16,129 research outputs found

    Learning what matters - Sampling interesting patterns

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    In the field of exploratory data mining, local structure in data can be described by patterns and discovered by mining algorithms. Although many solutions have been proposed to address the redundancy problems in pattern mining, most of them either provide succinct pattern sets or take the interests of the user into account-but not both. Consequently, the analyst has to invest substantial effort in identifying those patterns that are relevant to her specific interests and goals. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach that combines pattern sampling with interactive data mining. In particular, we introduce the LetSIP algorithm, which builds upon recent advances in 1) weighted sampling in SAT and 2) learning to rank in interactive pattern mining. Specifically, it exploits user feedback to directly learn the parameters of the sampling distribution that represents the user's interests. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithm to the state-of-the-art in interactive pattern mining by emulating the interests of a user. The resulting system allows efficient and interleaved learning and sampling, thus user-specific anytime data exploration. Finally, LetSIP demonstrates favourable trade-offs concerning both quality-diversity and exploitation-exploration when compared to existing methods.Comment: PAKDD 2017, extended versio

    Flexible constrained sampling with guarantees for pattern mining

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    Pattern sampling has been proposed as a potential solution to the infamous pattern explosion. Instead of enumerating all patterns that satisfy the constraints, individual patterns are sampled proportional to a given quality measure. Several sampling algorithms have been proposed, but each of them has its limitations when it comes to 1) flexibility in terms of quality measures and constraints that can be used, and/or 2) guarantees with respect to sampling accuracy. We therefore present Flexics, the first flexible pattern sampler that supports a broad class of quality measures and constraints, while providing strong guarantees regarding sampling accuracy. To achieve this, we leverage the perspective on pattern mining as a constraint satisfaction problem and build upon the latest advances in sampling solutions in SAT as well as existing pattern mining algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is applicable to a variety of pattern languages, which allows us to introduce and tackle the novel task of sampling sets of patterns. We introduce and empirically evaluate two variants of Flexics: 1) a generic variant that addresses the well-known itemset sampling task and the novel pattern set sampling task as well as a wide range of expressive constraints within these tasks, and 2) a specialized variant that exploits existing frequent itemset techniques to achieve substantial speed-ups. Experiments show that Flexics is both accurate and efficient, making it a useful tool for pattern-based data exploration.Comment: Accepted for publication in Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery journal (ECML/PKDD 2017 journal track

    The Efficient Discovery of Interesting Closed Pattern Collections

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    Enumerating closed sets that are frequent in a given database is a fundamental data mining technique that is used, e.g., in the context of market basket analysis, fraud detection, or Web personalization. There are two complementing reasons for the importance of closed sets---one semantical and one algorithmic: closed sets provide a condensed basis for non-redundant collections of interesting local patterns, and they can be enumerated efficiently. For many databases, however, even the closed set collection can be way too large for further usage and correspondingly its computation time can be infeasibly long. In such cases, it is inevitable to focus on smaller collections of closed sets, and it is essential that these collections retain both: controlled semantics reflecting some notion of interestingness as well as efficient enumerability. This thesis discusses three different approaches to achieve this: constraint-based closed set extraction, pruning by quantifying the degree or strength of closedness, and controlled random generation of closed sets instead of exhaustive enumeration. For the original closed set family, efficient enumerability results from the fact that there is an inducing efficiently computable closure operator and that its fixpoints can be enumerated by an amortized polynomial number of closure computations. Perhaps surprisingly, it turns out that this connection does not generally hold for other constraint combinations, as the restricted domains induced by additional constraints can cause two things to happen: the fixpoints of the closure operator cannot be enumerated efficiently or an inducing closure operator does not even exist. This thesis gives, for the first time, a formal axiomatic characterization of constraint classes that allow to efficiently enumerate fixpoints of arbitrary closure operators as well as of constraint classes that guarantee the existence of a closure operator inducing the closed sets. As a complementary approach, the thesis generalizes the notion of closedness by quantifying its strength, i.e., the difference in supporting database records between a closed set and all its supersets. This gives rise to a measure of interestingness that is able to select long and thus particularly informative closed sets that are robust against noise and dynamic changes. Moreover, this measure is algorithmically sound because all closed sets with a minimum strength again form a closure system that can be enumerated efficiently and that directly ties into the results on constraint-based closed sets. In fact both approaches can easily be combined. In some applications, however, the resulting set of constrained closed sets is still intractably large or it is too difficult to find meaningful hard constraints at all (including values for their parameters). Therefore, the last part of this thesis presents an alternative algorithmic paradigm to the extraction of closed sets: instead of exhaustively listing a potentially exponential number of sets, randomly generate exactly the desired amount of them. By using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method, this generation can be performed according to any desired probability distribution that favors interesting patterns. This novel randomized approach complements traditional enumeration techniques (including those mentioned above): On the one hand, it is only applicable in scenarios that do not require deterministic guarantees for the output such as exploratory data analysis or global model construction. On the other hand, random closed set generation provides complete control over the number as well as the distribution of the produced sets.Das Aufzählen abgeschlossener Mengen (closed sets), die häufig in einer gegebenen Datenbank vorkommen, ist eine algorithmische Grundaufgabe im Data Mining, die z.B. in Warenkorbanalyse, Betrugserkennung oder Web-Personalisierung auftritt. Die Wichtigkeit abgeschlossener Mengen ist semantisch als auch algorithmisch begründet: Sie bilden eine nicht-redundante Basis zur Erzeugung von lokalen Mustern und können gleichzeitig effizient aufgezählt werden. Allerdings kann die Anzahl aller abgeschlossenen Mengen, und damit ihre Auflistungszeit, das Maß des effektiv handhabbaren oft deutlich übersteigen. In diesem Fall ist es unvermeidlich, kleinere Ausgabefamilien zu betrachten, und es ist essenziell, dass dabei beide o.g. Eigenschaften erhalten bleiben: eine kontrollierte Semantik im Sinne eines passenden Interessantheitsbegriffes sowie effiziente Aufzählbarkeit. Diese Arbeit stellt dazu drei Ansätze vor: das Einführen zusätzlicher Constraints, die Quantifizierung der Abgeschlossenheit und die kontrollierte zufällige Erzeugung einzelner Mengen anstelle von vollständiger Aufzählung. Die effiziente Aufzählbarkeit der ursprünglichen Familie abgeschlossener Mengen rührt daher, dass sie durch einen effizient berechenbaren Abschlussoperator erzeugt wird und dass desweiteren dessen Fixpunkte durch eine amortisiert polynomiell beschränkte Anzahl von Abschlussberechnungen aufgezählt werden können. Wie sich herausstellt ist dieser Zusammenhang im Allgemeinen nicht mehr gegeben, wenn die Funktionsdomäne durch Constraints einschränkt wird, d.h., dass die effiziente Aufzählung der Fixpunkte nicht mehr möglich ist oder ein erzeugender Abschlussoperator unter Umständen gar nicht existiert. Diese Arbeit gibt erstmalig eine axiomatische Charakterisierung von Constraint-Klassen, die die effiziente Fixpunktaufzählung von beliebigen Abschlussoperatoren erlauben, sowie von Constraint-Klassen, die die Existenz eines erzeugenden Abschlussoperators garantieren. Als ergänzenden Ansatz stellt die Dissertation eine Generalisierung bzw. Quantifizierung des Abgeschlossenheitsbegriffs vor, der auf der Differenz zwischen den Datenbankvorkommen einer Menge zu den Vorkommen all seiner Obermengen basiert. Mengen, die bezüglich dieses Begriffes stark abgeschlossen sind, weisen eine bestimmte Robustheit gegen Veränderungen der Eingabedaten auf. Desweiteren wird die gewünschte effiziente Aufzählbarkeit wiederum durch die Existenz eines effizient berechenbaren erzeugenden Abschlussoperators sichergestellt. Zusätzlich zu dieser algorithmischen Parallele zum Constraint-basierten Vorgehen, können beide Ansätze auch inhaltlich kombiniert werden. In manchen Anwendungen ist die Familie der abgeschlossenen Mengen, zu denen die beiden oben genannten Ansätze führen, allerdings immer noch zu groß bzw. ist es nicht möglich, sinnvolle harte Constraints und zugehörige Parameterwerte zu finden. Daher diskutiert diese Arbeit schließlich noch ein völlig anderes Paradigma zur Erzeugung abgeschlossener Mengen als vollständige Auflistung, nämlich die randomisierte Generierung einer Anzahl von Mengen, die exakt den gewünschten Vorgaben entspricht. Durch den Einsatz der Markov-Ketten-Monte-Carlo-Methode ist es möglich die Verteilung dieser Zufallserzeugung so zu steuern, dass das Ziehen interessanter Mengen begünstigt wird. Dieser neue Ansatz bildet eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu herkömmlichen Techniken (einschließlich der oben genannten): Er ist zwar nur anwendbar, wenn keine deterministischen Garantien erforderlich sind, erlaubt aber andererseits eine vollständige Kontrolle über Anzahl und Verteilung der produzierten Mengen

    Diverse Rule Sets

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    While machine-learning models are flourishing and transforming many aspects of everyday life, the inability of humans to understand complex models poses difficulties for these models to be fully trusted and embraced. Thus, interpretability of models has been recognized as an equally important quality as their predictive power. In particular, rule-based systems are experiencing a renaissance owing to their intuitive if-then representation. However, simply being rule-based does not ensure interpretability. For example, overlapped rules spawn ambiguity and hinder interpretation. Here we propose a novel approach of inferring diverse rule sets, by optimizing small overlap among decision rules with a 2-approximation guarantee under the framework of Max-Sum diversification. We formulate the problem as maximizing a weighted sum of discriminative quality and diversity of a rule set. In order to overcome an exponential-size search space of association rules, we investigate several natural options for a small candidate set of high-quality rules, including frequent and accurate rules, and examine their hardness. Leveraging the special structure in our formulation, we then devise an efficient randomized algorithm, which samples rules that are highly discriminative and have small overlap. The proposed sampling algorithm analytically targets a distribution of rules that is tailored to our objective. We demonstrate the superior predictive power and interpretability of our model with a comprehensive empirical study against strong baselines

    Interactive Data Exploration with Smart Drill-Down

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    We present {\em smart drill-down}, an operator for interactively exploring a relational table to discover and summarize "interesting" groups of tuples. Each group of tuples is described by a {\em rule}. For instance, the rule (a,b,,1000)(a, b, \star, 1000) tells us that there are a thousand tuples with value aa in the first column and bb in the second column (and any value in the third column). Smart drill-down presents an analyst with a list of rules that together describe interesting aspects of the table. The analyst can tailor the definition of interesting, and can interactively apply smart drill-down on an existing rule to explore that part of the table. We demonstrate that the underlying optimization problems are {\sc NP-Hard}, and describe an algorithm for finding the approximately optimal list of rules to display when the user uses a smart drill-down, and a dynamic sampling scheme for efficiently interacting with large tables. Finally, we perform experiments on real datasets on our experimental prototype to demonstrate the usefulness of smart drill-down and study the performance of our algorithms

    Motifs in big networks : methods and applications

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    Motifs have been recognized as basic network blocks and are found to be quite powerful in modeling certain patterns. Generally speaking, local characteristics of big networks could be reflected in network motifs. Over the years, motifs have attracted a lot of attention from researchers. However, most current literature reviews on motifs generally focus on the field of biological science. In contrast, here we try to present a comprehensive survey on motifs in the context of big networks. We introduce the definition of motifs and other related concepts. Big networks with motif-based structures are analyzed. Specifically, we respectively analyze four kinds of networks, including biological networks, social networks, academic networks, and infrastructure networks. We then examine methods for motif discovery, motif counting, and motif clustering. The applications of motifs in different areas have also been reviewed. Finally, some challenges and open issues in this direction are discussed. © 2013 IEEE