83 research outputs found

    Synchronising C/C++ and POWER

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    Shared memory concurrency relies on synchronisation primitives: compare-and-swap, load-reserve/store-conditional (aka LL/SC), language-level mutexes, and so on. In a sequentially consistent setting, or even in the TSO setting of x86 and Sparc, these have well-understood semantics. But in the very relaxed settings of IBM®, POWER®, ARM, or C/C++, it remains surprisingly unclear exactly what the programmer can depend on. This paper studies relaxed-memory synchronisation. On the hardware side, we give a clear semantic characterisation of the load-reserve/store-conditional primitives as provided by POWER multiprocessors, for the first time since they were introduced 20 years ago; we cover their interaction with relaxed loads, stores, barriers, and dependencies. Our model, while not officially sanctioned by the vendor, is validated by extensive testing, comparing actual implementation behaviour against an oracle generated from the model, and by detailed discussion with IBM staff. We believe the ARM semantics to be similar. On the software side, we prove sound a proposed compilation scheme of the C/C++ synchronisation constructs to POWER, including C/C++ spinlock mutexes, fences, and read-modify-write operations, together with the simpler atomic operations for which soundness is already known from our previous work; this is a first step in verifying concurrent algorithms that use load-reserve/store-conditional with respect to a realistic semantics. We also build confidence in the C/C++ model in its own terms, fixing some omissions and contributing to the C standards committee adoption of the C++11 concurrency model

    Semantics and logics for signals

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    In operating systems such as Unix, processes can interact via signals. Signal handling resembles both exception handling and concurrent interleaving of processes. The handlers can be installed dynamically by the main program, but signals arrive non-deterministically; therefore, a handler may interrupt a program at any point. However, the interleaving of actions is not symmetric, in that the handler interrupts the main program, but not conversely. This thesis presents operational semantics and program logic for an idealized form of signal handling. To make signal handling logically tractable, we define handling to be block-structured. To reason about the interleaving of signal handlers, we adopt the idea of binary relations on states from rely-guarantee logics, imposing rely conditions on handlers. Given the one-way interleaving of signal handlers, the logic is less symmetric than rely-guarantee. We combine signal and exception handlers in the same language to investigate their interactions, specifically whether a handler can run more than once or is linearly used. We prove soundness of the program logic relative to a big-step operational semantics for signal handling. Then, we introduce and discuss reentrancy in various domains. Finally, we present our work towards logic with Reentrancy Linear Type System

    Specification and Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent Programs

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    Timed Automata Models for Principled Composition of Middleware

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    Middleware for Distributed Real-time and Embedded (DRE) systems has grown more and more complex in recent years due to the varying functional and temporal requirements of complex real-time applications. To enable DRE middleware to be configured and customized to meet the demands of different applications, a body of ongoing research has focused on applying model-driven development techniques to developing QoS-enabled middleware. While current approaches for modeling middleware focus on easing the task of as-assembling, deploying and configuring middleware and middleware-based applications, a more formal basis for correct middleware composition and configuration in the context of individual applications is needed. While the modeling community has used application-level formal models that are more abstract to uncover certain flaws in system design, a more fundamental and lower-level set of models is needed to be able to uncover more subtle safety and timing errors introduced by interference between application computations, particularly in the face of alternative concurrency strategies in the middleware layer. In this research, we have examined how detailed formal models of lower-level middle-ware building blocks provide an appropriate level of abstraction both for modeling and synthesis of a variety of kinds of middleware from these building blocks. When combined with model checking techniques, these formal models can help developers in composing correct combinations of middleware mechanisms, and configuring those mechanisms for each particular application

    An occam Style Communications System for UNIX Networks

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    This document describes the design of a communications system which provides occam style communications primitives under a Unix environment, using TCP/IP protocols, and any number of other protocols deemed suitable as underlying transport layers. The system will integrate with a low overhead scheduler/kernel without incurring significant costs to the execution of processes within the run time environment. A survey of relevant occam and occam3 features and related research is followed by a look at the Unix and TCP/IP facilities which determine our working constraints, and a description of the T9000 transputer's Virtual Channel Processor, which was instrumental in our formulation. Drawing from the information presented here, a design for the communications system is subsequently proposed. Finally, a preliminary investigation of methods for lightweight access control to shared resources in an environment which does not provide support for critical sections, semaphores, or busy waiting, is made. This is presented with relevance to mutual exclusion problems which arise within the proposed design. Future directions for the evolution of this project are discussed in conclusion

    Objects in Oz

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    The programming language Oz integrates the paradigms of imperative, functional and concurrent constraint programming in a computational framework of unprecedented breadth, featuring stateful programming through cells, lexically scoped higher-order programming, and explicit concurrency synchronized by logic variables. Object-oriented programming is another paradigm that provides a set of concepts useful in software practice. In this thesis we address the question how object-oriented programming can be suitably supported in Oz. As a lexically scoped higher-order language, Oz can express a wide range of object-oriented concepts. We present a simple yet expressive object system, demonstrate its usability and outline an efficient implementation. A central aspect of Oz is its support for concurrent computation. We examine the impact of concurrency on the design of an object system and explore the use of objects in concurrent programming.Die Programmiersprache Oz verbindet die Paradigmen der imperativen, funktionalen und nebenläufigen Constraint-Programmierung in einem kohärenten Berechnungsmodell. Oz unterstützt zustandsbehaftete Programmierung, Programmierung höherer Ordnung mit lexikalischer Bindung und explizite Nebenläufigkeit, die mithilfe logischer Variablen synchroniziert werden kann. In der Softwarepraxis hat sich mit der objekt-orientierten Programmierung ein weiteres Programmierparadigma etabliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftige ich mich mit der Frage, wie objekt-orientierte Programmierung in geeigneter Weise in Oz unterstützt werden kann. Ich stelle ein einfaches und doch ausdrucksstarkes Objektsystem vor, belege seine Benutzbarkeit und umreiße seine effiziente Implementierung. Ein zentraler Aspekt der Programmiersprache Oz ist ihre Unterstützung nebenläufiger Berechnung. Infolgedessen nimmt die Untersuchung des Ein- flusses der Nebenläufigkeit auf das Design des Objektsystems einen besonderen Rang ein. Ich untersuche die Möglichkeiten, die das Objektsystem bietet, um nebenläufige objekt-orientierte Programmiertechniken auszudrücken

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationEmbedded systems are often deployed in a variety of mission-critical fields, such as car control systems, the artificial pace maker, and the Mars rover. There is usually significant monetary value or human safety associated with such systems. It is thus desirable to prove that they work as intended or at least do not behave in a harmful way. There has been considerable effort to prove the correctness of embedded systems. However, most of this effort is based on the assumption that embedded systems do not have any peripheral devices and interrupt handling. This is too idealistic because embedded systems typically depend on some peripheral devices to provide their functionality, and in most cases these peripheral devices interact with the processor core through interrupts so that the system can support multiple devices in a real time fashion. My research, which focuses on constrained embedded systems, provides a framework for verifying realistic device driver software at the machine code level. The research has two parts. In the first part of my research, I created an abstract device model that can be plugged into an existing formal semantics for an instruction set architecture. Then I instantiated the abstract model with a model for the serial port for a real embedded processor, and plugged it into the ARM6 instruction set architecture (ISA) model from the University of Cambridge, and verified full correctness of a polling-based open source driver for the serial port. In the second part, I expanded the abstract device model and the serial port model to support interrupts, modified the latest ARMv7 model from the University of Cambridge to be compatible with the abstract device model, and extended the Hoare logic from the University of Cambridge to support hardware interrupt handling. Using this extended tool chain, I verified full correctness of an interrupt-driven open source driver for the serial port. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first full correctness verification of an interrupt-driven device driver. It is also the first time a device driver with inherent timing constraints has been fully verified. Besides the proof of full correctness for realistic serial port drivers, this research produced an abstract device model, a formal specification of the circular bu er at assembly level, a formal specification for the serial port, a formal ARM system-on-chip (SoC) model which can be extended by plugging in device models, and the inference rules to reason about interrupt-driven programs

    Terrier: an embedded operating system using advanced types for safety

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    Operating systems software is fundamental to modern computer systems: all other applications are dependent upon the correct and timely provision of basic system services. At the same time, advances in programming languages and type theory have lead to the creation of functional programming languages with type systems that are designed to combine theorem proving with practical systems programming. The Terrier operating system project focuses on low-level systems programming in the context of a multi-core, real-time, embedded system, while taking advantage of a dependently typed programming language named ATS to improve reliability. Terrier is a new point in the design space for an operating system, one that leans heavily on an associated programming language, ATS, to provide safety that has traditionally been in the scope of hardware protection and kernel privilege. Terrier tries to have far fewer abstractions between program and hardware. The purpose of Terrier is to put programs as much in contact with the real hardware, real memory, and real timing constraints as possible, while still retaining the ability to multiplex programs and provide for a reasonable level of safety through static analysis