11 research outputs found

    Process Algebra as a Common Framework for Hardware/Software Coverification

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    Validation of reactive embedded systems against specification requirements

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    In this paper a method of automatic generation of test scenarios for verification of specification requirements (temporal and functional) for reactive embedded systems is presented

    Covérification des systèmes intégrés

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Opportunities and obligations for physical computing systems

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    The recent confluence of embedded and real-time systems with wireless, sensor, and networking technologies is creating a nascent infrastructure for a technical, economic, and social revolution. Based on the seamless integration of computing with the physical world via sensors and actuators, this revolution will accrue many benefits. Potentially, its impact could be similar to that of the current Internet. We believe developers must focus on the physical, real-time, and embedded aspects of pervasive computing. We refer to this domain as physical computing systems. For pervasive computing to achieve its promise, developers must create not only high-level system software and application solutions, but also low-level embedded systems solutions. To better understand physical computing\u27s advantages, we consider three application areas: assisted living, emergency response systems for natural or man-made disasters, and protecting critical infrastructures at the national level

    System-on-Chip: Reuse and Integration

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    Provably-Correct Task Planning for Autonomous Outdoor Robots

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    Autonomous outdoor robots should be able to accomplish complex tasks safely and reliably while considering constraints that arise from both the environment and the physical platform. Such tasks extend basic navigation capabilities to specify a sequence of events over time. For example, an autonomous aerial vehicle can be given a surveillance task with contingency plans while complying with rules in regulated airspace, or an autonomous ground robot may need to guarantee a given probability of success while searching for the quickest way to complete the mission. A promising approach for the automatic synthesis of trusted controllers for complex tasks is to employ techniques from formal methods. In formal methods, tasks are formally specified symbolically with temporal logic. The robot then synthesises a controller automatically to execute trusted behaviour that guarantees the satisfaction of specified tasks and regulations. However, a difficulty arises from the lack of expressivity, which means the constraints affecting outdoor robots cannot be specified naturally with temporal logic. The goal of this thesis is to extend the capabilities of formal methods to express the constraints that arise from outdoor applications and synthesise provably-correct controllers with trusted behaviours over time. This thesis focuses on two important types of constraints, resource and safety constraints, and presents three novel algorithms that express tasks with these constraints and synthesise controllers that satisfy the specification. Firstly, this thesis proposes an extension to probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL) called resource threshold PCTL (RT-PCTL) that naturally defines the mission specification with continuous resource threshold constraints; furthermore, it synthesises an optimal control policy with respect to the probability of success. With RT-PCTL, a state with accumulated resource out of the specified bound is considered to be failed or saturated depending on the specification. The requirements on resource bounds are naturally encoded in the symbolic specification, followed by the automatic synthesis of an optimal controller with respect to the probability of success. Secondly, the thesis proposes an online algorithm called greedy Buchi algorithm (GBA) that reduces the synthesis problem size to avoid the scalability problem. A framework is then presented with realistic control dynamics and physical assumptions in the environment such as wind estimation and fuel constraints. The time and space complexity for the framework is polynomial in the size of the system state, which is efficient for online synthesis. Lastly, the thesis proposes a synthesis algorithm for an optimal controller with respect to completion time given the minimum safety constraints. The algorithm naturally balances between completion time and safety. This work proves an analytical relationship between the probability of success and the conditional completion time given the mission specification. The theoretical contributions in this thesis are validated through realistic simulation examples. This thesis identifies and solves two core problems that contribute to the overall vision of developing a theoretical basis for trusted behaviour in outdoor robots. These contributions serve as a foundation for further research in multi-constrained task planning where a number of different constraints are considered simultaneously within a single framework

    A Compositional Approach to Embedded System Design

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    An important observable trend in embedded system design is the growing system complexity. Besides the sheer increase of functionality, the growing complexity has another dimension which is the resulting heterogeneity with respect to the different functions and components of an embedded system. This means that functions from different application domains are tightly coupled in a single embedded system. It is established industry practice that specialized specification languages and design environments are used in each application domain. The resulting heterogeneity of the specification is increased even further by reused components (legacy code, IP). Since there is little hope that a single suitable language will replace this heterogeneous set of languages, multi-language design is becoming increasingly important for complex embedded systems. The key problems in the context of multi-language design are the safe integration of the differently specified subsystems and the optimized implementation of the whole system. Both require the reliable validation of the system function as well as of the non-functional system properties. Current cosimulation-based approaches are well suited for functional validation and debugging. However, these approaches are less powerful for the validation of non-functional system properties. In this dissertation, a novel compositional approach to embedded system design is presented which augments existing cosimulation-based design flows with formal analysis capabilities regarding non-functional system properties such as timing or power consumption. Starting from a truly multi-language specification, the system is transformed into an abstract internal design representation which serves as basis for system-wide analysis and optimization.Ein wesentlicher Trend im Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme ist die steigende Komplexität der zu entwerfenden Systeme. Neben der zunehmenden Funktionalität hat die steigende Komplexität eine weitere Dimension: die resultierende Heterogenität bezüglich der verschiedenen Funktionen und Komponenten eines eingebetteten Systems. Dies bedeutet, daß Funktionen aus verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen in einem einzelnen System eng miteinander kooperieren. Es ist in der industriellen Praxis etabliert, daß in jedem Anwendungsbereich spezialisierte Spezifikationssprachen zum Einsatz kommen. Da wenig Hoffnung besteht, daß eine einzige geeignete Sprache diesen heterogenen Mix von Sprachen ersetzen wird, gewinnt der mehrsprachige Entwurf für komplexe eingebettete Systeme an Bedeutung. Die Hauptprobleme im Bereich des mehrsprachigen Entwurfs sind die sichere Integration der verschieden spezifizierten Teilsysteme und die optimierte Implementierung des gesamten Systems. Beide Probleme verlangen eine zuverlässige Validierung der Systemfunktion sowie der nichtfunktionalen Systemeigenschaften. Heutige cosimulationsbasierte Ansätze aus Forschung und Industrie sind gut geeignet für die funktionale Validierung und Fehlersuche, haben aber Schwächen bei der Validierung nichtfunktionaler Systemeigenschaften. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuartiger kompositionaler Ansatz für den Entwurf eingebetteter Systeme vorgestellt, der existierende cosimulationsbasierte Entwurfsflüsse um Fähigkeiten zur Analyse nichtfunktionaler Systemeigenschaften ergänzt. Ausgehend von einer mehrsprachigen Spezifikation, wird das System in eine abstrakte homogene interne Darstellung transformiert, die als Grundlage für die systemweite Analyse und Optimierung dient

    Nuevas técnicas de inyección de fallos en sistemas embebidos mediante el uso de modelos virtuales descritos en el nivel de transacción

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    Mejor software y más rápido. Este es el desafío que se deriva de la necesidad de construir sistemas cada vez más inteligentes. En cualquier diseño embebido actual, el software es un componente fundamental que dota al sistema de una alta capacidad de configuración, gran número de funcionalidades y elasticidad en el comportamiento del sistema en situaciones excepcionales. Si además el desarrollo del conjunto hardware/software integrado en un System on Chip (SoC), forma parte de un sistema de control crítico donde se deben tener en cuenta requisitos de tolerancia a fallos, la verificación exhaustiva de los mismos consume un porcentaje cada vez más importante de los recursos totales dedicados al desarrollo y puesta en funcionamiento del sistema. En este contexto, el uso de metodologías clásicas de codiseño y coverificación es completamente ineficiente, siendo necesario el uso de nuevas tecnologías y herramientas para el desarrollo y verificación tempranos del software embebido. Entre ellas se puede incluir la propuesta en este trabajo de tesis, la cual aborda el problema mediante el uso de modelos ejecutables del hardware definidos en el nivel de transacción. Debido a los estrictos requisitos de robustez que imperan en el desarrollo de software espacial, es necesario llevar a cabo tareas de verificación en etapas muy tempranas del desarrollo para asegurar que los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos, avanzados en la especificación del sistema, funcionan adecuadamente. De forma general, es deseable que estas tareas se realicen en paralelo con el desarrollo hardware, anticipando problemas o errores existentes en la especificación del sistema. Además, la verificación completa de los mecanismos de excepción implementados en el software, puede ser imposible de realizar en hardware real ya que los escenarios de fallo deben ser artificial y sistemáticamente generados mediante técnicas de inyección de fallos que permitan realizar campañas de inyección controlables, observables y reproducibles. En esta tesis se describe la investigación, desarrollo y uso de una plataforma virtual denominada "Leon2ViP", con capacidad de inyección de fallos y basada en interfaces SystemC/TLM2 para el desarrollo temprano y verificación de software embebido en el marco del proyecto Solar Orbiter. De esta forma ha sido posible ejecutar y probar exactamente el mismo código binario a ejecutar en el hardware real, pero en un entorno más controlable y determinista. Ello permite la realización de campañas de inyección de fallos muy focalizadas que no serían posible de otra manera. El uso de "\Leon2ViP" ha significado una mejora significante, en términos de coste y tiempo, en el desarrollo y verificación del software de arranque de la unidad de control del instrumento (ICU) del detector de partículas energéticas (EPD) embarcado en Solar Orbiter

    Formal Coverification of Embedded Systems using Model Checking

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    The complexity of embedded systems is increasing rapidly. In consequence, new verification techniques that overcome the limitations of traditional methods and are suitable for hardware/software systems are needed. In this paper we introduce a computational model for embedded systems based on Petri nets, called PRES. We present an approach to coverification of both the hardware and software parts of an embedded system represented by PRES. We use symbolic model checking to prove the correctness of such systems, specifying properties in CTL and verifying whether they are satisfied. This coverification method permits to reason formally about design properties as well as timing requirements. A medical monitoring system illustrates the feasibility of our approach on practical applications. 1