20 research outputs found


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    The method of targeting advertising on Internet sites based on a structured self-learning database is considered. The database accumulates data on previously accepted requests to display ads from a closed auction, data on participation in the auction and the results of displaying ads – the presence of a click and product installation. The base is structured by streams with features – site, place, price. Each such structural stream has statistical properties that are much simpler compared to the general ad impression stream, which makes it possible to predict the effectiveness of advertising. The selection of bidding requests only promising in terms of the result allows to reduce the cost of displaying advertising.Rozważono metodę ukierunkowywania reklam w serwisach internetowych w oparciu o ustrukturyzowaną samouczącą się bazę danych. W bazie gromadzone są dane o wcześniej zaakceptowanych żądaniach wyświetlenia reklam z zamkniętej aukcji, dane o udziale w aukcji oraz o wynikach wyświetlania reklam – zarejestrowanie kliknięcia i instalacji produktu. Bazę tworzą strumienie z cechami – strona, miejsce, cena. Każdy taki strumień strukturalny ma właściwości statystyczne, które są znacznie prostsze w porównaniu do ogólnego strumienia wyświetleń reklamy, co pozwala przewidywać skuteczność reklamy. Selekcja tylko obiecujących pod względem wyniku zapytań ofertowych pozwala na obniżenie kosztów wyświetlania reklam

    Analysis of Clickstream Data

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    This thesis is concerned with providing further statistical development in the area of web usage analysis to explore web browsing behaviour patterns. We received two data sources: web log files and operational data files for the websites, which contained information on online purchases. There are many research question regarding web browsing behaviour. Specifically, we focused on the depth-of-visit metric and implemented an exploratory analysis of this feature using clickstream data. Due to the large volume of data available in this context, we chose to present effect size measures along with all statistical analysis of data. We introduced two new robust measures of effect size for two-sample comparison studies for Non-normal situations, specifically where the difference of two populations is due to the shape parameter. The proposed effect sizes perform adequately for non-normal data, as well as when two distributions differ from shape parameters. We will focus on conversion analysis, to investigate the causal relationship between the general clickstream information and online purchasing using a logistic regression approach. The aim is to find a classifier by assigning the probability of the event of online shopping in an e-commerce website. We also develop the application of a mixture of hidden Markov models (MixHMM) to model web browsing behaviour using sequences of web pages viewed by users of an e-commerce website. The mixture of hidden Markov model will be performed in the Bayesian context using Gibbs sampling. We address the slow mixing problem of using Gibbs sampling in high dimensional models, and use the over-relaxed Gibbs sampling, as well as forward-backward EM algorithm to obtain an adequate sample of the posterior distributions of the parameters. The MixHMM provides an advantage of clustering users based on their browsing behaviour, and also gives an automatic classification of web pages based on the probability of observing web page by visitors in the website

    The New Hampshire, Vol. 72, No. 14 (Oct. 27, 1981)

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    The student publication of the University of New Hampshire

    Accounting Historians Journal, 2008, Vol. 35, no. 1 [whole issue]

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    June issu