrapper Komponente präsentieren wir den OAI2LOD Server, mit dessen Hilfe Datenquellen eingebunden werden können, die ihre Metadaten über das Open Archives Initative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) exponieren. Im Rahmen einer Fallstudie zeigen wir, wie Mappings in Web-Umgebungen erstellt werden können und wie unsere Mediator-Wrapper Architektur nach wenigen, einfachen Konfigurationsschritten Metadaten aus unterschiedlichen, heterogenen Datenquellen integrieren kann, ohne dass dadurch die Notwendigkeit entsteht, eine Mapping Lösung in einer lokalen Systemumgebung zu installieren.The integration of metadata from distinct, heterogeneous data sources requires metadata interoperability, which is a qualitative property of metadata information objects that is not given by default. The technique of metadata mapping allows domain experts to establish metadata interoperability in a certain integration scenario. Mapping solutions, as a technical manifestation of this technique, are already available for the intensively studied domain of database system interoperability, but they rarely exist for the Web. If we consider the amount of steadily increasing structured metadata and corresponding metadata schemes on the Web, we can observe a clear need for a mapping solution that can operate in a Web-based environment. To achieve that, we first need to build its technical core, which is a mapping model that provides the language primitives to define mapping relationships. Existing Semantic Web languages such as RDFS and OWL define some basic mapping elements (e.g., owl:equivalentProperty, owl:sameAs), but do not address the full spectrum of semantic and structural heterogeneities that can occur among distinct, incompatible metadata information objects. Furthermore, it is still unclear how to process defined mapping relationships during run-time in order to deliver metadata to the client in a uniform way. As the main contribution of this thesis, we present an abstract mapping model, which reflects the mapping problem on a generic level and provides the means for reconciling incompatible metadata. Instance transformation functions and URIs take a central role in that model. The former cover a broad spectrum of possible structural and semantic heterogeneities, while the latter bind the complete mapping model to the architecture of the Word Wide Web. On the concrete, language-specific level we present a binding of the abstract mapping model for the RDF Vocabulary Description Language (RDFS), which allows us to create mapping specifications among incompatible metadata schemes expressed in RDFS. The mapping model is embedded in a cyclic process that categorises the requirements a mapping solution should fulfil into four subsequent phases: mapping discovery, mapping representation, mapping execution, and mapping maintenance. In this thesis, we mainly focus on mapping representation and on the transformation of mapping specifications into executable SPARQL queries. For mapping discovery support, the model provides an interface for plugging-in schema and ontology matching algorithms. For mapping maintenance we introduce the concept of a simple, but effective mapping registry. Based on the mapping model, we propose aWeb-based mediator wrapper-architecture that allows domain experts to set up mediation endpoints that provide a uniform SPARQL query interface to a set of distributed metadata sources. The involved data sources are encapsulated by wrapper components that expose the contained metadata and the schema definitions on the Web and provide a SPARQL query interface to these metadata. In this thesis, we present the OAI2LOD Server, a wrapper component for integrating metadata that are accessible via the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). In a case study, we demonstrate how mappings can be created in aWeb environment and how our mediator wrapper architecture can easily be configured in order to integrate metadata from various heterogeneous data sources without the need to install any mapping solution or metadata integration solution in a local system environment

    Computer Science's Digest Volume 1

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    This series is dedicated to the students of the Systems Department, to give them reading material related to computer science in a second language. This book covers the Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Communications, Networking and Web Applications